Strong Like Me & Link Up On the Edge #83
If you missed my post last night, The Evolution of Love, you may want to hop back and read that now. Because that post triggered a pretty intense philosophical discussion with a very dear friend on the topic of strength and vulnerability which in turn inspired this post. And then this meme randomly appeared in my Instagram feed today…
And of course, inspiration has this way of hitting me in the most unexpected ways. Actually this week, it has kind of been pelting me like a hail storm. I’m getting emotionally tired, in all honesty. Feeling a bit bruised and battered. But when the inspiration hits, no matter how exhausted I am, I have to run with it…or crawl, in this case, because I am way too drained for running anywhere with anything. In typical Shelbee fashion, I will conquer this emotional topic with all the strength I have left coursing through my veins, though it be minimal. Because I am strong…like me.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
I have to be straightforward with you here, I really wasn’t quite sure what the graphic on this tee shirt meant. I bought it because I liked the way it fit and I really liked the gold lettering on black. And “strong” is a word that I do identify with. But “Strong Like Me” didn’t really make much sense at first. Until I started writing this post and processing the meaning of these words, by themselves and in the context of that phrase, “Strong Like Me”.
*Graphic Tee: Target (No longer available).
“Strong”: adjective
(1) having, showing, or able to exert great bodily or muscular power; physically vigorous or robust;
(2) accompanied or delivered by great physical, mechanical, etc., power or force;
(3) mentally powerful or vigorous;
(4) especially able, competent, or powerful in a specific field or respect;
(5) of great moral power, firmness, or courage;
(6) powerful in influence, authority, resources, or means of prevailing or succeeding;
(7) aggressive; willful
“Like Me”: a simile (noun): a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid
*Camo Wrap: Torrid (No longer available).
The phrase “Like Me” is really forcing me to dig deep and discover how exactly I should define that. Strong, yes. Confident, absolutely. Kind, you bet. Driven, almost every day. Courageous, usually. Fearless, most of the time. Committed, goal-oriented, loving, generous, bold, intelligent, educated, caring, carefree, happy, honest, sincere, genuine, authentic, whimsical, fun, and funny. I can very comfortably and self-assuredly use those terms to describe myself. Others may possibly view me differently and that’s quite all right. All of it is up to the interpretation of the observer. But nobody spends more time with me than I do, so I think I have a decent understanding of who I am. Or do I?
There are a few descriptive terms that came to light during the above referenced discussion I had last night with my friend. Adjectives that could very well describe who I am that I purposely left out of that list up there. And I omitted them because they made me very uncomfortable. Words like vulnerable and emotional and sentimental, sensitive and tender and soft hearted came at me like a waterspout forming over the sea of my entire understanding of myself. To me, these words indicate weakness. And I have fought for half of my life to not only appear the opposite of weak, but to feel the opposite of weak, to become the opposite of weak, and to exist in my own little place where there is no room for weakness. But then this friend, like a rescue boat coming to throw me a life preserver, said to me…vulnerability is not weakness. There is an incredible strength in being vulnerable. And showing your vulnerability to the world, that is a strength that not many possess. So if you are so strong, then prove it. Prove it by allowing yourself to be vulnerable and to appear vulnerable…naked in all of its susceptibility.
Slowly, I have been allowing minuscule bits of vulnerability to creep into my posts. But I have a way of weaving my words around it so that it is essentially hidden to the reader…unless you were to start dissecting it and analyzing the tone and context used. But nobody reads blog posts that way. I don’t even read blog posts that way. We skim over them, honing in on key words and phrases that catch our interest, maybe grabbing onto a phrase or two that we really like. If we are so inclined, we may use that phrase later in a completely different context than it was ever intended. Maybe it inspired us or triggered an emotion that needed to be processed. Maybe it just made us laugh or roll our eyes. But if you read more closely, you may just find the underlying vulnerability in all of us.
“Vulnerable”: adjective
(1) capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon;
(2) open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.
According to that definition, I suppose even the strongest of us are vulnerable. Read that really carefully. Consider the meaning of the words within the definition of “vulnerable.” That’s intense when you really think about it. Capable of being wounded or hurt. Open to moral attack. Open to criticism. Open to temptation. Yeah, we are all vulnerable. Every single day. And all this time I thought that denying vulnerability was strength when, in fact, denying the existence of an absolute and indisputable certainty is just plain stupid.
