Honoring Our Veterans
In an effort to honor the end of World War I, Veteran’s Day was declared a federal holiday in the United States on November 11, 1918. It continues on as a day to honor and celebrate the bravery and sacrifice of American service members. Being a military wife, it is a holiday that is important and emotional to me and one that is worthy of a variety of fundraising events that can assist veterans in need.
Witnessing the bravery and sacrifices made daily by American service members and their families is something that will bring tears to my eyes time and again. I am going to tell you right here, right now, the struggle is real. And complain as we might sometimes, we would never do a thing differently. I am guessing that most military families would agree with me on that.
We are a proud bunch. This I know. And we are strong. And independent. And caring and loving. Sometimes we are lonely and frustrated. A lot of times we are downright broke. We get frustrated and angry at silly rules that make no sense. We learn how to laugh in the face of emotional wreckage. We make friends quickly but stand alone frequently. We watch friends come and go and we see our own extended families only once in a while. But we prevail through every up and down, through every separation, through every fear. And we grow stronger and stronger with every obstacle that this life throws at us.
We are no strangers to extended separations from our spouses. Those of us with children learn very quickly the struggle of single parenting. We sometimes find ourselves crying silently in our pillows late at night or screaming loudly to the wind just to relieve the tensions. And we continue to prevail. Our marriages become stronger or else they break. And the ones that break cannot be faulted for it is a very difficult life. The ups and downs, the emotional things that must be processed, the never really knowing what lies ahead next year, next month, and very often next week. Making plans for the future is nearly impossible. And when plans have been made, they can change in an instant.
And that is all just my feelings on the matter. I am not even the soldier in this family. And while I hold down the home front, my husband offers continued emotional, financial, and spiritual support. He listens when I break down and then he goes off to work and has to maintain his focus on a job that can very often be quite dangerous. The weight of the world rests upon the shoulders of our service members and they really deserve more than just a single day of celebration.
Until you have lived a day in the life of a soldier and his or her family, I don’t think I can adequately explain the challenge that it is. But we do it with pride. And we will continue to do it until the Army says, “We don’t need you anymore.” That day is coming is soon…and it will bring a mix of emotions that are impossible to describe.
But in the meantime, on this Veteran’s Day of 2019, I want to say thank you to my husband and every man and woman who has served in the United States Armed Forces. You are my heroes and always will be.
If you are ever compelled to assist a military veteran, there are a multitude of ways to do that. You can visit https://www.gofundme.com/c/blog/financial-help-for-veterans for a list of different organizations that offer assistance to military veterans and their families. If you would like to assist a specific military family, you can simply begin your own dedicated fundraiser as well.
To round out this Veteran’s Day, here are just a few pictures that illustrate Army living….

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”
Dan Lipinski
Feeling grateful on the edge,
For more insight into military life, check out Loving Life Moore, a lifestyle blog by military wife Missy Moore. I have never had the pleasure of meeting Missy in real life while they were stationed here at Fort Drum, but her blog so eloquently illustrates the way this life goes…the sacrifices, the frustrations, the beauty, and the joys.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Thank you to your husband, you, and the boys for your service!
Thanks so much, Tamar!
Kathrine Eldridge
Please thank your husband for his service and thank you as well because you sacrificed too. These pics are wonderful and so special.
Thank you so much, Kathrine! I really appreciate that!
Anne M Bray
Thank you Jeff!
The parade of your formal attire is, um, “interesting”. Heehee.
Aw, thanks, Anne! Did I mention how much I despise formal attire?!! I hope we can reach retirement without my having to go to the prom again!
Anne M Bray
Haha. Here are some of my “Promy” memories:
1) I didn’t go to “prom” in high school (kind of pointless at an all-girls’ boarding school, it was more an event for the day students who actually HAD local boyfriends. And inschool girlfriends were still somewhat secretive, it being 1974).
2) We had to wear long white dresses for our graduation, and I made mine out of bedsheets because we were specifically told not to.
