The Fab 40’s Take On the End of the World

I have this song stuck in my head…
Released 31 years ago and it is still relevant. Although I suppose any apocalyptic prognostication is always befitting as we live in a world that tends to feed off of ominous predictions of a doomsday coming. However, I never was one to contemplate the end of the world coming in some grand disastrous event. After all, if and when it happens, there really is not much any of us will be able to do to counteract the result. And it seems that it has been a long time coming anyway. Just like life itself, from the moment we are born, we immediately begin the process of dying. Once we are placed in this world, all we can really do is find our purpose and live the life we are given to the very fullest.
This month’s Fab 40’s theme was up to me. And since the date of the post was falling on the last day of the year, I found it strangely appropriate to go with an end of the world theme. So I presented The Apocalypse to my amazing Fab 40’s friends and invited my very badass friend, Chrissy of Granola and Grace, to join us as our guest blogger this month. Being the steadfast and dedicated wife of a preacher man, I kind of want Chrissy on my team when the end of the world approaches. I am sure she carries an abundance of knowledge about things of this nature, plus she is like me and uses kindness and love as her primary weapons. That is definitely the kind of fight I want to lead.
Oh, but why then, am I holding a rifle in these photos? Well, mostly because it seemed suitable for an Apocalypse theme. And I suppose as we enter the final days of this world’s existence, one will want to be armed in some way. Although I have no idea how to even properly hold or handle this weapon. Perhaps one day I will learn. But probably not. I prefer love and kindness over all other forms of weaponry. That may not save me at the end of the world, but it will hopefully at least save my soul.
It’s funny because I shared some of these photos with a friend right after the shoot and was asked why I was smiling if it was supposed to be the end of the world. The only answer I could muster was, “I guess I am that girl who is always happy even when facing the Apocalypse.” I simply cannot allow the burdens of all things bad to weigh me down. That kind of mindset will sink you, for sure, even before the end of the world.
You see, positivity will always breed more positivity while negativity will continue to fuel more negativity. These concepts exist in the field of quantum physics. Have you ever studied the principles quantum energy? The theories articulated in this field postulate that we are one with our universe, all connected by the Zero Point Energy Field which is a sea of virtual particles that exists directly beneath every point in our universe. While science suggests that cooling these particles to absolute zero should result in no energy at all, reality has proven otherwise as an immense amount of energy continues to exist in this Zero Point Field. Some scientists have coined this Zero Point as the Mind of God…
Well, what has all that to do with the end of the world? As a firm believer in the interconnectivity of all things that exist in this universe, if we can manage to get in closer touch with this field of energy, we stand a better chance of surviving any apocalyptic outcomes of the world as we know it. The problem lies in the fact many of us are much too self-absorbed to consider the effects of breaking or ignoring the chain of interconnectedness that seemingly sustains our environment. We are all part of this universal habitat and whether we like it or not, we must co-exist here together.
I remember reading a long time ago about a Native American belief that walking barefoot keeps us in much better contact with the earth and the universe and allows us to tap into this Zero Point Energy field. As a fashion blogger, I do like to wear cute shoes. But on a more theoretical level, I suppose I also like to stay connected to the good energy of the universe. So I guess when the ground thaws up here in this frozen terrain of the North Country, you will find me squishing my toes around in the soil much more often. Heck, if it could save the world, then it’s worth a shot.
Until the great thaw occurs, I must continue to wear shoes outdoors. For these Apocalypse-inspired photos, my sturdy biker boots fit the bill perfectly. And if the end is coming, a little bit of camouflage goes a long way. I learned this from my soldier-husband. Staying true to my permanent location On the Edge, I definitely feel like there is some kick ass power simply in the wearing of fishnet stockings. Impractical, of course. Empowering, totally.
And if I ever have to face the end of the world, I would definitely want these magnificently strong, empowering, supportive, badass gals on my side!
The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on style trends and show how we each interpret and incorporate them into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.
First of all, our guest blogger this month, Chrissy of Granola and Grace, is channeling her inner huntress. I am relying on Chrissy in the Apocalypse to humanely capture our food and keep us connected to the earth and the universe. She will be our Spiritual Guide right to the very end.

