Sunday Sillies: The Diarrhea Song

I was paging through an old journal last week that was written in the fall of 2004 and I came upon a 7 page entry where I penned 75 verses to the Diarrhea Song. As I sat in my basement haven, smoking a bowl, I suddenly found myself in a fit of hysterical laughter. So I figured I would share some of the best verses here. If you do not appreciate toilet/bathroom/poop humor, you should probably just stop reading now and move on to something more intellectual, more practical, or more inspirational. I do have lots of posts in my blog archives that fit those descriptions, but this post is none of those things. This is purely for the sake of shits and giggles. Literally.
The Diarrhea Song is a timeless classic that children and adults who appreciate potty humor have enjoyed for generations. My kids think it is the funniest thing they have ever heard. My sister and I laughed so hard when I shared this find with her. My husband rolls his eyes at us for having strange senses of humor, but he will laugh out loud at the more clever verses. Because, let’s face it, poop is funny, farts are funny, and those embarrassing accidents that we have all experienced at some point are the funniest of all (after our humiliation has subsided, of course).

If you are continuing on with this post, I first want to make sure that you know the song I am referring to and that you are singing it in your head as you read along.
Some people think it’s funny, but it’s really brown and runny. Diarrhea, Pbllbp, Pbllbp. Diarrhea, Pbllbp, Pbllbp.
The Diarrhea Song
I don’t really know how to spell the sound of two short wet farts in quick succession, but you kind of curl your tongue inside your mouth and blow air outwards or something like that. Go on and try it. And then sing along. Now let’s have a look at some of the better ones from my list…
- When you’re climbing up a ladder and you feel something splatter. Diarrhea…
- When you go out trick-or-treating and you’re wearing what you’re eating. Diarrhea…
- When you’re walking ‘round the town and your underwear turns brown. Diarrhea…
- When you’re sitting in a chair and you have an anal scare. Diarrhea…
- When you’re climbing up the stairs and you stain your underwear. Diarrhea…

- When you’re sitting in a class and you pee out of your ass. Diarrhea…
- When you’re lying in your bed and you feel a turtlehead. Diarrhea…
- When you’re playing with your cat and you feel a giant splat. Diarrhea…
- When you’re talking to your fish and your heiny starts to squish. Diarrhea…
- When you’re walking around the zoo and you have uncontrollable poo. Diarrhea…
- When you’re visiting the monkeys and your heiny’s feeling chunky. Diarrhea…

- When you’re hanging with your mom and your heiny drops a bomb. Diarrhea…
- When you’re painting Easter eggs and something’s dripping down your legs. Diarrhea…
- When you’re eating dogs at Geekers and something’s filling up your sneakers. Diarrhea… (Geekers is a hot dog place in my hometown).
- When you’re fishing at the docks and something’s filling up your socks. Diarrhea…

- When you’re turning off the light and your butt starts clenching tight. Diarrhea…
- When you’re running to the head and you crap your pants instead. Diarrhea…
- When the toilet is your goal but you can’t make it to the bowl. Diarrhea…
- You know have an issue when you’re out of toilet tissue. Diarrhea…
- When you’re at the bar a’drinking and something starts a’stinking. Diarrhea…
- When you’re digging in the dirt and you feel something squirt. Diarrhea…

- When you’re driving in the car and your undies turn to tar. Diarrhea…
- When you’re driving in a truck and your pants fill up with muck. Diarrhea…
- You know you’ve lost all power when it comes out in the shower. Diarrhea…
- You’re gonna start a’bitching when it comes out in the kitchen. Diarrhea…
- You know you’re in a mess when you poop on your best dress. Diarrhea…

- You know you’re in some trouble when your heiny starts to bubble. Diarrhea…
- When you’re racing for your home and your heiny starts to foam. Diarrhea…
- When your stomach starts to cramp and your underwear feel damp. Diarrhea…
- When you’re swimming in the river and your tummy starts to quiver. Diarrhea…
- You know it’s really mean when you crap in someone else’s jeans. Diarrhea…
- You need to say you’re sorry when it happens at someone else’s party. Diarrhea…

- When your belly starts to ache and your heiny starts to quake. Diarrhea…
- You get a sudden hunch when you’re wearing today’s lunch. Diarrhea…
- When you feel something slimy oozing out of your heiny. Diarrhea…
- When you had some peas to eat and they’re dripping to your feet. Diarrhea…
- When you’re eating in a diner and something’s poking out your heiner. Diarrhea…