*Shoes: Charlotte Russe Peep-Toe Slingback Lace Up Booties
Our strength lies within our vulnerability. It lies within our ability to accept that we are not exempt from harm, attack, criticism, or temptation. It lies within our understanding and recognition that just like everyone else, we are human. Complete with all the imperfections that come with humanness. Forever changing yet always steadfast. A constant contradiction of ourselves. Fighting against self and others, then reuniting on common ground. Unique in every way. Rare combinations of personalities and interests. So, so different but still exactly the same. Our vulnerability is where our power lives. Our strength shines brightest when we are the most vulnerable.
So “Strong Like Me”. After all that philosophical meandering, what does it mean? Well, it means confident, kind, driven, courageous, fearless, committed, goal-oriented, loving, generous, bold, intelligent, educated, caring, carefree, honest, sincere, genuine, authentic, happy, whimsical, fun, funny, comfortable, and self-assured. But it also means uncomfortable, emotional, sentimental, sensitive, tender, soft hearted, and vulnerable. My strength consists of everything that is me.
So, to my friend who made me understand the true nature of strength, of my strength, (you know who you are), thank you. Thank you for everything.
To my readers, are you willing to show your strength through your open vulnerability?
And now your favorite posts from last week.
Maria of Passion Fruit, Paws, and Peonies shared her post, Dog Friendly Pub in Stockbridge. Before we talk about the cuteness of her pups and the wonderful pub with its beautiful food and the way it accommodates your furry friends, doesn’t Maria rock the newsboy cap like no other?! I adore her outfit so much…now head on over to her post and check out the food pictures!

And Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag shared her post, Inspired by Shelbee on the Edge (Hey, that’s me!). But for real, you all clicked her post the most on my link up! How fun is that? Anyway, Kellyann took inspiration from an outfit I shared a few weeks ago and created her own look with the same pieces but for warmer weather. Go check it out if you haven’t already!

Please link up your favorite posts showcasing your style, fashion, accessories, DIY projects, recipes, photographs, artwork, advice, or inspiration.
Please feel free to link up to 5 separate posts. Link to your specific post not to your blog home page.
Please visit and comment on at least as many other links as you have linked up (for example, if you add one link, please visit at least one other link and post a comment; if you add 5 links, please visit at least 5 other links and post comments).
Please also add a link back to my page and follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and/or Bloglovin'.
Make sense? It's all in fairness and in an effort to spread the love, share the love, and feel the love! Because we all want to feel the love...especially at the edge of a tough week!
Now get linking! And have a fabulous weekend!
*By adding a link, you are giving Shelbee on the Edge permission to share your photos as a featured favorite on my blog. I will always provide direct links back to your page.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Lisa Richardson
Love the cool camo cape. Love that that’s three C’s in a row…lol. The tee is awesome too and your hair looks so cute pulled up. I’m super excited you got to be outside and not look like you were about to freeze to death. You are strong and fierce, girl!!! XOXO
Lisa, thank you so much! I totally fell in love with this wrap at first sight! I am so ready for Spring, but now it’s raining for like the next 95 days! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
Morning Shelbee – thank you so much for having me as one of your favourites from last week!! I’m so delighted, it’s made my morning. I’m giving my pups a kiss on the snout for our achievement xx
Thank you so much, Maria, for sharing your posts with me and those pups are just too darn cute! You definitely should be giving them all the kisses! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
That first quote is fantastic! I always think that!
I can only look at your shoes, can t take my eyes of them! Wow, wow, wow! I love them!
It is so true, isn’t it, Nancy? Strength comes out of what we have overcome. And you, my friend, are strong! And my shoes were under $10, can you believe that? Have a great weekend.
Have a great weekend my strong friend. Love the T-shirt too!
Laurie xx
Thank you so much, Laurie! I hope you have a fantastic weekend, too!
You know girl for years after getting my mental health license I tried to deny to myself that I was extremely sensitive and vulnerable. I thought that since I had this fancy degree and a license to practice that I had better not be weak so I tried all the time to act like I wasn’t sensitive. I’m not really sure when the switch took place but at some point I realized there was no denying it and that I could allow myself to be sensitive and vulnerable but how I handled it was in fact where my strength was. Putting myself out there on the internet with the blog is scary and definitely I am vulnerable with each post but I am learning and becoming stronger where I need to be; it’s been a wonderful growing experience. I know that others opinions of me are none of my business but that doesn’t mean it won’t still hurt me if that opinion is negative (I’d rather not know, lol) and that’s okay too.