Outfit Details:
Bracelets – Premier Designs
Next is Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots. Jennie gloriously represents the peaceful protector and I am sure she has all of the necessities packed in that darling messenger bag. She will be our Protective Guardian as we march into battle.

Outfit Details:
Beanie – Cajon
Camo Jacket – New Look
Plaid Shirt – Ralph Lauren
Tee – Old Navy
Scarf – Charming Charlie
Jeans – Old Navy “Rockstar”
Choker & Earrings – NY&Co.
Boots – Life Stride
Messenger Bag – Swiss Gear
Enter Sheela of Sheela Writes. Ever on the ready to face the toughest challenges, Sheela’s bold strength and willful determination will lead us into battle feeling invincible and empowered as we surge forward. I feel like Sheela will be responsible for sharing wisdom and innovation as our very astute Commander in Chief.

Outfit Details:
Suzy of Suzy Turner, Pixie Girl in Portugal, harboring all of the necessary knowledge for keeping us in our best physical condition will lead us forward in our quest for survival. While weapons may be required, we will also know how to utilize what God has given us in the event that weapons become scarce. With Suzy as our Fitness Master and Yogic Expert, we will be a driving force to be reckoned with in a post-apocalyptic world.

Outfit Details:

Outfit Details:
Sweater – Old
Earrings – Nickel and Suede
Camo Pants – Target
Ankle Boots – Musse and Cloud
And finally, there’s me. Always ready to take on a challenge, conquer fear and darkness, and record it in writing so there is evidence in the future of what we have all accomplished. I will be The Scribe, recording the intricate details of our successes to share with subsequent generations of female warriors who will find strength and power in our story that will fuel their own.

Outfit Details:
Let me end with some fascinating quotes about the Apocalypse. Do with them what you will…roll your eyes at the ridiculousness of it all, find inspiration in them, re-quote them, or ignore them completely. Words are my weapons and will always be.
“Apocalypse can mean the unveiling of the deeper self of humanity.”
-Barbara Marx Hubbard
“Apocalypse is the eye of a needle, through which we pass into a different world.”
-George Zebrowski
“We are living on the brink of the apocalypse, but the world is asleep.”
-Joel C. Rosenberg
“There’s no big apocalypse. Just an endless procession of little ones.”
-Neil Gaiman
“That even an apocalypse can be made to seem part of the ordinary horizon of expectation constitutes an unparalleled violence that is being done to our sense of reality, to our humanity.”
-Susan Sontag
“The probability of apocalypse soon cannot be realistically estimated, but it is surely too high for any sane person to contemplate with equanimity.”
-Noam Chomsky
What are your plans for the end of the world? Who will you recruit into your Army?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

you look so hot and gorgeous in this outfit. your smile with a dimple on the face is just love.
Thanks so much, Corina! I am very flattered by your comment! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Rock it, Shelbee!!
Ha! Thanks, Tamar! Happy New Year!
Haha! I laughed when I read your caption for my picture because my hubby made a comment about me hunting for food. You’re fabulous and I have no doubt that you and your husband had fun with this photo shoot. You chose the perfect backdrop for your outfit. I love that you layered fishnet tights with your camo shorts, staying true to your grunge/edgy/rock-whatever style!
Ha! Thanks so much, Chrissy! We were laughing so hard during this photo shoot making it even more difficult for me to put on a serious deadpan face! I simply cannot do it. I am a smiler through and through. I am so glad that you joined our Apocalyptic Army of fabulous females! Wishing you a very blessed New Year, my friend!
jodie filogomo
I was just thinking I need to wear the shorts and boots again!!
Yes, yes, you definitely do, Jodie! Because you rock it in the greatest possible way! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, my friend. May it be filled with lots of blessings!
What a great and thought-provoking theme, here at the end of the year! Loving all of the outfits, and going to get out my camo pants now as well. I don’t have a gun to brandish, but I do have an ax, and a hatchet, so I can pull this one off!
