My Bohemian Bedroom Makeover: In Progress & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #657
My giant home makeover is well underway with the master bedroom finally getting some attention after completing my cloffice, the hallway, the dining room, the living room, the game room, and the boys’ bedroom. I began this huge project in January 2021 once I started to come out of the Covid lockdown blues and actually gained some motivation and momentum. It all started with my closet-office (cloffice) which is much more closet than an office these days since I prefer couch sitting over desk chair sitting.
I have slowly made my way through all the main rooms, except my closet room, that required purely cosmetic makeovers before we begin the major renovations in the bathrooms and kitchen. The closet room will get painted sometime before we have new carpeting installed in the master bedroom because the closet room will also be re-carpeted at the same time.
This master bedroom makeover is far from finished. It will probably take at least a year, or five, longer to complete it to my satisfaction. Things Jeff and I still need to do in there besides replace the carpeting…build a palette platform for the bed, make curtains for the two large windows, refinish all the wooden furniture including the fireplace, hang additional wall decor, make a slip cover for the ottoman, create a second “hat tree” for the other side of the fireplace, and replace or reupholster that old tan glider and foot stool.
But let’s focus on the things I have done rather than what I haven’t done!
My bedroom began in a shade of yellow that I love on my clothing but absolutely despised on my walls. From the first moment my eyes fell upon these bedroom walls, I was pretty much offended by their hue. I accented my happie hippie hallway in the same shade of yellow and it makes me feel really joyful in the context of the hallway. But all over the bedroom walls, I don’t know. It just never sat well with me. So I changed it! And now it sits very well.
Dark blue and light gray were the colors I had in mind, but my light gray ended up being grayish lavender when it got on the walls. We don’t mind at all because this color palette is perfect for peaceful sleeping. The dark accent wall is in the aptly named shade Nightfall. And the lighter walls are called A Month of Sundays. I love the colors and their names for a calming bohemian bedroom.
We rearranged the placement and position of the bed as well as the other furniture to make the room more geomantic and I honestly do feel a shift in the room’s energy since making these changes.
I have a lot of photos to share, so I will get straight to it and I explain things as I go.
First, the before photos and painting progress.

My little accessories corner.

I have the full bedroom set that goes with this 1920s art deco vanity. It belonged to my great-great-grandparents and it is in desperate need of refinishing. I have some wild ideas in mind. So we will see what I can accomplish this summer!

Since I recently got myself a sewing machine, I decided to make the curtains for my bedroom. I initially had intended to make patchwork curtains similar to these I found on Amazon.
I went and bought about 18 yards of 9 different coordinating fabrics and then I got really intimidated by the task ahead of me. I procrastinated, sought help from skilled sewing friends (Thanks, Michelle!), looked for easier ideas, and meditated intensely when I stumbled upon these rag curtains on Pinterest and changed my plan.
So needing no sewing machine at all, I set about tying a thousand tiny knots! I used this super easy to follow tutorial for DIY Rag Curtains. It was a time consuming process and used the entire 18 yards of fabric for one window, but I think it was worth every penny spent (approx. $80 on fabric), every minute worked (a total of 14 hours from shopping to fabric prep to tying), and all the shoulder pain (so much shoulder pain). There is no way I could have found and purchased more perfect curtains for my boho bedroom. Custom DIY is the way to go!
Side note: For the big window curtains, however, I will use much longer fabric strips than what is instructed in the video tutorial. I will also get myself a rotary cutter. I used scissors to cut all the fabric strips and I pinched a nerve in my thumb that is still tingling weeks later.

I had a few extra fabric strips so I made two long strips of rag garland that I am going to hang on the wall above the vanity. Then using a few S hooks, I am going to display a few hats on the wall as well.

Before hanging them, however, I had to wear it as a scarf!

I have been trying to incorporate as much jewelry as I can into my wall decor. It allows me to see all the things I have to choose from, it keeps my accessories much more organized, and it makes me happy.
I found these cute wooden peg boards and this twine hanging thing in the $5 bin at Target for 50% off. I painted the peg boards to match the walls and I am going to display necklaces on them. I used the twine thing to showcase my tassel necklaces in the hallway on my closet room door. I thought for sure this would create a catastrophe but thankfully the kitties have shown no interest in playing tassel tag-n-tangle. I also moved some things around in my hallway to accommodate a second accessories corner.

I found this amazing painting for $10 on my birthday thrifting adventure. I want to strip the frame down and make it a lighter color with a distressed finish to match the chicken wire frame over the fireplace before hanging it above the tall dresser.

