Energy Healing & Link Up On the Edge #145

Have you ever been caught in a negative energy vortex? This just happened to me over the past few days. From maybe Friday until Tuesday. At first, you think it is just a bad day, but then the bad day turns into multiple consecutive bad days. Just a whole bunch of negative stuff piling on top of more negative stuff. Nothing tragic really. Things that are more just of the irritating nature which become super frustrating after more and more piles on. Suddenly you realize that you are the one attracting the negativity.

Because this is the way the Law of Attraction works. One negative thing you can easily rise above and move along on your positive merry way. But two negative things then three or more and you start to focus your energy on that negativity. And the more you focus on the negativity, the more negativity the universe delivers to you. You are, in essence, attracting it to yourself.

There were a lot of negative moments for me the past week. Many of them I honestly cannot even remember because they were that benign. Some were bigger than others but there is no use in rehashing them now. But I do want to share the one event that made me realize the universe was smacking me in the face and saying, “Hey girl, wake up and pay attention! The more you focus on this negative bullshit, the more I’m gonna give to you.”

It had been a run of bad days turned to really bad days which culminated into that ah-ha moment on Tuesday when I left work to head home. I walked the block to my car in the pouring rain without my umbrella (because naturally I had forgotten my umbrella in the car). As I approached my car, I unhooked my keys from purse (I always hook them onto my purse so I don’t lose them). At this moment, standing in the rain, I realized that my car key had fallen off the key ring. All of my other keys were there, but my car key was missing. It is the damn strangest thing.

So I walked the block back to work, in the pouring rain without an umbrella, searching the sidewalk for my missing car key. No luck. I went back into the shop and searched all around the floor for my missing key. Nothing. I walked the block back to my car, in the pouring rain without an umbrella, searching the sidewalk once again. Nope. No key. I called my husband and then I stood in the rain without my umbrella waiting for him to arrive with my spare key. I searched the inside of my car once I gained access and still no key. But there was my umbrella…all nice and dry.

Once I finally got home, soaked, exhausted, and stressed, it finally occurred to me that I was, in fact, trapped in a vortex of negative energy and I had no idea how to get myself out. So I messaged my dear friend Leti of Good Life Healing Arts and asked for suggestions. She performed a distant energy healing session and asked me to just relax at home while remaining open to her work. Call me Dharma, but I had confidence in Leti’s work and by morning I felt a million times better, my positive energy restored and my mood completely rebalanced.

I don’t know how you all feel about the power of the energies that surround us, but sometimes we all just need a little help to navigate our way through it. I cannot thank Leti enough for sharing her energy and her light with me and for continuing to do the amazing work that she does. So if you ever feel like you could use some assistance in getting out of a negativity vortex, do reach out to Leti. She has never failed me yet! (By the way, I found my key just a few hours after writing this post! It was under the counter at work. I am so thankful for small blessings!)

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust shared her post, Pink Chiffon Skirt & Adidas: Nuggets of Wisdom. Not only is Debbie’s outfit totally brilliant, but her nuggets of wisdom are even better!

Patrick of Adventures in Weseland shared his post, Pics from a Road Trip. Patrick always has so many wonderful adventures and his photos always make me smile!