I love everything Neil Gaiman says now, and things he hasn’t even said yet. Hard to believe he was raised by Scientologists.
Happy New Year, post apolalyptic Shelbee!
Susan, I would totally want you in my post-apocalyptic Army! If all else failed on the survival front, you would at least keep us laughing right to the very end! But I am sure you are also quite handy with that ax of yours! Ha. Wishing you a very Happy New Year, my friend!
Susan Marinelli
I was going to edit your first comment to correct the spelling of apocalyptic for you, but I quite liked the your original typo…apolalyptic! It gave me a chuckle as I attempted to say it aloud!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, as you know, I also had this theme on my list of possible future themes so when you suggested it, I literally jumped for joy! We really are kindred spirits in so many ways. And after seeing all of your photos, and the rest of the Fab40s photos, I really wished we could have done a joint photoshoot. Wouldn’t that have been AMAZING? You look freaking AWESOME, my friend, and I would be proud to be by your side should the apocalypse happen.
I did giggle when you dubbed me the ‘Fitness Master and Yogic Expert’ – I’ve been so bad at keeping my fitness levels up lately, so you’ve kind of given me a bit of a push to get back into it lol!!
I do <3 you, Shelbee, and wish you much happiness in the New Year!!
Huge hugs
Suzy xxx
Oh my goodness, Suzy, you are so funny! I am so blessed to call you friend and have you in my tribe as we travel this journey wherever it leads…even if it ends with an apocalypse! My titles for each of us were giving me a good chuckle, for sure! And a joint photoshoot would have been so cool…that is why I had to create that little collage with us all side by side…we are one bad ass group of midlife women! And I guess the New Year is the perfect time to get back on track with all of our goals. I need to get back to my healthier eating after the past week. I have been awful with all things healthy! I am hoping just a week of it though didn’t do too much damage to all the hard work I have put in over the past few months.
I adore you as well! It’s most definitely a mutual feeling, my friend! Wishing you the very best in 2019!
This fab 40 theme is giving me life! How creative and fun! I’d certainly feel safe with this post-apocalyptic army of protectors!
Thanks so much, Roxanne! This was a really fun theme, for sure! And I went to work dressed like this the day we shot these photos. I left the rifle at home though! Happy New Year!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very hot and bad ass there. If the end of the world is coming. I think I will be sleeping. Happy New Year to you and your family and I am a huge REM fan.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I definitely was channeling my inner bad ass for these photos. Sleeping through the Apocalypse sounds like a grand idea, too! And I am glad you like my song choice…it’s been stuck in my head for days! Happy New Year, my friend!
Jessica A Jannenga
Shelbee, fun shoot! I love the backgrounds for your photos too. a remote and desolate location. I like the fishnets with the olive socks and combats. Everyone’s take is very cool.
Happy New Year!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! The location is an old tank factory which seemed so appropriate for an apocalypse inspired post! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Jessica A Jannenga
and I love the REM song, did back then!
I did love that song, then this post got it stuck in my head for days! Now I’m over it. Hahaha.
Bettye L Rainwater
Wow. This is quite the first post of the new year! Shelbee, Kicking A** and Taking Names!
As far as surviving the apocalypse, I don’t know. I barely want to survive Wednesday! That said, people that know me in person, know my obsession with being The Last Human on Earth. THAT would be amazing. Funny, though, one of the first things I always thought I’d do, is shave my head. Have no hair to futz with. How freeing! But now I’ve done that. So what’s left??
PS: that location is amazing. Can you get into those buildings with all the windows in the ceiling? The light must be amazing. One Long Island anything like that is fenced off and protected. Ugh.
Thank you so much, Bettye! I don’t know if I would want to be the last human on earth, I would get very lonely. And I also have shaved all my hair off (a few times, in fact) in my younger years. Definitely very liberating! But now I kind of like my hair, so I think I would keep it right up to the very end. Who knows? This location is an old tank factory and you can get inside, but I am afraid to…it looks pretty creepy and a tad unsafe! Wishing you all the best in 2019, my friend!
