The Fab 40’s Celebrate Pride Month & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #128

This is not a sponsored post.

Warning: I might get a little ranty in this post. I cannot help myself. It is a topic about which my passions run high. Very high. June is LGBT Pride Month, chosen this month to commemorate the Stonewall Riot in New York City on June 28, 1969. This June 28 marks 50 years since that riot which was the impetus for the LGBT rights movement that we see making a huge impact in the world today.

It was my turn this month to choose the theme for The Fab 40’s. It didn’t take me long to decide. By choosing LGBT Pride not only are we showing you have to have a little fun with fashion, but we are also illustrating how you can make an important statement or send a powerful message through your clothing as well.

The Fab 40’s is a group of six fashion bloggers from around the globe. Each month we choose a different theme and invite a guest blogger who is also in their 40’s to join us. This group’s goal is to take on a style theme and show how we each interpret and incorporate it into our own lives. With six widely varied views, you are certain to find something that speaks to you each month and encourages you to continue to have fun with fashion after the age of 40.

And now my ranting begins..Somehow today, in 2019, there is still resistance to the LGBT community and granting members of that community equal rights in basically, well, everything. Here’s the thing, we refer to LGBT people as a separate community. But why? They are members of our own communities. Contributing, brilliant, creative, beautiful, valuable members of all of our communities. They are business owners. They are artists and entertainers. They are teachers, coaches, doctors, lawyers, mechanics, soldiers. They are providers. They are contributors. They are everything and anything that the rest of us are. They are people. Just people. People composed of both good and bad qualities. Like the rest of the world. So why the dichotomy?

I know great strides have been made in the area of LGBT rights in the past 50 years, but what I don’t know is why strides had to be made at all. Why was a person’s sexuality or gender identity ever an issue up for debate in the first place? I seriously cannot wrap my brain around it all. It is a major WTF topic for me to comprehend. You see, not all people are created equal. All people are purposefully and wonderfully created different! It is what makes this world a beautiful, interesting, rich, amazing place. But all people deserve equal rights. And why in the holy hell are we still debating this issue in 2019?

I don’t quite understand why this conversation is or ever was necessary. But here I am having this conversation. And I am only having the conversation because we are still forced to have the conversation. My two cents on the matter is this…Love who you love, be who you are, live your truth, and for God’s sake, just be kind to one another. These matters have nothing to do with choices, they have everything to do with simply accepting the ways of the universe. Life is hard. Really fucking hard. For each and every one of us. No one cruises through this life and gets to the other side unscathed and completely in tact. Recognize that as rich and wonderful as this journey can be, it also has moments, and lots of them, that downright suck and threaten to kill your soul. We all have them. And we all rely on the kindness and love of others to get through them. So why, why, why, would anyone criticize, judge, castigate, or condemn any other person for living their life in the truest way they know how?

When the topic of LGBT issues, rights, acceptance, or whatever you want to call it comes up, I literally find myself wanting to scream from the rooftop, “JUST STOP! CAN YOU ALL PLEASE JUST KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF?!” Love is love is love is love is love. That. Is. All. That. Really. Matters.

Accept that we are free to love whomever we end up loving. We have no choice in the matter. Life and the universe deliver it to us. Some people find love in the opposite gender. Some find it in the same gender. Some find it in both genders. Some are still trying to find their own gender but even that doesn’t stop them from finding love. Some never find love. Some find love over and over again in many different forms and in many different people. Love comes to us…we just need to remain open and accepting of it in all of its forms. When we can do that, the abundance of love is overwhelming and self-replenishing. It knows nothing other than itself. It cares not about anything but love in its purest sense.

So now is the time, 50 years after the first riot fighting for equal rights when it comes to matters of the heart, to just forget everything you have ever learned from society, politics, religion, hand me down beliefs and values, and refocus your entire attention on love. Plain and simple as that. Let it all go and just feel the love. I promise you, it is a much better place to be.

Photo credit goes to my dear friend Lisa, co-founder of SmartChicks. Thanks so much for filling in while Jeff was away and for letting me use your gorgeous patio as the backdrop!

Now lets have a look at how my Fab 40’s friends have made their statement about LGBT Pride and the freedom to love.

I have invited my friend Becky of Pink Cheetah Vintage to be our guest blogger this month. I invited her for a few reasons. First, she rocks and has really cool eclectic style. Second, she is kind and loving and inspiring and I knew she would appreciate the theme I chose. Third, she lives in Asheville, North Carolina, which was deemed in 2016 as the Most LGBT Friendly City in the United States. And finally, I am heading to Asheville next week where I will be meeting up with Becky and Jennie and Jess for a little blogger fun! (Note: I am still waiting for Becky’s outfit photo! I will add it once it arrives.)

Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots is giving me all the 80’s vibes with her playful rainbow look. This takes me back to my teenage years when I was first in tune to the fact that people had different sexualities. I remember in high school hearing whispers about some guy who was gay. And my initial reaction was the same as it is today, “WTF? Who cares? Why are we even discussing this?” I am all heart eyes (like Jennie) over this outfit!

Jennie of A Pocketful of Polka Dots

Outfit Details: Cropped Sweatshirt – c/o Shein / Tank – Worthington / DIY Cutoffs – Levis / Earrings – Charming Charlie / Shoes – Converse All Stars / Sunnies – Vans 

Suzy of Suzy Turner, Pixie Chick in Portugal might have just knocked my gay-loving socks off! Where in the world did she figure out to create this amazing rainbow top out of a sarong?! I need to learn and know. Now. The white jeans and all the sparkly gold accessories and she is ready to ride the main float at the Pride Parade!

Suzy of Suzy Turner, Pixie Chick in Portugal

FabOutfit Details: Sarong -local tourist shop / Sparkly pumps – Vans / White skinny jeans – H&M / Gold Clutch – Massimo Dutti / Rings – Gifts from mother-in-law / Watch – Fossil (also gift from mother-in-law)

And now Sheela of Sheela Writes inspired by Hester Sunshine complete with a rainbow bag. Sporting this cheerful outfit, Sheela looks about ready to take on anybody who disputes love!

Sheela of Sheela Writes

Outfit Details: Everything c/o Forever 21

Unfortunately, Daenel of Living Outside the Stacks is unable to join us this month due to some personal reasons, but I am sure she would appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts that you can send her way! Love ya, girl!

And finally my outfit celebrating Pride Month!

Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge

Outfit Details: Jacket and Dress – Thrifted / Tights – Sock Dreams / Shoes – Aerosoles / Belt, Necklace, and Earrings – Old

And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.

Mireille of Chez Mireille shared her post Catalunya, Spain. What a fabulous tour she has taken us on and the photos are simply stunning.

Mireille of Chez Mireille

Mitch of Gay NYC Dad shared his post, Memes and More Memes. I don’t know how he does it, but Mitch always finds the funniest of funny memes in internet land and compiles them every week into one blog post for our reading entertainement!

From Mitch of Gay NYC Dad, Memes and More Memes

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Are you on board the Pride Train this month?! Do let me know. And don’t forget to enter the $500 Country Outfitter Giveaway, too, before time runs out!

Proudly ranting from the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.



      Anne, that might be the best comment yet! However, I kinda lose, too, because the shiny rainbow fishnet tights are incredibly scratchy and itchy! They need other tights layered beneath, I think, but 2 pairs of tights might be too hot. Aw well, at least they look cute!


      • Anne M Bray

        Ah yes, “they” haven’t fixed that metallic fiber problem. And how to wear double tights for Pride things when it’s June? Maybe if it’s one of those “cold” Junes in upper NY? I found the perfect rainbow tights at Sock Man on St Mark’s, NYC and also have the same “too hot to wear issues”. Oh well.
        Also, DON’T wear mylar or lurex if flying. You’ll light up the TSA screener like a Christmas tree:


          The struggle is real, Anne. You know it is! But I have just decided that I am going to wear rainbows all year long…because rainbows are fun and cheerful and I don’t have to just wear them in June. That would be silly. So when it cools back down again (which will probably be in like 25 days…lol), I am double layering these itchy tights!


  • jodie filogomo

    I always say that what’s the bad thing about love. Should it really matter who we love? As long as there is love involved, it’s a good thing!!
    Great rant and great outfit Shelbee….


      Kathrine, thanks so much! I hope that my words can make a positive impact on someone, anyone really. I guess that is what we are all striving to do out here in the world of blogging! I am obsessed with these fun tights, too. But I have to be honest, they are a little bit itchy! I may save them for cooler months and layer a pair of solid (non netty) tights underneath.



      Thanks so much, Katie! It was a no brainer for me to pick this theme for month of June. Unfortunate as it is, we do still need to keep fighting this fight in any way we can…even if it just means wearing brightly colored clothes and sharing our thoughts on the matter.


  • Nancy

    Oh you should see the Gay pride in Amsterdam! Fan tas tic! And what a gorgeous people! Let s be glad we are not rasists women! That must be a lovely life!

