Appreciate Your Feet & Your Own Twist Link Up #59
“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.”
Leonardo da Vinci

Today is Appreciate Your Feet Day! Leo wasn’t lying. Our stair steppers are truly masterpieces of both engineering and art. The older I get, the more I do appreciate how my ground grippers have served me for 49 years and counting. When I was younger, I absolutely hated that my concrete caressers were the size of big flapping flippers. But it didn’t take me very long to realize the benefit of large-scale sidewalk stompers over small or average sized ones.
Benefit one is that my floor flappers really are the size of fish flippers which was probably a huge contributing factor to my swimming talents when I was younger. Flipper feet do help you swim faster.
The second benefit of sizable sneaker stuffers is that you can usually find a fairly decent selection of clearance shoes in your jumbo size. Hence, my massive collection of footwear.
Thirdly, colossal curb kickers give the added advantage of decent balance. Maybe. It makes sense that the larger the carpet cruisers, the more balanced the person attached to them. But I’m not very balanced at all despite the liberal length of my gravel gropers.
The fourth benefit of hefty grass grabbers is greater surface area to connect to the Earth and absorb all the healing energy that she offers.
I don’t merely appreciate my feet, I pamper these ole pedal pushers on a regular basis. First of all, sitting is one of my favorite hobbies ever and it also happens to be one of the gentlest activities for ragged rug runners. I always keep my toenails painted because I feel too exposed with naked tootsies. Plus colorful adornments on your cockroach crushers is a nice distraction from the crunching sound.
Massages for your mud movers is another magnificent method of self care and feet appreciation. A bit of reflexology on your pavement pounders works wonders, too. If you stretch them, rub them, rest them, soak them, lotion them, and love them, your deck dancers will thank you and continue to serve you well. Remember to wear comfortable footwear always because you only get one pair of cement sliders that have to last your entire life. Take care of those rock rubbers now and you will be grateful later.

About Your Own Twist
Your Own Twist is a monthly link party hosted by Monica of Monica Hayworth (formerly Jersey Girl, Texan Heart) and me on the third Thursday of every month with the goal of inspiring some of our friends to get creative with personal style.
The idea behind this collaboration is to take one common piece or theme and style it our own way with our own twist…Monica and I have both taken a lot of fashion inspiration from one another over the past few years even though we have totally different styles. It is always fun to see how we can interpret similar items in unique ways or what kind of twist we will each bring to the chosen theme.
I will let you know the themes well in advance in the event that you would like to use the theme for your own post and add it to the link party. However, any fashion posts are welcome regardless of whether you used the theme or not. Be sure to check out our upcoming style prompts below. You can read details about each theme here.
Monica has been on an indefinite blogging hiatus and I am struggling to keep up with things. Unfortunately, I think I am going to retire this series at the end of the year. I have all the prompts scheduled through December if anyone wants to join until then. This October will mark our fifth year and that’s a good long run for something like this. I am good with retiring it in 2023.
A little about my outfit. I found this Chaps dress for $6 on my big birthday thrifting adventure back in May. I picked it up and put it back about three times because I wasn’t sure if I loved the print and it is a size petite large. I am large but I am not petite. However, as my pile of try on dresses grew, I decided to give this one a try as well, wholly convinced that it wasn’t going to fit properly.
Then I put it on and some kind of thrift store magic happened. The color is gorgeous, the print is beautiful, the fabric is super soft, and the petite size fit me perfectly in the waist length. Although I am not petite, I do have a very high waist so petite dresses tend to fit me better as long as I like the shortened hem length. Which I do on this dress. It certainly would be a maxi dress on a petite person, but it is the perfect midi length for me to show off my white cowgirl boots. So don’t be afraid to try on the wrong size because you might actually find that it is the right size.
As much as I love my cowgirl boots and find them to be some of my most comfortable footwear, it was a bit too warm this day for boots of any kind. So I switched to my much loved and very worn in light gray Furkenstocks. I think they worked just as well with this outfit and even better for a post about feet appreciation! Birkenstocks are my go-to shoe at this middle stage of life and my feet are thankful.
I added my blue and white floral ruana for a fragrant print mix, my sodalite pendulum necklace, my Grateful Dead earrings that I purchased from a craft table at our Date Night with the Dead in April, and an old straw hat that I accessorized with a belt from a denim shirt dress. Those fabric belts that come with dresses and trousers are the perfect width and length to use as hat bands like I did with this pink hat and floral belt.
This is one of my favorite outfits of this summer and this dress is one of my best thrift shop finds to date. It’s as comfy as a nightgown and as pretty as a garden.

