Music Inspired Outfits & Your Own Twist Link Up #30

As promised in Tuesday’s post, I am back with my monthly Your Own Twist link party. Unfortunately, Monica is unable to join me this month so I am flying solo. Please take a moment to send some positive energy and healing prayers her way as she experiencing some rather troublesome health issues right now.
Since this month’s theme is outfits inspired by music, maybe you can even find some inspiring songs to share with Monica to help uplift and soothe her. Music really is such a universal healer, isn’t it?
I have written many posts about the power of music and it all stands as true today as it ever did. Music moves us, connects us, inspires us, comforts us, motivates us, reminds us, and possesses the ability to make us feel every single human emotion at one time. There are not very many things in this world that carry that kind of power.
Music also unites people. Meaningful bonds can be formed solely on the basis of shared musical tastes. Communities can be made stronger through joint musical efforts. Music is quite literally the most effective universal language that we humans possess.

I want to share an example…you all know Nancy…she and I have been collaborating on different blog series for over 4 years. She lives in the Netherlands and I live in the United States. English is not her first language while it is my only language. Despite 3,590 miles and a language barrier between us, we have still managed to develop strong friendship bonds over the years, one of the strongest being our shared musical interests.

We both love The Cure and Toto and most music from the 80’s. We are both avid fans of music festivals. And we were both heartbroken when our beloved music festivals were taken away from us by Covid. But throughout the last year, so many people have found great solace because our favorite musicians discovered alternative ways of sharing their art through various mediums other than live music venues. I could not be more grateful or more inspired by the innovative steps taken by so many in the music industry to ensure that we all have access to this universal healer.
Speaking of Nancy…I just finished a Zoom call with her right before I sat down to write this post. Although we have interacted with each other on a weekly basis for over 4 years, this was our first time speaking live to each other and it was so much fun. An hour and a half flew by so quickly, neither of us could even believe it. Surprisingly, we didn’t talk much about music on this call except to briefly mourn the temporary loss of our beloved festivals. But we definitely covered a huge variety of other fascinating topics! Sheila, my friend, you are next for a 3-way Zoom call! Nancy will be reaching out to you to schedule it.
I also been having video coffee dates most Friday mornings with Chrissy for the past month or so. I really look forward to our Friday chats as they keep me connected in this crazy world where I feel like I have all but disappeared into the isolation of my home. In fact, I am enjoying connecting with my amazing blogger friends on video calls so much that I would like to extend an invitation to any of you who might like to connect on video with me. Let me know in the comments or send me an email or direct message on whatever platform you prefer!

But now let me get on with the music inspired outfit part. I had big ideas swimming through my head for this style prompt. Originally, my plan was to restyle this sleeveless music dress for the cold weather with some sort of creative layering. And then my motivation died. As we got closer to the scheduled date for this post, I ended up keeping it simple and casual with my new Blondie tee. I bought this tee during my recent Torrid shopping spree with my sister. She bought the same one in two different sizes…one to wear during the day and an oversized one to sleep in.
I only bought this one, but I also snagged up these figure hugging flared jeans on that same retail mission as well as a new Aerosmith tee and a really fabulous Joan Jett/Runaways tee. (I cannot find links for the Aerosmith tee or the jeans).
I was really drawn to the deep gray color with the pale pink graphic on the Blondie tee. Since the outfit is music inspired, I kept the rest of it fairly simple to allow for the tee to make the statement. But in true statement making fashion, I did have to wear my pink velvet booties that have the sparkly heels. A black faux leather moto jacket seemed like something Blondie would wear and it was finally warm enough to wear light layers outside. I didn’t even freeze taking the photos without my jacket! Thank goodness, Spring is finally making her appearance around here. She has been missed! Now if we could start attending some outdoor music festivals, I would be the happiest girl in the world.