Speaking of which – yay!!!! I’m glad everyone seemed to like my post inspired by you – I wish it would get cold again so I could wear that outfit once more this year! It was comfortable and fabulous and I got a couple of compliments when I wore it!
Hope you and your gang have a terrific weekend!
Kellyann, thank you so much for sharing your journey with vulnerability. Even throughout my fight with Bipolar Disorder, I still always had on the impenetrable armor of strength. I kind of felt like I might be crazy but no one is allowed to see that. You all get to see this put together, driven, successful woman…not the broken, shattered, pile of tears drowning my pain in booze and pills. Wow. Thank goodness those days are passed! When I came out of that place, it was like I really did become this pillar of unbreakable strength. I will continue to hold onto that strength, but I will try to be a little softer and let all the feels come in, too. It really does make for a richer life. And I agree with you completely that other people’s opinions are none of my business as they really have nothing to do with me at all!
I was so excited that your post was most clicked! It made me smile! Have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Deborah Stinedurf
Powerful post my friend. Yes, there is strength in vulnerability. But like you, I struggle with it. I learned at a young age to hide any sign of what I felt to be weakness. I’m getting better at letting the defenses down, but it’s a work in progress. On a different note…that wrap is absolutely fabulous!
Debbie, thank you so much for sharing your experience. I guess I always thought everyone was like us…hiding vulnerability and wearing our strong armor everywhere we go…until it was brought to my attention that this is not the case. So now it is really nice to know that I am not alone…and that women whom I respect so highly (like you) struggle with the same. I guess it really is true that letting our defenses down allows the really good stuff to come into our lives.
Tiina Lehtoranta
I think we’re all vulnerable to some extent, whether we like to admit or not. Some of us just hide it better, or learn to hide their own ‘sensitive’ spots, so to speak. And some people even manage to hide their own vulnerability from themselves. But nobody gets through life unscathed, or, to quote one of my favourite songs ‘you can’t survive life’ (sorry, it doesn’t translate well, it makes more sense in the original…).
Personally, I would rather chop off my arm that let other people (especially strangers) see my vulnerability. And even with friends, I keep my guard up, to some extent. But I know exactly what makes me vulnerable, and where my sensitive spots are.
Tiina, thank you so much for joining the discussion and sharing where you stand when it comes to vulnerability. It is nice to know that I am not alone in the struggle! And actually “you can’t survive life” translates perfectly, in my opinion. No one gets out of here alive! And time goes by all too quickly, so I am trying my best to make this life as fulfilled as possible. I guess it means letting my guard down sometimes, too, to allow the richness of different experiences and feelings to sneak in.
Kathrine Eldridge
Thank you for your honesty here. Being vulnerable is hard but it eventually brings love in from all sides. Love the tee and that camo wrap is so cool!
Kathrine, thank you so much. I agree completely…when we can let down our guard, so much beauty can flow into our lives.
Daisy Jones blog
Shelbee your friend is very very wise to tell you that vulnerability is not a weakness and she is so right too. Superb post…thank you for sharing and hosting xxxx
Ashley, thank you so much for this comment! She really is quite an amazing, profound, smart woman and I am very blessed to have her in my life and on my side through this crazy journey!
Shelbee, the moment I saw that top which read Strong Like Me, I smiled because I felt it summed you up beautifully! I do think you have a vulnerable side to you which you do occasionally show in your posts, but because you’re willing to show that side of you, it makes you a strong woman! And one I’m proud to call my friend <3
Suzy xx
Suzy, thank you so much! And speaking of vulnerability, your comment just made my eyes swell up with some strange sort of clear liquid! For real, I appreciate you and your friendship so very much! Thank you.
Elizabeth Ramsey
Thanks again, for sharing your soul! There are so many people out there that take strength from your posts and bravery in exposing your vulnerability. And the camo wrap is amazing!
Elizabeth, thank you so very much for this comment. You have validated my very purpose and for that I couldn’t more grateful.
jodie filogomo
It’s kinda like “fierce”. I know we all are, yet there are times we don’t really feel that way. Because we aren’t super heros…just regular women who have a past which brings us so many experiences!!
