Radical Ralphie’s Coronavirus Birthday Party

While things in this world are very, very strange and somewhat dark right now, we still are pressed to continue on as normally as possible. And when a boy turns 7, he wants a celebration. But how do you explain to your 7 year old that he can’t have a birthday party?
We woke up feeling kind of sad this morning, but we also know that finding humor in dark situations is often the best coping mechanism that we humans possess. So in an attempt to make light of bad situation, we had a celebration COVID style…complete with the most amazing coronavirus birthday cake made by my dear friend Monica at EuropeCakes. We cannot thank her enough for indulging our sense of humor and making today special for Radical Ralphie!

So with a few presents, Gramma, Pappy, and Aunt Lori on video chat, we sang the birthday song to the little goofball. He promptly sneezed and coughed on his coronavirus cake just before blowing at his candle. I suppose that is an entirely appropriate way to do things today.

I wanted to have hand sanitizer, latex gloves, and face masks as party favors. But alas, there are none to be found. At least we have toilet paper.
So in this grim era, we are still finding amazing things to celebrate and lots of jokes to make us laugh. Today, in isolation and quarantine, we celebrate a boy turning 7, a friend who went out of her way to make sure he had a silly cake, technology for connecting us to our loved ones, and our sense of humor. Please hold tight to those last one, your sense of humor, as we continue on this uncertain journey. For if you lose that, then you really might be doomed.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Awwww…, I love this so much! You’re right, we’ve got to laugh and make the most of it. Do your boys understand this craziness? In any case, happy birthday to Radical Ralphie!
Michelle, thanks so much! They kind of understand it. Jeff and I are very adaptable by nature and our kids have definitely inherited that quality which I am so thankful for. So they are just going with the flow like we are.
OK, this just put the BIGGEST smile on my face! And boy did I need that right about now. Looks like you’re making the most of this situation as a family, which is SO nice to see! What a strange time for all of us. I can’t imagine how kids are feeling these days. I’m an adult and am having trouble with our new reality. Continue to stay safe and healthy. Thank you for sharing these sweet photos! XO
Shauna, thank YOU so very much for this wonderful comment! I am smiling so big now! That really is all I want to do right now is try to inject some humor and some perspective into this whole scary mess. I approaching it as an opportunity to make positive changes and maybe even hit the reset button on some things. My kids have been asking questions and I try to explain it and it gets confusing for all of us at that point because once the words come out of my mouth, I can’t even believe I am saying what I’m saying to them. It’s just so surreal. But maintaining our sense of humor and staying positive, hopeful, and silly, I think we’ll make it out this thing okay. Stay safe and healthy, my friend!
Joyce M Nicholas
Making a difficult situation absolutely wonderful. Great job! Love the smiles.
Thanks so much, Joyce! We sure are doing our best to keep things positive! We had a pretty fun day today!
Patrick Wesemann
Happy birthday to him and such a cool cake. What a way to turn a negative world situation to a positive for him.
Thanks, Patrick! We ended up having a really great day and Ralphie was a happy kiddo!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Happy birthday, kiddo!!!
That cake, omg!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I think we will laugh about this cake for years to come!
jodie filogomo
Now that’s the way to celebrate…eat the virus!!!
Good for you for having a party (small but still) anyway.
Thanks so much, Jodie! WE had a really great day today. Ralphie seemed really happy with his birthday even eating the virus!
Happy birthday to your son! how fun! 🙂 You definitley have to have a sense of humour about it all!
We had to cancel my little one’s birthday party this weekend too. We went ahead and celebrated at home anyway, as the schools are still open so he wouldn’t have a lot of time to celebrate on his actual birthday.
Hope that you are having a nice weekend 🙂 It’s another quiet one here, with all that’s going on in the world!
Thank you, Mica! I hope your little one had a great birthday as well! It is definitely a quiet weekend here. All the days seem to be running together.
Happy birthday Ralphie! Did you have the coolest birthday cake ever or what! I hope you had a great day, remember , next year they’re will be friends and family again!
Thanks so much, Nancy! He was very happy with how is day turned out even without any friends!
I’m late to the party, but happy happy birthday to Ralphie!
Looks like he had a good time nevertheless, and the birthday cake look delicious! Yes we need to keep our sense of humor during this time!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! We did have a really great day for Ralph’s birthday despite the last minute changes. And the cake was delicious!
What a fun cake and it does look delicious even if sneezed upon! You have to find the humor in things and have some laughs nowadays. Not to say that things aren’t serious but we need to create normal routines for our children and ourselves free of constant worry and stress. I do not listen to news much and try to create some fun routines for the kids. Rainy day today so we will see how we adapt to that now.
Mireille, thanks so much! Yeah, I have been trying to get some sort of a schedule going but we are also being flexible with it. This is certainly a strange time for everyone! But laughter is always the best medicine! Hang in there, momma. We’ve got this!
Awww he is so cute! Happy birthday to him! Love that you guys had fun with the cake 🙂 Hope you and your family are all well!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! We are making the best of things!
Amy Ann Arnold
Okay that cake is too funny! I love how you made the best of it. A memorable birthday for sure.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thanks so much, Amy Ann! We will definitely laugh about this birthday cake for years to come! My older son has his birthday in just 5 weeks. If we are still quarantined, I don’t know how I am going to do better for his birthday!