What methods do you use to get out of a negative spiral? I am in the process of learning more about essential oils and Leti has just introduced me to the practice of saging. I haven’t done it yet, but it is on my agenda for this weekend. I figure if I just cleaned out my closet, I might as well clear out the bad energy as well!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I totally get that! It’s so easy to get sucked into the negative.
Hope you found your key!
Thanks for stopping by, Tamar! I did find my key! Just a few hours after I finished writing my post. What a relief because that was totally stressing me out! Have a great weekend, my friend.
Shopping Shelbee Shopping! And go out for dinner! Works for me!
Haha, Nancy! I cannot shop so much anymore! After cleaning out my closet and seeing how much I actually shop and hoard, I now realize I must cut back some! I did eat ALL the comfort junk food though. Just in time to start another 7 day healthy cleanse tomorrow.
Kathrine Eldridge
Love how you styled this fun dress! Glad you found help to bring you back from all the negativity. So glad you found a blessing in all of the stress. Thanks for the link up!
Thank you so much, Kathrine! Usually I can get myself out of the negative spiral, but sometimes we all need a little help! I am so blessed to have amazing friends to help with these things. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I have that tunic/dress! I kept looking at you in the pictures and thinking this looks familiar! I love it with the mustard tights. While I don’t agree with some of what you were saying, I will say that negativity does begets negativity and sometimes it becomes a cycle. Glad you found your key and you finally got home to dry off!
Enjoy your weekend!
Mireille, thanks so much! I was unsure of the mustard tights with this dress,but I went for it anyway! How funny that you have the same dress…great minds share great style, right? Oh, and now I am curious to know what parts you disagree with! I am always up for a good discussion and hearing different view points! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
It’s so hard to get out of that negative spiral sometimes. I’m glad you have a good resource to help! Leti sounds amazing! This is such a fun outfit! Love your dress!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! It is great to have resources and friends and other self help methods on hand to help yourself get out of these negative spirals. And I have learned some new ways to help myself through the process! Have a great weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
I have days when it all seems to be going sideways! Ugh! You are lookin’ cute as ever my friend!
Thanks, Kellyann! Those days really are the worst. But I guess in hindsight, once we get out of them, we appreciate the good days so much more! Have a great weekend, my friend!
jodie filogomo
That’s such a good question Shelbee. I think I was in that kind of negativity last week when technology was going goofy with my site. I felt like everything was against me. I started feeling better when I started taking my herbs (I usually take the weekends off, to give my body a break). Our minds are very powerful and it’s not always easy to get out of these times.
Sending hugs and love for a great weekend, Shelbee!!!
Jodie, thanks for sharing your methodology for dealing with these negativity bouts. I need to investigate more about herbology and aromatherapy and more natural ways to heal our own energy and remain balanced. I hope your tech issues have resolved and you have a fantastic weekend!
Sometimes it is easy to get entangled in the negativity but always remember that there is something bright at the end of the tunnel. I like to try to think of the positive when in the situation.
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Grace, thanks so much! I knew that the negativity would pass as it always does. And that definitely kept me going. But I was so stuck in it that I really needed help getting out! So thankful for great friends everywhere who can send me light and positivity when I need it most. Have a great weekend!
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, the minute I discover I’m on about my third negative thing of the day, I just stop. I’ve found acceptance is the key. I just say, “Looks like this is just one of those days. Time to sit down with a nice cuppa tea, tune everything out and just get right with myself!” Thanks for hosting #LinkUpOnTheEdge.
Thanks so much, Jean! That is what I ended up doing once I got home from work…I just said enough is enough and I stopped, sat down on the couch and didn’t move until bed time. It was then that I reached out to Leti for some energy healing help! All things are right again!
Sounds like you have had quite the week. 🙁 Really glad you were able to clear out the bad vibes and let the positive ones find their way in. You look great! Love the color combination you have going on here.
Thanks, Jennie! Things definitely got better once I was able to clear the bad energy. The good moved backed in and things are back to normal. Now if I could just rid myself of the tiredness! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend!
Wow that’s really cool! I am the type of person that soaks up other’s energies, even unknowingly. It can be exhausting! This sound super helpful and I’m glad it worked for you. <3
Lizzie, thanks so much for reading! I definitely am way in tune to people’s energies and have the same issue. I also tend to attract the kind of people who want to steal my good energy and that is exhausting, too! I am getting better at recognizing that type of person though and getting the hell away from them. Haha. Have a great weekend, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
