A Cozy Easter Outfit & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #269

While it did snow here in the North Country over this past weekend, it does not look anything like these photos which were taken back in the beginning of February. All the snow has melted now and it is getting warm enough to melt the snowflakes before they start piling up and forming snow mountains. But as the snow hits the warmer ground and melts away, it merely makes mud season that much muddier. I can’t say that I miss the snow accumulation all that much, but the trade off for mud is not much better.
I got on a bit of white boot kick this winter but quickly realized that white boots of any sort are just not the most sensible footwear where I live. If I wear my white boots in the snow, my feet disappear. And if I wear my white boots in the mud, I no longer have white boots. But I like the white boots enough to not really care all that much about sense and sensibility and I wear them anyway.

I shared these new white combat boots with you when The Thrifty Six brightened up January, pairing them with a rainbow explosion of neon colors. I loved the boots so much…mostly because they are incredibly comfortable with a sturdy lug sole. Despite their color, they are actually quite perfect for North Country winters. So when it came time to create an outfit for our very first Songful Style challenge, “These Boots are Made for Walkin’”, I put this little number together because my white combat boots are definitely made for walkin’.
But then we started adding more bloggers to our Songful Style group and pushed off the post date which gave me more time to really get into the song and song history so I could create an even more meaningful and super sassy outfit that was much more suited to the song choice.
And then these photos of this fun winter outfit got pushed aside and nearly forgotten. But the universe has a way of making things turn out as they should and this is actually a perfect outfit for a North Country Easter. With Easter just around the corner, I guess it’s time I start planning something anyway. The kids start Spring Break this weekend and my in-laws will be arriving on Tuesday and staying with us through Easter weekend. We are all excited for the visit and keeping our fingers crossed for some beautiful spring weather.

But even if the weather fails me (which I expect it probably will), this bright outfit really cheers my soul. And it is just about as basic and easy as any outfit formula could be. I layered a bright cozy sweater over a little white sundress to bring some springtime vibes to my very cold world. I picked up this cute sweater on Target clearance when I bought my confetti sweater and my bright pink cable knit sweater. I love the way the sweater stands out against the monochromatic white/ivory outfit. And it is such a great way to keep wearing warm weather dresses all through the cold seasons.
I am not sure what we have planned for Easter or what I will actually wear. We don’t really celebrate the holiday but my in-laws do so I imagine we will just be making a big family dinner and hanging at home. I do love the idea of getting all dressed up in something festive, but I will most likely be in my favorite leggings and hoodie snuggled in my corner of the couch.

Tell me about your plans for Easter or Spring Break or anything else you feel like sharing! And join the link party, too!
Featured Favorites
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked): Laurie of Vanity and Me

Fashion Favorite: Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge Wardrobe Stylist

Other Favorite: Anne of SpyGirl

Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.
Outfit Details: Sweater and Scarf-Target / Dress-Kohl’s / Boots-Shoe Dazzle / Hat-Wona Trading / Necklace-Charming Charlie / Socks-Torrid / Earrings, Scrunchie, Tights-Old

