Healing in the New Year & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #636

My word of the year for 2023 is Healing.
2022 started out great and then sometime in the middle of the year, all sorts of things started going awry, stirring up old hurts and reopening decades old wounds. While I continued my focus in 2022 on Perspective and Gratitude, as the year progressed healing became a major goal not only for myself but for the world as a whole.
Late last summer, I decided to take some steps toward achieving this goal and by the end of September I had received my Usui Holy Fire® III Level II Reiki certification. Some of you may already be familiar with the practice of Reiki, but I have taken note that it is not a very well known practice in the general population.
To be as succinct as possible, Reiki is a form of Japanese energy healing which is considered alternative or holistic medicine that aims to heal through universal energy. Holy Fire® Reiki is a newer and more refined practice that is rooted in a higher level of consciousness which is both powerful and gentle in providing purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance.
It is important to keep in mind that Reiki practitioners are not performing some kind of magical hands on healing. Instead, the practice of Reiki creates a relaxing and calming atmosphere for the body and mind by providing an optimal healing environment. By fostering a safe and caring setting, Reiki helps people to relax which reduces stress thereby creating a space where you can more efficiently heal, whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual healing that is needed. I guess the easiest way to understand it is that Reiki helps healing. It is not magic or witchcraft or quackery, it is just a sharing of the good positive energy that exists within all of us. It cannot cause harm. The very worst it can do is absolutely nothing.

The Level II Reiki Certification equips me with the skills needed to practice Reiki on myself and others, either in person or through distance healing. For the past few months, I have engaged in daily self-Reiki sessions with much success in healing those decades old wounds I mentioned above. I have also experienced relief for some annoying physical ailments like headaches, a wonky knee, and carpal tunnel pain.
I have done sessions on our pet rabbit George as well. He has been super skittish since we got him 5 years ago. You couldn’t hold him, pet him, or even touch him without him freaking out. Heck, I don’t even think he likes it much if you look at him. Anyway, I have been doing Reiki for poor skittish George and now he lets me pet his head, he’ll take food from my hand, and he will even approach me when I begin clearing the energy in the room before a session. I have also tried to offer Reiki to our cat Dave and he hates it. He gives me a really nasty look when I start and runs out of the room, often stopping in the doorway to glare angrily at me for a moment longer to ensure that I understand the extent of his displeasure. But cats are our spiritual superiors so it’s no surprise that my cat is judging all of my novice errors.
In addition to myself and my pets, I have also practiced on my kids and my husband. Ralph often asks me to smudge him first because he says the burning sage “smells like the festival” which is his favorite place to be. That is enough right there to create a calming and peaceful environment…by triggering memories of your very favorite place to be. Who wouldn’t want to visit their favorite place every now and then even if it is just in your mind?
I also have been practicing lots of distance healing which I generally combine with my morning yoga practice. While I am settling into my long yin yoga poses, I begin directing the Reiki energy out into the world to the people and places who need it most. Sometimes I have specific people in mind and I focus my energy entirely on them. Other times, I have lots of people in mind or just the world as a whole. In those situations, I simply ask for the Reiki energy to reach those who need it and are willing to accept it.
It really is a beautiful thing…keeping focused on the positive energy that exists within us and all around us. But it also takes some work maintaining that kind of positive mindset in a world where there is a whole lot of negativity and pain.
I suppose that just motivates me even more to find a way to share this healing energy with the world.
So my next step is establishing a thriving Reiki practice. I’m not sure where to begin, but it might be at “the festival”!

May 2023 be a year of healing, hope, and happiness for you all!
Do you have a focus word or intention for the year ahead?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite: Mica of Away from the Blue

Fashion Favorite: Michelle of Funky Fashion Style

Other Favorite: Trina of The Tipsy Lifestyle

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Leggings, Turtleneck, and Coat-Torrid / Dress-Rosegal / Boots-ShoeDazzle / Necklaces-Thrifted / Earrings-Cato / Hat-Inherited from my grandmother / Gloves-Boutique in Sylva, NC /

