Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

The Best Leopard Cardigan & Link Up on the Edge #236

Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Here is yet another new acquisition from my recent Torrid shopping spree with my sister a few weeks ago. This long leopard sweater coat is the best thing ever! And I nearly left it behind because I thought the camel color was wholly unflattering on me.

The store manager urged me to try it on anyway. During this little shopping extravaganza, I was wearing these same pinstripe paperbag waist pants (also from Torrid) and black tee with a lavender cardigan on top. The lavender cardigan looked really cute over the column of black, adding a splash of spring with the pastel hue. I swapped out my pastel cardigan for the leopard one to prove to the sales manager how very wrong she was and how unflattering this color really is on me.

Guess what? I had to eat my words! Because I freaking loved it. And it changed the entire look of my outfit in the most brilliant way. I knew right then that I had to have it and that my first showing of it would be with the magical shopping outfit that proved me wrong!

The knit is really soft and really heavy, perfect for this frozen arctic girl to stay warm. I have owned it for 3 weeks and have worn it at least a dozen times. It is so perfect with leggings and any kind of tunic top to add a little bit of glam to my casual lounge clothing. For real, I feel kind of Hollywood as I drift through my house with the leopard print cascading behind me. Nothing at all like Jabba the Hutt!

Making this sweater even better than just its inherent fabulousness, with the Buy One Get Two Free deal and all of my other discounts, I only paid $20.05 for it. It is definitely worth way more than that price tag for how much wear I am going to get out of it.

I completed the look with my favorite 25 year old black wool coat, my new black hashtag beanie hat, and a bunch of other accessories shopped straight from my closet. Details are at the end of the post.

Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Before I sign off for the weekend, I do want to express my extreme gratitude for all of your wonderfully supportive, kind, and caring comments on last Friday’s post. Sharing my vulnerabilities with you all helped me tremendously.

It was from that moment of sharing when I made a very conscious decision that no amount of time and no change in circumstances would be able to shift me out of my eternal pessimist mode. The only way out was to do it myself. In that moment when I consciously decided to own my struggle and find my way out, it was like a cosmic shift occurred and my true self began emerging with the vibrance of a caterpillar who lay dormant too long.

Y’all, I feel like I got my wings back and I can fly again! It is the most refreshing feeling in the world. Thank you for following along with my journey!

Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Leopard coatigan, paperbag pants, pinstripe pants, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Featured Favorites

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Abby of That’s Life for Ya shared her post, Friday Favorites – 3.12.21 + Beach Trip!! Oh, to be young and full of energy! I do so enjoy living vicariously through this amazing young woman. Talk about embracing life and all its moments. Abby knows just how to do that like an old pro.

Fashion Favorite

Lucy of Confessions of a Montreal Styling Diva shared her post, Is Your Lizard Brain Paralyzing Your Style? Not only is this concept of lizard brain super fascinating, Lucy’s mixed print outfit is the most magnificent combination of colors and patterns that I have ever seen. I only wish I had what it takes to wear something this freaking cool!

Non-Fashion Favorite

Joanne of Slices of Life shared her post, Friday Favorites: A Teasing of Spring. I always enjoy reading Joanne’s weekly recap posts. She inspires me in so many ways. However, it was her son Alec who inspired me with his fondant cupcake decorations in this post. She has one seriously talented kids on her hands!

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Coat and Earrings-Old / Cardigan and Pants-Torrid / Tee and Gloves-Target / Hat-Wona Trading / Necklace-C/o Chico’s / Boots-Payless / Sunglasses-Oliver Goldsmith

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Those have to be the tastiest words you’ve ever had to eat because this leopard cardigan is sensational! So glad the manager told you to give it a try because you look so glamorous in it! I can totally understand how you’d feel like Hollywood in it because it’s exactly how you look in it – superb!
    Have a great weekend my friend!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Hahaha, thanks so much, Kellyann! They were, in fact, pretty tasty words! I am wearing the cardigan over my pajamas right now while drinking my coffee. It is so incredibly cozy. And just plain fabulous! Have a fantastic weekend! I am going to email you soon about zooming!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Kathrine! I got another really awesome sweater coat on that shopping trip that is a black and gray plaid. I have to get that photographed soon or I might have to wait until fall because it is actually starting to feel like spring around here! Yay!