  • Kellyann Rohr

    Great theme! For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would feel justified casting hate at another for any reason but especially for who they love! I don’t understand, try as I may, why anyone feels it’s their place to judge another or feel that their way is the only way. Makes me sick, especially when I hear that parents have disowned a child because of who they are, that breaks my heart.
    Well done my friend!


      Kellyann, thanks so much for joining the discussion! You have described much of how I feel perfectly…words like “makes me sick” and “breaks my heart” are exactly the emotions I experience when I hear this stuff, too. I get so frustrated by it all! Can’t we all just love?!


  • Suzy Turner

    Shelbee, I couldn’t agree more! It makes me so sad to read / hear about people who are still being abused because of their sexuality. Why the hell should it matter? Like you say, you love who you love and that’s it. I recently found out that my hubby’s nephew dates men and women and when I asked him about it, his response was simply that he loves people – it makes no difference what sex they are, and I LOVE that!
    Big hugs my friend,
    Suzy xxx


      Cheers to your nephew’s philosophy! I love that, too. It should not matter at all. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the matter, my friend! Heading over soon to check out all the other Fab 40’s posts! I am a bit behind from traveling this weekend.


  • the real cie

    This might be an unpopular sentiment…oh, wait, pretty much everything I say is an unpopular sentiment, so, status quo!
    Intolerance, or at least the toleration of intolerance, has been on the rise since Cheeto Stalin was elected.
    I wrote a post about standing with the Ravelry crafters’ group when they made their statement about not allowing pro-tRump posts on their site.


      Cie, thanks for sharing your unpopular sentiment! All sentiments are welcome here…as long as they are stated with respect. And I agree with you completely, the tolerance of intolerance is a huge problem. We need to change it!


  • Karen

    If only everyone could share your views, so eloquently and powerfully expressed. It’s taken a turn for the worse on this side of the Atlantic, I fear – or at least the voices of bigotry have been emboldened. I love your tights – and am sorry they were not so great to wear! x

  • Jennie

    Wonderful theme and even more wonderful sentiments behind it, friend. Why can’t we all just love one another?

    I have to say I was surprised by your look this month. I was expecting something a little more edgy and flamboyant. I positively adore the direction you went in and think you look lovely. Mint and black is an unusual color combination and the rainbow tights pull it together perfectly!


      Jennie, thanks so much! I don’t understand how a basic human emotion…love…is so confusing to so many people! And my outfit was quite astray from my ordinary, wasn’t it? I knew I wanted to style the rainbow tights and I could have gone totally flamboyant with them, but for some reason I was drawn to the little black dress with them to allow them to stand out. The mint jacket had been hanging in my closet forever and it was one of those ah-ha moments when I tried it on. I had other rainbow outfits planned that I wanted to be sharing this month, but I never got around to wearing or photographing them. Eh, maybe I will just start a weekly rainbow pride day on my blog!

      I am super excited to meet you next week!


  • Laura Bambrick

    YES! Love is love and that’s all that really matters! Amen sister. Love the theme you picked and the more attention we draw to this the better. We are all people and we all deserve to be treated with respect.


      Thanks so much, Laura! I agree, we are all just people. So why can we not love each other as we want to be loved? It is so simple yet so many don’t get it. I’ll keep sharing my opinion with passionate and volume!


  • Melissa

    Absolutely true Shelbee! Speak it girl!! Never understood what the big deal was. If kids can learn to love each other without seeing anything but who the person is, why is that grown adults can’t see the same? If only we see the world the way kids do. Love is love regardless of your opinion on it! Great post gf. And so loving the tights!



      Thanks so much, Mel! So now your comment makes me wonder at what point in life do we shift from the lack of prejudice of children into these insane adult discriminatory and hating behaviors? I know it is all learned behavior, but if we know how to love unconditionally, then how are our children learning otherwise? I guess we just need to keep sharing our love and our light and our message…fighting the good fight.


  • Patrick Weseman

    (Here is my rant) The problem I see is that here in America, we tend to separate ourselves (and the government does) into different communities either by race/skin color, language, sex, sexual preference, whatever we come up with. I think we do this for a majority of reasons but I think it spreads hate and creates prejudice among people. We tend to forget that we are all human beings in general and those who were born in the United States and live here are all American.

