The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Orange

Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book!
Welcome! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
This month’s theme is Orange. We have accepted submissions of all sorts of lovely orange apparel and accessory items, so let’s get right to it.
First is my wonderful co-host Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style sharing both Good Buy orange items and a not so great one in the same outfit.

“This was, I believe, one of the first times I wore orange. I love the mules and the hairband. The blouse was gifted to me, but I didn’t like it that much but there was orange in it!”
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style
Next is the super stylish Lesley of Jodie’s Touch of Style sharing a Good Buy orange cardigan.

“I’m sending over a photo of Lesley, because I love how she paired her orange with a turquoise necklace.”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style
I am so excited that my dear friend Patrick of Adventures in Weseland is joining us this month with one of his favorite orange hoodies.

Next up is the lovely Laura of I do deClaire with a Good Buy orange embroidered top.

“This orange embroidered top was definitely a good buy. It’s great quality and the embroidery adds a special touch. I don’t typically go for orange, but I love this slightly muted shade especially for fall!”
Laura of I do deClaire
Now we have the gorgeous Jacqui of Mummabstylish with her Good Buy orange moto jacket.

“The orange biker jacket is from Bonmarche and I’ve had it a couple of years now. I was drawn by the colour and although I don’t wear it that often it makes an outfit sing when I do!”
Jacqui of Mummabstylish
The stunning Mireille of Chez Mireille is sharing a beautiful bold orange gifted skirt.

“The skirt, my neighbor gave me. She bought it for a bridesmaid outfit but was the wrong color and I thought it was fun. Only have worn it twice so far.”
Mireille of Chez Mireille
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag is looking radiant in her Good Buy orange pants.

“My orange pants that were definitely a good buy! Love them more than I ever thought I would and they pair so nicely with other colors!”
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag
The dazzling Michelle of My Bijou Life shared a gorgeous Good Buy orange tie dyed dress. Be still my hippie heart.

“Definitely a good buy! This dress is light & airy. Perfect for 110 degree summer temperatures. Plus, orange is my favorite warm color and there’s tie dye!”
Michelle of My Bijou Life
The incredibly stylish thrifting guru Michele of @seechele_styles shared a Good Buy tank top in coral.

The lovely Anne of Spy Girl has shared a Bad Buy orange paisley tunic. I want it.

“See how it’s sticking to me? Therein lies the problem!”
Anne of Spy Girl
And finally my Good Buy orange booties.

“I bought these boots from Shoe Dazzle a few years ago because I loved the bold orange color. They call the color Picante. It has a tendency to appear red in certain photos, but the boots are a deep, rich shade of orange. Surprisingly, I wear these boots quite often for such a unique color.”
Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge

And now hop on over to Nancy’s post to see some more outfits featuring the color Orange.
The theme for August will be Metallics. This could include anything from clothing to accessories of all sorts. I think some of my favorite metallic things are shoes. But I may have a skirt or two with metallic details. Hopefully, you all have some fun metallic styles to share as well. Remember to include a brief description letting us know if you are featuring a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
Please submit your photos and descriptions by the 10th of August to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com so we can put you in the spotlight!
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly reminder email for this series.
Which are your favorite orange inspired outfits?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop Orange Things…

Wow! Never thought I would like orange that much! Your boots!!! And a man!! That’s fabulous.
This was a fun theme, Nancy! And we had so many participants showing a lot of love for orange. I was so happy that Patrick joined us this month, too!
So much fun! I love all of these orange items. What a nice variety too. I’ll be pinning this post. Those orange booties are fabulous, Shelbee!
Michelle, thanks so much! I am so glad that you could join us this month. I freaking love your orange tie dyed dress!
Kellyann Rohr
I think we’ve covered just about every shade of orange! My favorite just might be the Reese’s sweatshirt! Gosh I love that candy!
Kellyann, thanks so much for joining us this month! I was so impressed with all the orange and I didn’t even realize how much I wore that color. I hope your week is going well, my friend.
Everyone looks great in all of these orange looks!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! This was such a happy theme!
Thank you! It was probably my best Poshmark buy.
Awesome! I need to start listing more on Poshmark. I have been so darn lazy lately!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a fun pop of color!!
Thanks, Tamar! I was a little nervous about orange as a theme, but everyone really rocked it!
So many cool orange items! What a fun color!
This was such a fun theme! I am so glad that you were able to join us, Mireille! I am loving your orange skirt and the outfit that was shared on Nancy’s post as well.
jodie filogomo
Orange boots? How is it that I have none?? I can see why you wear them tons!!
Jodie, seriously, how do you NOT have orange boots?! They are all the rage, aren’t they? Haha. Actually, I have no idea if orange boots are a trending thing or not. But I do love mine! If you do get a pair, I need to know about it immediately. LOL Have a fabulous day, my friend!
So many fun orange outfits! your boots are a real statement piece! I don’t have a lot of orange in my wardrobe but I like the pieces I do have! 🙂
Hope that your week is going well 🙂
Mica, thank you so much! I love these orange boots! I didn’t think I had a lot of orange either, but apparently it appears frequently in the prints I choose! Have a fabulous day!
Wow orange is under-rated, I don’t think I own anything orange and I should, it is gorgeous! Great post xx
ALittleKiran | Bloglovin
Kiran, thanks for stopping by! I didn’t think I even liked orange all that much until this post. Now I want all the orange things!
eva @ StyleMyThrift.com
yes, those orange boots are amazing! i almost bought a bunch of bright orange satin fabric, and then told myself i have enough to do at home—now i regret not buying it!! : (
xo eva
Eva, thanks so much! I am thinking you might need to go try to get that orange satin fabric again! I think the color would look amazing on you! Some of the orange dresses that I added to my shopping links really caught my eye. I think an orange satin slip dress would be amazing!
Patrick Weseman
Now I have been featured in a fashion post. LOL. Wonders never cease. Thanks so much.
Patrick, thank you for joining us! You might be on your way to becoming a male fashion blogger! Hahaha. But I know better not to expect a wonder of that sort!
Those boots are fab! Especially love them with the black and leopard print outfit. I have a lot of orange in my home decor, but not nearly enough in my wardrobe. Need to remedy that asap!
Theresa, thanks so much! I kind of think I need more orange in my life after this post as well!
Leslie Susan Clingan
Shoot, I got my photo in too late. Love me some orange and love everyone else’s orange. I went to the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Go VOLS, go Big Orange!! You have to acquire a taste for orange while you are there.
Your orange booties are sunshine for the feet! Love them. Perfect in all 3 looks you shared but especially with the leopard! Thanks for sharing all of the shopping options for adding more orange to my closet. I would have thought I didn’t have much until I started looking deeper in preparation for this Good Buy/Good Bye post. I seem to wear quite a bit myself.
Leslie, thanks so much! Orange is definitely a color that you need to acquire a taste for! But there are so many different shades that I think we can all find something that works for us. If you want to send me a photo now, I can certainly add it into the post now. It only takes me a minute to do, so completely up to you! I hope you are well and enjoying these lazy summer days!
jess jannenga
This was fun to see! I used to not like orange, but it has grown on me, along with its cousin, Rust ( which is plentiful in my closet) Orange is great especially int he Fall as I like it worn with warm tones and browns. Love those booties you have on, and it is fun to see each ladies orange fav item.
thanks for linking
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I didn’t realize how much I appreciate orange until we did this theme. I have way more rust in my wardrobe than true orange as well. And I am going through bags and bins of old clothes right now and have rediscovered some pretty fabulous rust and orange things! So great for fall!