Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

A Holiday Whirlwind & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #154

Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, camo skirt, red sweater, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
silver brogues, opaque tights, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
moto jacket, plaid scarf, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

The past week and a half has been a whirlwind of activity and holiday travel. I was at first hesitant to take some time off from blogging, but I am sure glad that I did it. In fact, I barely opened my laptop over the holiday break.

December 20 was my last post for the holidays as it was the day Jeff was returning home from Georgia after two weeks away. Sensing that I was nearing the end of my rope from two weeks of single parenting, a series of really crappy weather days in the North Country, holiday preparations, and an overall sense of ennui that was taking hold of my soul, we decided that a last minute escape before holiday obligations set in was just what I needed to refuel.

On the night of December 20, I packed up the kids and headed for the airport an hour away to meet Jeff. Then we surprised the kids with a short detour to Lights on the Lake for an amazing and super fun holiday light display before heading back home. Saturday morning, I packed up my things and headed to my sister’s house in Pennsylvania for the night before beginning my drive to North Carolina for my impromptu getaway.

Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

I spent a whirlwind 36 hours with some dear friends in North Carolina before heading back to Pennsylvania on Christmas Eve. Arriving at my mother-in-law’s house just in time for dinner, we engaged in our Christmas Eve tradition of the kids exchanging their gifts with each other, writing a note to Santa, and settling in for the night.

We enjoyed a relaxing Christmas morning at my mother-in-law’s house before heading out to our friend’s house just a few blocks away for Christmas dinner. I did get a little festive with my outfit for Christmas Day so we took the kids to the playground for a short while and used the opportunity to take a few photos. Linguine and white clam sauce was on the menu for Christmas dinner and it was delicious, if I am allowed to say so considering that I made it.

Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

The day after Christmas, we drove an hour to my sister’s house for our Christmas dinner and spent the night there just enjoying each other’s company in the comfort of our jammies. The following day, we headed back to my mother-in-law’s and I got on the road back to New York on Saturday morning. After 8 days of traveling and living out of a suitcase, I was ready to be home again. Jeff and the boys stayed in Pennsylvania for one more day and celebrated Christmas with his family.

And now here we are, it is New Year’s Eve and I have not a single plan except to stay in my pajamas all day yet again. I will most likely not make it until midnight, but I will give it a valiant effort. I will let the kids try as well, but I suspect we will all be fast asleep in the living room hours before 2020 arrives.

Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
Christmas outfit, plaid scarf, moto jacket, silver brogues, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Did you all have a wonderful Christmas? Do you have monumental plans to ring in the New Year? I wish you all the best in the coming year. And if you are out on the social scene tonight, please celebrate responsibly! As my mother always said, “Have fun and be safe. And if you can’t do both, be safe!”

And now your featured favorites from two weeks ago.

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist shared an amazing holiday outfit with all the dramatic flare that one could want in her post, Holiday Ruffles and Shine. There are so many unique elements combined into this brilliant outfit that one can’t help but turn and stare!

Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist

My Favorite Fashion Post

Katie of Hello Katie Girl has me with my jaw dropped and my eyes sparkling at her brilliantly vibrant mix of beautiful prints in her post, Pattern Mixing with a Colorful Striped Sweater. Not every one can pull off plaid pants and a bold striped sweater, but Katie sure as heck can! And those orange pumps just make me swoon.

Katie of Hello Katie Girl

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post

Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust has shared the most breathtaking and magical holiday light display in her post, Vintage Coat & OTK Boots: Phipps Conservatory Christmas Light Show. I am awestruck with how mystical and stunning the photos of this light display are, I can only imagine what it looks like viewing it in real life. Do go check out this post to see some more of the wonder that exists in this holiday extravaganza!

Debbie of Fashion Fairy Dust

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Sweater-Kohl’s / Camisole and Tights-Torrid / Skirt-Charlotte Russe / Jacket-Old Navy / Shoes-Madden Girl (DSW) / Socks and Gloves-Target / Earrings-c/o Anjolee

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.



      I am right there with you, Mireille! I am looking forward to getting back to my routine as well, but we do have one more week of kids off from school. But then Jeff leaves for 3 weeks right after the kids get back to school. I have been sleeping so much later than my usual, too, and I definitely need to get back to my early morning routine! I hope you have a very Happy New Year, my friend!


