The Magnificent 8 Showcase: Life’s a Beach

I am so, so, so excited to introduce you all to a brand new collaboration among myself and 7 fabulous blogger friends! The Magnificent 8 is a collaboration among 8 stylish women from every decade of life showcasing our style one generation at a time. The mission of this collaboration is to show you just how ageless style is, how we can each dress however we’d like and in ways that make us feel fabulous. There are no age restrictions on style. So wear what you want, when you want, add a smile, and strut your style with confidence. And be sure to check out all 7 of these amazing gals!  We will be sharing these posts on a quarterly basis…so be sure to come back in October for the second post in this series.

Courtney of Sugar Coated Bears is representing teenagers.
Michelle of Michelle’s Pa(i)ge is representing the 20-somethings.
Roxanne of Glass of Glam is representing the 30-somethings.
Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge is representing the 40-somethings.
Rena of Fine Whatever is representing the 50-somethings.
Cathe of Atypical 60 is representing the 60-somethings.
Nancy of Jodie’s Touch of Style is representing the 70-somethings.
And Charlotte of Jodie’s Touch of Style is representing the 80-somethings.

And we are showing that you can’t put a number on style!

For our inaugural post, we have decided that Life’s a Beach and we are each showcasing our very own beach styles! Keep scrolling for my swim suit look, clearly not photographed at the beach, because I just never made it to the beach yet this summer.

My swim suit is really old. I don’t even know how old to be exact. And I have no idea where I purchased it. I don’t get into a swim suit very often so I don’t feel the need to purchase a new one every year. But as you can see, polka dots are always in style!

I took these photos back in April when I spent the weekend in Lake Placid. It was way too cold (snowing, if you recall) to photograph my swim suit outdoors, so I posed in the hotel room and at the hotel pool. I guess it will have to do for now!

My favorite swim suit cover up was purchased from Burlington Coat Factory a few years ago and it matches all 3 of my current swim suits that are in rotation. And, of course, my patch leopard slides from Target clearance that I have been wearing every day and take everywhere with me when I travel.

Don’t let body insecurities prevent from enjoying your summer and the pool or the beach. Life is short, make it worth your while! And remember there is no age limit on what you can wear or how you wear it!

Be sure to visit each of my blogging friends to see what they are styling for the beach. I think that Courtney is missing this post because she is off living that teenage life and enjoying some summer camps right now. But she will be joining us in October for our next post! In the meantime, do stop by her blog and check out what an amazing and inspiring young woman she is!

What have you been wearing to cool off this summer at the pool or beach?  Let us know in the comments!

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Great collaboration! You are fabulous in your swimsuit and that cover up is my favorite style. Even though we live in FL we have yet to make it to the beach this year! That sounds crazy I know but we can legit go there through November so eventually we’ll make it!


      Kellyann, thanks so much! This was so much fun to organize with all these amazing ladies. I am looking forward to the fall theme now. I think you are all going to love it!

      The only beaches we have here in Northern NY are the beaches of Lake Ontario. We do get there every once in a while but just have not made it there this year. You know, my kids have never seen the actual ocean in real life! I guess I should make that happen for them one day. Although, it doesn’t look much different from the lake except the waves are bigger.


  • Jodie

    That’s such a great suit, Shelbee!! I’m not one to get a new one often either, but my older ones are starting to get stretched out. That’s why I succumbed this year!!
    Thanks so much for putting this collab together!! We are already working on getting Nancy something for the next one!


      Jodie, thank you so much for joining me on this collaboration! I love what everyone has put together for this theme and I am super excited for the Fall theme! You ladies are so amazing. Now I have to figure what I am going to wear for the next one.


  • Susan

    Oh, Shelbee, you never cease to amaze me.
    You look adorable in your bathing suit. And I can tell hubby took the pics because you look lovingly at the camera.

    What a great idea for a post! Love the linkup, and will be following all of these ladies from now on. Now, in spite of the fact that I can’t find my bathing suit, I do have some beach style. I live near the water, and my brother has a boat business. In my 20’s, I used to ride around on his boats in a bikini to drum up business for him. It worked then, but now, it might have the opposite effect.

    My beach style includes (surprise) cutoffs, flops, tank. Depending on the wind and the heat index, I add a kimono, jewelry, hat, etc. I even have a kaftan that matches my bathing suit. (haven’t checked the cellar yet, but I am sure those two articles are together. Sneaky beach wear!) I went through the age where I didn’t want to show my arms, but then got heartily sick of my farmer’s tan and said screw it! Why should I suffer because my arms are not perfect? Now I sport my many tanks, as proudly as possible, and my very light tan is more even. Not to mention, I have more shirts to sport underneath my kimonos!

    One Love!


      Susan, I was definitely hesitant about being photographed in my swim suit, but then I figured I have shared photos here in my underwear and bra, so what the hell! And I agree with you about not covering your arms. You shouldn’t have to die from heat exhaustion just because society and it’s effed up ideas have deemed certain people unworthy of showing their skin. Eff that! I am so over “society”! One of my biggest peeves is when people complain that someone has gnarly feet and then emphatically states that they should not wear sandals because of it. I mean, seriously! So just because you have ugly feet, you need to make them sweaty and stinky, too. And not every one has the budget or the concern for a perfect pedicure. I certainly don’t have the prettiest little feet on the planet, they are big and fat, and when I paint my nails myself, I can barely reach them because my belly gets in the way! Anyway, rant over! Wear whatever the hell you please!

      Speaking of strutting around in bikinis in our younger days…when I was about 20, I decided that I was going to cut the lawn in my bikini to get a tan…on the riding mower. Well, I hit a big bump in the yard and gave the neighbors quite the show when my top fell right off! As I was steering the mower, I couldn’t immediately pull my top back on, but had to safely stop the mower first. I always wore proper clothing when mowing after that!


  • Claire

    What a lovely swimsuit Shelbee, I love polka dots and have just treated myself to one like yours 🙂 Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Link Up.

  • Ada

    I have known for this collaboration for months and I am so glad you debuted it. And how great to start it off big with swimsuits. Fitting for me the last few days since I have been hanging at the beach. 😉 And you need to get yourself near a beach in that dotted swimsuit. So cute on you!

    If you ever want to make it the Magnificient 9 LOL and have me be in the late 30s (Roxanne is early 30s) group than by all means let me know. I’d love to do it! =))


      Thanks so much, Ada! This was super fun to collaborate with these lovely ladies to showcase out beach wear! You are definitely on my list for next collaboration idea! I will let you know when it strikes me.


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Shelbee on the Edge