  • Di

    Your long leopard print coat-igan is the perfect antidote for the winter blahs! I love the way you styled it for this post in a glamorous way with statement jewelry. What a fun shopping experience it must have been with your sister when you picked up some great bargains. Glad to hear you are feeling better, have a great week!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Di! This coatigan really is boosting my spirits in this never ending cold! As much as I am enjoying being cozied up in it, I could really use some warm weather and fresh air as well! It’s on the way though and I am super excited. I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend!


  • Lucy Bertoldi

    First- THANKS So Much for featuring me!! I hope my post really does get us thinking about shushing our lizard brain! And- my friend- not only could you rock this look- you would blow us all away!! And you know I truly mean that!
    As for the cardi- I am crazy about it. I do have an animal print one- but it’s no way as good as this. Have a wonderful weekend dear friend! xx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Lucy! You are so fabulous, my friend! I got another long cardigan on the same shopping trip that is black and gray plaid. That one is pretty wonderful, too, but the leopard print is definitely much bolder. I hope you have a lovely weekend!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Aw, thanks so much, Rena! I also got a really cute black and gray plaid coatigan on the same shopping trip. I need to style that and share it soon or else it may have to wait until fall. Because Spring is finally here! Have a great weekend, my friend.


  • Darlene

    When I saw the first photo of you in this coat, I thought, Hollywood! It is so casually elegant. So I laughed when you mentioned it later. Your whole outfit is fabulous, my friend. Just by sharing your vulnerability and getting your feelings organized and straight–and out there–you solved your own issue, Shelbee! Ah, the power of writing. And sharing. And shopping! Ha!

    xx Darlene

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Oh my word, Darlene, this is like the best comment ever! Thank you for that. Doesn’t everyone like to feel a little bit Hollywood at home?! Haha. One of my favorite Hollywood tricks is to throw my vintage faux fur coat over my most casual outfits to run a simple errand or just to take the trash out on a bitter cold day! Who does that? Haha. Puts on their dressiest fur to walk the trash down to the curb? There is definitely power in writing and sharing and, by all means, shopping! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend! We will be celebrating Ralphie’s 8th birthday this weekend. Wish me luck and sanity!

  • ratnamurti

    Ummm….. about that pessimistic comment….. I actually find you very positive. I suppose that it’s all relative. And you know what? It’s ok to be honest and say that about oneself – I am so over the perfect and “up” people, because we are all humans with human emotions. They make us, us. They “tell us” what’s happening. Go well, lovely Shelbee. xxxxxx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Ratnamurti, thank you so very much for this wonderful comment! I never was a pessimistic person until this year! I mean, except for the regular downs that people have, but mostly I have always been the eternal optimist, always looking at the bright side of things and the lessons I can learn from each experience in life. It’s just this past year, I fell into the pessimistic mode but couldn’t get myself back out of it for much too long. And that does not sit well with me. Being stuck in that place for longer than it takes to acknowledge the feelings, process them, and move on was really beginning to have an effect on me that I did not want to become a permanent change in my personality. So it was time for me to just get it all in check and refocus on the bright side of things, gratitude and perspective are my focus words for this year after all! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Barbara

    Stop making us jealous with your endless Torrid finds:) the shop manager was right: camel does look so much warmer than camel. I love the necklace too.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Haha, thanks so much, Barbara! Between Torrid and Old Navy clearance sales a few weeks ago, it is a seemingly endless flow of new outfits for me! Eeek. That was not my intention. I much prefer my focus on more sustainable (thrifted) clothing. But I am a shopaholic and have never made any progress toward curing it!


    • Barbara

      Haha, it’s probably impossible/unnecessary to find a cure when you own a fashion blog! I just noticed the typo that made my comment look pretty dorky:)

  • Midlife and Beyond

    I love your leopard print cardigan, you look fabulous in it and I love the beanie hat too, a lovely addition. I would definitely waft round the house in this cardigan. Leopard print always cheers me up and makes me feel good for some reason. Hope with the Spring equinox on Sunday the weather starts to warm up in your corner of the world, as it does look cold. We’re having grey rainy days in the UK which isn’t great either. Have a fab weekend!xx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Alison, thank you so much! There is something really cheerful about a lot of animal print, isn’t there? Maybe it has something to do with the nature of wild animals being uninhibited and not caring very much about what others think of their appearance. They just wear their coats with pride and unconcern. I think there might be a lesson in here somewhere for me…hahaha. The weather is really starting to improve here now with lovely spring temperatures beginning today. Perfectly timed for the Spring Equinox and my son’s 8th birthday…at least I will be able to send all the kids outside today during the birthday party hours! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Laura Bambrick

    I’m so glad you are feeling more positive lately! I hope it continues for you! And I’m glad you ended up trying on that leopard cardigan. It looks fabulous on you! Have a wonderful weekend Shelbee!

