Off the Rails: How To Get Back On Track

We all have times when we feel a bit down in the dumps, perhaps something has happened to trigger this emotional state, such as stress at work or home, financial issues or relationships problems. At times, you can feel so stuck you may wonder if will ever be able to get back on track. This post offers four suggestions that may help you feel better and be more productive in the days ahead.
*Edited content from original post.
There is a popular expression about how you can become just like the people you spend the most time with. Attitudes are contagious. So if you surround yourself with negative people, you will start incorporating that negative energy into your own life. This can be extremely draining on your emotional and mental state. The way to rectify this is to seek out the positive people in your life, the people who will encourage, support, and empower you. If you are in a position where you don’t have access to such people, look to inspiring books, motivational videos, and empowering audio programs to uplift your spirits and your mood. A happy mood and a positive frame of mind come from within yourself after all. Immerse yourself in the spirit of success and happiness in order to build a better life. Steer clear of dream stealers who make you feel like your dreams and ambitions are impossible. And when no one else believes in you, believe in yourself.

If you are currently feeling out of shape and unhappy with your body and your energy levels, beginning an exercise routine is very important. But it can also be quite daunting. Getting started, taking the first action step, is the hardest, yet the most crucial. Positive self-talk is the key. And then as Nike suggests…“Just Do It”. Once you begin, you just need to be consistent in your routine and you will quickly start to build momentum.
Whenever you add exercise into your daily regimen, you need to allow for an adjustment period. At first, your body will ache. But as you acclimate to your fitness program, it gets easier. And the endorphins that are released by your body during exercise also have an addictive effect which makes you crave more. Thereby, making it that much simpler to be motivated to exercise. Be sure, however, that you are stretching properly before every workout. Proper stretching helps to receive muscle soreness and can prevent injuries. And remember, there is power in progress. The more progress you make, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more progress you will make. It is a positive upward spiral.
Getting a good night’s sleep on a consistent basis has several well established advantages. How many hours of solid sleep a person needs is very specific to each individual, however, a healthy range is 6 to 8 hours a night. Many of us tend to lead very busy lives and sacrifice sleep in order to jam as much as we can into every single day. We are not robots and we need sleep in order for our bodies and minds to rejuvenate and be as efficient and productive as possible. Proper rest makes for a more productive person.

As humans, we are thinking beings, and we all too often dwell on things a little too much allowing our thoughts to run away with us. In the field of psychology, rumination is a term used to describe the process of chronically replaying things in our minds to the point that it causes anxiety. Rumination can be exhausting and is usually not very productive. Sometimes a purging process is required to clear our minds of the thoughts that are causing anxiety. One great way to purge our thoughts is to write them down. You can use a journal to do this, either a paper journal or a digital document. The process of journaling can be very cathartic as it is good for cleansing the mind and soul. It will also help you to recognize patterns and triggers for any anxiety you may be experiencing.
It is so easy to forget to our own well-being especially with the chaos of the holidays right upon us. So now is the perfect time to take the opportunity for some very important self-care. I hope you have found these tips helpful!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Good point Shelbee, some great information that we can all take from Jacqui
Thanks so much, Jacqui! We definitely need to be more mindful of self-care in order to be more productive, for sure. Have a wonderful weekend.
Oh….this hit me right over the head! I hit the wall this week. Go, go, go. Do, do, do. Not slowing down to care for myself. Pulling back a bit to focus on self care and being not doing all the time. All great reminders, Shelbee. Thank you.
I am glad that you it was a helpful reminder for you, Cathy! I do the same thing…I get rolling and I don’t stop until I hit that wall! I wrote a similar article Running on Overdrive: 5 Ways To Avoid the Crash which will be appearing next month in the December issue of Resilientista Magazine. I would love for you to check that out, too, when it is released. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope to take a moment or two for yourself this weekend!
Awesome and perfect timing. Just the reminders that I needed to read this morning. Thank you 😊
I am glad they helped, Rena! I hope you are feeling much better and that a calm has set in to finally deal with your painful and probably very annoying gallstone issue!
Love these tips! I’m currently trying to get back on track with healthy eating/fitness. I was doing so well over the summer, but really slacked these past two months. Thanks for the inspiration!
xo, Carey
Carey, thanks for stopping by. I am glad that you found some value in these tips. And I hear you on getting back on track. I was doing great in the summer, too, and the last few months, I have been terrible with eating junk food and being lazy. I need to follow my own tips! Have a great week!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Great tips!
Thanks, Tamar! Have a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving!
These are all great ideas! I do think getting a good night’s sleep is a big deal for health – mental and physical.
I totally agree, Lauren! I was just having a conversation with my friend today about how I can get nauseous if I don’t get proper sleep! Thanks for stopping by. I hope you have a fabulous week.
jodie filogomo
This is so true!!
Thanks for sharing!
And thanks so much for joining us On Monday’s We Link Up!
Thanks so much, Jodie!
Samantha Blair
What a great post Shelbee!
I don’t keep a journal BUT I’m a firm believer in avoiding negative people (SO draining) and exercise works wonders.
Sleep is something I get sometimes…..my husband snores and it drives me round the bend!
Thank you for linking up to #fakeituntilyoumakeit!
Samantha, thanks so much for stopping by! I also avoid negative people like the plague! Sleeping with a snoring partner never leads to a good night’s sleep, for sure. I wonder if there is something you can do to remedy that. Thanks for hosting your fun link up and have a wonderful day!
Right on !
The one I find the most difficult to do is exercise and to be honest when they are all done simultaneously, one can feel the results.
Absolutely, I agree, Lorena! I hate exercise, but I definitely feel better when I force myself to do something! Thanks so much for stopping by!