Easing the Overwhelm with Smaller Lists & Link Up On the Edge #217

Recently, I have been feeling so stressed and anxious over the silliest things. Like leaving my house, going to the doctor, going to the store, making sure the kids are getting all of their virtual work done on time, and staying on top of my endless list of things to do.
I have always been a list maker. I love lists. I live by lists. Lists keep me organized. I write down all the things that need to be done and slowly cross them off the list. If I don’t put something on the list, it likely won’t get done because my memory is shit lately, too. The problem with my lists, however, is that I am also always adding new things to the bottom of the lists. At a rate much faster than I can complete anything at the top of the lists. And so my lists of things to do literally never end. And I never feel like I have accomplished a damn thing.
To add insult to my feelings of overwhelm, I also feel like I am living in my own worst nightmare right now of having to repeat grade school. Learning geometry all over again to help my 4th grader with his assignments is flashing me back to how stressed out geometry made me when I was that age. As I trudge through these days of Covidity, I feel like I am completely incapable of staying on task in order to complete anything. It sort of feels as if my entire existence is a combination of ADHD, bipolar mood swings, and a great big heap of lazy. Yes, I have definitely been feeling like a crazy, lazy, hazy fool lately.

So I started to wonder what would help me feel more productive and less like a lazy turd. And what would happen if I had a day or two where I actually completed everything on my to-do list? Would I feel less overwhelmed and less stressed if I could catch the feeling of completing something, anything, just one thing. I think maybe that might help.
So I tossed all my lists!
I’m kidding. I can’t toss all of my lists! I would never have a sense of direction if I did that. Instead, I keep my one big endless running list going but I only refer to it when I need to make a shorter daily list of things to do. And my daily lists of things to do only include the things that absolutely must be done that day. All the other non-mandatory stuff stays on the big list until I get around to them and if I never get around to them, life will go on. I can no longer beat myself up on a daily basis for failure to complete all the things.

Somehow making more lists has left me feeling more productive. Some days, my list only includes one or two things and when I complete them, I do feel more accomplished. But it is strange how if I completed only one or two things in a day before this new list revelation, I would end the day feeling completely unproductive for not making a bigger dent in the big list.
Yesterday’s list included three tasks…going to my counseling appointment, taking the kids to an eye doctor appointment, and writing this post. I got the two appointments checked off the list, but I never wrote this post! Honestly, having to go out in public for two separate appointments was enough to send my anxiety into full force mode which then wipes me out by the time I can settle myself down at home again.
So here I am tapping away on my keyboard before 6:00 a.m. to deliver you probably somewhat boring content. But once I get this done and make my morning blogging rounds, the rest of my day will consist of home schooling the kids and then making some spooky Halloween treats for tomorrow. We are having a tiny little Halloween celebration with the boys and 4 of their friends. Small, intimate, inexpensive, and safe from the crazy Covid world out there.
While I am not always an advocate of lowering one’s standards, I did recognize that my expectations for myself were a little too high. And since I am literally the only person who puts pressure on myself, I am the only one who can take that pressure away. And I am doing that by making smaller lists.

Now if I could get myself motivated enough to put on cute clothes and take some photos, that would be great. The photos in this post were taken over a month ago. It’s all cold and rainy here now and I spend most of my days in leggings and oversized sweaters. I rarely even put on a bra anymore unless I have to leave the house. It’s a pitiful existence, really. Hopefully one day I will get back to normal…whatever that means.
Have you been feeling overwhelmed? How do you manage those feelings?
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorites (Most Clicked)
Ellie of Ellibelle’s Corner shared her post, Fashion Over Forty: Black Gray and Chocolate Brown for Fall, featuring a cool casual autumn outfit. I am absolutely loving her brown corduroy jacket, those amazing boots, and the hint of throwback style to my teenage years. So cool!

Jill of Doused in Pink shared her post, 15 Ways to Wear Faux Leather Leggings. So if you are needing some new and creative inspiration for styling leather leggings, this is the post to read! So many fabulous outfits by Jill.

Fashion Favorite
Christine of Bon & Chic Style shared her post, French Chic October Look: Pink Maxi Dress & Black Moto Leather Jacket, to make a bold statement in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I love the contrast between the vibrant pink dress and the edgy leather jacket and boots.