Lisa | Handmade in Israel
I think you did brilliantly! He looks like one happy little boy – and the cake looks delicious! #AnythingGoes
Thanks so much, Lisa! The cake was amazing as it usually is from EuropeCakes. And we did have a really wonderful day despite the last minute changes.
Mariann Yip
Happy birthday to him! You are doing amazing and I love that you still took time to celebrate and make it special for him. Hope you guys had a great celebration 🙂
Thank you so much, Mariann! We actually had a really great day despite the situation! Making the best of it each and every day.
Rosie Doal
The cake is amazing! Happy Birthday! It’s nice you made such a lovely day out of a sad situation right now x #AnythingGoes
Rosie, thank you so much! We definitely created some great memories on this odd birthday!
Kathrine Eldridge
Happy birthday to Ralphie! This cake is awesome and hilarious. Thanks for sharing this work of art. 🙂
Thanks so much, Kathrine! We had a fantastic and silly day! We will remember this birthday for many years.
Happy birthday Ralphie! I hope you had the most amazing day. Shelbee, his cake was perfection and vanilla cake with strawberry filling is my favorite. Yum! I hope your week started off great so far and happy Monday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! The cake was so amazing! But I am gaining pounds quickly during this quarantine. Note to self: next time you are quarantined, don’t stock up on baked goods! I hope you all are doing well!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
What an awesome cake, love creative bakers!! As I always say, laughter is the best medicine!!
Thanks so much, Dee! Humor is one of the best coping mechanism we have! And I embrace it entirely as an appropriate way to deal and heal.
Claire Justine
Happy Birthday, Ralphie. Aww bless. He looks like he had a great birthday and one to remember I bet! Looks like he got some great gifts. Thanks for stopping by #MotivationalMonday
Thanks so much, Claire! Despite the strange situation, he did have a really great day and was happy with his tiny coronavirus party.
Marilee Judith Gramith
I’m thinking you and those darling boys need to do a blog subplot on staying positive in a time of crisis. Fostering resilience in this new normal clearly requires just this kind of creative thinking. Keeping those boys on an emotionally even keel may be what helps you maintain your own sanity. My 37 year career as a middle school teacher taught me this in a variety of ways.
I think the challenges you’ve experienced and grown through in your own past and that you continue to grapple with may be EXACTLY the right stuff to arm you for “purposeful parenting through a pandemic.”
There’s so much we don’t control under “normal” circumstances. By joyfully devouring a Covid Cake you’ve creatively (and metaphorically) shown your boys that they have some power even in the weirdest/worst circumstances.
Perhaps the four of you should “repurpose your blog” for the time being and focus on the ways you’ve been coping. I suspect that there are other stories to tell. I’m convinced that those two boys could give some insightful, pertinent, wild, wacky and timely advice to other kids. We already know how amazing you’ll be at doing the same. Love, Jude
Jude, thank you so much for this! I have slowly been losing my purpose as I struggle to just get through these days with my wild children! Every time I get an inspired idea to write and share, one of them is screaming for help, or food, or tattling on the other. As such, I am also having to surrender to that circumstance and put all of my creative efforts on hold. But I am trying very hard to settle into a regular routine where I can also be productive. Unfortunately, my kids don’t care to cooperate with me at all! I will get there though! Thank you for the inspiration and the encouragement.
Aww, it looks like you made his birthday super sweet! That cake is neat and so fitting, haha. It’s a shame we are all stuck inside with this virus, but I truly hope it will be over for us very soon.
Make Life Marvelous
Thanks so much, Ashley! We did our best to make light of a heavy situation. And the day was filled with laughter and happiness! Stay safe and healthy while we get through this thing!
Ruth Josey
Poor baby – but he looks like he’s having an amazing time anyway and it’s great that his presents will keep him busy for hours. That cake is just fabulous and I love your sense of humor (and your alcohol dispenser in the background – definitely need the alcohol dispenser). I drove down my street this morning (still going in to the office at this point) and one of the neighbors had huge signs all over their lawn. Their boy turned 10 today. I guess I’ll honk as I go by this afternoon <3 Since we're all going stir-crazy at this point (well, not me, but anybody who's house-confined…sorta….more or less….well, not really….), I can't even imagine what it'll be like in another two weeks :/ Stay healthy and busy and keep a positive outlook!
Thanks so much, Ruth! We did end up having a really great day for Ralph’s birthday. We had lots of laughs about his cake and “eating the coronavirus” and he was very happy with his gifts. Archie’s birthday is in about 4 weeks so we will see where we are at that point. But once things return to normal, we did promise them both a proper birthday celebration. I tend to isolate myself at home most of the time anyway so I am not even close to stir crazy yet! However, the children are pushing me to different kinds of crazy. Haha. Stay safe and healthy out there, my friend.
Happy Birthday to Ralphie and many more to come.
I have to admit you have such a great sense of humor with that cake 🙂
Thank you, Lorena! A sense of humor goes a long way in trying times!
Shelbee, your friend made an exceptional cake! And what a fabulous idea and special memory it will be for years to come. The online humor and acts of kindness that I have seen on T.V. are the things that are getting me and others through this tough time. Thank you for sharing on Traffic Jam Weekend!
Kimberly, thank you so much! I am just staying as positive as can be and trying to do my part in uplifting spirits. A sense of humor is a necessary coping mechanism! Have a great weekend. Stay safe and healthy.
I just love this cake! Talk about making lemonade out of lemons!
Thank you for sharing with Creative Compulsions!
Thanks so much, Michelle! We have to keep a sense of humor!