Susan Marinelli
If the apocalypse is imminent, I wish to be one of the first to go. My brother and I always say the only preparation we plan to make for the apocalypse, is to paint a giant target on the roof. Both of us are too lazy to fight off zombies, and we are already cranky and sleepy, so radiation sickness is out of the question.
That’s not saying I wouldn’t dress up for it though…
Ha! I don’t like zombies and wouldn’t know how to fight them anyway. This is where being married to a soldier would come in handy! Especially a soldier who loves The Walking Dead so he is well versed in zombie execution. And I would totally dress up for it all, too.
jacqui berry
How imaginative you all are! Love the post, thanks for sharing. So glad it’s only the end of 2018 and not the world! Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I also am very glad that it was only the end of the year. I might look ready for such a battle in these photos, but I am really not! Ha. Wishing you all the best in 2019, my friend.
Sheela Goh
Such a brilliant idea for a theme, Shelbee. Perfectly in tune with it being the last day of the year, and all that. I love how we all went with army green, without even realising it. I’ll admit I wasn’t too sure about the outfit I finally went with, I wasn’t certain if it was going to be “too much” for my readers but at the end of the day, we must stay true to who we are. Particularly if the end is nigh. Thank you, dearest friend, for always being you. Happy 2019!!
Sheela, thank you for always empowering me to keep being me! At the end of the day, I have no other choice really. I am sort of stuck with this person I am…but I quite like her, so all is good! This was such a fun theme and everyone created the most amazing outfits for it. But it also triggered some pretty interesting writing as well…from everyone. I love that! For some reason this lyric from Semisonic’s Closing Time just popped into my head: “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Right on! Cheers to more amazing things in 2019!
What a fun and creative theme! Love the location you chose to go with these photos – how perfect!
Gina || On the Daily Express
Thanks so much, Gina! This was definitely one of my favorite outfit themes ever. Happy New Year!
Amy Arnold
I prefer kindness too! I like the message of this. Happy new year!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thanks so much, Amy Ann! Kindness is definitely my preferred way to go through life and fight any battle. Cheers to you in 2019! May it be filled with peace, love, joy, and kindness!
Mitch Chaitin
All I see in your posts is pure self-esteem, and I love it!
Happy New Year!
Mitch, thank you so very much! Sometimes I fake it! Ha. But I guess we all do that. Wishing you the very best in 2019!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Ok, I feel old. Really 31 years ago since that REM song came out? I remember rushing out to buy that album. You guys look totally Bad Ass… and kind of scary, lol. I’m interested to learn more about this zero point energy field. Back in the day we used to have lots of discussions about string theory and the like at work. We knew just enough to argue, but not enough to really be authorities or anything, ha. Those were some fun discussions though. Hope you had a great holiday.
I know, Julie, I felt so old when I looked up the year that song was released! My word! It is crazy. But with each passing year, we just become wiser and better, don’t we?!
I don’t know that much about the Zero Point Energy Field either…I have a read a few books and a handful of articles on the topic, but my understanding is that it is a theory of quantum physics which also uses string theory. I get the part that everything is connected by an underlying energy source. I do not understand the physics piece where they measure the activity of this energy field and how they draw their conclusions about it. In any event, it is a very fascinating topic of discussion to me as well.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year, my friend!
Fun post! I love seeing everyone’s take on this theme! It’s a nice break from “mainstream fashion” to see something different like this 🙂 Perhaps I can join you ladies as a guest blogger when I turn 40 later this year 🙂 ?
Thanks so much, Lindsay! This was definitely a fun theme and way outside the typical outfit post! Do let me know when you turn 40, so I can add you to my list of 40 plus bloggers for this series! Happy New Year!
Emma Peach
What a fun theme…as fun as the end of the world can be! You all certainly greet the apocalypse in badass style! You’ve made me want to put on some combats and biker boots!
Emma xxx
Thanks, Emma! This was a super fun theme even though I presented a sort of depressing topic. But you have to keep the light shining even in times of darkness, right? I would love to see how you style some combats and biker boots!
