Songful Style Link Party 13 | “Love at First Sight” by Kylie Minogue

“I’m late! I’m late! For a very important date!”
The White Rabbit, Alice in Wonderland
Tardiness is one of my peeviest pet peeves so I’m a little annoyed with myself for not having this post published yesterday as I had committed to doing. I had all of my photos ready to go before I headed off on my annual winter road trip with every intention of doing some work while I was on vacation. But I quickly transitioned into vacation mode, put my laptop away, and never opened it again until this morning. So I’m only a little annoyed because it was really nice to put it all away for a few days. I spent Saturday brunching and shopping with Michelle in Asheville and we didn’t even take any photos except for a few that I took of her outfit. I will share more about my trip in another post. I had a most wonderful time, but I am struggling to transition out of vacation mode!
So let me get to down to this business of songs and style and how we play dress up like a bunch of middle aged teenagers!
About Songful Style
Songful Style is an ageless style challenge series hosted by Suzy of The Grey Brunette, Shelbee of Shelbee on the Edge, Marsha of Marsha in the Middle, and Michelle of Funky Fashion Style.
Each month we will share a song with the lyrics and video and we invite you to use whatever aspect of the song that inspires you to create an outfit.
It is similar to Style Imitating Art where we use artwork to inspire our outfit creations. Except Songful Style gives you lyrics, music, video, and album artwork to inspire your fashion creativity. You may even find inspiration in a memory triggered by the selected song. It is all open to your own personal interpretation and just a fun way to discover new music and get a little bit more creative with your wardrobe.
Anyone is welcome to join us on a permanent basis or you can just play along without any obligation to do anything other than feel inspired. We are flexible and fun and just want to find more ways to play dress up because it’s what we enjoy doing!
We will be posting on the last Monday of each month and will announce our song choice for the following month at the end of each post.
This month’s song, “Love at First Sight” by Kylie Minogue, was chosen by Suzy. You can find the lyrics, the video, some of the fabulous outfits worn by the artist, and the history of the song in my post here.
So let’s see how “Love a First Sight” translates into fashion…
- Suzy of The Grey Brunette
- Marsha of Marsha in the Middle
- Michelle of Funky Fashion Style

I was inspired by the love theme and the purple and red dancer costumes, so I pulled out all of my love things…a love pom pom hat, a love sweater, and a love necklace. I also added my key necklace which has a special story about love as well and my heart earrings that were a gift from my children. Then I went with a red, purple, black, and white color palette adding my ivory combat boots to represent Kylie’s combat pants. I purposely chose stairs for my photos but I didn’t dare strut down them like she does in the video for that would likely have ended in some sort of bodily injury. I was really pleased with the end result. This outfit made me smile the whole time I was wearing it. I guess that makes sense since it’s all covered in love!
And that’s it. That’s all I’ve got. I’m late. And I’m tired. So very tired. I drove 600 miles yesterday which was 9 1/2 hours behind the wheel. I am very grateful to Prince Harry for accompanying and entertaining me via Audible for a good portion of my solo drive. He was wonderful company. I could listen to him talk for hours. In fact, I did listen to him talk for hours…about 8 so far.

If you would like to join us for next month’s Songful Style challenge, we will be hosting a link party on March 27, 2023, featuring our outfits inspired by my song choice, “Sweet Baby James” by James Taylor. I will share more details about my song choice in a later post as usual. Until then, happy styling!

Featured Favorite from “Tell Me Baby” by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Emma of Style Splash
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Sweater, Biker Shorts, and Socks-Torrid / Dress-Old Navy / Coat-Charlotte Russe / Boots-Shoe Dazzle / Hat and Gloves-TJ Maxx / Love Necklace-Queen Bitter / Key Necklace-Old / Earrings-Gift from my children / Scarf-Linda Gibbs Handmade / Tights-Sock Dreams

Jacqui Berry
Such a good challenge. You’ve paired it well Shelbee. Hope you enjoyed your vacation. Don’t be too hard on yourself for not posting when you wanted to. You needed the break xx Jacqui xx
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I definitely needed the break. As soon as I recover from the traveling, I always feel renewed after this trip. But I returned north to never-ending snow! Ohh, I am very ready for spring.
Suzy Turner
I wouldn’t worry about being a little late, Shelbee! I was about six hours later than usual too due to my coming down with a nasty stomach bug!
I love how you came up with your outfit, with all the little things relayed to love, that’s genius! And teh red and purple is just gorgeous. I would have done the same colours had I had anything to wear lol!
Great to hear you had such a good time, but boy that’s a long drive to do on your own!!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I was really pleased with this outfit! Red and purple really are so great together. We should wear it more often! It was a very long drive alone, but I had Prince Harry keeping me company!
I adore this outfit! It is so freakin’ cute. I toyed with purple and red too, but didn’t really achieve the look I wanted. I need to start working on next month now, rather than waiting until the last minute. So glad to know you made it home okay. I was a bit worried about the weather heading toward your area. It was so great to see you, catch up, and shop. 😄 Thanks again for the pile of pre-loved clothes. I’m slowly trying a few on each day. I need to buy more hangars. LOL!
Yay! Thanks so much, Michelle! I had so much fun on Saturday and can’t wait to wear my new things! I am so glad that you are finding fun and useful things in my bag of goodies. The drive home actually wasn’t all that bad. The weather was great except for some short periods of light drizzle. The traffic wasn’t bad either the whole way home. I just got really sleepy for the last 60 miles, that was my biggest struggle.
Ugh! I hate that sleepy feeling when driving, and your so close to home, but so far when you need to sleep.
I opened my sun roof in 30˚ to keep myself awake! I was shivering so hard when I got home. Hahaha
Sally in St paul
I knew you’d have a super-fun outfit, Shelbee, and you did not disappoint! I also appreciate the Alice in Wonderland reference. With such a reference, all blogging tardiness is forgiven 😀
Thanks so much, Sally! I will remember to make more Alice references! Hehe.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. Love how the purple tights bring out the color in the boots. Love the look.
Thanks, my friend!
Marsha Banks
Oh, I love this so much, Shelbee! I really, really wanted to go in this direction, but I had absolutely no red and purple. Besides that, I’m of the age people would think I was doing a Red Hat Society look! I’m glad you had a good trip, and I can’t wait to hear more about it! I hope you sleep well!
Thanks so much, Marsha! I love red and purple together but it always reminds me of the Red Hat Society, too!
I want to know all about your to and I want aZoom! It’s been to long! Lovely interpretation. Very pretty colour combination.
Thanks, Nancy! Yes! Email me and let’s set up a Zoom date!
Melody Jacob
Such a nice challenge. Shelbee, you did a great job of matching them up.
Thanks so much, Melody! I really appreciate that! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Valerie h Hansen
You look adorable in that hat! And..look at all that pretty white stuff! I kinda miss getting some..we moved to Vegas 18 mos ago from Seattle area. Although the snow did not stick much or stay around too long at we did get some!
Vegas got some this year but up north of the valley ..I am south . We are getting a lot of cold, wind and rain coming from Cali,..its NUTS there and here…ha ha I did NOT sign up for this kind of weather in the desert! REady to go back home to Seattle!
Valerie, thanks so much! I am so over winter and we have another storm coming this weekend which is supposed to bring a foot of snow our way. I don’t think we ever get less than a foot each time it snows. I am ready to put my snow boots away! But they will just get replaced with my mud boots until June! There is wonky weather everywhere.
Emma Peach
Wow, that was a very long drive! No wonder you’re exhausted. Very cute outfit…I love the boots! Thank you so much for featuring me!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! It is going to take me at least a week to recover from that trip…maybe even two!