Non-Fashion Favorite
Niky of The House on Silverado shared her post, How to Hand Stamp Vintage Silver Spoons. She used antique silver spoons that she had acquired from her grandmother and made the most precious and meaningful anniversary gift for her husband. Do check it out for some gift ideas of your own!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Jean Jacket-Thrifted / Tee shirt and Shoes-Target / Pants-Old Navy / Hat and Travel Mug-Acquired Army merchandise / Necklace-Happiness Boutique / Earrings-Old

My to-do list is never-ending and I’m all for this idea of keeping shorter daily lists! I’m going to try breaking it down by day and only putting the things that have to get done that day. Loving this cute athleisure look on you! Have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Jill, thanks so much! The other day I only had two things on my absolutely must do list for the day and so I was able to tackle a few things from the bigger list once I completed the must dos. It was such a great feeling to get a little bit ahead and I seriously wouldn’t have had that feeling if I was just working off one huge list that never ends. Master list and baby lists are definitely a great way to trick ourselves! I hope you have a great weekend!
Jed Jurchenko
Hey Shelbee, I love your transparency. As recovering perfection (who is recovering some days more than others) I can absolutely relate. I’m not as much as a list maker, but nearly everything takes me nearly twice as long to complete as I think it well. I think most writers are naturally hard on themselves.
I always relax a little when I hear that I’m not alone. Know that I love what you do and am cheering you on 100 percent. After all, we’re all in this together, right?
Thanks for hosting another amazing link-up. Wishing you a happy Friday and an amazing weekend!
Jed, thank you so very much for this wonderfully supportive and encouraging comment! I am definitely hard on myself but I always assume everyone is equally hard on themselves and if I stop doing that I might just become a lazy slug! Haha. It really does help to know that I am not alone in the daily struggles of life. That is one of the many reasons I so adore this blogging community. The support and encouragement is amazing! And why do writing projects always end up taking twice as long as we plan?! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
I think you have the right idea! I am a list maker too but I try not too have too much on them: right now I really need to get to the vaccum part of the list but keep pushing it back lol! I think 2 to 3 things a day is perfect especially if the kids are doing virtual school still: my list was a lot less when mine were! I also try to vary my list to where my to do for the day is not all chores or all blog stuff… One errand (if needed), one chore, one other thing. Take care and keep on trucking! I really like this casual outfit! Perfect for weekend day or outing or any day really!
Mireille, thank you so much for your kind compliment and sharing your process as well. It is really helpful to read how others are managing the overwhelm. Lots of great ideas have been shared so far! A funny thing just occurred to me as well. While I have shortened my daily lists exponentially, I just realized that my lists never include all the regular things that need to be done like cooking, cleaning, school work, daily blog stuff, and chores. I don’t put any of those things on my lists but I still do them every day. My lists are the extra things like errands and appointments and bigger blogging projects. So I guess I do have many more things in a day than I even account for. And wait…are your kids back to school full time now? I have a feeling we are heading towards a full lock down and all virtual school in the next month or so as cases are rising in our little town. I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Surprised to see my corduroy jacket as the most clicked since I wasn’t so happy with that outfit. But what a nice surprise 🙂
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling overwhelmed. It must be so hard trying to help younger kids with their school! I am so glad I have a math genius in form of my son who is able to help his sister (my 9th grader).
I’ve never been good at making lists and really should do it because I always seem to forget something! I think I read somewhere something about making two lists – one master list and then a weekly or daily list which would only include things to get done during that day/week so it’s not as overwhelming.
Fabulous casual outfit in today’s post! Loving the color of those pants!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thank so much! Yes, the two list system seems to be a much better option for me. I don’t know why it took me so damn long to figure it out! And I have been an obsessive list maker for as long as I can remember! I imagine once the kids get to high school level, they become a bit more independent in doing their schoolwork and don’t need as much hands on help from the parents. At least I hope that is the case because if I am struggling with 4th grade geometry, we are all doomed as my kids get older! As for your adorable outfit, I find that some of my least favorite outfits end up being very well liked by others. It always surprises me as well when that happens. But it really is a cute outfit even if you weren’t so crazy about it yourself! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Midlife and Beyond
First, may I say this is not boring content. I really don’t know how you fit everything into your day! Plus, I do remember when my kids would bring their assignments home and me having no clue how to help them! The only times I have a list is when I go food shopping (otherwise goodness knows what we would end up with). And, if we go away for a trip, my memory has turned to mush lately.