3) Which leads me to an unusual career detour when I designed fluffy pink gowns for Barbie at Mattel. Creating romantic wedding gown inspiration boards while getting a divorce was especially amusing.
Maybe now, with your refound boldness, even a formal situation wouldn’t be so bad. Because you could do Badass Prom, like you did Badass Wedding!
Anne, have I told you lately that I love you?! This right is here is one of the reasons for my undying love…”We had to wear long white dresses for our graduation, and I made mine out of bedsheets because we were specifically told not to.”
Yep, that is exactly what I would have done in the situation.
Did you notice in the one prom picture, I am wearing chunky black combat boots under my dress while all the other ladies are wearing dainty little heels? I was laughing at them at all night long as their feet swelled and they complained of the pain! This eventually led to black combat boots with my wedding dress complete with a black veil!
Yeah, given the opportunity for one last Army prom, I think I would have to go all out badass! Thanks for shifting my perspective!
Anne M Bray
I did notice!
I would love to see your Badass Army Prom solution. Now you MUST attend! (Camo gown, perhaps? I’ll sew it! Maybe too too. Camo lace trim? Combat boots for sure).
I have wanted a camo gown since I was a kid and my older sister’s friend made herself a camo prom gown. I have never been able to find one and I can’t sew! I will definitely take you up on that offer!
Anne M Bray
(lost Reply link because we’re getting too chatty)
You’re on for the camo gown! I can do WHATEVER design you desire! (I DID go to school for that!)
I am literally jumping up and down right now! I will commission when needed! You rock!
Hahaha, we got too chatty they kicked us out of my own comments!
What a great post! Beautiful pictures! Thank you to your family for all that you do! My husband served the army for 3 years but it’s “once a soldier always a soldier” for him. I’ve only gotten a few glimples as what is would be like to live a military life and honestly I don’t know if I’d be able to do it. Thank you both for your service!
Ellibelle, thank you so much for this! Honestly, when I married him, I had no idea what I was in for! It has been quite a ride, but I wouldn’t change a thing!
I loved reading your post and looking at your wonderful pictures, Shelbee, especially the insight into the life of a military family. We owe so much to our grandfathers, fathers and presently our military and services – who look after us and run to trouble instead of away. They are so brave and sacrifice so much.
Alison xx
Alison, thank you so much for this lovely comment! You brought tears to my eyes. I am so grateful for this life even with all of its challenges, for without our military, where would be?!
Your words are a powerful reminder of what we owe those who sacrifice so much. Thank you for opening up on Veteran’s Day.
Barbara, thank you so much! I really appreciate that!
As I appreciate YOUR SERVICE.
Aw, thank you, Barbara!
Patrick Weseman
Very beautiful post. Bless you, your husband and your family. Thank him for his service and you for all of the support.
Patrick, thanks so much! And a great big thank you right back at you for your service!
Debbie O
Wonderful pictures! Glad you did this post on your husband and America’s vets. Love the boots. You really do march to a different durmmer and that makes you so special!
Love Debbie
Debbie, thank you so very much, my friend, for all of your kindness and support! And thank you as well for your service!
Thanks for sharing! My brother retired from the air force a couple of years ago. We definitely see more of him now since he now lives in the US permanently.
Mireille, thank you for reading! And tell your brother I said thanks for his service! Have a great weekend.
First, the fact that you wore combat boots on your wedding day levels up my already prodigious respect for you to iconic proportions. The fact that you look so stinking cute in them makes me hope to someday step up and get my own pair. Also love the combat boots at the formal, with the blue dress. What better place to sport the boots than at a military function? And they have to be more comfy than the shoes the other ladies are wearing. I’ll bet they’re easier to dance in as well.
Thanks to all of you amazing people, for all that you sacrifice every single day.
Susan, thank you so very much! I do like to challenge the status quo every where I go! I appreciate your prodigious respect more than you know!