- When you have to scream and shout because it’s forcing its way out. Diarrhea…
- When you start to do a dance because you’re about to poop your pants. Diarrhea…
- It really is the pits when you have the runny shits. Diarrhea…
- When you’re flying in a chopper and you really need a hopper. Diarrhea…
- You know you’ve reached the end when you shit on your best friend. Diarrhea…
- And my newest one…my sister challenged me to write a coronavirus verse…When you’re coughing up your lungs and you get the coronavirus runs. Diarrhea…
And there you have it. Clearly I have possibly lost my mind. Or at least the tiny bit of it that was still in tact about 6 weeks ago. But did I at least make you smile?
Which are your favorites? And do you have any verses to share? Please add them in the comments! I need some more laughter, for you can never have enough of it!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Jacket, Hoodie, and Tights-Torrid / Skirt-Thrifted / Boots-Gifted from Husband / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Old

Hi there!
1. LOVE this look!
2. I also enjoyed your diarrhea song, laughter is a necessity in life. 🤣
3. Have you ever watched Bob’s Burgers? They have a similar diarrhea song!
Have a great day!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I will have to check out Bob’s Burgers, I have never seen it! Laughter is definitely a necessity! I hope your weekend is going well.
Donna Marie Dowd
When you’re skating on the ice and you crap not once but twice!…..diarrhea diarrhea.
The pictures of you rockin that outfit interspersed with the diarrhea song is HYSTERICAL. You’ve got a fan and new subscriber!
When you’re rocking a cool style but your pants have one big pile…..diarrhea.
Donna, you are too kind! Thanks so much. I almost spit out my coffee reading your diarrhea verses! They are freaking perfect. I do like to maintain a sense of humor through all things including a simple outfit post on a fashion blog! Haha.
Patrick Weseman
Love your look. Such a lovely and stylish one. Very nice.
Love the song, it is so amazing. A super stroke of genius that I love. Very funny and it is something that is so very needed right now.
Thanks for making me laugh.
Patrick, thank you so much! I am glad that I could provide some reasons to laugh right now! I hope you have a wonderful week.
This is a fantastic outfit! Enjoyed the song, much needed laughter at this time!
Thanks so much, Lovely! We definitely need to laugh right now! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Oh my! What a mess (but I mean that in a good way, LOL). I do have a couple of suggestions …
You know you’re in a mess when you poop on your wedding dress. Diarrhea…
When you think you need to fart but your heiny falls apart. Diarrhea …
It takes you by surprise when you shit in your levis. Diarrhea …
That burrito was so good until you squirted when you stood. Diarrhea …
Now that was a fun exercise. Thanks for the chuckles.
Oh. My. Freaking. God. Rena, I might have possibly just peed my pants a little! Those are amazing verses to this classic song for all the ages! I just laughed so hard, I could barely breathe. Thank you so very, very much for adding extra verses! That was a whole lot of fun!
Probably not the thing to read while waiting for my 2 year old to fall asleep: laughing out loud! some of those are really really good and I just had to laugh!
With 4 boys I have to laugh at poop!
Ha. Thanks, Mireille! I am glad that I could give you a chuckle, but sorry about the timing!
Ha! Being an only child and not having any children of my own, somehow the existence of the diarrhea song completely escaped me. LOL!
I really love your outfit! Like a lot more than the song. 🤣 (I really do understand why people find it so funny.) That skirt is fabulous!
Michelle, thanks so much. I just laughed out loud! Even without siblings, I feel like every kid learns that song somehow…even if it is from friends at school. I am glad that I could “enlighten” you! Haha. I wonder if I can find the history of that song and when it originated because it has been around forever. I wasn’t sure what outfit would match up to the content of this post and when nothing really did, I just went with my oldest unused photos in my photo bank!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Who doesn’t love shits and giggles? I mean, laughter is the best medicine! Just looks at all of the funny memes and vids people have been doing while the world is on lock down, huh? And I love your song!! Makes perfect sense to me!! You should make a video, people who love humor would love it!! However, as a nurse I have seen my share of poop in all forms imaginable, right, and I like making quotes. I have one that says “NO! Code Brown does not mean that there is CHOCOLATE in the break room. Ask a nurse!” I posted it on my blog back in 2017 and it has yet to get any positive comments. Go figure!!
Ha, Dee, this is the best comment! Humor is such a necessity for our sanity, isn’t it? I swear some of the grossest things about being human are only tolerable because people can make super uncomfortable jokes about them. Code Brown doesn’t mean chocolate in the break room! That’s funny! I want to read your post from 2017 now. Is it hard to find?
Dee | Grammy's Grid
It’s under the humor category or either use the search box for code and it should come up 🙂
I found the post and added a comment!
Haha! 75 lines. Way to go (he-he)
You gotta have humor these days or the crazy will get way too high!
You look adorbs 🙂
Thanks so much, Jen! We do have to keep the crazy under wraps and at healthy levels! Humor is definitely a necessity to maintain some sense of sanity! I hope you are doing well!