tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

5 Natural Ways to Combat Stress

tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

It is no secret that stress can have a significant impact on our overall health but it can often be difficult to find relief from the daily stresses of life. Fortunately, there are various natural ways to combat stress to help us on our way to living our best lives. I am going to share five simple remedies that you can implement today for reducing stress in your life.

1. Regular Exercise

Physical exercise on a regular basis is one of the best ways to reduce stress naturally. There is much science that has proven that the endorphins released during exercise not only improve our mood but also help us to feel better about ourselves in general. Regular exercise also helps to improve sleep quality which is essential for keeping stress levels at a minimum.

If you don’t already practice a regular exercise routine, consider incorporating just 30 minutes a day for working out your physical body. You will start to notice a reduction in your stress levels in a very short time. Choose exercise that is comfortably within your skill set. You do not need to implement super strenuous exercises to get your body moving, your blood flowing, and your heart pumping. Thirty minutes of light yoga or easy walking can work wonders very quickly.

2. Sufficient Sleep

Getting the right amount of quality sleep is crucial for good health and overall well being. We all know that even just one night of poor sleep can contribute to increasing your levels of anxiety and stress. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get a solid seven to nine hours of sleep each night. That doesn’t mean lying in your bed awake for 3 of those hours either. Adult human bodies require seven to nine hours of good quality sleep in order to function at maximum capacity.

If you struggle with comfortable quality sleep, make sure to create your personal optimum sleeping conditions by adjusting the light, sound, and temperature in your bedroom. Sleep quality can also be improved by removing all electronic devices from the bedroom. Just the presence of these devices in your room can interfere with proper REM sleep which is necessary for feeling well rested upon waking.

3. Camomile Tea

Camomile tea contains natural stress reducing properties as well as additional health benefits such as improving mental clarity, sleep quality, and heart function. Adding a cup of camomile tea to your evening routine can help manage daily stresses with more ease and clarity which in turn assists in maintaining good mental health. Drinking camomile tea also provides a calming effect that is beneficial if you are experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression due to chronic stress or other long term health issues.

4. CBD and Other Herbal Products

Derived from the Cannabis plant, CBD oil is a wonderful natural way to manage stress as a safe and non-addictive alternative to prescription medication. CBD works by stimulating the endocannabinoid system in your brain, which regulates mood and helps keep other systems healthy. At the same time, CBD eases anxiety without causing drowsiness or disrupting mental clarity as many anti-anxiety medications do.

The combination of these benefits in a natural substance has made CBD the preferred method for natural stress reduction for many people. Oil, like Promise Drops CBD, is the most common way people consume CBD. However, there are many alternatives for those who do not like the taste or texture of the oil products. Wholesale CBD Edibles like gummies or chocolates are a popular alternative to oil, as are CBD capsules and vape cartridges. Each method has their own pros and cons, so research carefully to see which one would benefit you most if you decide to take the CBD route. If edibles are your preferred method of consumption, online retailers like https://cheapweed.io/product-category/edibles/ offer a variety of edible marijuana products that are appealing to the diverse palettes of their customers.

Some people prefer more advanced psychoactive effects for destressing than the milder effects provided by CBD products. For example, if you already smoke marijuana regularly, CBD is almost too mild to have an effect when you have developed a tolerance. When I need an extra boost for a relaxing weekend to clear my head, I sometimes turn to psychedelics like magic mushrooms Canada. When used responsibly and in the proper frame of mind, psychedelics have been shown to improve mental health for many people who are open to that sort of self-care treatment.

Another alternative in natural products come from Nature’s Happiness, a company that specializes in holistic remedies using all natural health supplements and extracts derived from medicinal mushrooms. The properties of these types of natural extracts can help to enhance your immune function and cognitive performance while also providing antioxidants to your body. These are natural products that humans have been using for millennia and they benefit our overall health much more than pharmaceutical creations.

5. Meditation

Research has found that practicing mindfulness meditation can lead to reduced feelings of depression, lowered blood pressure rates due to stress, and improved focus abilities during tasks like work or school. Meditation is simple to do and can be done anywhere. You just need to find a place to sit comfortably. Then close your eyes, breathe deeply through your nose for about three seconds before exhaling slowly through pursed lips, and focus on your breathing pattern while allowing your thoughts to pass through without any judgment. After a few moments, you should be able to feel your stress dissipate.

There are many other activities you can add into your life that will help reduce stress just as there are many activities you could probably remove from your life to help reduce stress as well. Find the practices that work best for you and make changes when necessary. There is no harm in continuing to reevaluate your lifestyle until you find the perfect balance for you.

