Effortless Elegance: Mastering WFH Style with Finesse

In the age of endless Zoom calls and remote work, the lines between our professional and personal lives have blurred. Dressing appropriately for work-from-home (WFH) environments can be a challenging task, but it’s one that holds the power to transform our productivity and self-perception. Gone are the days of pajamas and sweatpants as default attire. With a little effort, achieving a look that exudes effortless elegance is more attainable than you might think.

The Power of High Waist Denim Jeans

One essential item every remote professional needs in their wardrobe is a pair of high waist denim jeans. Not only are they incredibly versatile, but they also offer a polished look that can be easily dressed up or down. The high waist design provides a flattering silhouette that is both comfortable and stylish, perfect for long hours spent in front of a computer screen. Pair your high waist denim jeans with a chic blouse for virtual meetings or a cozy sweater for more casual workdays, and you’ll find yourself feeling put-together and ready to tackle any task.

Tops that Make a Statement

When it comes to tops, the key is to strike a balance between comfort and elegance. Opt for lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton or linen that will keep you cool and comfortable throughout the day. Blouses with intricate details like ruffles, lace, or subtle patterns can add an extra touch of sophistication without sacrificing comfort. Also, consider tops in solid, neutral colors that can be easily mixed and matched with your favorite bottoms. Investing in a few high-quality pieces will ensure that you always have something appropriate and stylish to wear, no matter the occasion.

Comfortable Yet Chic Footwear

While your feet may be hidden from view during virtual meetings, wearing the right footwear can have a significant impact on your overall look and feel. Ballet flats, loafers, or even stylish sneakers can add a touch of chic to your ensemble without compromising on comfort. Should you need to step out for an errand or a quick coffee break, you’ll be prepared and fashionable, eliminating the need for a last-minute shoe change.

The Perfect Accessories

Accessories are the icing on the cake when it comes to mastering WFH style with finesse. A statement necklace, a pair of elegant earrings, or even a sleek watch can elevate a simple outfit to new heights. For those with a penchant for rings or bracelets, choosing pieces that won’t interfere with typing can enhance your look without causing discomfort. Additionally, a stylish headband or hair clip can keep your hair in check and add a touch of glamour to your overall appearance.

The Role of Makeup

Makeup, while not essential, can boost your confidence and add a polished touch to your WFH style. A light, natural-looking makeup routine can work wonders. Start with a good base— a tinted moisturizer or light foundation can even out your skin tone. Add a touch of blush for a healthy glow, some mascara to open up your eyes, and a swipe of lip balm or a neutral lipstick to complete the look. The aim is to enhance your features while maintaining a fresh and effortless appearance.

The Importance of Grooming

Grooming is an integral part of maintaining a polished and professional look, even when working from home. Regular haircuts, well-groomed nails, and clean, moisturized skin contribute significantly to your overall presentation. Not to mention, the act of grooming itself can be a boost to your mental state, helping you feel more prepared and confident to face the workday.

Optimizing Your Workspace

Lastly, your physical environment plays a crucial role in how you feel and perform while working from home. A clean, clutter-free workspace can enhance productivity and keep distractions at bay. Invest in good lighting— both natural and artificial— to brighten your space and provide a conducive atmosphere for video calls.


Mastering WFH style with finesse is all about finding the right balance between comfort and elegance. With the right pieces, like high waist denim jeans and statement accessories, coupled with an organized workspace and a touch of grooming, you can elevate your daily routine and feel your best. Remember, the goal is to create a look that feels both professional and true to yourself, allowing you to tackle your workday with confidence and style.

What do you wear for WFH days?

Keeping it on the edge,


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I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Marsha Banks

    I say, “KUDOS!” to anyone who works/worked from home. That could not have been an easy switch to accomplish in such a short amount of time. I hope to never see anything like COVID again. Thanks for all the tips…I usually am all cozy in my bed in my pjs as I “work” on my blog!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      I have always enjoyed working from home whenever I had the opportunity to do so. I remember switching to a WFH situation in the wake of 9/11 and I really preferred that set up over commuting from NJ to NYC! I do find it helpful to get dressed though even when working from home. If I am in my jammies, I am not very productive.


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Shelbee on the Edge