Truly you are fabulous Shelbee!!!!
Jodie, thank you! Strength is very much like ferocity, I agree. There are days when we feel strong and days we feel weak. Days we are fierce and days when we just want to stay in bed! We are regular women with unique pasts that have brought straight to the place where we are. We aren’t super heroes, but yet we are…every single day…regular super heroes…conquering all of life’s challenges! You are quite fabulous, too, my fierce friend! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Need that shirt!! You rock it!
Thank you so much, Tamar! I recently got it at Target on the clearance rack. I couldn’t find a link online for it, but you may be able to find it in your local Target! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Nicole at High Latitude Style
This look has really a nice edge. Well done, lady!
Thanks so much, Nicole! Have a great weekend.
Good food for thought Shelbee! I feel like you show so much of yourself in your blog posts…vulnerability, strength, determination and so much more. It’s part of why I admire and respect you. Glad to have found you in the blog world and love the outfit girl…
Chrissy, thank you so very much for this comment. I am so glad that we have found each other in the blog world! You rock, my friend!
Amy Christensen
Shelbee, I love your philosophical wanderings. I’ve been struggling with the idea of vulnerability myself. While I haven’t struggled in the same ways you have, I think many of us, as women struggle with our worth and feeling valued. Vulnerability means that we are opening ourselves up to others, which can be painful. I appreciate you being real with us, because it reminds us that we are all in this together. Love the tee! – Amy
Amy, thank you so much for this comment and for sharing your struggle with me. We really do struggle with self-worth, don’t we? Probably more often than we even realize it. We are definitely all in this together and I appreciate how empowered all of my amazing blogger friends can make each other feel! I hope you have an amazing weekend!
I love the outfit. That top is so cute.
Thank you so much, Courtney! You are such a sweetheart. Have a great weekend.
I love this tee, and what it means! I agree that we can all be vulnerable, but it’s the strong who see it as a strength. I’m also loving your camo wrap. So cute paired with the tee and light denim!
Rachael, thank you so much! It only took me 43 years to see vulnerability as a strength! But I guess it is more about the journey in this life anyway, so here I am…accepting vulnerability as a strength and letting my guard down just a bit at 43 years old. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I absolutely love your tee and the message it sends! You are rocking it!
Thank you so much, Laura! I really wish I could have found the link for this tee online. I recently grabbed it from the clearance rack at Target, but I can’t find it online. Ugh. Have a great weekend, my friend.
Cheryl Tucker
This is a great post. I am not good at showing vulnerability and as a matter of fact over time I am not sure I could change that. It is a rough old old out there. I love your look today! You are so good at coming up with new looks that are so fun! Happy Friday.
Cheryl, thank you so much for this wonderful comment and compliment! I think that just admitting that you are not good at showing vulnerability and that you probably won’t change that shows your strength. There is strength in knowing exactly who you are and embracing that with acceptance and self love.
Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
This is a really thoughtful post – and it made me pause this morning. As a matter of fact, when I have more time later I’m going to come back and read it again. In the day to day, I don’t consider myself strong. But when I think back, I’m strong when it counts, so it must have been there all along.
Lana, thank you so much! And thank you for showing a bit of your own vulnerability here. I think that our strength shows through when we feel our weakest. Like that saying…you don’t know how strong you are until you are forced to be strong. So, yeah, your strength has been there all along…because here you are, putting yourself out there with your blog as well. There is an amazing vulnerability and strength in just that action itself. I am glad that my post has given you something to ponder! Stay fierce, my friend, and embrace your vulnerability!
Have a great weekend Shelbee. I love those boots and that shirt.
Xx, Nailil
Thank you so much, Nailil! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Suzanne Smith
All so beautifully said! We are such contradictions. I love that you’re exploring being vulnerable…have you read Brene Brown’s book? If not you would really enjoy it. It talks about vulnerability and how important it is. You are obviously a very strong person and I loved reading this post…and by the way – those shoes!
Suzanne, thank you so much! Contradictions, indeed. I think that is the key to better understanding ourselves…accepting that we are contradictions and that it is okay to be just that. We do not fit into perfect little boxes. We can be one thing one day and something completely different the next. We can change our minds and our beliefs and our philosophies on a whim and that is okay. Sometimes we may have no explanation for these changes in ourselves and that is okay, too! I have never read Brene Brown’s book, but I shared a quote of hers on my IG post today. I think I will check out her stuff now. Thank you for the suggestion, for the lovely comment, and for your friendship!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
You are amazing Shelbee! That is a great top, and has such a powerful message behind it! Thank you for always showing the real side of you!