Take care and have a lovely weekend!
Alison xx
Alison, thank you so much for your kind words. I really don’t do that much in a day! I waste a lot of time wandering around my house aimlessly or staring at my computer screen or binge watching pointless television. I mean, I do all the other things that you do every single day like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and now teaching my children as well. Then I waste the rest of the time complaining how I unmotivated I feel! Haha. It really is no wonder that my brain has turned to mush! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking so very nice and causal.
I am not a big list maker but I have been struggling to get things done that I want to. The funny thing is that my work stuff gets done but it is the personal stuff that isn’t getting done these days. When I was able to separate work and home I was way more productive in the home stuff. Now, working at home has killed the things I want to do at home. It is like I turn off my little baby brain so I don’t think about work things and it doesn’t turn back on.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Oh my gosh, working from home has so many challenges especially when it comes to separating work from home. I have spent way too much time at home this past year that it can make you lose interest in home and the things that need to be done there. I am certain there are millions of people struggling with similar things. I guess that is why I share some of this more mundane every day struggle stuff. Because people relate and then share ideas which are super helpful. I hope you have a relaxing weekend!
Michele Morin
A few years ago I started buying smaller planners. When the day’s lines are filled, I have to be disciplined enough to say no to anything else that day!
Oh my gosh, Michele, that is brilliant! I always buy the giant planners and then I don’t even know how to use them properly as I mostly rely on my lists anyway! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you, my friend!
Happy Friday! Love your outfit and shoes! I am also a list maker but I try to keep my list to just what needs to get done for the next day etc. so it seems manageable. I hope you have a great weekend!
Katie, thanks so much! I am finding that shorter lists are definitely the way to go to feel a bit more accomplished even if I am still only doing the same amount of things! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Cute casual outfit, Shelbee! I love your white slides. It’s a very difficult time right now, with a lot of stressful changes and challenges to our everyday lives. Treat yourself kindly! Having a short list is a good idea, I think-I use this tactic, too. It helps keep me focused and see that I am accomplishing things.
Thanks so much, Di! This is exactly why I share some of these minor daily struggles here…so many can relate to them and then we all start sharing fabulous ideas to help one another! There is something so satisfying in finishing the final thing on a list and then tossing it in the trash. So I am sticking with shorter lists from now on…with one grand master list, I suppose.
Lauren Sparks
I can definitely understand those feelings of overwhelm. And I love those white mules.
Lauren, thanks so much! I love this community so much for all the support and understanding! And I scored these cute mules on Target clearance a few years ago for less than $10! Have a wonderful weekend!
Those feelings – hard to manage. I say, as a yoga teacher of more than 40 years – forget mindfulness and listen to our feelings. They are the key, and the more we override them, the worse they get. Good on you for listening to them and changing your way of doing things. I cannot imagine what it is like for all in your country at the moment and wow!! you are coping amazingly. I actually get anxiety when I don’t get things done. Yep, even after all of these years of yoga.
Ratnamurti, thank you so much for this thoughtful comment! I do try to exercise mindfulness but you are so right, sometimes you just have to follow your gut. And sometimes my guts tell me I need a break! I find when I try to resist what my gut says, I end up far more overwhelmed down the line. I am really trying to get better at listening to my body and my feelings as well as cutting myself some slack. I guess we are all struggling through this life in one way or another!
Jodie Fitz
Cute outfit – love the pants!
Thank you for hosting:). Cheers to the weekend…
Jodie, thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
My friend, I can so relate and I don’t have to home school two boys. I do think you need to give yourself huge props for doing doing school with your boys. It’s a huge thing that’s on your list 5 days a week. And having to do that, besides being a huge task, has taken away time you would have had to get things done, keep your head in a good space, etc. pre-Covid. It’s a double whammy.