What types of things do you do to keep stress and anxiety at a minimum?

tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
tie dye button down, wide legged denim, casual style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Keeping it on the edge,


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Outfit Details: Jeans, Shirt, Shoes, and Belt-Torrid / Earrings, Necklace, and Socks-Old

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Sheila (of Ephemera)

    Sweet tie-dye! And what a grand vista you have for a backdrop.

    This is a good reminder to practice my self care – my work routine has changed, and I can feel my stress and anxiety wanting to break in. Doing my art (my tattoo skull jacket) functions as meditation for me, and I need to get working on that again.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Sheila! I bought this top on impulse and then wasn’t too certain about it. But then I have ended up wearing it on repeat with these jeans on every cool day we had this summer. I am so sorry to hear that your stress is increasing with the change in work routine. I have been battling early morning anxiety attacks which I am blaming on hormones. And it’s always nice to have creative ways to get that stress out. I love that your art is your meditation!


  • Pamela Graham

    What an amazing backdrop today Shelbee and how fortunate we are if we can be in the surroundings that bring us peace. I certainly agree with your comment about ‘removing’ activities from our lifestyle. There’s no doubt that we try to fix and fit too many things into our busy lives – try to shelve or at least share a few responsibilities to ease the load.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Pamela! These photos were taken at my local park where I go for many of my pictures. It is a beautiful place! I feel like I am always reevaluating myself and my schedule and my priorities and making adjustments were necessary. The world is not a static place and so we cannot remain static within it! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      I highly recommend it, Jennifer! I haven’t had much success with CBD oil but I think that’s only because I smoke A LOT of pot already and my tolerance is likely way too high. But it is definitely worth a try!


  • Joanne

    Ugh! I am really struggling with the adequate sleep one lately. I am awake for hours at night and hate that I feel like I’m not sleeping well. I’ve learned over the last couple of years that my sleep tends to come in cycles not and I just have to wait this out but I bet that is definitley contributing to this overall sense of unease I’ve been experiencing lately. I feel slightly stressed out lately and have been unable to pinpoint why!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Oh my gosh, Joanne, me, too! My sleep has been a mess lately. I have been awake since 3:30 this morning and didn’t go to bed until almost 11:00 last night. It is definitely causing me to feel more anxious and uneasy as well. I was just to see the doctor to figure this all out and all evidence is pointing to perimenopause, as I already knew. But my goodness, the struggle is real! I started taking melatonin which is helping me to sleep a little deeper, but I still wake up numerous times and have a very erratic sleep pattern. So I am blaming hormones for my sleep issues…maybe they are causing yours as well. If I find anything that works for me, I will definitely pass it on!


      • Joanne

        Yeah, I’m pretty sure it’s all hormone related for me too (well, mostly hormone related; sometimes it’s anxiety but that I’m well used to).

        • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

          My anxiety has recently reached all new heights from the hormones! I have been coping with anxiety my entire life as well and I feel fairly well equipped to deal with it. But these 3:00 a.m. anxiety attacks for no reason at all are killing me!

  • Maya Kuzman

    Completely agree with everything you listed! If I may add just one more? Doing what you love the most! I decided to quit my job (English teacher here) and dedicate myself to my small crochet business. The benefits have been tremendous and immediate! My stress levels dropped to zero! I feel rejuvenated, calmer and happier!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thank you so much, Maya! I do love your addition to this list as well! And a big congratulations to you for making that life decision. I quit my Wall Street job many years ago and have never been happier staying at home and quietly doing my own thing so I totally understand all the benefits! I hope you are having a lovely weekend.


  • Jenna

    Such great ways to combat stress – eating healthy and forcing myself to do self care (whether it be reading or journaling) are all ways I try to combat my stresses. Thanks for sharing!
    Jenna ♥
    Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

  • Anna Marcus

    I think you are right abouot the reason why you can’t wall asleep for hours, Shelbee.. Few years ago I was going through the same hell and then all of a sudden my sleep pattern went back to normal but I still shudder thinkig about those sleeplss nights. What i like about your post is that it’s not expensive treatments and trips to the healthy spas and retreats, etc, it’s just taking good care of your body and soul and provide with exactly what they need. Stay well.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Anna, thank you so very much for this comment! It really is so helpful to hear that this struggle is not uncommon. Sleepless nights are really quite like a form of torture, aren’t they? Fortunately after struggling with sleep this entire week, I did end up getting about 11 hours of sleep last night. Apparently, I needed it and my body finally agreed! But I am certain I will likely be in this weird sleep cycle until the menopause process comes full circle. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks so much, Jess! I am seriously the happiest and most peaceful I have ever been in my entire life. And these wide legged jeans have been on constant repeat…contributing probably a little bit to my happiness factor. Haha. I definitely could use some consistent 8 hour nights of sleep but these hormones are ruining it for me! I hope your week is off to a great start.


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Shelbee on the Edge