Star Gazing & Your Own Twist Link Up #35

Monica and I are back with our monthly Your Own Twist Link Up. This month we chose Start Gazing as the theme for styling our outfits. Star Gazing is one of my favorite night time activities especially in the summer months when you can lie on the grass and stare up into the vastness of the universe as it twinkles and shimmers and shines right back on you.
While Star Gazing may seem like an odd style theme because you really could star gaze wearing anything you want or even nothing at all. If you do opt for naked star gazing, however, I recommend a thick layer of bug spray so you don’t end up with constellations of mosquito bites on your buttocks! I do not star gaze in the nude because the mosquitoes like me the best and they come out in droves when they smell my sweet blood, so I am much better off remaining clothed for a night of gazing at the stars.
You might already know that I am a giant space geek and love all things NASA. I had been wanting a NASA tee shirt for a really long time and was super excited for this one that my kids gave to me for Christmas. But after I wore it one time, I didn’t really like the way it fit me or how it felt on my body. It is a men’s tee shirt from Old Navy so I regifted it to my husband and went searching again. I spotted this NASA tee on a Torrid sale a few months back and swiftly added it to my cart.

And then it sat in my closet room, smiling ever so flirtingly at me every time I got dressed, for months. When it came time to style an outfit for Star Gazing, it all but jumped up out of the mountain of clothing and put itself on my body. I had every intention of doing a NASA post with Suzy featuring this tee shirt, but we never have gotten round to it. Perhaps we will soon and I will have another reason for wearing this cute tee!
We had a family emergency that took us out of town from Saturday until Tuesday (all is well so nothing to worry about!) and I decided to wear my Star Gazing outfit for the long drive to Pennsylvania. That decision led to my super comfy pajama pants from Rainbow Zen. I have shared the olive green ones and the blue ones already, but this is the first time I am sharing the black ones. They are seriously the most comfortable pants I have ever owned. I have been wearing these three pairs plus the tie dye ones on constant repeat all summer long.
Because I was going for all comfort all day long, I kept accessories minimal with a pair of black footbed sandals, a silver crescent moon necklace, and silver earrings that remind me of planets. Those seemed perfectly suited to an outfit meant for star gazing. I did not, however, do any star gazing in this outfit. But I did spend the evening sitting by my sister’s swimming pool looking up into a cloudy sky wearing this outfit. I guess that is good enough. And sometimes good enough is absolutely enough!

About Your Own Twist
Your Own Twist is a monthly link party hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and me on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
We will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not. Check out the graphic below which has some of our upcoming style prompts.
Be sure to hop on over to Monica’s blog for more details about her adorable maternity star gazing outfit! And then link up some of you favorite outfits whether they are for Star Gazing or not! Next month’s style prompt is Inspired by Country Music so feel free to join us with you own country music style! And if you want to co-host the party with us, just let me know in the comments.
Featured Favorite from Summer Loving
Katie of Hello Katie Girl shared her post, Villa Skirt, featuring a gorgeous maxi skirt that screams Summer Loving! Isn’t her outfit so fun and super romantic?

Don’t miss out on my giveaway before it expires next week! Trendhim is offering a $35 gift voucher to one of my readers. I am using a Rafflecopter giveaway below. Just follow the prompts to enter. This giveaway is limited to the continental United States. So I do apologize to all of my international and overseas friends. The giveaway will be open until August 23, 2021. I will announce the winner at that time.
a Rafflecopter giveawayKeeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Tee-Torrid / Pants-Rainbow Zen / Shoes-Payless / Necklace-Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Old