  • Nina

    Happy New Year dear Shelbee! Hoping 2020 and beyond are amazing for you and your family. I am looking forward to reading more of your journey in the coming year. Hugs! Nina

  • Pam Ecrement

    Great job at knowing what you needed and then going after it. Our November was upside down with health issues and we came into Christmas prep in a whirlwind. Our two adult children and our six grandchildren (25, 23, 21, 18, 17, and 15) were able to come “home” for about 48 hours the weekend before Christmas. It was a great time and I ordered some of the food so I could focus on time with them instead of ALL the cooking. Then Christmas Eve we headed to our daughter’s in MD for a few days with their family. (Their oldest is in medical school and we had not seen him in 6 months and wanted a bit more time with him before he heads back for another 6 months.)

    Since coming home I have been trying to get back into a routine, get laundry caught up, put gifts and other displaced things away. I used to dislike this time of year and moving into January, but I have come to appreciate the slower pace and long lingering times with coffee and a fire in the fireplace. The tree and decorations are still up and I have no plans to take them down for a bit. Nothing more lovely than a fire and only the glow of the tree to light the family room. No big New Year’s Eve plans for us. We will get an early dinner at a little Dutch restaurant about 15 minutes away and likely enjoy watching a movie until we fall asleep.

    Have a great day!


      Pam, thanks so much for stopping by today! Sometimes ordering the food to relieve some of the stress to be able to enjoy your time with loved ones is absolutely the best idea! While I love to cook for people, there are times when it’s less about the food and more about the company. I also love the glow of the tree lights in the living room and often take down all the decorations including the tree ornaments but leave the tree up just for that purpose. I chuckled a bit about the catching up on laundry part! I spent the entire first day home doing load after load of laundry and it never seems to be caught up! I hope you have a very relaxing and peaceful NYE. Wishing you all the best in 2020!


  • Jessica A Jannenga

    Hi Shelbee
    I give you credit for driving that much and that far! Sounds like you had a busy and wonderful Christmas Holiday. I love seeing the lights and we often drive around neighborhoods. I didn’t open my laptop all week either! It felt good and was a much needed break.
    Happy New Year! We probably wont make it until midnight, especially if there is wine involved! I was going to post today but decided I needed a few more recovery days from sitting in the car so long. Love the red sweater with the camo skirt!
    Have a great night!
    jess xx


      Thanks so much, Jess! I do love the long drives by myself. I find them very cathartic. It is where I do my best thinking! We told the kids they could stay up as late as they wanted tonight, but I suppose none of us will make until midnight. I am debating preparing a post for tomorrow, but I probably won’t. Enjoy your night! Wishing you all the best in 2020!


  • Lizzie

    Good for you for taking some much needed time off! I’ve been doing the same and while I was hesitant at first too, it was the best thing. I’ve been able to enjoy the holidays and have managed to be super productive! It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas 🙂 We are staying for New Years. I might make a nice dinner though… depends on where the day takes me haha!

    Have a happy new year, Shelbee <3



      Thanks so much, Lizzie! I don’t even know what we have planned for dinner tonight. Actually, Jeff is getting ready to go grocery shopping now. I suppose we should make a plan! Wishing you all the best in the new year, my friend! Enjoy your quiet evening at home.


  • Patrick Weseman

    Looking very fun and fab. Love your looks. Sounds like you had a great last two weeks. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful New Year’s (I will be sleeping before midnight) and a great 2020.

  • Ruth Josey

    Another darling look on you, Shelbee! You’re so creative with your style and I love the addition of the metallic shoes to a more traditional look. The camo skirt is perfect with the red sweater and the plaid scarf, too. I’m so glad you got to take a little me-time before starting your very busy Christmas rounds. I’m worn out now just reading about it. I woke up sick this morning so no staying up til midnight for me (not that I had plans to do more than that anyway). I hope the New Year brings you lots of wonderful things and thank you so much for another great link-up!



      Ruth, thank you so much! I am so sorry that you woke up feeling ill this morning. I was feeling okay until about an hour ago and I suddenly feel like a stomach bug or something is coming on me…either that or all the holiday overeating has caught up with me and my guts have decided to rebel! For now, it is just a moderate case of nausea and I hope it passes soon. Just as I hope your illness passes quickly. Do get some rest! Wishing you all the amazing things in the new year!


  • Darlene

    It sounds like you had some much-needed R&R, so good for you, Shelbee! Where did all your snow go? Love the outfit with the plaid skirt and red sweater! So cute!

    Wishing you the happiest and most wonderful new year!
    xx Darlene


      Thanks so much, Darlene! These photos were taken in Pennsylvania where there was no snow. However, all of our snow has melted as well. But there is more coming. Plus I still have some snowy pictures that I haven’t yet shared on the blog. Wishing you the best of the best in 2020!