Laura, I appreciate that so much! It is a bit intimidating putting that all out there, so thank you for accepting the real me!
love that tee Shelby!!!!!!
Thank you so much, Stephanie! I wish I could have found a link for it.
What a great tee and what a great dissection of the phrase and what it means to you. I believe that allowing yourself to be truly vulnerable requires a lot of strength. Yes, we are all vulnerable at all times, but often we push that thought away and pretend it is not so. But I think when we accept our vulnerability, it allows us to be ourselves, which I think is so important.
Thanks for the link up! Have a great weekend!
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
Andrea, thank you so much. This…”I think when we accept our vulnerability, it allows us to be ourselves” is spot on, in my opinion. And yet allowing ourselves to be ourselves is such a difficult journey, isn’t it? It makes me wonder why…why we fight against ourselves so hard. Perhaps another blog post in the making…but first I need to rest my weary psyche before I dive deeper into the depths of human understanding! Thank you for sharing your insight on the topic. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Sheela Goh
There are posts, and there are posts like yours, Shelbee. While I may not always comment (I am working on rectifying that particularly vulnerable chink in my armour), I am always reading. Analysing and dissecting, and trying my level best to understand what the person is actually saying. I don’t always get it, I admit, but I always get your pieces. I love your honesty, and your courage.
Wow, Sheela, that is the highest of compliments when it comes from a woman whose writing I respect on the highest level. I am attempting to rectify my lack of commenting these days as well. I need more hours. I just need more hours! It makes my heart full to know that when you read my writing that you are understanding where I am. It takes a very special connection for that to happen, I think. And I am grateful for our connection and our friendship! Love you, my friend!
I went through a phase of emotional exhaustion in January and yes, vulnerable. This is quite a well written post! Absolutely loving the “strong..like me” phrase! <3
Jeanne, thanks so much for reading! Emotional exhaustion is really quite a struggle, isn’t it? I am looking forward to recovering this weekend and getting back on track. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Marilee Gramith
Life just doles out a lot of unnecessary, undeserved roughness. Human beings are vulnerable to a variety of strength building “shit”. Strength develops from those experiences and we may gain insight and learning that can instruct our future behavior. I think that insight and learning and requires recognizing our own vulnerability and the vulnerability of others (ie. our own humanity)
Sharing your story of having bipolar disorder, on your blog, shows a complete recognition and understanding of your own vulnerability Michelle. It is also clear evidence of your STRENGTH, shown by your willingness to risk ridicule or rejection to help others who might benefit from your experiences. With your help they might become “strong like you”.
Heck girl! You’re dancing with your vulnerability every time you write and publish your thoughts and your image! You’re building strength because you do this despite what others may believe. You know you! You and only you have been “there”. You are that vulnerable warrior!
Jude, with every comment that you leave on my blog, I feel more and more empowered and more willing to accept that what I do here has meaning and purpose. Thank you so much for your amazing words. You are a very kind and wise woman and I feel so blessed to get to know you through this blogging journey. You have brought tears to my eyes once again!
I read and had to internalize both of your post to let it sit. Marinate sort of speak! Lol
When I was young I thought crying and emoting was a weakness. In my mind to show friends and family that I got easily hurt was not a trait of the strong. But I was wrong and it was the opposite, being vulnerable helps us grow and allow us to experience emotions and life that we normally wouldn’t if we didn’t let our guards down, we allow ourselves to become strong by being able to handle the curve balls of life. I love graphic tees as they are so easy to wear and yours is no exception! Love how you paired it with a camo cape! Wishing you a marvelous weekend!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, I’m glad you had time to let it marinate! I did not take that time and just started pouring the crazy stuff into words. I actually had to reread both posts a bunch of times after I published them, too. Just to grasp what the heck I was trying to say! I have always been the kind of person who seems to “feel” more than most. While it can make life bitter and a bit more difficult at times, it definitely brings much more meaning to life. We fight so hard sometimes to show the world some image that is not truly us…we just let bits and pieces come through. And we all do that, I think. So I am just trying to unravel the mystery of myself through the writing process…and I keep learning different aspects of who I am. It is weird, strange, uncomfortable, and completely rewarding!