Daring and I love it. I love daring, loud look. They scream that we are woman and we will be in control soon.EMPOWERING 🙂
Rama, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment! I do like to be daring and bold and show off my confidence. It took me a lifetime to feel that kind of empowerment, so now is the time to flaunt it, I suppose! Wishing you all the best in 2019, my friend!
Brooke of Passport Couture
What a fun idea for a fashion outfit! Although apocalypse sounds scary or depressing, each of you has done a great job of showing how you’re ready to take on the end of the world. I also admire your take on staying positive no matter the situation–we need to remember to smile and find the positivity in everything.
Thanks so much, Brooke! Yes, I suppose the Apocalypse can be a bit frightening to consider, but making the best of every situation is one of my strong points! And keeping style in the mix just serves to uplift my spirits and keep me motivated! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!
Brooke of Passport Couture
You’ve done a very good job of mixing style with creativity! Happy 2019 to you as well.
Thanks so much!
Laura Bambrick
This is such an awesome theme and you all totally nailed it!! Love your camo look!
Thanks so much, Laura! This was one of my favorite outfit themes ever! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!
Oh very nice outfit darling
Thanks so much, Sakuranko! Happy New Year!
First off, I love that R.E.M song lol! Secondly, you look amazing in this outfit! I love seeing everyone’s takes on apocalyptic fashion – such a cool idea! Happy new year <3
Thanks so much, Liz! This was such a fun theme to create an outfit around. Wishing you all the best in 2019 as well, my friend!
OK, what a bad-ass theme! You made my day and I am going to be humming that song all day long,LOL! Thank you for all your fund posts and musings over the year. This might just be my favorite yet. Y’all look so uber-cool, I love it!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! This was definitely one of my favorite themes ever. And then I wore the outfit to work the day we took the photos (sans the gun, of course) and just acted like it was no big thing that I was walking around town dressed for the end of the world! Thank you so much for all of your support this past year. It is so appreciated. Wishing you all the best in 2019, my friend!
What a fun theme for an outfit post – although it was so strange seeing a gun! I’m from Australia where we have gun laws so it was strange seeing how casually you pose with yours – I’ve only ever seen guns held by police before!
I really like the camo and black together, fun way to end the year!
Happy New Year! Hope that your 2019 is off to a great start and you’ve been having a great week 🙂
Away From The Blue Blog
Thanks so much, Mica! Oh believe me, it was very strange for me to be holding a gun! It is my husband’s hunting rifle and it was definitely NOT loaded or I wouldn’t have been holding it at all! But it seemed suitable for a post about the Apocalypse. If I ever find myself in the Apocalypse, I will be very grateful to have my husband by my side as hunter and protector, that’s for sure! I wish you all the best in the New Year as well, my friend!
This was amazing: the very-appropriate for the apocalypse outfit for sure with your kick-ass poses and that fun rifle which was “the right prop” for this theme, and also your sharp, witty, creative and wise writing. You wrote this post so well and described each of these ladies of your tribe, perfectly. I already asked Jennie if I could ever guest-host this but see I am not 40 and no way I am rushing aging lol. I would have loved to have done this theme though. My outfit would have looked completely different than you all, complete with a bright, sassy red lipstick and I would have probably smiled too -like you did. Speaking of outfits, so cool that you ladies all wore black and olive and I bet it wasn’t planned at all.
Thanks so much, Ada! This was definitely one of my favorite themes to style! And nope, we didn’t plan anything at all. I just gave the theme and everyone interprets however they like. Without rushing the years, once you turn 40, if we are still going with this collaboration, I will for sure invite you as a guest host. In the meantime, however, you can still do an apocalypse inspired outfit on your blog! Why not?
Lucy At Home
That is definitely a hard-hitting group of girls you’ve got there! If anyone can survive the end of the world, it’s you lot (especially with the attitude in these pics, coupled with the powerful weapons of love and kindness!). What a great brief, and what a great response to the brief. #blogcrush
Thanks so much, Lucy! This was a really fun theme to create an outfit around! The topic may be a bit dark, but like all things, if you approach it with love and kindness, suddenly it is not as dark as it seems!