It’s obviously impossible to be so but your snow always appears to be accompanied by sunshine – and at least you know which season it is! Last week we were in Spring this week we’ve had snow and Spring seems far away! Love your bright and breezy colorway, exactly the feature I’m including today!
Aw, thanks so much, Pamela! We do often have lots of sunshine with snow. It is like a giant deceptive, teasing thing, that sun is! It looks all warm and welcoming until you step outside! It is getting a bit springier here but we always have the possibility of snow at least through mid-May. There is a joke here that we only have 2 seasons: winter and July. But actually we have 3: winter, mud season, then July. I hope you have a bright cheerful day, my friend!
I’m loving the shade of purple!!
Curated by Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! It is such a happy color!
Your Easter sound very cozy! Can I come too??? LOl, wouldn’t that be fun! We always go out for brunch with a group of friends. Love that. Catching up, the only downside is that we are so lazy for the rest of the day!
Thanks, Nancy! I ended up buying a turkey breast and a ham at the grocery store yesterday to make a traditional Easter dinner. I will probably be cozied up in my leggings and hoodie though so I can eat lots and be lazy all day long! That’s what holidays are meant for…rest, relaxation, and time with family and friends!
Michele Morin
Every Easter I am thankful for my boys–and sympathize with girl mums who feel the need to dress their daughter in spring dresses when it’s still 20 degrees outside!
Your outfit is perfect for northern celebrations!
Thanks, Michele! I am so thankful to have boys as well…and that is definitely one reason! Dressing them is so much easier! Haha.
Mica - Away From The Blue
They look like great boots for the snow and I love the colourful knit with all the white – it really pops! 🙂
I haven’t decided what I will wear for Easter yet – it will be a big day for us as usual, a nice family meal and we will get dressed up for it too. Probably go with my staple outfit of a maxi dress to be honest, haha!
Thanks so much, Mica! I always love your Easter outfits…especially your maxi dress looks! I did end up buying a turkey breast and a ham yesterday for a traditional Easter dinner. Although I will probably still dress casual in comfortable leggings or something. I hope you have a blessed and joyful Easter with your family!
Kellyann Rohr
I am glad to hear it’s getting warmer up there but the mud, ugh, now I understand why black and other dark colors are so popular! Mud aside, you look like Spring loveliness in this ensemble! The purple sweater looks terrific with the white and those boots – LOVE!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! Oh, the mud is just the worst! And it definitely makes you want to wear darker colors while it’s splashing all up on you everywhere you walk! But I love to inject the bright colors when I can! Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Kathrine Eldridge
I love this Easter-inspired look! The boots are fabulous and glad you wore them anway even if they disappear in the snow sometimes. This color is so pretty on you! Thanks for the feature and for the link up Shelbee!
Aw, thanks so much, Kathrine! I feel so happy in these light and bright colors! Even with disappearing feet! (Psst…sometimes my feet disappear when I smoke too much pot, but I still do that, too! Hahahaha) I hope you are having a wonderful week, my friend!
We got more snow over the weekend and I’m so over it. Love this cozy chic Easter outfit! Your sweater is such a gorgeous color!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! We have more snow forecasted for this coming weekend, too! I also am so completely done with it. I don’t know why I am shocked by it every year though. This is our normal weather here!
Amy Johnson
Such a cute Easter look for us colder climate gals. I love white boots. I wear mine mostly in spring when it’s too cold for sandals, yet I want a lighter look.
Thanks, Amy! I was just getting photos of another cold weather outfit ready and I realized the last time I shared the sweater (with jeans, scarf, gloves, and boots) was in the middle of May a few years ago. Because we still need all those cold weather accessories in the middle of May here. I am sure you can relate!
Jacqui Berry
That shade really suits you Shelbee, It’s magenta isn’t it? I have one dress in this shade and loved how it looked with my dark hair, you’re the same. Have a happy week Hun. Jacqui x
Thanks so much, Jacqui! Yes, this color would look amazing on you, too! I am not certain what to call it though. I feel like magenta is more saturated in pink. But what the heck do I know?! Haha. I actually just pulled up a chart of purple and pink shades and it looks like the sweater is more like orchid or iris colored. I hope you are having a fabulous week as well, my friend.
Suzy Turner
This outfit really makes my soul happy too, Shelbee! I love everything about it, especially the colour of that sweater, the gorgeous boots and the fabulous over the knee socks! You look stunning!
Suzy xx
Awww, thanks so much, Suzy! I have so many more outfit ideas that I need to put together and photograph but I have been so darn lazy and unmotivated lately! I hope things are well with you, my friend.
Suzy Turner
I know what you mean, Shelbee. I’ve been feeling the same. I think it’s the weather…it’s even cold here in Portugal and I’ve had enough of it lol! Other than that, all is well!
Big hugs
Suzy xx
I am glad to hear that! Now if the sunshine and warm weather could do us some favors, I would appreciate that! Haha.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. Love the boots and whole outfit. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Patrick, thanks so much! I hope all is well with you! Have a very wonderful week. my friend!
What a darling outfit, Shelbee! Absolutely love how you layered and styled everything! The purple is such a pretty color too!
Thanks so much, Lizzie! I felt so cheerful and feminine in this little number! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Anita Ojeda
I love the combo and the snow :). Around here (AZ desert), all things white turn a pinkish hue (including my mom’s white dog–just the dust will do it, no water needed!). I bought a pair of white shorts a few years ago and discovered they look better with my very pale legs than the light khaki I usually wear (not enough contrast, haha!).