Patrick Weseman
Looking so very cute. Love it. You are always the fashion maven. Healing is so important to us. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I don’t think I have ever met a person who couldn’t benefit from a little extra healing!
Lucy Bertoldi
This sounds so fascinating Shelbee- and I love how beneficial this can be for your whoe family. And, of course I’ve gotta commenton that dress- its winter fabulous!
Thanks so much, Lucy! I have experienced so much benefits from Reiki already. It is so great for anxiety relief and it has also really helped my sleep as well which I forgot to mention in my post.
I don’t have a word to guide my year this year but if I were to pick one I think it would be something like calm or create or center. I feel very pulled in all these different directions lately and I’m not even sure why as no one is doing the pulling! LOL. I just feel on edge and my mind feels busy if that makes sense. I am definitely turning to more yoga/ pilates/ quiet exercises in the morning to try and help me start my day calm and relaxed. I love your dress; that looks like such a cozy knit!
Oooh Joanne, those are all fantastic focus words and so beneficial for easing unexplained anxiety! My anxiety has been at an all time high recently. Similar to you, I feel pulled in a million directions but no one is doing it to me except myself. I am blaming menopause for this increase in anxiety. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night in a random panic attack that is triggered by some awful tragic thought that popped into my head while sleeping. It is so ridiculous! All the quiet focus activities have been really helpful for me in managing the stress. I hope you find solace and peace in your quiet morning relaxation activities!
Marsha Banks
I don’t have a word of the year, but if I did, I think it would be intentional. I need to be more intentional in my life as well as in my purchasing! I love that you were able to heal George! I would have loved to be there to see Dave giving you the stink eye! I need to look into this type of healing because my knee is screaming louder every day!
And, this outfit…oh, my gosh!!!! I love it! There isn’t a single thing I would change about it! It’s perfect in every way!!
Thanks for the link party, Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Marsha! Intentional is a wonderful focus word. I may have to use that one as well! While I am focusing on healing, I also have been focused on the present moment, trying to keep my mind from wandering too far into the past or the future. I don’t know what was going on with my knee a few months back. It kept popping on like every third step and I would actually buckle and almost lose my balance each time. I have never had knee problems before so it was concerning when it lasted for a week. I was amazed at how well Reiki worked for that. We can try a distance healing session if you want!
Well, you didn’t practice Reiki on me yesterday, lol, very bad day. Just kidding. I’m so looking forward to see how you will evolve with your Reiki plans. What a good idea to start on festivals!
Oh yes I did! I am sorry that it was a bad day for you though, my friend. But it might have been worse if I wasn’t sending Reiki to you! I am hopeful that I will figure out this festival stuff before summer!
First of all, I love that dress / tunic! What a cute & cozy look. I enjoyed your description of Reiki, because I really had no idea, although I’d heard the term – and some inaccurate descriptions – many times. It’s a noble endeavor. It does take work to remain positive. But I try to remember that the world has always had its wars, diseases, societal upheaval. The difference is we now know about them all, everywhere, 24/7. It’s overwhelming. I tend to stay away from the news.
And thank you for the feature! It was a lovely surprise. 😄
Thanks so much, Michelle! I have worn this dress once before on the blog and I wanted to link to it but I gave up trying to find it!
It definitely takes a certain mindset to manifest positivity all the time, but I think it is also worth the effort. The more positive energy put out there, the less room there is for the negative energy. I think. Well, that’s the philosophy I’m relying on! We do get bombarded constantly with the negative through news and social media. No wonder so many people start to feel sad and depressed when the image of our world is always portrayed as so dire.
Jacqui Berry
Good luck with all you do Shlebee, great outfit. Jacqui. x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I appreciate you and your kind words!
Trina M
You look so cute Shelbee in your outfit! Thank you so much for the feature 🥰
Thanks so much, Trina! I appreciate that! Have a wonderful week ahead, my friend.
Trina M
You’re welcome! Have a great week! 🙂
You as well, Trina!
My word for this year is thrive! Love your coat!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Thrive is an awesome focus word. I hope you do thrive this year and all the years beyond!
First off, love your outfit!! It looks perfect with the snow! Secondly, loved hearing about your journey in 2022. Reiki sounds like such an interesting practice – I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I’m really excited to see where 2023 takes you! Your word is perfect. Instead of a word for this year, I’m working on various habits. We’ll see how it goes!!
Thank you so much, my friend. Reiki has been life changing for me in just the few months since I have really learned about it and began practicing it. In the midst of my healing journey, I also need to work on some healthier habits. I know I have what it takes to make that happen, I just need to talk myself into taking the first step! I wish you all the best in the new year and beyond!
Cheryl Shops
I had Reiki done twice when I was going through my divorce, and I’m convinced it help me survive that ordeal with grace (and find a much better-suited partner once I was done). I love that it worked on your bunny too!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, that is so awesome! I love to hear stories like yours. There is so much benefit in so many Eastern based techniques like Reiki. Who couldn’t benefit from a little more positive energy, a little more compassion, a little more relaxation, and a little more self-care? Those are all the things I have gotten from Reiki so far. Have you considered getting certified? I think you would be great at it!
Suzy Turner
Shelbee, I’m sorry that I never did get round to congratulating you on your amazing qualifications!! It’s so fabulous and I’m absolutely delighted for you. I LOVED reading this post, and this warmed my heart, “it is just a sharing of the good positive energy that exists within all of us”.
Also, I have to say YES to this outfit!! I FREAKING LOVE IT. That dress is everything, and so is the coat!! LOVE LOVE LOVE
Huge hugs
Suzy xx
Thanks so much, Suzy! I really appreciate that. I didn’t share this other Reiki story which really is about the sharing of the good positive energy within all of us. A few days before Christmas I had to go to the mall to pick up an order for my kids from Hot Topic. I was absolutely dreading it and fearful of holiday crowds so as I was doing yoga and Reiki that morning, I asked the Reiki to flow through me and offer positive energy to anyone who needed it in the midst of the holiday stress. Then I went to the mall and had people literally telling me that my energy was so strong and positive and it had brightened their day just being in my presence. At first I was a little taken about by all the attention when I remembered what I had manifested that morning. Then I giggled to myself and thanked Reiki for helping me out! This is why I love Reiki so much. It lives within all of us and when we offer it out, the energy in others comes to the surface to respond. It is so freaking cool!
Hi Shelbee, I’m first time reading this blog and may I say it looks so full of life and so refreshing. Got three herniated discs on my neck and reiki sessions from my friends did help a bit. I hope you continue your journey, after all, we are all here because of each other, aren’t we? Keep up the excellent work; definitely I’m coming back to read your posts. Hugs from Slovenia.
Mariama, thanks so much for this lovely comment. Herniated disks are terrible but I am so glad that you are finding some benefit with Reiki. And yes, we are all here because of each other and we all need each other to survive and to thrive. Now how do we get the rest of the world to understand that concept?! LOL
Super cute dress! The perfect one for cabining!
Thanks so much, Alexandra!