I never have done done star gazing. Last week we had fallen stars in the middle of the night, didn’t wake up for it….. glad to read that everything is okay and you are back home again!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I love to watching falling or shooting stars, too! I have seen many in my life and it always takes my breath away! I look forward to catching up with you on Tuesday!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a fun theme – super fun look!
Thanks, Tamar! This was a fun light-hearted theme!
Amy Johnson
It’s a great outfit to wear star gazing as it looks super comfy. Love that fun tee!
Thanks so much, Amy! It is really comfy. I wore it two days in a row! Haha.
I love stargazing! Always have. Ever since I was a child, I would always look for the north star, which all makes sense now since I’m a starseed, more specifically a sirian starseed.
Curated By Jennifer
Oh my gosh, Jennifer, I have never heard of starseeds until I just looked it up! I do believe that I am also a starseed and now I need to research all this in more depth! Thank you so much for always educating me about new things!
I’m so glad I could teach you about it!! You’ll have to let me know what type of starseed you are when you figure it out. Sirian’s job is to try to save the earth and care about the environmnet. I’m still learning. I recently found out I was a starseed back in November when it was my week during our power of 8 bookclub. While everyone was focusing on me, my osteopath, kept hearing starseed over and over again. And then back in February I learned there are different types, so I meditating with my spirit guides and they told me sirian. And when I looked it up, it was literally me.
I have been reading some articles online about star seeds and I just took one quiz that said I was also Sirian. Upon further reading, I also have the qualities of an Orion starseed. But I definitely need to dive into this further. I am absolutely intrigued!
You can definitely have multiple types! I’m definitely sirian but I also have some andromedan qualities, but andromeda is part of the sirian solar system or something like that so it’s all related.
I am so excited to investigate this further! I will keep you posted on what else I discover!
Jacqui Berry
You look perfect for star gazing! I too have a few posts that I neglected to post – maybe I should go back to them. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I have so many post ideas in my head right now that I don’t even know where to begin! I love when my creativity gets flowing, but sometimes it gets to where I struggle to harness and direct it! Haha.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
When I was a kid, I had a glow-in-the-dark map of the Northern Hemisphere constellations. I’d stare at it after the lights were out, and memorize all the constellations (Cassiopeia, the lady in the chair, was my favourite). I can still pick out about a dozen of them on a clear night.
I wore a galaxy print jacket the other day – I’ve included that for the link-party. Thanks for hosting, Shelbee!
I love your NASA tee! I have a space shuttle Christmas decoration that a friend bought for me in Houston. 🙂 Great theme. Glad your emergency wasn’t too terrible. Take care!
Sheila, thanks so much. I love that you had a constellation map! How fun! I took astrology in high school when it was like a brand new elective and my school had a brand new planetarium. It was really hard to get into the class because it was in such high demand. I enjoyed it so much but don’t remember very much about the constellations these days. I should study up and refresh my memory. I can’t wait to check out your galaxy print jacket! I have a crazy colorful galaxy print tank top that I almost wore for this post, but I really wanted to get my NASA tee out!
Marsha Banks
I love how you find inspiration in everything! Stargazing is something I haven’t done in such a long time…maybe tonight! There is something magical, isn’t there, about lying back and just gazing up into the universe. I love those pants…gonna have to check them out!
Thanks so much, Marsha! There really is something magical about the vastness of space and the way the planets and stars all seem to work in perfect harmony. Star gazing has always been a great way for me to keep proper perspective as well. We are all just a tiny part of this perfectly orchestrated chaos!
I love your comfy star gazing attire. I have always been a big space fan. There was a time in my life when I wanted to be an astronaut, but life didn’t have that in store for me. And that’s okay. But it’s still my happy place when I’m feeling overwhelmed. I think about the fact that we are literally all star stuff. And the vastness of space. The life of our sun. Black holes. And it makes all my concerns seem trivial. It’s probably the closest I will ever get to spirituality.
Oh my gosh, Michelle, I love that! And that is a great avenue to spirituality, I think! It all boggles my mind and keeps me deep in thought when I try to process the magnitude of space as well as the perfectly orchestrated chaos or whatever it is! I guess it’s kind of where I find my spirituality as well. The bigger and the vaster the expanse that I try to imagine, the more I can recognize just how much we are all energy connected by well, star stuff, I suppose!
I feel the same way. Contemplating the universe ignites my imagination and soothes me. I am totally enamored by the fact that the iron in our hemoglobin that is coursing through our veins was b\created in a supernova.