    I remember when I was teaching at State School early in my career and I refused to do a survey that had me answer and separate myself into different boxes they had for counting purposes. I said something like I am “F–cking human being and that is all you need to know.” He got all hot and bothered, so I wrote across the thing “American”. That pretty well pissed all of the administration staff. I explained to them that I am more than what boxes someone had created and made it four-letter clear that they didn’t have a box for me (mixed-race) and that you are making me pick one which I will not do. So, I ain’t doing it and write me up if you want. After I took my stand, they never had us do that survey again. This was brought to you by a bunch of liberals. The reason I stated that is because it is both the left and right who exploit putting people in boxes for their own benefit.

    Looking great. Love how the rainbow tights match your belt and jacket. You see I am getting better. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.


      Patrick, I love that you took a stand on that damn placing ourselves in boxes bullshit! And I am glad that your message was heard loud and clear. I guess I just will never understand the point of it all. Maybe if everyone just became a bunch of potheads, there would be more love and acceptance in this world. The hippies have got it right! I am running away to join them!

      And you didn’t need to get better…you were already great! But your picking up on the fashionista piece of my posts makes me smile! Thank you!


  • Jessica A Jannenga

    Oh I love the rainbow stockings! The acent of the belt with all black is lovely too and your makeup looks very pretty!
    I am the same, I think let people love people, why should it matter? I think people need to treat others with more respect and not judge. I’m totally loving Suzy’s sarong top too, so cool!
    jess xx
    looking forward to seeing you


      Jess, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! It is the simplest thing ever, love is love, yet so many people are confused by it for some reason. I simply don’t understand. But I will keep spreading the message and sharing my love! I am super excited to see you!


  • Maureen

    I couldn’t agree with you more Shelbee. Love is love. It still baffles me at how there are some people out there that would just treat or judge somebody differently because of their sexuality. I am in love with the color of your dress but even more so with those tights! It’s beautiful. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Tuesday!

    Maureen |


      Maureen, thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! It is such a simple sentiment, isn’t it? Love is love. Yet so many people cannot get a proper handle on it. I guess we need to just keep pushing the message out there!


  • Deborah Stinedurf

    I. Love. You. We’re kindred spirits in a lot of ways, you and I. So much so that my post today also starts with a disclaimer…and it’s also about Pride & LGBTQ rights. And I simply could not agree with you more…why in the fuck are we STILL having this conversation??? xo
    PS….You’re utterly breathtaking in turquoise/aqua!


      Debbie, thanks so much for stopping by. I was really hoping that you would have the chance to read my sentiments because I know they ring very close to your own. And literally, my response to this discussion from the deepest part of my soul is exactly that, “Why are we still talking about this?” Let the stupidity die already and allow love to flourish, for crying out loud! Heading to over to read your post now.

      And P.S. I never realized how great this color was on me until I saw these pictures! I guess I should wear it more often. But I probably won’t. Lol


  • Debbie

    Love your outfit, also like the subject matter, thanks for talking about it.

    Did you take a good look at the first picture, a really good shot of the cats butt! 🙂

    Be Good



      Debbie, thanks so much! The cat’s butt was cracking me up! I am glad that you noticed and commented. We couldn’t get the cat out of the photos, so we gave up and his butt was all over the pictures! Hahaha.


  • Darlene

    Shelbee, your rant is right on. We’ve persecuted people for centuries and still do so today. It’s not something we as humans can be proud of. I love that you chose this theme to honor the LGBTQ Community. And you are so right, in that what we wear can be a statement or send a message. Your message has been sent and received–well done. You and the Fab ’40s group all look amazing.

    xx Darlene

  • Marilee J. Gramith


  • Ada

    I am loving that YOU chose Pride as your theme for this month. So fitting and it fits beautifully with this beautiful-written, heart-felt post also. My thoughts exactly too, as you read it the other day. I love the retro, very Mad Men yet Librarian vibes in this outfit. In a way you are paying homage to Daneel who missed this monthly post as she is a fabulous librarian and very kind too – your style and kindness at this post nails it! Last but definitely not least, I love love the fun and unique rainbow fishnets. Where did you find those? Love love the fun light blue trench-coat too.

    Also, nice fun fact about Asheville and how cool that you will visit both Jess and Jennie whom I love. <3 When are you coming to Michigan?!


      Aw, Ada, thanks so much for all of your kindnesses and your beautiful thoughts and words! I have no idea when I am making it to Michigan! Maybe my next vacation…but who the heck knows when a vacation will happen again!


  • Claire Justine

    Love this outfit. Your jacket is amazing. Love the colour. Also, I would love some of these tights!! Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays a few weeks ago. Hope you can join us again today.

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Shelbee on the Edge