Reminder: The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book-Kimonos
In just two weeks, Nancy and I will be posting the sixth edition of The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and we would love for you all to join us! The theme for August is Kimonos! You all know how much I love a good kimono. Any kimono, really, it doesn’t even have to be all that good. If it is a kimono, I will wear it! And I would love to see all of your kimonos, too. So won’t you join us for the August Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and show us your favorite kimonos styled for summer or any season that you choose…they do after all provide the perfect topper for four season wear!
What is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book?
It is a monthly series that Nancy and I will both publish on our blogs on the 15th of each month. Anyone who would like to participate and be featured can send us their photos with a short description explaining if the item was a Good Buy or one that you will be saying Good-Bye to. We will give you the theme for the next month in each post. Photos will be due to us by the 10th of the month. So please join us for August by sending us some photos of your favorite (or least favorite) kimonos with a brief description as to why you love or hate it!
You can choose yourself whether you want to show a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to). We will keep purchasing Bad Buys every now and then for a variety of reasons…it was so cheap, you were in a hurry and really wanted (needed) to buy something, it fit almost quite right. But, of course, we also have those purchases that can make us so very happy. A piece of clothing or accessory that you have had for years and that you also wear a lot. Or something you bought on a holiday and every time you wear it you get that nostalgic holiday feeling back. Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye.
I honestly do not even know which kimonos I am going to share yet. I just went through old blog posts and counted 26 posts featuring different kimonos (and I probably missed some)! Check out a few of these old ones!

You can email your submissions to shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com or to nancy@nancysfashionstyle.com.
The next edition of The Good Bye/Good-Buy Book featuring your kimonos will be on the 15th of August. So please send us your photos soon!
We are very exited and hope you will be joining us in the fun!
Much love,
Shelbee & Nancy
*By joining The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book, you agree to receive a monthly email reminder.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Evgenia Kovalievska
The kimono looks great on you!!
Thank you so much, Evgenia! I do love my kimonos and am always looking for more beautiful ones!
Whoa! This outfit putting-together business, uh, styling, is hard work! I had to do a spreadsheet to figure out what to wear with what. The spreadsheet is also to make sure I don’t wear the same pair of shoes in every photo. And my photographer is on vaca in South Dakota! Is the deadline for pics the tenth?
Susan, I think you have a greater knack for this styling business than you are giving yourself credit for! But I hear you…with all the shoes I own, I tend to have those few go-to pairs and I need to be sure not to keep sharing them over and over again. But then if I do, I guess who really cares?! We do have the 10th as the deadline, but if you send the pictures to me by the 13th, it is easy enough to add them in. I will even add them in as late as the 14th, except Nancy shares some on her blog and she is 6 hours ahead of us so hers publishes usually on the night of the 14th. I look forward to seeing your kimono styles!
jacqui berry
Love kimonos! Yours are all lovely and perfect for many occasions. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Won’t you join us this month with your favorite kimonos, too. We would love to feature you with all of the other amazing bloggers who play along!
Hi Michelle! Just sent you via email my fail kimono story 🙁
I got it, Lorena! Thanks so much for sending it. It really is a very pretty kimono and I personally like the way you styled it. I think maybe the color is too drab, but other than you styled it wonderfully! Poor sad failed kimono!
You have so many beautiful outfits, Michelle. I always love what you wear 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Welcome To The Weekend Blog Hop. Have a lovely weekend.
Claire, thank you so very much! You have lots of beautiful outfits yourself…and a super fun shoe collection that is totally envy-worthy!
Shelbee your kimono collection is beautiful. Your love affair with kimonos runs as deep as my love affair with skirts, so I understand you friend! I’m excited to participate in next month’s good-buy good-bye series!
Elsie | polishedwhimsy.com
Elsie, thanks so much! Isn’t it funny how we can fall so in love with a style of clothing?! But it is a very real emotional attachment, for sure. I received your kimono picture. Thanks so much for joining us!
Marilee J. Gramith
I feel like I joined the Kimono party late but my newly found enthusiasm just bubbles over for this versatile, scarf-like, diaphenous, flowly, garment. Boho perfection!
Well, I am glad that you joined the party, Jude, even it was a little late!
Emma Peach
You have a fabulous collection of kimonos Shelbee! I don’t think I own a single one!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I just love them! Stop back tomorrow for the Good Buy/Good-Bye Book and see all the fun kimonos that everyone submitted!