4 Ways to Practice Mindfulness Every Day & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #166

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Mindfulness is something that is missing from a lot of people’s lives. We all spend so much time worrying about the future and stressing about a million different things that we miss out on what is going on around us. When you are constantly surrounded by outside stimulus, it is hard to just stop and exist for a few moments without looking outside of yourself and worrying about things.
If you want to improve your life and your mental well-being, it is important that you find ways to be more mindful every day. This means taking notice of what you are experiencing right this second, without looking beyond the present moment. It can be difficult to get into the habit, but once you build mindfulness into your daily routine, it changes everything. These are some of the easiest ways to be more mindful every day.
Meditation is one of the best ways to practice mindfulness on a daily basis and it can improve your life in a lot of different ways. When you meditate, you focus your mind on your breathing and your body and let thoughts drift away. This helps to teach you what mindfulness feels like and how to manage your thoughts more effectively so you are not constantly stressing about things. Even taking 5 minutes per day to meditate can help you to relieve stress and be more mindful. After a while, you will find that this mindfulness carries over into your everyday life.

Limit Phone and Computer Use
Using a phone or computer to browse social media or the news, for example, is not great for mindfulness. You are being bombarded with so much information and often that information is largely negative. It takes you out of your current situation and causes you to worry about things that are happening halfway around the world, which is not good for your mental well-being. If you cut back on your phone and computer usage and spend that time simply taking in your surroundings and being comfortable sitting for a few moments, you will notice a positive difference. There is no need to distract yourself all of the time and those moments when you would normally be using your phone are a great time to practice mindfulness.
Ayahuasca Retreats
Ayahuasca is an ancient plant remedy that is said to create incredible spiritual experiences. People usually find that they have a life changing experience when they visit Ayahuasca retreats and they come away with a far better understanding of themselves. People also tend to experience a big increase in mindfulness that stays with them long after they leave the retreat, so if you find mindfulness difficult, this is something that you should consider trying.

Get Outside
When you are in familiar surroundings, you don’t really pay close attention to your environment. But if you get outside and spend some time in nature, you can get away from all of the distractions and start to be more mindful of your surroundings. Being around nature has a lot of benefits to your health as well, so it is always helpful to make it part of your daily routine.
These are all simple ways that you can introduce mindfulness into your daily life. You will definitely notice a positive difference when you do.
And now your featured favorites from last week’s link party.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Rebecca of Rebecca Tries Trousers shared her post, Memories of Summer, where she features a darling floral dress…sustainably purchased at a second hand shop. Way to go, Rebecca! There is nothing quite as a good as a gorgeous thrift shop find.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Edwige of Hypnoz Glam shared her post, Yellow Crush/Spring Forward and I am seriously crushing on her bright yellow outfit! Check out all of her wonderful accessories, too. The sunnies, the shoes, the bag, oh my!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Lauren of Lauren Sparks shared her post, Celebrating Women’s History Month My Way, where she has listed some of her favorite books inspired by, written by, or about women. Do check it out for some great reading recommendations.

What have you been doing lately to practice mindfulness and live a healthier, more relaxed life?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Kathrine Eldridge
I would love to try out one of these retreats! Mindfulness is so important especially now during this crazy time in the world. Thanks for the link up Shelbee!
Thank you, Kathrine! I absolutely want to look into one of these retreats as well once we can be communal again!
Kellyann Rohr
Wow, that retreat looks beautiful. I used to be certified in relaxation, meditation, and guided imagery. It was useful when I worked in oncology. While my patients loved it I never really felt able to get myself to meditate for any amount of time. I find other ways to center myself and I agree – less time online is a good thing!
That is an amazing thing to be able to offer oncology patients, Kellyann! I have trouble quieting my mind for meditation, but I do practice other relaxation techniques to keep my mind calm and get re-centered.
I tried meditating a few times, but I am way to restless for it. But I can relax by reading a good book! And that’s what keeps me relaxed these days!
I struggle with quiet meditation as well, Nancy, because my mind is so not quiet! I do like yoga sessions though as a substitute as well as getting lost in a book.
I’ve been trying to meditate more!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I have been trying as well, Jennifer! I am enjoying yoga sessions as a substitute. But I need to get more consistent with all of it.
