The Bad Buy Book: May 2017-Jewelry
Welcome to May’s edition of The Bad Buy Book! This month’s theme is Jewelry.
The Bad Buy Book is a series hosted by Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style and Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge. We wanted to create something fun and new together. As we both had talked about our Sitting Shoes, we came up with the idea for The Bad Buy Book!
We all do our best to look great in our outfits, choose the right accessories, the right makeup, the perfect shoes, and wait for the best light to shoot the most flattering outfit photos. And now we are asking you to show us the items you don’t feel your very best in. You know, those Sitting Shoes, that dress that is actually not quite your color, the skirt that is a size too small but the saleswoman said it looked amazing. We all own those items! And while they may look fabulous, they don’t always feel fabulous! So we want you to show us your bad buys and tell us the story about them! What made you purchase the item? And why do you dislike it now? And why not share them with us? We buy these things for a reason then hide them in the back of the closet. Now it’s their turn to share the limelight.
Every month on the 15th, we will both publish a post sharing the photos you have sent us along with a few sentences about your bad buy. Photo submissions will be due by the 10th of each month so we have time to edit and compile all of the entries. At the end of each post we will let you know the theme for the next month’s post. Photos and the story of your Bad Buy can be emailed to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or nancybaten@upcmail.nl. Please reference Bad Buy in the subject line.
This month’s theme is Jewelry. Let’s take a look at your Bad Buys!
First, my lovely co-host Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style.
“I love this leather bracelet. I think it’s really cool but…..I don’t like silver and I think the closure is to big. I bought this one seven years at a hippy market on Ibiza and since then I always say when I want to wear it that I have to look for a gold colored closure! Seven years!”
Jodie of Jodie’s Touch of Style.
“The white necklace I bought at Gordmans when the bubble necklaces were all the rage! I really liked it except 2 of the bubbles always turned around—which is annoying, right? So I’ve since given it away.”
Sonja of YustSoMe.
“I just bought these beauties a long time ago. And everytime I look in my drawer and see my precious bling bling earrings I wished they weren’t that heavy. It is fine to wear them for some blogpost pictures, but when I go out for a date or something I never wear them, because my (lelletje) is hurting after a while!”
And Nancy is joining Sonja in the “too heavy earrings” department.
“I’ll join you Sonja as these are way to heavy! Sorry Gerben….”
Jodie submitted another Bad Buy as well.
“The blue necklace I bought at a consignment store. The pendant would move from side to side and make all kinds of noise while I was wearing it. This one was fixable with a little superglue though and now it stays put!!”
And now my very own Bad Buy necklace.
“I love the look of this triple strand of black beads for dressing up an outfit. It is super versatile, too, being all black. However, the wire that holds it all together has all of these tiny little loose ends that have not been properly tucked or cut and it scratches the heck out of my neck! So it may be a pretty necklace but it is not so pretty when I am constantly fidgeting and scratching at my neck! I’m sure it is an easy repair, I just need to get around to fixing it.”
Thank you so much Jodie and Sonja for your contributions and for playing along! You are fantastic!
Now come on all you fabulous ladies and perhaps some men: you can’t make us believe you all don’t have your very own Bad Buys stashed away in the back of your closet! So we want to see lots of contributions for next month. Although next month’s theme may exclude some men!
Next month’s theme is Dresses! Please share with us those dresses that are a bit too tight, a tad too big, cling a little too much, or are just too short! The deadline for submissions is June 10!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Amy Christensen
It’s funny, how great the jewelry can look, but when it’s bad, we just won’t wear it! Thanks for sharing! – Amy
So true, Amy! I need to do a massive jewelry clean out, too. I have so many broken pieces that I intend to fix, but never find the time for it!
jodie filogomo
Thanks so much for accepting my entries….twice no less, Shelbee!! One of these days, maybe I’ll make better choices, ha ha!!!
Thank you, Jodie, for playing along! Nancy and I are still trying to figure out how to spread the word better and get more participants. Any ideas? And as far as making bad choices in the area of buying things…I’m right there with you!
This is an amazing idea! Totally agree about the things that we can’t wear but it looks so fine!
It is so fun to style our bad buys, Dani! Maybe you have a bad buy dress to style for next month?! Thanks so much for stopping by.
I love these posts, always fun! I too had one of those bubble necklaces, well several and didn’t get much wear out of them!
Pumps and Push-Ups
Thanks so much, Brooke, for stopping by! Maybe you have a bad buy dress you could submit for June!
Oh I can relate here ! The many items that I refuse to let go of, even though there is something significant that does not allow me to wear them as I wish !
How do I submit for the next one for dresses ? email or just send a link ?
It’s so funny, Lorena, that we all seem to do this! You can submit your photos with a brief description by email to either me or Nancy. You can find our emails and other details here. I look forward to having other participants!
These post are good! I think we all have been there when we buy something we like just to find out they are horrible! I have one necklace that has left me scratch marks on my neck… so not pleasant!
Thanks, Mel! It’s funny, isn’t it, how we hold on to things hoping they will work out for the better?! But they never do! Ha.
Oh I totally have things I just cant get rid of!
You should share them us for next month’s Bad Buy Book, Tamar!
I actually love jodies bubble necklace and think they should be the rage again! lol. I miss those big bright baubles 🙂
I agree, Hannah! I love the big, bright, bubbly bauble necklaces, too! They are so fun!
This series is so interesting. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style.
Thanks, Nicole! It really is a lot of fun.
Jess Powell (Babi a Fi)
I can relate so much to the earrings. I am forever buying big earrings which I never wear because they’re too heavy. One day I will learn… 🙂 #FridayFrivolity
Thanks so much for stopping by, Jess! Emma commented that she repurposes her too heavy earrings as pendants instead! I think that is such a fabulous idea!
Emma Peach
Jewellery that looks great but feels horrible is so frustrating. I usually try to fix whatever is bugging me, but there’s not much you can do with heavy earrings…other than use them as a pendant. I make my own jewellery so I often take things apart and remake them into something else!
Emma xxx
Emma, that is a great way to repurpose earrings that are too heavy! I am the worst with fixing broken jewelry. Some of my favorite pieces have broken and they are easy fixes, but they are just sitting in a bag waiting to be fixed! Thanks so much for stopping by!
jess jannenga
All fun stories! I have a slight tear in one of my ears because of hoop earrings I wore as a teen!
Thanks for linking!
jess xx
Oh no, Jess! A torn earlobe has always been a fear of mine! I think it would make me faint. Thanks so much for stopping by!