  • Gail

    This is one of my all-time favourite looks! You could grace any catwalk with this. Love the leopard cardigan – so glad you bought it in the end! And it’s amazing with the print of the pants and the jewelry. Very glad to hear you feel I like you got your wings back and can fly again. I was feeling very positive as our lockdown restrictions start to life and spring has officially started today, but news that most of Europe is now plunging into a third wave feels me with gloom again because it looks as if we’ll never get out of this spiral. Ho hum.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Gail! This outfit is so comfortable, too, which is amazing because I do feel super glamorous in it! I was just reading an article the other day that England was able to lift a lot of restrictions but I stopped reading there and didn’t go further into what is happening in the rest of Europe. I have to be honest, I don’t even really know what the restrictions are where I live. I just mostly stay at home for exactly that reason…I don’t know what I am allowed to do! Haha. Spring is definitely helping to pull me of the spiral though. I hope it does the same for you!


  • Suzy

    OMG that cardigan is all sorts of AWESOME, Shelbee! I absolutely love it, and can totally understand why you’ve worn it a dozen times already! So good that you didn’t leave it behind and listened to the woman in the shop! I’m like that with the same colour though, I avoid beiges like the plague. They really don’t like me lol. However, when combined with black, like your cardigan, I think it can really work!
    I’m so glad to read that you’re managing to pull yourself out of your funk, Shelbee. I thought of you when I read Catherine’s (Not Dressed as Lamb) recent post about depression.
    Huge hugs
    Suzy xxx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Suzy, thanks so much! I think it definitely is the abundance of black in the leopard print that allows the camel color to work on me. I am so glad that the sales manager pushed me to try it on. It is a fabulous piece and I am certain I will wear it for years to come. I think I might have missed Catherine’s post on depression, but I will be sure to check it out. She always shares some very profound and insightful posts that are always worth reading. Sending hugs right back to you, my friend!


  • jess jannenga

    Hi my friend!
    Love the length of this cardigan on you and how you styled it with striped pants! Very cool! I have a leopard cardigan that is similar but not as long. I think it looks great. You know I love the sunnies, and they are fun that they add a bit of color too. I just ordered some new sunnies and am looking forward to wearing. Hopefully things will warm up a bit in your area!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Jess! I do love your long leopard cardigan as well! These are my favorite sunnies, too. I feel very glamorous when I wear them! As I should because they basically cost a Hollywood-style price! Haha, that is the curse of requiring prescription sunnies, I suppose. Things are warming up this week around here and I have been enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. But it looks like it will only last for about a week. There is snow forecasted for next Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Ugh. I am so over it! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Cheryl! It really is one of my best shopping finds this year so far! Since I am always freezing, I am sure I will continue to wear it well into the spring. I hope you are having a fabulous week!


  • Sheila (of Ephemera)

    That leopard long cardi is AMAZEBALLS (do people still say that? do I care? why did I caps it? who knows?). I love a long dramatic swooshable topper like that. Camel is one of those weird colours – it’s not always good right next to the skin, but put it against black or a bright or a pastel, and it’s totally your friend.

    Thank you so much for the link-up! We are live on our bigass anniversary long weekend! Damned post took over 4 hours to do!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Sheila! I love long dramatic swooshy toppers, too. And I know one really fabulously cool person who says AMAZEBALLS in all caps! Hahaha. You are so correct about camel. If this cardigan was solid camel, it would definitely not have worked on me. It is the black spots that saved the day! I can’t wait to read your bigass anniversary post!


  • Grace

    Oh my gosh Shelbee, I LOVE this outfit!! That camel color isn’t unflattering at all and I’m so glad you got the cardigan. You look so posh and badass! For some reason I get mobster vibes from this outfit but in the best, most fabulous sort of way lol. The pinstripes and leopard together are so unique but work so well.
    Thank you so much for joining my linkup last week! This week’s linkup just went live. Hope you have a great day!

    Miles of smiles,


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Shelbee on the Edge