So why do I relate to your lists despite not home-schooling two boys? Because the fibromyalgia puts such limits on me. I need lists to keep track of things to do, but there have been days of at time where I could do nothing except cope with the discomfort and brain fog. So early on, I came up with essentially the same system as you, listing what I absolutely had to get done on a given day. And because I have no children, I have more days where are there is nothing I must get done. On those days, I choose the one thing I want to get to done, and call that success. If I have enough energy to do more, then that’s a bonus.
I have been fortunate lately to have a reached a place health-wise where I do have a bit more energy, because my doctor and I have been nibbling away at the problem. But I still use the same system, because I still have limits. Being bipolar puts limits on you as well, because you are always managing the illness, and that takes both time and energy. Our illnesses may be different, but both make demands on us.
So I here is something I take a moment to do when I’m dropping off to sleep. I give myself kudos for the things I did get done. It helps to switch up the self talk. And 5 days a week you need to give yourself credit for keeping your boys moving forward in their school work.
Hugs my friend.
Michelle, thank you so much for this amazing comment! I have spent most of my life trying not to give power to my illness in ways that I can excuse myself for falling short. Of course, it has always added an extra hurdle to life, but I simply have never been ale to use it as an excuse of sorts to not get my shit done! I don’t want to sound like I am dismissing other illnesses because I am certain that chronic physical pain is much more difficult to deal with on a daily basis than my bipolar disorder. Of course, there are times when my illness wins and I have to just stop, take a break, rest, and reset. But I also feel like everyone needs time to reset, bipolar or not. Then I will play catch up like a mad woman when things start to fall behind. It is such a weird thing…I can preach all these same things to other people…like the importance of giving yourself a break when necessary. But then I am a stubborn mule when it comes to taking my own advice. Haha.
I am so glad that you are slowly nipping away at the cause of your health issues. You look amazing and so healthy and happy in your photos! You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways, my friend!
Lucy Bertoldi
No! Your posts are never boring!! And I could not live without lists either…I just have to be careful that they don’t start taking over my life! Always a challenge for though.. xx
Aw, Lucy, thanks so much! I can get so rambly with some of my nonsense posts that I don’t even know if you can follow my thoughts! Haha. My bipolar writing can be hard to follow sometimes. Haha. I have so many lists that I need a list to keep the lists organized! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!
Those joggers look so cozy!
Curated By Jennifer
They are super comfortable, Jennifer! And I love them, but the draw string broke the day I took these photos and I need to fix it before I can wear them again because they don’t stay up otherwise!
Julia Foy
I love the chill look of that outfit! And I think that if there’s any time to lower our standards for ourselves, it’s right now. I mean, it’s not like magically living up to our “full potential” is going to help us get back on track with those 5-year plans we made back in January.
At least that’s what I’ve been telling myself. I hope your Halloween is scary fun!
Julia, thank you so much! And I absolutely love your perspective on the topic. I have been struggling with some goal setting ideas, but even that is so hard because we literally have no idea what life and the world will look like even 6 months from now. But on the flip side, we never really know what the future will look like even one day in advance but we trick ourselves into thinking that we have all the time in the world when really we have only right now. We always only have right now. So I guess focusing on my full potential in the right now is probably my best bet. And I definitely have been cutting myself lots of slack lately! Just getting through the day is an amazing accomplishment sometimes. Haha. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Shelbee, there is a great YouTube of Simon Sinek, on “We are never going back to normal.” It’s worth a look. I just know we will come out of this on the other side with greater insight and lots of new learning. Like Geometry. Lol! Give yourself grace to just do the best you can to keep all the balls in the air. We’re all in the same place, my friend.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much! I just watched a few videos by Simon Sinek and it’s funny because I have been saying this same thing all along…where the world is right now is exactly where the world is supposed to be for whatever reason. And we know that it is supposed to be this way based on the one plain fact that it is this way. The world will look different after it all because the world will be different. It’s all part of the evolution and growth of our world and our species. Honestly, even all of the turmoil with the riots, the insanity of a presidential election, crazy natural disasters, all of it happens because it is supposed to. It forces progress and change and growth. So I can definitely see the big picture and understand it, but my goodness, while we are right in the middle of it, it sure feels icky and overwhelming! We are definitely all facing these same struggles and I feel so blessed to have this amazing community to support and encourage me and each other! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I’m sure you’re not as crazy, hazy, or lazy as you feel! But I’m sorry you’re feeling so overwhelmed. There is a lot going on right now. I love the smaller lists idea, and I’m glad it’s helping you. I do something similar. I have my priorities for the day, and I have an “eventually” list. The eventually list lets me get things out of my brain by putting it on paper, but I don’t hold myself to doing all those things either. Keep it up Mama! You’re doing good things for your boys and others. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Marielle, thank you so much for your encouragement and support. Gosh, it is nice to have a community of moms out there who relate to all of the parenting and life struggles! I have always just kept the one big list which I am constantly rewriting because it can get so messy! But one big list that you can literally never complete does not make a person feel very productive, so the shorter daily lists have really been helping my motivation. I wrote a post a few years ago about taking small steps in order to make big progress and then I have since forgotten to follow my own tips! Time to get back to it! I hope you have a lovely weekend and a safe and happy Halloween as well!