These are great tips! Getting outside for walks daily has kept me sane through this. That retreat setting is beautiful! Stay healthy and safe!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I need to get outside, but it has been raining for days here! And I definitely want to go to a retreat like that once we no longer have to social distance.
Anne M Bray
I think the best suggestion here is the #freshair one, since we’re cooped up on our #stayathome situations.
I joined in an exercise in “mindfulness” with Ali Edwards called “The Art of Noticing”. https://aliedwards.com/2020/03/the-art-of-noticing-join-me-next-week
She’s pushing her scrapbooking products with it, I’m taking the concept and using the DayOne app and Instagram. It’s been fun!
Thanks so much, Anne! I will check it out, but I don’t know how many more activities I can add to my daily routine at this point! I am full!
Anne M Bray
Oh yeah, your hands are WAY full! How’s the homeschooling going?
We are implementing stricter policies this week and the kids are not too keen on it! Haha. We pick up a chrome book for Archie and homework packets for both kids from school on Thursday so we will see how it all goes. Karate practice is now done in the living room via Zoom and we will have weekly Zoom meetings with Ralphie’s teacher and classmates. While I appreciate all of the efforts of the school to help us through this, it really is quite a lot. I never intended on home schooling my kids. I never had the desire to and my desire is even less now that it is forced upon me. But if I am nothing else in this life, I am adaptable, so adapt I will! Wish me luck.
Anne M Bray
Yes, BIG luck!
And thanks for getting me over my Zoom jitters for my online class. You and Jodie helped a lot!
Still scrounging the house for the stupid webcam that I bought in 2014 so that I can Zoom from my fancy computer. The laptop with the blown out speakers is horrible. And WAY too tiny for demos.
Aw, you are quite welcome, my friend! I do not like video chat of any sort but the current situation is forcing me to embrace it if I want to get anything accomplished! Now I am going to say a little prayer to St. Anthony for you…”Dear St. Anthony, please come around. Anne’s webcam is lost and must be found!”
What a wonderful post on mindfulness!
I am reading more now and enjoying my walks when it’s not raining.
Keep staying positive, my friend!
Thank you, Robin! I am reading so much more now and enjoying it very much! I went for a walk today and it was wonderful to breathe in the fresh crisp air. I shall let positivity reign!
That retreat looks wonderful surrounded by those gorgeous flowers!
A great post and great timing too as so many are struggling with the current situation! Mindfulness is so important for the overall well being!
Thanks for sharing and for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thank you so much, Ellie! Knowing how to practice mindfulness is such a wonderful skill for these moments when we may find ourselves overwhelmed by stress. It is important in general, but now more than ever!
Mindfulness is really important- and has some amazing health benefits. I’m actually working on writing some mindfulness content for work, where I learned that a mindfulness practice (even if not done every day) can lower anxiety and help with chronic pain. Amazing! Love this, babe!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! Practicing mindfulness of any sort really is great for lowering stress and anxiety. I used to do it more frequently, but I have eliminated many stress factors from my life in the past decade, so I don’t need it as often. But it is a great skill to have for when we need it. I love that you are working on mindfulness content. It is really important!
jess jannenga
Very timely post! I think this is something that would be great to incorporate, as being mindful or living in the moment, would be helpful right now! Catastrophizing and thinking about the doom and gloom can only add to more anxiety and fear.
I do find myself using mindfulness espevcially when I am in nature. I love walking in the woods and looking at everything, I find it very peaceful!
I hope you are well, thank you for being there for me too.
Thanks so much, Jess! I am trying to stay focused on the present moments because the doom is so heavy in the air. I don’t even mind the isolation right now because I simply cannot even be around people and discuss this same topic over and over and over again. I am getting quite bored of it! I did get dressed today for the first time in a week and the family and I went out for a trail walk. It felt pretty great to get dressed and go get some fresh air and exercise. It has been raining for days here which has not helped my mood! We have to stick together and keep uplifting each other. I am so grateful for my blogging friends.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Meditation is something I’ve been wanting to try and probably now is the best time to do so! I’ve been trying to limit my phone, especially with the news lately!
It is a wonderful way to refocus and find a sense of calm, Carrie! I am also enjoying short yoga videos as a way to find some inner calm. And yeah, I definitely have limited my exposure to any news or random social media chatter about the current state of things. Hang in there, my friend!