Marilee Gramith
It’s a long way from the Black Hills of South Dakota to upstate New York (right?). Nonetheless your suggestion that we meet for coffee along with your kind responses to my comments are pretty tempting Shelbee!
You’ve hit on the most difficult (for me) aspect of discovering, following and really enjoying my favorite bloggers! I HATED the idea of never meeting so many of them!
When I somehow was invited to participate in a blogger meet-up in February of last year I jumped at the chance. As a non-blogger I felt like a meet-up crasher/ rebel but in fact I was warmly recieved and went to a second meetup 8 months later. I met Rena Perez/ Fine Whatever at the first meetup and was her roommate at the second one. She focused a blog post on me ( A Woman I Know) in late December/early January which was so cool. I’m pretty sure you commented on that post but that was before I was following you.
I checked out a few of your earlier posts today and came upon the two you wrote on the topic of sex/ libido/ porn/ marriage. Great stuff! Once again I was struck by your honesty, frankness and courage. I love the fearless way you just put yourself out there and tackle a (delicate?) topic with enthusiasm. Once again you risk, (losing followers? being rejected? being criticized?) in order to seek knowledge and maybe some kinship with like minded women who are as curious and open to their own human vulnerability as you are! Bravo my young friend!!
Also, on a more direct note… Where do you find the porn movies you referred to?? They sound like something I could benefit from in the same way you do. Yup, at 66 I’m still working to improve on my waxing and waning libido. It’s a process
I like coffee and tea!! Let’s not rule it out. You just never know!!
Jude, I totally just put it altogether that you were the woman featured by Rena in her post! I definitely did comment on that post and I just went back to it to refresh my memory! This makes me so happy because I have been wanting to have a face to your name. And such a beautiful face you have! Isn’t Rena just the kindest soul ever? I met up with Rena in December of 2016 and she escorted me and my best friend all around L.A. Oh, we had so much fun!
You have no idea how it makes my heart sing and my soul feel right when readers share with me how my experiences have helped them in some way. I have always felt that writing was my gift and my way of reaching the world and expressing myself. I also have always felt that helping others was in my blood, my calling so to speak. It was a long road getting to a healthy place myself where I could begin this work. But here I am and I am grateful for the journey and where I have landed. And now I feel so blessed that what I do has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing women (and men) all over the world. I am so excited to nurture these new friendships! I know Forever Fierce is planning a meet up in LA in the Fall. Hopefully, we can both make it there and then we can have coffee AND tea!
With regard to where I find my porn movies, I am going to send you an email just for the sake of preventing searches from linking my website to all that crazy stuff! I don’t want to get blasted with all this dirty spam stuff!
Via B Design
I love that first quote. On my desk is a quote calendar and today is “The secret to using power is not to use it, just having it is enough.” Power is somewhat similar to strength, don’t you think? And yes – the strongest of us are definitely vulnerable.
Via, that is a fabulous quote, indeed! I agree…power is very much like strength. And our power manifests in so many different forms. There is power in our words, in our actions, in the way we love, and act, and do, and be. And yes, just having that power within us really is quite often…enough. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing that! I think I am going to use that on my IG post!
What a wonderful and inspiring post! I think the word strong means different things to different people. I also agree that some of the strongest people have had to endure some difficulties in order to get there. It is very important to know what is meaningful to us and then we must make a priority of accomplishing those things. You seem to be able to make that happen. And that is very admirable.

I really love your outfit today as well. The camouflage poncho is fabulous with the denim and beautiful leopard shoes. And your T-shirt – well it speaks for itself ! Bravo!
Elle, thank you so much for reading and for sharing your insights on vulnerability. I know that you have written a lot about this topic as well. You have shown your incredible strength that has come out of your struggles and I admire you so much for that! You are definitely one of the strongest women I have ever known and I have definitely placed you in the category as a person of iconic proportions for me! Keep inspiring!
