I am a Solar System with Rosegal

“The universe contains many planets which make it what it is – a unified system. In addition, our bodies contain many organs, and each part is congruent to a planet in our solar system. The universe we see out our eyes is a mirror of what is within us. This is what God meant by making man in his image. We are all made as a reflection of God and that reflection of him is within us. Furthermore, not only are all religions connected to the same Truth, or Cosmic Heart, but this concept is also mirrored in the pantheons of ancient religions, where each of the many gods simply represented one set of characteristics of the ONE. And in all cases, these many gods symbolized the planets, therefore mimicking the different parts of the universe and the ONE God’s many mirrors (He Who is All). The structure behind all polytheistic religions of the past and present is one and the same. They are all built on the same foundation as Nature.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

As a writer, I always have something with which to scribble down notes when topic ideas pop into my head. I keep a notebook in my car and one in my purse at all times. I also am constantly making lists of topic ideas in the margins of my daily planner. And when all else fails, I type incoherent notes in text messages to myself. The text message conversation thread in my phone is longer than any other conversation there.

One of the topic ideas that I recently jotted down was “Does God care what we call him?” As a student of philosophy and religion, questions of this sort really get me excited. You all know how I can preach on and on about the Law of Attraction and how the Universe knows exactly what she is doing. I love to discuss the interconnectedness of our energy fields and how we can absolutely effect changes when we really concentrate on it. I can talk for hours on issues of quantum physics if ever find a willing partner. I often wonder where we fit into this great big cosmos or whether any of it actually exists at all. Or maybe we are it. The perfect unified system of everythingness all wrapped up into these messy packages called humans.

Out of my curiosity and insatiable desire to search for these meanings, (knowing full well I will never find the answers because we are not meant to understand, but it is still so much fun to contemplate), I was drawn to this crazy planet top from Rosegal. In my excitement over the bold colors and swirling planets seemingly spinning in perfect harmony without crashing into complete chaos, I sort of missed the part where it stated “swing tank top”. I thought it was a dress! And man, was I disappointed when it arrived because this style top is so not my jam. But I had to make it work somehow! So I did my best with what I had and simply had a good time doing it! I mean, if you are going to sport a top like this, you might as well take the entire outfit to all levels of crazy. (If you think you want to try a crazy top, too, go check out Rosegal’s Deals sale going on right now! Use discount code RGIWD at checkout for additional savings until December 31, 2019.)

But back to the question at hand, “Does God care what we call him?” I started pondering that thought the other night while I was attempting to fall asleep. But seriously, how am I expected to fall asleep with things of this sort weighing on my mind? After years of studying philosophy and religion in academia and continuing to study these ideas on my own in the many years that have succeeded my academic studies, I long ago came to the conclusion that all religions are rooted in the same thing…Nature and the Universe. And I have long suspected whatever controls it all could really care less what we call it…as long as we acknowledge its supremacy with humility and gratitude as we stand face to face with its unending power. Then I stumbled across the opening quote by Suzy Kassem and I felt validated. Perhaps I am not so crazy as my thoughts sometimes lead me to believe. Or maybe I am that crazy but at least I know there are other people in this world who think like I do.

There does exist a Supreme Power, a Being stronger than us, smarter than us, incomprehensible to us. We all call it something different. Every religion, even every non-religion, has some label to place on this thing which we do not understand. While we cannot see it, we can always see its capabilities all around us. The beautiful and the ugly. The miraculous and the tragic. This great thing that does what it wants, when it wants, and how it wants. And it gives us no choice but to surrender. Yet we find it against all the time, in vain. When we finally allow ourselves to completely surrender, that is where we find joy and peace and harmony. It exists outside of us and inside of us. We all are a part of it. We are all connected to it. We all reap its benefits and share its glory. And we all suffer at its whim.

I wonder what would happen if we all simultaneously surrendered to the power of the Universe. If we all accepted that whatever we call it in our individual religions, in our different cultures, in our varied belief systems, in the deepest moments of contemplation in our unique thoughts, are one and the same thing. It is the same thing regardless of how you label it, where you live, what you believe. It exists without us, but we cannot exist without it. It has been there from the beginning of space and time, for it is space and time. We are merely manifestations of its desires. Yet it manifests itself right inside of each and every one of us.

Seriously, what would happen if we all had this great revelation of understanding all at once? If we are each an individual solar system in and of ourselves spinning through the chaos with one another and we awakened to knowledge in an abrupt moment, would we unite as one great cosmos or would we collide in a colossal destructive explosion that would end all things? Or maybe that would be just be the beginning of something else? Something just as cryptic and confusing and beyond human understanding.

I guess the bottom line is this…I am a solar system. You are a solar system. We are part of each other. We are a part of something greater. We exist and yet maybe we don’t. We travel through space and time beyond our own comprehension. In and around, over and under, together and separate, distant yet connected. Perfectly orchestrated in such a way that we are unable to find the harmony in it all. The mystical paradox of the Universe and God and whatever you call her.

By the way, what do you call her?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Jacqui Berry
I was intrigued by your post title – love it Shelbee your outfit is way out there. xx Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I changed the title like 4 times, too, before I settled on that one! It is a far out outfit, for sure. Ha.
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
That top is fantastic!!
Thanks, Tamar! It was so silly that I had to have it!
This might just be one of my favourite of all your looks. The colours are just so cheerful and happy and the combination of your top and those amazingly-coloured tights is one to stop me in my stride! Kx
Oh wow, thanks so much, Karen! I felt a little over the top in this, but I do love the way it photographed! Plus fashion should just be fun anyway. Life should be fun! And I am going to dress for the party!
Very cool print and I love the bright colors.
Thanks so much, Lorena!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very cool and love the look. You look like a true hippy from the 60’s, so very nice.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I have been getting a little bored with my clothing lately, so this was a fun way to change it up and make it interesting again!
I love that whole outfit Shelbee, so colorful and fun! And interesting perspective on the solar system! My, your posts are thought provoking. Thanks for linking up at #WowOnWednesday!
Thanks so much, Gail! Seriously, these are things that keep me awake at night!
Anna Marcus
You did an excellent job with this top, Shelbee, exactly what the designer would wanted you to, go all the way. Love the shorts and the bright tights underneath. Really great styling
Thanks so much, Anna! It was fun to step out in these super bright colors for a change!
Marilee Judith Gramith
I’ve evolved WAY beyond my Catholic upbringing.
NATURE must be admired, feared, honored and finally embraced.
Life is a messy business and love is the tuning fork.
Jude, I LOVE this comment so much!!!! Nature is God, isn’t she? But again…does it matter what we call it as long as we admire, fear, honor, and embrace it? I could have conversations like these every single day, I think! It’s that philosopher in me!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
That top is really wild. But you totally rock it. Great look.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I do like to walk on the wild side occasionally!
Very cute outfit!
Thank you, Michelle!
What a lovely outfit Shelbee. Love your top and it goes perfect with your blue tights 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂
Thank you so much, Claire! I have been styling a lot of bright tights lately!
That is such a fun top! I love swing tanks like this, and the blue tights and yellow bag are such fun ways to accessorise it 🙂
Interesting musings on the universe too! 🙂
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp 🙂 I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! 🙂
Hope that you had a great weekend 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! This style top usually doesn’t flatter me…I thought it was a dress! Ha. But I made it work and it was fun to style! Have a fantastic week, my friend!