plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Inspired by This Blonde’s Shopping Bag: Styling Windowpane Print Pants

plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

The new year has arrived and I am ready to tackle all the big things in life. At least that is what I am telling myself. Actually, I feel no different nor do I feel more motivated or inspired since the calendar flipped to January. But I have taken lots of outfit photos in December that I have yet to share with you all. Because when my motivation is lacking, I do still enjoy adding my own personal twist to contemporary fashion trends.

I was doing great with not adding any new wardrobe pieces to my exploding closet room but right at the end of December I had some Old Navy super cash and rewards that were luring me in. I admit, I was weak and I caved. And these immensely comfortable plaid pants and cozy pink sweater somehow ended up in my closet. I actually had no intention of pairing them together until I saw Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag wearing the same exact pants with a pink sweater. And so my inspired outfit came to life.

Check out both ways that Kellyann has styled these pants…both times with beautiful shades of pink: Styling Windowpane Print Pants and Friday Favorites #96: What I Bought!

Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag
Kellyann of This Blonde’s Shopping Bag

I am sure most of you reading this already know Kellyann quite well, but for those of you may not, let me introduce this beautiful, thoughtful, caring, and kind human being to you. I can’t quite remember when I first “met” Kellyann, but I know it was at least a few years ago by now. Through this blogging journey, I have had the great pleasure of getting to know her about as well as a person can through an online friendship. And I feel quite blessed to include Kellyann in my list of great blogging friends.

Although we have never met in person, I am quite certain that we would get along swimmingly as we share about a million interests. We are both avid readers, coffee drinkers, boy moms, and shopaholics. We both have a background in the mental health field and are passionate about sharing our personal life experiences in an effort to help others on their journeys to living their best lives.

plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge

Kellyann’s blog, This Blonde’s Shopping Bag, is her creative outlet to share all the things that bring her joy in life. But she also is not afraid to share the unpleasant side of life, to show her vulnerabilities, to be public with her struggles, and to illustrate that she is a regular human fighting a real human fight just like the rest of us. Except she isn’t really “regular”. She is quite amazing and ever so inspiring. She shines the most remarkably bright light into the world with her love and kindness, her compassion and her gentleness, her wisdom and her gratitude. She awes me with her strength and perspective in times of grief and struggle. I have learned much from this spectacular woman in the years that I have gotten to know her. I encourage you to get to know her as well.

plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge

I haven’t even mentioned her impeccable style yet. Kellyann is the perfect illustration that we women in midlife are completely relevant and as stylish as the younger generations. Always sharing creative ways to style current trends and looking fabulous every step of the way. While Kellyann and I don’t really have the same personal style, it happens frequently that we invest in the same exact wardrobe pieces. So often I see something Kellyann is wearing and I am ready to copy it that very day. Nearly two years ago, Kellyann copied one of my looks which was super flattering…because imitation really is one of the highest compliments, isn’t it?

Original Posts:
100th Thursday Moda Link Up with Ada (February 1, 2018)
Inspired by Shelbee on the Edge (February 12, 2018)

And so now I offer this compliment to Kellyann and I copied her outfit almost exactly!

plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge
plaid pants, wide legged pants, pink sweater, inspired outfit, fashion over 40, polka dot coat, Shelbee on the Edge

If you are looking for a blogger to follow and want to be inspired and motivated, Kellyann is your girl. You can find her on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, and Bloglovin’. Do tell her Shelbee said hello!

Who is inspiring you in the new year?

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Pants-Old Navy (Exact) / Sweater-Old Navy (Exact) / Button Down Tunic-Old / Boots-Diba (DSW) / Coat-Target (Old) / Scarf-Torrid (Old) / Necklace and Rings-Michal Golan (Old) / Earrings-Old

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


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Shelbee on the Edge