Hi, Shelbee – Aren’t we all feeling overwhelmed nowadays? I took last weekend off and could have kept going because of a very lazy feeling that came over me. But I got myself back on track, albeit very gently. I have a stack of lists that was supposed to keep me accomplishing things but sits there in a pile. I go with the flow and just gravitate toward what I know in my mind is the next important thing…and allow myself to enjoy the journey. I think your idea is perfect and I’m planning to try it. Thanks for providing some direction – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Angie, thank you so much for sharing where you are in the journey during these strange times. I ended up taking the entire day yesterday to be completely lazy. My friend took my boys for a play date with her kids from 12-5 yesterday afternoon and I flopped down on the couch and binge watched five hours of television. It was glorious! But I am having trouble shaking the overall feelings of laziness lately. I really like your approach of going with the flow and just tackling the next important thing, one thing at a time. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
jess jannenga
Those joggers look so cute and comfy! Those are magic words to me! Love the shoes too!. I know what you mean about stressors lately! Been debating back and forth over whether to have my sister up for Christmas, she works at Cotco a lthough our area is doing better ( with cases) they are still going up. Im just getting stressed about the idea of whether to have family when you can’t be outside now Anyhoo. I know how you feel about stress! I am also a list maker. I do like pen and paper for that. My hubby always tells me I dont have to tell him my “list of to dos” each day, just to cross them off, when done! Its a habit!
Have a good weekend! Happy Halloween
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! My husband is taking the boys on a hunting trip for Thanksgiving and I am staying home alone which is going to be glorious! And then we just made the decision to not travel at all this Christmas. If family wants to see us, they can come see us. But oddly, nobody ever wants to drive to us. Oh well. Maybe it’s too much for their lists! Lol. I use a pen and paper for my lists, too. I never could get used to keeping lists and notes and calendars and such anywhere digital. It needs to be written down with my own hand! I hope you are enjoying the weekend. Happy November!
Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
Love the cozy outfit!
So sorry it’s all feeling too much.
You’re not alone.
Thanks so much, Tamar! I appreciate that. I hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Laura Bambrick
My head is all over the place with trying to keep it all straight. My lists are my lifeline because otherwise I forget things! I think I can get myself through the weekdays but then I kind of go out of service on the weekends and let my husband take over. There is so much to think about otherwise! Honestly I find if i can get my kids through the day and get 1-2 things from my list done-it’s a good day! We put too much pressure on ourselves to get it all done!
Laura, thanks so much for sharing your experience with me. It definitely helps to know that I am not alone in this struggle. Yesterday, I spent a good part of the day making spooky Halloween snacks for the kids…and then no one ate any of it! That is super frustrating. But seriously, the virtual learning also added so much more to our daily to do lists, hasn’t it? I was overwhelmed before this pandemic and now it is complete insanity! I tend to completely shut down on the weekends as well. I hope you were able to relax some this weekend, my friend.
Such cute pastel pants! this is a really nice casual outfit too. Sorry to hear things have been so unmanageable for you lately – I hope things improve soon! It’s important to remember we can’t measure our pandemic productivity against non-pandemic productivity, and give ourselves grace!