Do you have a favorite band tee? I can’t say that I favor any single one over another. I love all the ones that I have accumulated over the years. Maybe you don’t have any band tees at all, but certainly you have favorite music to share in the comments! Tell me your favorite song and I will go have a listen. People who broaden our appreciation of music and expose us to new sounds are some of the most important people to have in our lives.
About Your Own Twist
Your Own Twist is a monthly link party hosted by Monica of Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and me on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
We will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not. Check out the graphic below which has some of our upcoming themes.

Featured Favorite from February’s Let’s Get Romantic Theme
Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace shared a beautifully romantic casual outfit in her post, Forever Favorites. I simply cannot stop smiling at her wonderful flower brooch.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Tee Shirt, Jeans, and Velvet Scrunchie-Torrid / Moto Jacket-Old Navy (Old) / Boots-Charlotte Russe (Old) / Belt-Bed Stu / Earrings and Necklace-Old

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Music is so powerful! Love this look!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Have a musical day!
Kellyann Rohr
i love a good graphic tee – especially when it’s from a great band! Blondie is one of my favorites. I’d love to have a Zoom call with you, that would be great!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! Yes! Let’s set something up! I will email you soon!
It was so amazing to chat with you! As if we have known each other for so long, as if we see each other every week! Oh wait, we do, we do! haha, we definitely will repeat this! I have one band tee, Siouxie and the Banshees, not even one from The Cure! I need to get some! Love your Blondie tee, she is such a icon!
Thanks so much, Nancy! I had such a great time chatting as well! It was just like we have known each other forever! I can’t believe that you only have one band tee though! You definitely need at least one from The Cure! Have a great day, my friend.
That’s so fun you and Nancy do zoom calls!! I love your boots!
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! It was such a great time to connect with Nancy face to face!
I think I’m going to join the next Your Own Twist link-up with themed outfit! Sounds like a fun idea!
Oh yay, that will be super fun, Leelo! We are doing rainy day outfits for April! If you want to co-host the linkup with us, we would love to have you! Just send me an email if you are interested and I will let you know the details.
Love these jeans on you! A really fabulous outfit! I don’t own any band t-shirts anymore besides one my husband purchased for me when we went to see Clark Beckham last year for his Lightyear tour – but I never wear it 🙁
Thanks for the linkup and hoping Monica will feel better soon!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! Did you share a post about the Clark Beckham concert? I remember reading someone’s post about that concert a while back. I really liked him on American Idol but haven’t really followed him after that. I am going to go have a listen to some of his music!
Jacqui Berry
I never used to link Blondie when i was younger, more of a soul/funk girl, but as I’ve gotten old I like her music. Thanks for sharing and hosting. Jacqui x
I enjoy her music but it is definitely not what I play on repeat. I am way more into relaxing jam band music like The Grateful Dead as well as classic and psychedelic rock. But I do appreciate all music and my mood usually determines my playlist.
Sheila (of Ephemera)
I LOVE band tees – I buy one from nearly every concert I go to! Here’s a musician I bet you might not know, Shelbee: Frank Turner. YouTube his album “Tape Deck Heart” – it’s fantastic, every song. He’s my favourite live act (I’ve seen him 5 times), and his song “Polaroid Picture” contains some meaningful lyrics: “Let go of the little distractions/hold close to the ones that you love/’cause we might not all be here/this time next year/so while you can/take a picture of us.” It reminds me of our entire group going to see him – and then we lost our dear friend to cancer last year. It’s a bittersweet memory.
I tend to sleep in my band tees, but I’ve dug up an old post from when I last wore my Iron Maiden tee (from their stop in Portland in 2019) for the link-up.
I’m in for the 3-way Zoom! I’ve emailed ya!
Thanks so much for sharing this Frank Turner song with me, Sheila! I am listening to it right now and it is incredible! That is the kind of sound that really appeals to me, so you were absolutely right that I would love it. I was not familiar with him but I am going to make myself familiar with him now! Isn’t it amazing how the same song can bring the fondest of memories with a tinge of sadness to accompany it? While I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your friend, it is a testament to the extraordinary power of song! I can’t wait to read your post with your Iron Maiden tee! I emailed back about zooming!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, what a great outfit! The pink in the shirt with the pink booties, wow, those boots really brought it all together, which you are so good at doing! We all need a pair of perfect jeans, and you found yours. Perfect fit and degree of flare.