Featured Favorite from The Cowgirl in Me
Amy of Amy’s Creative Pursuits
So tell me, how do you appreciate your feet?
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Dress-Thrifted (Chaps) / Ruana-Country Outfitter / Boots-Idyllwind by Miranda Lambert / Birkenstocks-Famous Footwear / Hat-Burlington Coat Factory / Hat Band-Belt from a denim dress / Necklace-Moontide Arts / Earrings-Crafter at a concert

Jacqui Berry
Thanks for hosting today Shelbee, absolutely love your boots. I’ve shared a great pair of sandals on the linkup, they are supportive from Strive and feel a dream to wear. Have a super week. Jacqui x
Thank you, Jacqui! I look forward to reading about your sandals. I am all about comfort for my feet these days! I hope you have a lovely day, my friend.
Amy Johnson
Thank you so much for featuring my active wear dress! I so appreciate it! Thanks for the party too. I love your outfit. That kimono is the perfect finishing piece with that gorgeous dress.
Thanks so much, Amy! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
My goodness, I have never heard so many different words for feet! But I don’t think you can call yours pedal pushers, lol. I love dresses with denim jackets!
Oh my gosh, Nancy, I was laughing so hard when I wrote this! My kids have been coming up with all these funny phrases for feet lately and so they helped with this post!
Sorry, thought that it was a denim jacket, lol.
It is very similar to the color of denim so I can see how it may look like a denim jacket from further away!
I have never heard about that Day, but I agree about the importance of keeping our feet in good shape. I had two surgeries on my right foot, and now I know it will never be the same. I like your look, so light and summery. This dress is a real find!
Thanks so much, Tatiana! I have heard that foot surgeries are awful. I am so sorry that you have had two. I am very grateful that my feet are in good health. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Sally in St Paul
You are KILLING ME with the alliterative foot phrases! 😀
Hahahahaha, Sally, I was laughing so hard when I was writing this post! I am so glad that others share my sense of humor. I really appreciate that you noticed every phrase is alliterative. Alliteration is my very favorite poetic writing device!
I appreciate your feet. They’re pretty. I love your nails.
Thanks so much, Billy! I appreciate your comment! Have a lovely weekend.
Your True Self
Hi, Shelbee – I laughed all the way through this because you had so many imaginative phrases for feet and more! I see in the comments that your boys were having fun coming up with their own different ways to say feet on the days leading up to your post. Aren’t children so fun and imaginative? My grandson who’s five likes to give himself a new name every hour or so. And then I have to be careful that I know what his name is. Lol! This theme spurred me to finally create my guide to shoes that I have had accumulating for years. So I linked it up here. Thanks for hosting – Angie, http://www.yourtrueselfblog.com
Thanks so much, Angie! My kids have such wonderful senses of humor. They have been cracking me up lately with these phrases and I just couldn’t resist running with it for this post! That is so adorable that your grandson gives himself a new name every hour! We should all get to do that. Try on different names until we find the one that suits us! Or maybe we should get to have different names for our different moods. Kids do it right! I look forward to reading your shoe guide. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Marsha Banks
Who knew there were so many ways to refer to your feet? What a fun post! I wish I’d paid more attention to my gravel grabbers a couple of decades ago. Then, I wouldn’t have a Frankenfoot. Ah, well…
You look fabulous in this dress and kimono. It was fun with the boots, but I think I like it even better with your Furkenstocks! Thanks for the link up, my friend!
Hahaha, thanks so much, Marsha! I always giggle when you refer to your mud masher as Frankenfoot so I had a feeling you might enjoy this post! Once an upon a time, I did not take great care of my stocking stuffers. I used to run all around NYC in 4 inch stilettos without a care in the world. Regardless of the weather, too! I refused to wear sneakers or snow boots with my fancy business suits. I just would not do it way back then. Now you won’t ever catch me in a business suit but I can assure you that my bottom beaters are always comfortable!