  • Mica

    Your red waffle knit is so cute! it’s nice you got to spend so much time with family over Christmas even if you had a lot of travel! We spend Christmas eve on the coast at my parent’s place and then Christmas day we split between hubby’s family here in Brisbane and my family on the coast, so it’s a bit of travel but not too bad!

    Hope that you have a happy new year and 2020 is off to a great start! 🙂

  • Laura Bambrick

    Maybe I’m a mean mom, but I haven’t let my oldest stay up for the ball drop yet, maybe next year? She’s only 7 and I know she’d be crabby for days from tiredness! I don’t stay up either. I’ll probably head to bed by 10:30! Haha! I just love my sleep!


      Nope, you are not a mean mom at all, Laura! I told my kids they could stay up and everyone was in bed by 10:30. Ironically, however, my kids are those kids who, if I let them stay up late, they will get up even earlier the next morning. As such, I have been up since 4:15 this New Year’s morning and I am really not happy about it. And that’s what I get for not being a mean mom…and now I will be the grumpy one all day! Wishing you all the best in the New Year! May we all get the sleep we need.



      Thank you so much, Michelle! I have been wearing lots of red lately, it seems. I do like the color and the dramatic punch that it can provide! My break was wonderfully energizing yet I feel like I need a little rest after returning home. I guess that is the way these things go.


  • Barbara Chapman

    Happy New Year, Shelbee! It is good to take a break; I did too. I think with running a link party and just normal posting (and work, if you work out of the home, too), we just get tired. 🙂 I love your plaid scarf and the outfit you’ve put together here! I have to tell you, today we went with our daughter to an outlet mall here below Austin, TX in San Marcos. Oh, my! It’s a really ritzy area (which we did not know beforehand) and there was a Burberry store… I went in to price the Duchess of Cambridgeshire’s nice blue/tan coat… Yeah. And then I thought maybe if it was $50 I could pick up a nice woolen scarf… Nope. $390 on sale from $460 or $480!

    We did buy some shoes at the Sperry store (Mr. Ethereal needed shoes for work; his old ones were at least 15 years old and fell apart), and ate lunch, but not much more. Lots of looking!

    Here’s to 2020!
    Barb 🙂


      Thanks so much, Barb! That sounds like a pretty snazzy outlet mall, for sure. I don’t think Burberry has anything for less than a few hundred dollars, do they? And the coats! They must be in the thousands. But I am sure it was lots of fun to window shop. Sperry is at the top end of my spending range while Burberry is completely out of my league. I am glad that Mr. Ethereal found new shoes at least. I am sure it was fun lunching and browsing in any event. Wishing you all the best in the new year, my friend!


  • Deborah Stinedurf

    Aww…thank you friend! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I’m so glad your man got home & you had a fabulous holiday. I too took an unplanned blog break which I’m explaining in today’s post…I won’t bore you with the details here…lol! I hope that you’re feeling more like yourself now that everything has settled down. xo


      Thank you, Debbie! I am glad Jeff is home, too, but he is gearing up again to leave for 3 more weeks. Just in time for the worst part of our winter! I am heading over to your blog to see what’s going on with you. Breaks are sometimes a very necessary thing. I just need my kids to get back to school so I can return to my routine.


  • Maureen

    I am so glad you were able to get some much needed R & R, Shelbee! Being a content creator isn’t as easy as it looks and as I have told you in the past, I am impressed that you are able to post almost on a daily basis. You are a superwoman! We stayed in for NYE and celebrated until we saw the ball drop in NYC before calling it a night! I am not much of night owl and my mom was fast asleep almost immediately after getting to our house at 6 pm! I adore your outfit btw. The green and red color combo is amazing and the camo skirt is icing on the cake. I love it!

    Maureen |


      Thank you so much, Maureen! I am struggling now to get back into creating content because I am feeling more like hiding away than sharing all my crap with the world! But I guess our inspiration can really only come from what we know and live. It sounds like you had a lovely NYE. You did better than I did! I was asleep by 10:30. We spent the evening, just Jeff and the boys and I, playing board games, munching on snacks, and watching tv. Ralphie fell asleep on the couch around 9:30 and Jeff took him up to bed then and never returned downstairs after that! I told Archie I would stay up with him as late as he wanted, but I dozed off on the couch around 10:15 and at 10:30, Archie woke me and said he was going to bed. So off we went! I guess that is NYE when you have little people.


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Shelbee on the Edge