A good guided meditation helps get me out of a negative energy spiral. Gabby Bernstein is my favorite, but I’m sure there are a lot of other good ones out there too!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks so much for the recommendation. I haven’t done guided meditation in years, but I will definitely give it a try again. I will check out Gabby Bernstein, for sure. Have a great weekend!
Shugunna Alexander
Shoes, go shopping for shoes!! It works. I hope you are feeling better, take care of YOU!
Shugunna, that is the absolute best solution ever! I do love shoes! But I just cleaned out my closet and I have SO many shoes already. I have such trouble parting with the ones I have. Thanks for stopping by, my friend. Have a fabulous weekend!
Jenny Yang
WOW i have never heard about this concept before and can relate so heavily towards it – I was in a state of absolute negativity a couple of months ago and the energy around me was too toxic. Loved this post!
xx jen
Jen, thanks so much for reading! I am so fascinated by the power that is in our energy whether it is positive or negative. Either way, it is very contagious and when it becomes toxic you must find a way back to the balance of positivity. There are so many great ways to do that. I am so glad that you enjoyed the post! Have a great weekend!
I too keep my keys on my purse with a carabiner clip. As to my method for getting rid of negativity? I recall to mind the verses, “in everything give thanks” and “rejoice evermore.” The saging that you mentioned remind of a book I read once about a Native American named “Crying Wind.” Her uncle’s name was “Cloud.” In some ways it was a very sad book– her horse died and her grandmother died, I think. But it ends up happy…. (https://www.amazon.com/Crying-Wind/dp/0802416764/)
Liberty, thank you so much for sharing your experience and your method for ridding yourself of negativity. I think positive mantras of any sort, scriptural or otherwise are super helpful to keep us mindful of all the good around us and in us. And that book looks really interesting. I have always been fascinated by and drawn to Native American culture. I will have to check that out! Have a great weekend, my friend!
How interesting! I have never heard about this before! I know what you mean about having a cycle of negativity though. Often times I like to take a day to myself and recharge and refresh!
Laura, thanks for reading! I definitely need to take time for myself when I get caught in cycles like this. Things have been much better once I got re-centered. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Love the retro vibe of this outfit – the styles and colours work so well together!
Glad you found your car key in the end!
Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend 🙂
Thanks so much, Mica! I was so unsure of this color combination but I ended up liking in the end! Have a great weekend!
Patrick Weseman
Looking so nice. Love how you matched all the colors very nice. Thanks for the feature that is so cool. Put a smile on my face.
I try to think of positive things when I am in a dark and negative place. One thing that has helped me lately is that lately, I have been stopping by a park near my house on sunny days and spend 15-20 minutes sitting there. A family of egrets have decided to make a home there. It is soothing to hear them squak the whole time I am there.
Hope you are having a great weekend and sending positive thoughts.
Patrick, thanks so much! I definitely need to make time for some quiet solitude when I get stuck in the negative spirals! Getting back in touch with nature and the universe always helps you get grounded again. I hope your weekend is fantastic.
Helen C.
I am sending over some positive vibes for yo, Shelbee!(it works!)
I am so glad you found your key, losing our car´s key is one of my worst nightmares!
I hope you had a great weekend without that negative energy following you around!!
Helen, thank you so much, my friend! Things started looking up and the weekend was wonderful! But I agree, sending out positive vibes totally works!
You rock the pigtails Michelle – and I like to get out of the negative thinking by asking myself if it will matter in a year. Most of the time its no.
Thank you so much, Lorena! I do love wearing my pigtails! I just need my hair to grow a bit longer so I can go for braids. I love your approach to the negative thinking spiral! I have to keep that in mind.
Brandi & Sherry
Oh the negative spiral is so hard! Ugh. Here’s to positive vibes and a better week!! xo
Thanks so much, Brandi and Sherry! Things have definitely turned around for the better. Hormones seem to exacerbate these situations, too. And the hormones have shifted for the better in the past few days as well!
unbalanced hormones are no fun! Believe me I can relate. Ugh. Glad you’re feeling better!!
Thanks, Sherry! It is nice to know I am not alone!
Alicia OBrien
Cute outfit! Oh I know the energy vortexes you are talking about. They suck. Glad you found your key. The same thing kinda happened to me with my engagement ring years ago, found in the lettuce container at work (this is after I had searched the garbage the day before. Ew!). #openslather
Thanks so much, Alicia! I have had to search garbage before! So gross. And whenever we find ourselves compelled to search through garbage, we never do find what we are looking for, do we? Always a disgusting fruitless effort. Ha. And how odd that your ring was in the lettuce container of all things!