And that is my bohemian bedroom makeover in progress! I hope y’all enjoyed the little tour and maybe you will get inspired for some of your own room makeover projects. Happy weekend!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Jill of Doused in Pink
Fashion Favorite: Cheryl of Cheryl Shops
Other Favorite: Joanne of Slices of Life
If you are interested in my other raggery creations, click here for the full list.
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Oh Shelbee, what a momentous undertaking! You are a very ambitious and creative DIY Queen. I love what you have done so far. The rag curtains you made are spectacular, and I am getting a lot of inspiration about how to display jewelry so it is easier to see and chose. Thanks for sharing your ideas and have a great weekend!
Di, thanks so much, my friend! Getting my jewelry out where I can see has made me so happy and has made accessorizing so much quicker when I am getting dressed. I don’t have to dig around looking for things. I hope you have a most wonderful weekend.
Cheryl Shops
What a transformation your bedroom has undergone—it has so much more personality now! Love the new wall color too. And thank you so much for the feature!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I get such a different feeling when I walk into my room now! I just love it! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Totally amazing! Like you I love that shade of yellow, but OMG, not for a bedroom. I love the new colors. Very calming and restful. The curtains are magnificent. I understand how much work that was. I love the idea of using your jewelry as wall-hangings. Double-duty. So pretty, and so easy to access. It does seem a shame to hide our pretty baubles away. I have a similar idea going for my scarves. They are on a curtain rod in a bedroom. Quite festive! But now have many new scarves, so I need another rod. I am working on hippie-fying my house, and especially our bedroom, but I keep spending time planting flowers instead.
Michelle, I absolutely love all of your hippie-fying ideas! I love my bamboo ladders for scarf displays but I really have way too many scarves to fully display all of them. I think I have 4 large bins filled with scarves. Totally unnecessary, I know, but scarves are great for creative home decor so I keep digging in those bins for fun ideas to incorporate. And now you and I need to swap gears…because I really want to start planting stuff, too! I hope you are having an amazing weekend, my friend!
What a fun makeover! Amazing what the paint change alone does for the vibe.
Thanks so much, Alexandra! A change of color really is all it takes sometimes!
Marsha Banks
All I can say is those rag curtains are amazing!!! If the fabric is cotton, couldn’t you just tear it? Cotton is supposed to tear in a straight line and then kind of rolls itself under. I don’t know if that’s the look you want, though. Definitely get a rotary cutter (and, you’ll need a mat for underneath).
Your bedroom is huge! I wish mine was large enough to accomodate a chair, but it isn’t…unless I get rid of some furniture. And, that isn’t happening. It took me decades to get this furniture! I wouldn’t mind downsize to a queen size bed, though. I love the colors you chose…so peaceful and serene. Color really makes a difference. Our bedroom in the house before the last had a periwinkle blue color during one of its many iterations. I kept finding myself drifting into that room for no reason. It finally dawned on me that I just felt relaxed and content in there.
Love seeing all of your jewelry out and about. That’s a fantastic idea! And, it makes choosing it so much easier!
I can’t wait to see the final product whenever you have one! Thanks for the link party!
Thanks, Marsha! This post was especially for you and Michelle! Haha. The fabric is cotton and probably would have torn easily except that is a lot of tearing, too, because I imagine you can only tear one layer at a time. At least with the scissors, I could cut 4-6 layers at a time. I do have a mat but I never got a rotary cutter so I will be getting one of those for the next set of rag curtains, for sure. My bedroom is really large, it is the entire width of the house (about 24 x 16 feet). Which is great because I don’t think I will ever go back to a queen bed now that we have had the king for 7 years. Speaking of the bed, I also need to get all new bedding…sheets, pillows, comforter. Having a chair in the bedroom is really great, too. We do sit it in often, but not as often as the cats do! I will share updates as I get more things done in my bedroom. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Food nutters
Beautiful ideas, I’m very glad to be back here. Thank you for hosting 🙂
Thanks so much! Have a wonderful weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Wow, so very cool. Love it. Looks so very nice. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I really appreciate that. I hope your week is off to a great start and you are enjoying summer break!
Oh I LOVE the wall colors and those new curtains are fablous. I think my favorite little area though is all your accessories on display.
Thank you so much, Joanne! Oh, you should what I have added to it this week! My bedroom is becoming what I dreamed of when I was a little girl. I will share more photos soon!
Your True Self
I’m simply blown away by the time and creativity you have invested. Nice job! – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Oh my goodness, thanks so much, Angie! I am really enjoying the creative outlet and surrounding myself with my own creative visions.