Aw, thanks so much, Anita! Oh my gosh, the dog turns pink! Now I kind of want a pink dog! Haha. The AZ dust turning things pink reminds me of my childhood home. I grew up about 1/4 of a mile from a Pfizer plant and the disgusting toxic dust that came out of the place turned everything dark red! My mother used to make us scrub the white front porch railings with toothbrushes every spring to remove all the red dust. We did that for a few years and then we painted the front porch railing the same color as the dust instead!
And yes, white is so much better than light khaki on pale skin! I traded out all my khaki things years ago when I discovered that little fact! Contrast is key!
We always call this time of year mud season too; it was really wet and muddy trying to hike today. Some sort of tiny little bugs/mosquitos hatched too and they were in our faces– not fun! I love that pop of purple with all the white. We don’t dress up or do much of anything for Easter either and we still have 1.5 weeks until spring break (ours starts Good Friday). Alec has track right through break so we don’t have any big plans but I’m hoping for a few short 1/2 day trips. He is going to skip one day and hopefully we can get a seal watch in if the weather cooperates.
Thank you, Joanne! I am glad that I’m not alone in mud season! And why do all the darn bugs hatch on the very first warm day we have? Sometimes when we get a weird warm day in the middle of winter, I’ll see one or two houseflies in my house and I’m always so confused how they hatch like that. Then it gets cold again and they just disappear.
I ended up buying a turkey breast and a ham to make a traditional Easter dinner, but that might be as far as I go! I am planning some activities for the kids during break. We have all that credit for the VR gaming place! I hope you all have a lovely break and get some down time in between track practices!
Christina Morley
Such a bright happy outfit and I love the setting! I wish you a blessed time with your family this Easter. Thanks for hosting!
Tina, thank you so very much! It is definitely a very happy outfit! I hope you have a lovely Easter as well, my friend!
Cheryl Shops
Ugh, sorry you still have snow on the ground—snow in April just feels rude!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Hahaha, Cheryl, it IS rude, isn’t it?!
Laura Bambrick
I’m obsessed with that beautiful purple sweater! It’s so pretty against the white backdrop!
Thanks so much, Laura! It really is a very cheerful color!
Marsha Banks
I think one of the things I like least about spring is the arrival of mud and brown grass! Although we don’t have near the snow you do here in central Indiana so the grass is always that sickly yellow brown color! My daffodils and narcissus are blooming away! I can’t wait for my creeping phlox to start in!
You look adorable in this Easter outfit! Is there a color you don’t look good in? I’m a little biased as purple is my favorite color, but you look gorgeous in this sweater! We haven’t got a thing planned for Easter although I do have the candy bought for everyone’s Easter basket (even the over 40 crowd)! I probably ought to give it some thought as supply chain problems are a real thing here in the grocery stores!
Thanks so much for the link up, Shelbee!
Aw, thanks so much, Marsha! I know that sickly yellow brown grass color that you are talking about! That is kind of what Ralphie’s grass head looks like right now! Haha You know when you put grass seed and dirt in a stocking and draw a face on it while the grass grows out the top like hair? He made one at school last year and we had it thriving with a big long grass mohawk then winter came and killed the hair. But I am reviving it slowly now that the weather is getting warmer, but his hair is definitely a sickly yellow brown color!
There are some little buds peeking through the soil in my front flower beds, too. That makes me very happy! I have mostly lilies and daffodils in the front that the former owner planted and every year they just get bigger and more beautiful. Then there are Jeff’s rose bushes, also planted by the former owner, but he loves and nurtures them as his own!
And yes, there are colors that look terrible on me! I just don’t wear them so you will never see them. Hahaha
I haven’t gotten any Easter basket stuff because I haven’t given my kids Easter baskets in years! All they really want is video game money! Plus my mother in law has candy stuffed baskets for them and they definitely don’t need two! I did end up buying a turkey breast and a ham at the store this week to make a traditional Easter dinner. But that’s about all I’m planning. I hope you have a wonderful holiday!
What an adorable outfit! I love your white boots and that vibrant purple sweater. Such a happy color! Have a great time with your in-laws!
Thanks so much, Michelle! It really is a very happy color! It’s not even a color that I am generally drawn to, but I couldn’t resist the bright cheerfulness of it.
Your sweater is a beautiful color! Your boots are wonderful!
Thanks so much, Lovely! This is definitely one of more cheerful outfits!
That’s a gorgeous lilac color! And I absolutely love the tall boots and over-the-knee socks. Thank you for hosting the link-up!
Thanks so much, Carol! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Just circling back to say: Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 14.
Thank you again, Carol! Have a fabulous day!
Debbie Stinedurf
Oh my friend, that shade of purple is absolutely delicious on you! It’s one of my 2 favorite colors, but this shade is especially gorgeous. And I LOVE those badass white boots! Enjoy your time with your family! xo
Aw, thanks so much, Debbie! It is not a color that I am normally drawn to, but I do love the way it looks, too! I hope all things are well in your world, my friend!
Karren Haller
What a great place for a photo shoot>
Your outfit is really fun!
Aw, thanks so much, Karren! I hope you are having a wonderful week!
Love everything about this outfit and in particular the white combat boots!
Thank you, Gail! These boots make me very happy!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee!
Sorry, I am playing catch up this week! Lots of doc appts and such. Love this vibrant and pretty lavendar color on you and those boots rock! I was thinking, boy, there is that snow, still in April! Until i read and learned better. Enjoy your Easter with your family!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! Actually, it was snowing again yesterday! But all of it is melted now and I might be able to start baring some skin like my arms and legs. My toes are still too cold for sandals though! I hope all of your doc appointments went well, my friend.