9 on the 10th: December 2023-Holiday Would You Rathers
It’s time for Marsha in the Middle‘s 10 on the 10th series. For December, Marsha has returned to her super fun Would You Rather format to present us with 10 questions about the December holiday season. Except she only posed 9 questions, so this month’s post is 9 on the 10th instead! You can see the other silly Would You Rather questions with my answers for winter, spring, summer, and fall.
After Marsha shares her questions, we are invited to share our answers in blog post form on the 10th of the month. This series is such a wonderful way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. Anyone is invited to join and answer the questions. It is a great way to start new conversations, make meaningful connections with new people, and have a good hearty chuckle every now and then.
So let’s get right to these holiday inspired Would You Rathers!

1. Would you rather give up Christmas cookies or Christmas trees?
If you asked me this question four months ago, I would have undoubtedly given up Christmas trees over Christmas cookies. But since my newly developed lactose intolerance has become very much like a game of Russian roulette (I may or may not vomit violently for 90 minutes after consuming dairy products), I don’t eat very many baked goods these days at all. Although I have found some pretty amazing vegan recipes for sweet treats that I have been trying out. However, these new dietary restrictions are contributing to the decline in my cravings for all sorts of things that I once loved. So for now, I would gladly give up Christmas cookies and keep the tree because the tree doesn’t make me sick!

2. Would you rather get one amazing holiday gift or 10 just OK gifts?
Oh, this is a difficult question. But I think I might rather receive 10 little okay gifts than one big amazing one. One amazing holiday gift sounds like it would be extravagant and extravagance makes me really uncomfortable. I prefer modest and humble. And I would be super happy with 10 awesome thrift shop finds or regifted items to prevent unwanted stuff going to landfills. That kind of Christmas gift would make really happy!
3. Would you rather wash your hair with Christmas cookie icing or cranberry salad?
Have you ever tried to wash icing out of your hair? I think it would just smear all over and never come clean. Give me the cranberry salad shampoo instead!
4. Would you rather surprise your people with gifts or shop from their lists?
I prefer a little of both when gift giving but surprises are always way more fun than shopping from a list. In fact, I just surprised a friend with this unexpected gift and what a fabulous reaction it received! I also bought for myself because Saint Anthony is my guardian angel and this statue is fabulously gaudy. I have a thing for fabulously gaudy especially when it comes to religious iconography.
5. Would you rather eat only the desserts or the main course for your entire holiday season (however long that might last)?
Taking into consideration my answer to the first question, desserts generally contain too much dairy for my sensitive guts so main courses are the way to go for me. Although I am not fan of traditional Christmas main courses either. So just give me a can of tuna and a box of Triscuits and I’ll be content!

6. Would you rather watch “A Christmas Story” or “Elf” for the entire day of your holiday?
“Elf” kind of annoys me so I would definitely watch “A Christmas Story” instead. Especially if I had to play it all day long!

7. Would you rather listen to “All I Want for Christmas” or “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” for an entire week?
I might fall victim to some seriously harsh criticism here, but I really don’t like Christmas music at all. I tolerate instrumental Christmas music during the holiday season for the sake of my family and keeping some festive spirit in my home. But I have to choose an answer. As much as I dislike Christmas music, I really dislike the silly songs like “Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer” and “Walking ‘Round in Women’s Underwear”. I am not familiar with that Hippopotamus song, but I probably wouldn’t like that one either. Give me “All I Want for Christmas” with some ear plugs and I’ll listen to it for an entire week!
8. Would you rather have a “Ho, Ho, Ho” Santa laugh or an evil Grinch cackle?
I am definitely not an evil Grinch cackle kind of girl, so I will “Ho, Ho, Ho” my way through the holidays, thank you very much.
9. Would you rather wear red and green or silver and gold for the entire holiday season?
Definitely red and green! I am all about wearing bright colors these days and metallics are just a bit too muted for my taste. But a splash of silver and gold added to a cheerfully bold red and green Christmas outfit would be perfect!

If you enjoyed reading my answers, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more fun and interesting responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!
Wishing you all a happy and healthy holiday season filled with much joy, peace, love, and laughter!
Keeping it on the edge,
Joining these Fabulous Link Parties.

Anne M Bray
Wait! I had ten things! Marsha forgot to put “7. Would you rather have a nose like Rudolph’s or ears like an elf?” on her graphic! (She sends me a word doc of the 10 things so that I can copy/paste the verbiage). Another thing: she switched out the hair rinse – my version had the choice of Pumpkin innards or Icing. And Cranberry Salad is a much better option! I never even checked her graphic because I never use it. Heh.
Sorry to hear of your new digestive issues. I would be Very Sad if I had to give up dairy.
The end of 2023 is looming ever closer on the horizon. Every year goes by faster. But looking forward to a potential meetup this June when I drive east for my 50th HS reunion in Troy. I’m seriously considering driving across southern Canada for the eastbound leg this time. Opting out of the “circumnavigation” concept – too daunting!
Happiest of holidays to you and family!
Hahahahaha! Oh my goodness, well Marsha does not send me word doc so I only have the graphic to go on. And since the graphic listed 9 questions, I just rolled with it! I suppose I could have made up my own final question. LOL But let me answer that question about a nose like Rudolph or elf ears. I think I’ll take the elf ears because they are way cuter than a big red light up nose and you can probably hear really well with them, too. I already have super smell from menopause so I don’t need any more help there! As for giving up dairy, it hasn’t been that difficult because I really don’t ever want to vomit again the way that dairy has been making me vomit. It is quite enough to kill my urge for eating dairy! I am so excited to see you this summer! Do you have your available dates yet?
Wishing you and Severo and all of your people a very blessed holiday season!
“All I want for Christmas” for sure is always on repeat haha
Curated by Jennifer
Ha, I love it, Jennifer! Happy holidays to you, my friend!
I’m sorry to read you still have those troubles with food.
What a questions! Haha. Funny.
Thanks, Nancy! I think the food issues are here to stay. But I am adjusting and learning new ways to cook!
enjoyed reading your answers, but I’m sorry about the digestive issues that bring a whole new challenge to holiday eating! Hope you stay happy and healthy all through the holidays!
Thanks so much, Kym! I am adjusting to the dietary changes and learning new ways to cook so I can enjoy food again. And I am actually feeling a lot healthier without the dairy products! I hope you have a blessed holiday season!
Patrick Weseman
Thank you about Elf. I can’t stand that movie. Sorry about your lactose intolerance.
Ha, it’s nice to meet a fellow Elf-hater! Wishing you and your family a joyful holiday season, my friend!