Thanks so much, Jean! I recently started referring to my closet room as my magic room! I seriously feel like the things just jump out and speak to me in magical ways when I am creating an outfit. I suppose that clothing is my art medium!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice. I might have to dig out my leather jacket (Yes, I do own one).
Music is a great uniter. I love The Cure and all the punk and alternative/punk from the 80’s.
It is funny you mentioned that because I just had my students do an assignment called Hoya Paranoia. It was about the Georgetown Basketball team in the 80’s and the intersection between them and emerging music form of rap in the 80’s and how it impacted African-American culture.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I want to see you sporting your leather jacket! I love that assignment that you did. I have be watching a documentary called The 80’s: The Decade that Made Us and there is a whole segment on the emergence of rap and the tremendous impact that it had on our country from a cultural standpoint. It has never been a genre of music that I enjoy, but a few summers ago I attended a local rap festival and I gained an incredible appreciation for the talent and creativity of rap as an art form and music genre. If everyone could be so open minded as to just appreciate even if something doesn’t necessarily appeal to you. You are awesome and I wish I had more teachers like you when I was younger!
Im all about the concert tee and leather look!
Love it
XX Angelica
Angelica, thanks so much! It is such an easy way to wear a pretty badass look!
Wow, you look truly amazing, Shelbee. This is definitely YOUR look. Well, one of many! LOL! I loved working with Nancy on the Made in Seven Collaboration and really miss it, so you and she are both so lucky to have developed this bond. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a group Zoom meeting with interested ladies? I would love to hear your voice and that of others in the community. And yes, music truly is a universal language and I loved your reference to the power it has in connecting us. Great post, my friend.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much! Oh, I had nearly forgotten about the Match Made in Seven collaboration. What ever happened o that group? As for Zoom, I will send you an email soon. There are a few other interested bloggers, so I want to get it all organized and send a group email! This is so exciting! If we can’t organize a group thing for whatever reason, we can definitely set up a one on one video chat!
Love this music themed outfit! I was going to do a post on my Rolling Stone band tee, which would have been perfect for today’s theme, but didn’t get around to it. Maybe I will get to posting it next week! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Katie! I would love to see your new Rolling Stones tee! I bet you will create the best outfit with it! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
Oh no, I noticed Monica hasn’t posted in awhile, so I will send healing vibes her way. Speaking of vibes, I’m loving this rocker look, especially with the nod to Blondie!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I know Monica has been posting some stuff about what’s happening on her IG account. I hope we can all surround her with lots of love and support!
Kathrine Eldridge
Yes to the power of music! Love the tee and cool look Shelbee. That’s so amazing that you and Nancy hooked up on a call. Love the connections that are made through blogging.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I knew you would appreciate a post about the power of music! And yes, blogger connections really are amazing. These connections have definitely helped me survive this past year! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I’m so sorry that Monica is having health issues! I hope she finds answers soon and is on her way to recovery.
Gah! I meant to do a music inspired outfit for this, but I lost track as I often do. I have a couple of music inspired tees – Joe Bonamassa and Post Modern Jukebox. (And I could always raid my husband’s tees too). Maybe I’ll do one anyway. LOL!
We’ve had some tentatively good news in relation to musical festivals – we may be able to attend the one we never miss (until the pandemic) later in the year. They are trying to organize for August. Fingers crossed!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I haven’t heard much from Monica, but I will check in with her soon to see how she is doing. I have left the Your Own Twist Link Party open until April 8 so if you do photograph a music inspired outfit before then, definitely link it up. I would love to see your Joe Bonamassa shirt styled! And that is fabulous news about music festivals! I have not heard much about anything going on around here as far as summer festivals, but that’s probably because I don’t really go looking for the information. I suppose I should do that! I hope you are enjoying the weekend, my friend.