Inspired by Claire Justine: Friends

I remember when Friends first aired. I was a junior in college, living with 5 other young women in off campus housing in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. And I think there was a little part of all of us that wanted to be much like this group of 6 friends making it on their own in the city. But out of the group of us, I was probably the one who the big city called to the loudest. I didn’t make my way to New York City until I started a new job at 26 years old that took me there for frequent business meetings and eventually transitioned to an office near Wall Street which later moved to midtown.

I never lived in New York City, opting instead for the less expensive method of commuting from New Jersey. But I have to tell you, the decade that I worked there resulted in some of the most exciting and fun times I have had as an adult. It also became a source of great stress that nearly killed me. And that was when I left it all and settled for a more low key existence. But my years in NYC overlapped with the decade that Friends was airing on television as one of the most popular sitcoms of my generation. And so many of us aspired to be like these friends. I still watch episodes at least a few nights a week and my husband and I are forever calling each other “my lobster.”

In any event, when I first spotted Claire Justine wearing her Friends tee shirt back in August, I knew immediately that I needed one of my own. I could have easily shopped online and found one, but I am always hesitant about the way tee shirts will fit me. So I waited. And waited. Until recently, we got some in stock at Torrid. When I spotted this black version of Claire’s white one, I had to have it. And I wanted to pay tribute to Claire for inspiring me.

I love how she has paired her tee with a bright pink skirt. But I do not have a bright pink skirt so I opted for this yellow velvet skirt that I had picked up on clearance at Target and was having trouble styling. Claire also styled her Friends tee in the warmer months of Summer. And since it took me 6 months to acquire my Friends tee shirt, I had to give it a little Winter twist with the velvet skirt, tights, boots, a long sleeve tee layered underneath, a moto jacket, and blanket scarf. But still, you get the idea! Friends inspire friends who love Friends. So thank you, Claire, for the super fun inspiration!

And now I leave you with some of my favorite quotes from the iconic television show.

“Joey doesn’t share food!”

“Guys can fake it? Unbelievable! The one thing that’s ours!”

“Until I was 25 I thought the only response to ‘I love you’ was ‘Oh crap!’”

“If you want to receive emails about my upcoming shows please give me money so I can buy a computer.”

“You’re over me? When were you…under me?”

“I’m gonna go get one of those job things.”

And of course, my all time favorite…
“He’s her lobster.”

Do you have a favorite Friend? I have always felt the most connected to Phoebe and her whimsical carefree attitude. In fact, my husband said this outfit was very Phoebe-esque! I, of course, loved that compliment!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I never watched Friends religiously when it was on but enjoy the reruns now – amazing how times have changed!
Times really have changed, haven’t they? They didn’t even have cell phones! Maybe in the later episodes, they did, but definitely not in the earlier ones!
Oh yeah, it was so cool! I loved to watch that. Perfect tribute outfit! I adore that skirt!
Thanks so much, Nancy! It is one of my favorite shows ever! I think I need to binge watch it from start to finish.
Jacqui Berry
This is great, I’ve styled a graphic tee recently and love how it looks. Great to grab inspo from fellow bloggers too.
Have a super weekend Shelbee. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks, Jacqui! You know I love my graphic tees and have an immense collection! I am wearing one today as well. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend. Be sure to stop by tomorrow and link up!
Claire Justine
Love this outfit Shelbee. Aww I can remember you saying how much you like my t-shirt. I smiled as soon as I seen it :)Thanks so much for featuring me in your post today. Great look and amazing photos. Happy to hear you go one.
Thank you so much, Claire! This was a fun outfit to recreate! I wish I had a bright pink skirt, but I do like my yellow velvet one, too!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Shelbee you look fabulous! What a wonderful style! Where is the snow? :))
Thanks so much, Tina! There are still patches of snow around but since most of these photos were under a roof, there wasn’t much snow there. Have a great day!
Julie | This Main Line Life
Love the “Friends” tees. My daughter has one and we are all re-watching the show. It’s so much fun to watch it again with the kids and tell them about things I was doing back when if first aired, or how certain things they did on the show became total social icons, etc… I went to NYU for my Undergrad and UPenn for my grad so I lived in NY and then in Philly for most of my 20’s and it was sooooo much fun. By the time I was ready to get married, though, I was over the city and ready for space and green, ha.
Julie, I love this so much! I was pretty much over the city by the time I hit my 30’s and now while I do love to go back and visit for a day or two, the hustle and bustle stresses me out too much to ever live or work there! Have a fantastic day, my friend, and thanks for stopping by.
jodie filogomo
I remember when Friends first came out, and I hadn’t seen it yet everyone was talking about it. Now i’ve seen some of the reruns, but I don’t have a favorite!!
I love this skirt, Shelbee….it’d be perfect for Easter too!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I haven’t even started thinking about Easter! Hahaha. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Lisa Richardson
Shelbee! I love your FRIENDS tee. I have it on in the background daily around here and Katie and Luke love it. We were talking about it last week when they were here and I said “wouldn’t it be cool to have a group of friends like that?”. We use the “Joey doesn’t share food” line around here all the time too. LOL. Wherever you took these pics was super cool too!!! I’m glad you waited and found the perfect tee! Here’s a quote for ya’…”I just gave you peeing on a stick”….”that’s why you register”. HAHAHAHA!
Oh my word, Lisa, thanks so much! We are always quoting it, too. So funny! Thank you for sharing your love of Friends with me!
Love it! Yellow and black, perfect! And I still watch the reruns too! My favorite is probably Joey because he made me laugh the most!
Thank you, Mireille! I love just having Friends on as background noise, too! And Joey was my next favorite, for sure. Actually, the other 4, outside of Joey and Phoebe, all kind of annoyed me!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Like the pizza purse. I really never watched Friends. I don’t know, I think I was in my dark period and art house period. Who knows.
Thanks, Patrick! I guess Friends wasn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea either. Have a fantastic day!
I need that tee! Friends is one of my favorite series to rewatch over and over! Love your yellow skirt and styling! This is such a cute look!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! You definitely need to get yourself a Friends tee!
Great to have a tee that reminds you of a TV show that was significant for you and your husband, and reminds you of your time in NY! My hubby always liked Friends and used to watch it a lot but I must have been reading (my usual setting) because I don’t remember it too well! I just love the yellow velvet skirt. Thanks for bringing your Wow to #WowOnWednesday!
Gail, thanks so much! The graphic tees that are available now are so much fun especially when they bring a taste of nostalgia! Speaking of reading, I need to make more time for that these days. I used to read so much and ever since kids came along, I just don’t get to it that often. I hope you have the most wonderful day!
Just now seeing this post, Shelbee. You’ve found some great Friends quotes. I wasn’t the biggest fan in its original airing (I’m the Seinfeld generation), but I’ve seen them all at this point and will have it on as background. I cannot believe how many big stars went on that show. Claire Justine is a sweetheart.
Kim, thanks so much! I loved Seinfeld, too, and there are still some episodes that really crack me up. But I am definitely much more into Friends these days as background! Have a fantastic day, my friend!
What a fun tee! it’s a great show, we used to watch the repeats on TV here frequently until my eldest got a little too big and started getting interested in the TV, haha! Love the skirt you’ve worn it with.
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp
Away From The Blue
Thank you, Mica! I do love a good graphic tee that brings a bit of nostalgia. Have a wonderful day!