Hope that you had a nice weekend 🙂
Mica, thank you so very much for your kind words and that wonderful little gem of advice…I never even thought about that…measuring my pandemic productivity against non-pandemic productivity. That was definitely a perspective shift that I needed! Thank you for that! I hope you have a wonderful week, my friend.
Lisa notes
Yes, yes, yes! This is exactly how I feel too. I’m so glad you wrote this post to affirm me. 🙂 I have recently been deleting things off my big to-do list too and putting them in a file called “Extras.” I then 3 things that I want and/or need to accomplish for sure and strip everything else away. If I add in other things later anyway, hurray. But if not, I don’t feel as stressed about it.
Lisa, thanks so much for commenting! It is so good to know that I am not alone is this feeling of overwhelm. It is funny how excited and relieved I feel when I get all the things done for the day and still have time to tackle something in advance! But I do also waste a lot of my time puttering about my house with no direction. Haha. I hope you have a wonderful week.
Such a casual and effortless look! You look fab!
Thank you so very much, Lovely! Have a fantastic week!
I am very sorry I am that late! Have to do a lot of catching up! Have a great week!
No worries, my friend! I am in the same place…always playing catch up!
Oh my goodness Shelbee, this is so NOT boring content. I related to this post so much! I am the same way, I always have so many to-do lists that never get completely done, which makes me feel dejected and lazy. I really like your idea of having one big master to-do list and creating must-have daily lists from that; I’ll have to try it. I’ve lately been trying to make more specific to-do lists, meaning I break up my daily to-do lists into *every* little task I should get done that day, no matter how small. I realized I was doing a lot of stuff each day (like an Instagram post, putting the dishes away, commenting on other people’s posts, etc.) but those small tasks were never actually on my to-do lists, leaving me feeling so unaccomplished at the end of the day. But ever since I’ve started making these longer, more specific lists, I do feel more productive! Because it shows me that I have been accomplishing a lot more than I thought each day.
The other trap I always fall into is that I don’t have to fully complete a major task in order to be productive. I always get upset when I can’t fully cross an item off my list if it’s not totally complete, so even though I may have started it and made a lot of progress, I still feel unproductive because it’s not completed. That’s another reason that smaller tasks on my lists are helpful to me because it helps me focus on progress, not necessarily completeness.
Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I can totally relate and sympathize with you! Hope you’re having a great day so far and that you’re feeling a little less stressed this weeks.
Miles of smiles,
Grace, thank you so much! I am actually a little shocked that so many are relating to this post. I thought I was a bit of a weirdo so it is nice to know that I am not the only crazy list maker out there! And I totally relate to what you are saying. There are so many things that I do every single day that don’t get written on a list because I have to do them every single day. Even joining link parties, replying to comments, answering emails, and all the other house stuff like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and homeschooling my kids…I do those every day and I never include any of them on a list. Yet it can take me hours to get it all done. So by the time I even start on my list, I am usually already exhausted from the day! The struggle is real. But somehow we get it all done in time. I can even admit to wasting way more time than I should given the length of my list. But we also have to just live sometimes and forget about lists. I hope your semester if going well and you are not too overwhelmed!
Emma Peach
I know exactly how you feel Shelbee! I feel like I’ve been slowly unravelling over the last few weeks and have all but given up on the never-ending list of things to do. It gets to the point where I realise that putting pressure on myself achieves very little so I may as well just let it slide and decide to not give a toss. The combination of less daylight, covid and idiots in charge of the country just gets too much sometimes! It helps to know that I’m not the only one feeling a bit crappy…not that I want anyone else to feel that way! Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Oh my goodness, Emma, I am so sorry that you are feeling crappy, but it is nice to know I am not alone in this. I seriously spend more time wandering aimlessly around my house than I do on anything else! I have so much that I could be doing, yet I lack all motivation because it really does kind of feel like the world might end…for all of the reasons you just said…less daylight, colder weather, covid restrictions, crazy people, and governments that have long been missing compassion for their people. I just feel kind of sad and lazy these days. But this too shall pass. I hope!