What?! I didn’t know that about the iron in our blood! So cool! I have this weird thing that sometimes happens with my tattoos. During certain moon phases, all the ink will be pulled to the surface of my skin making my tattoo all bumpy and itchy. It doesn’t happen often, only very occasionally. I had asked my tattoo artist years ago about it and he said that through all his years of tattooing that seemed to happen to people who were very connected to the earth and universe. The moon cycles pulls the ink in a similar way that it pulls the ocean and makes the waves. Isn’t that crazy?!
Regine Karpel
What a cute look. I love it so much.
Thanks so much, Regine! Cute and comfy is the way to go some days!
Love your fun NASA tee! I wish I could do more star gazing but unfortunately it’s hard to see the stars from Los Angeles with all of the light pollution. Thanks for hosting and featuring me in today’s post!
Thanks so much, Katie! That is such a bummer that light pollution ruins your star gazing opportunities! I live in a pretty rural place so I can get some decent views here. But I would love to see the stars from the vast plains of the midwest where there is absolutely no light pollution some day, too!
What a brilliant theme and you outfit is super cool! Have a fun weekend!
Thank you, Lovely! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
So glad everything is okay! Your tee is so fun! Love this comfy look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I really appreciate that!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love the fun theme Shelbee! So glad you finally got your tee. It’s cute and I would love it under a blazer in fall. Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Oooh, I do love blazers with graphic tees but this is not one I had considered styling that way. And now my creativity is flowing with ideas how to style my NASA tee with a blazer! Hehe. Thanks for the suggestion!
Maya Kuzman
Love star gazing! We usually go to a nearby mountain ridge that has no light pollution and enjoy ourselves! A couple of years ago when there was a meteor shower, the sky was mindblowing and spectacular! Will remember that night to the end of my life!
Thanks so much, Maya! That meteor shower does sound unforgettable! I have memories of shooting star sightings that will stay with me forever. How great that you have a spot with no light pollution for proper star gazing! I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Oh the mosquitoes love me too! I’ve even gotten bug bites in the middle of winter before oddly enough. You outfit looks so cute and cozy.
Thanks, Joanne! I have gotten bug bites during off seasons, too. They find me everywhere I go! Right now, I have so many bug bites that my legs look like I have a mild form of leprosy or something. Mosquitoes really do ruin my outdoor enjoyment. I hope you have a fabulous and skeeter-free weekend, my friend!
Its beautiful
Thanks so much. Have a great day, Azka!
I’m loving that NASA shirt! What a fun dressing up theme! Thank you for hosting this link up!
Life is a Shoe
Thanks so much, Celyn! This was definitely a fun theme to create an outfit!
Love your NASA graphic tee, and your entire star gazing outfit! I have to cover myself from head to toe in the lightest, gauziest clothes I can find to go out in nature on summer evening since the mosquitoes seem to love me, too! Taking time out of our daily lives to contemplate the beauty and vastness of the universe really puts things into perspective, doesn’t it? Have a good weekend and thanks for the link up!
Di, thanks so much for this lovely comment! I agree completely about the vastness of the universe giving some serious perspective. Oh those little skeeters are something else, aren’t they? I am the best mosquito repellant for anyone who spends time near me in the great outdoors because they will all swarm me and leave everyone else alone! Even when I am covered head to toe, they still find a way to bite me! I hope you have an amazing and skeeter-free weekend, my friend.
Lucy Bertoldi
I’ve never seen a shooting or falling star! I wish! What a great theme this is!
Thanks so much, Lucy! I have seen so many shooting stars in my lifetime! I always think they are my dad waving hello to me from the after life!
Daenel T.
So funny to read this post… Last night I had a dream about stars and, of course, now I can’t remember it… Just bits and pieces.
Adore the tee. I’m so into graphic tees but I don’t wear them nearly enough. Like I have a whole collection of them for work {library related} and, yet, they sit in my drawer unworn. *deep sigh*
Thanks so much, Daenel! A dream about stars sounds like it was probably a pretty cool dream! I haven’t been wearing my graphic tees as often as I used to either and I have a huge collection! We should both make an effort to style ours more often. I would love to see some of your library related tees! I am a giant book nerd as well as a space geek!
I used to star-gaze when I lost my dad. I looked up to see if I could see any stars shining brightly. Great theme and I love your look 🙂 Thanks so much for linking up with me.
Aw, Claire, I have always talked to my dad in the stars ever since he passed away 27 years ago. There have been numerous occasions when I have asked for a sign and every time I have I saw a shooting star. There was even a shooting star spotted by both of my sisters at the moment that my father passed away all those years ago. So star gazing is a very sentimental activity for me as well! It brings me joy and comfort and perspective.