Dear Shel, this post in addition to the “Evolution of Love” were by far the best two pieces I read all week and definitely YOUR BEST. As you know both of these posts and what you wrote totally 100% resonate with my current life at the moment. As a matter of fact I have not one, not two but three very deep, raw posts that also touch on these subjects and one of these days I will finish writing them and pres “publish”. Even-though you don’t see it on the blog a lot since I mostly talk about fashion (lol), there is a little writer inside of me eager to get out and scream and let all the emotions come out. Sometimes I do just that, lately a little bit through my poetry. And since 2018 is the year I am dedicating to self-joy, I think it is time I let more of my raw emotions appear now and then (you know my vulnerability) and it is always a sign of strength and humanity, inner beauty and elegance. I loved reading this and cannot wait for you to touch similar subjects again, not always of course but every now and then. Also, I showed my vulnerability (and strength) to you a couple of weeks ago as you know. Am I weak for doing it?! I doubt it!
Also on a style not, love love this outfit. Of course I had to comment on this chic, edgy and comfortably-layered look. Love the fun peep-toe booties worn with tights and that camo cape is super amazing!
Keep doing you! You are AMAZINGGGGG!!
Ada, thank you so much, my friend, for validating what I do! Knowing where you are in your life right now, I was hoping that these two posts would resonate with you. I am so looking forward to reading what that anxious little writer inside you is going to pour out. Let her loose, don’t hold back, put the feelings down, and show your strength in your vulnerability. It is THE most cathartic and healing process…for me…as a writer, so I am sure it is for you, too!
I sure will. There will be lot of deep, thought-provoking raw posts on my blog this end of Winter and through Spring and probably later on too.
Oh and by the way: Starting next Sunday, I will be having a monthly linkup the first Sunday of each month so welcome by and join it. It will be awesome! Have a Happy Sunday! Ada. =)
Thank you for letting me know, Ada! I will add the link up to my Fabulous Link Ups page!
Hi sweetie,
What a beautiful post. Is there anything I can do? I totally agree with you- our vulnerability makes us both strong and authentic. And also relatable. Nobody is perfect and I love the visual… it is so true. You are such a lovely and beautiful person, Shelbee, I am sorry to hear that you are emotionally tired. Please, let me know if there is anything that I can do.
Sending hugs your way,
Miri, you are so sweet! I am quite all right actually! Just when you tap into emotions like that it can be a bit exhausting. But really I am in a great place mentally! I appreciate your support so very much. Thanks for popping by. I hope you have a fabulous week!
Alicia O'Brien
Love the massage in this post Shelbee! YOu definitely have made me think about my strengths and what it means to be strong xx
Alicia, thank you so much for reading. I am glad that I given you some ideas to ponder and I hope you have been able to tap into your own individual strengths as a result. Have a wonderful week, my friend.
I love that shirt! It is so important to believe in your own strength. Thanks for you inspiration!
Thank you so much, Amanda! This a very cathartic post to write, that’s for sure. Have a wonderful day!
Alice | Letters to my Daughter
What a very philosophical and thought provoking post. Thanks for being so honest. I agree, we are all vulnerable, and I worry about the people I know who try so desperately hard to bury that vulnerability. It’s what makes us human and keeps us accountable for our actions.
Thanks so much for linking up to #BlogCrush <3 I've really enjoyed this post, but we do ask that no linky posts are add, just for future reference. We'd love you to join us again this weekend
Alice, thank you so much for this lovely comment. I am so glad that you found it thought provoking and I agree with your insight into vulnerability. And I sincerely apologize that I added a linky post. I did read that and I honestly wasn’t even thinking and just linked my most recent post! I will definitely join again this weekend with a non link up post! Thank you for the reminder and have a wonderful day.
Emma Peach
Such a thought-provoking post Shelbee! I was so afraid to show my vulnerability when I was younger, but it’s liberating to let go of that fear. It also makes you more open and approachable, and therefore people naturally warm to you. Love your T-shirt and the message on it!
Emma xxx
Emma, thank you so much! Vulnerability is definitely a difficult thing for a lot of people to show. I have trained myself for so long to never appear vulnerable that breaking down those walls is quite the process. But man, it is so much more rewarding to show a little vulnerability.
Rania Abdulla
I like the fact that you highlighted that nobody spends time with me than me….we often think we do not know ourselves and even when asked about certain and we don’t entirely remember what we would do and possibly answer in a manner that could not have been further from the truth as we don’t sit and record every single moment of our lives, we still know what are capabilities are far more than anyone else could.
Rania, thank you so very much! It is so true…we do know ourselves better than anyone else, yet it is still very hard to predict how we would react to certain situations until the moment we are faced with them. All of life is a learning experience, isn’t it?