Great tips for staying mindful and present! I know for me, putting my computer and phone away really helps to lower anxiety, especially now that I am working at home. I hope you are doing well and staying healthy! Have a great week!
Thanks so much, Katie! Yeah, I keep finding myself going deep into that social media rabbit hole and I have to pull myself out quickly or I get so irritated. So my best solution is to not even look at it to begin with. We are doing great here in NY! I hope you are staying safe and healthy as well.
Hi Michelle, hope you are all safe and healthy at home.
A while back while in Peru for a cousin’s wedding we were discussing ayahuasca retreats and another family member who is a doctor told us about a lot of side effects and warnings prior to doing this.
Thanks, Lorena! We are doing well! I appreciate that bit of inside information. Thanks for sharing! I will look into that further. I hope you are staying safe and healthy as well!
Jacqui Berry
Hope you are staying sane with the kids off. All good here, just trying to keep my grand-kids entertained. Jacqui xx
Thanks, Jacqui! I was grateful when my husband was deemed nonessential and is home to help with the kiddos! Enjoy these moments with those little grandkids of yours! Use this time to make lots of grand memories.
That was really perfect what you said about meditation, Shelbee. Friends, and myself too of course, have been taking lockdown time (this is the second week in New Zealand, 3rd for me), to pause, reflect, reassess. And having time to meditate properly has been nice too amongst the scariness. best wishes to you and your family xxxxx
Thank you so much, Ratnamurti! This is a really good time to refocus and recenter ourselves and live in these moments. I am approaching this whole situation as a great opportunity to reset some things and get myself to a better place. Stay safe and health!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Thanks so much for the feature, Shelbee!
It was my pleasure, Lauren! Thanks for joining the party!
Nora Minassian
I wish I could meditate but I have tried and I just can’t keep my mind still. I like reading, walking and listening to music for relaxation and a glass of wine helps too :))
Thanks for sharing, Nora! Sometimes it is really difficult to quiet my mind during meditation as well. I prefer yoga exercises because they relax me without the stress of “trying to quiet my mind.” There are so many ways to relax and find a sense of calm. So I say embrace what works for you and enjoy your wine!
Patrick Weseman
I have been trying to stay off the phone and such and not watching the news. Plus, I am getting out a bunch for walks and such. Plus sitting on my porch can be interesting.
Thanks for the tips and I hope that you have a wonderful Tuesday. Thanks for hosting.
Thanks, Patrick! We went for a walk in the woods yesterday and it was so nice! I need to do that more now that the weather is finally getting nice enough for it. My front porch is not all that interesting, just a few folks walking their dogs go by. But you probably have much more interesting characters in your part of the world!
Oooh def loving Edwige’s sunnies!!!
They are so amazing, Becky! I was just thinking about you yesterday…I hope you and the kiddos are staying safe and healthy and sane!
Practicing mindfulness is truly important and can help all of us live in the moment. It’s been catching on in schools to help kids, too. It’s a great tip to put away the phone and computer, too. Especially now, when we’re all at loose ends as to what to do with ourselves. Being mindful and enjoying simple things can only help us get through this! Thanks,
xx Darlene
Darlene, thanks so much. We definitely need to focus on the present moments especially right now while we are all isolated. I can’t even tolerate social media or television right now, so I am staying away from it as much as possible. It is definitely helping me to maintain a sense of calm. And any mindfulness practices that we can incorporate into our daily lives are helpful.
Heather Noire
This is really great advice. I love how it can help people relax more in so many useful ways 🙂
Thank you, Heather! It is so important to stay calm and positive right now. But there is still so much fear propaganda being shoved at us from every direction. Finding ways to focus and recenter are a necessity.
Laura Bambrick
I think with all the time spent social distancing, practicing mindfulness is especially important to help with our mental health! Thanks for sharing these tips!
Thanks so much, Laura! Being mindful and staying calm, relaxed, and positive is so important right now!
Much needed post in the times of distress. I have been practicing Yoga and just started reading the book – Mindfull to Mindful. Thank you for posting! 🙂
Nanchi, thank you so much! That book sounds interesting. I will have to check it out!
Georgia Rose
Thank you for this post! Mindfulness is so important & especially in times like these!
Georgia Rose
Thanks so much, Georgia! I agree!
The hippies used to say, “Be here now.” Aka mindfulness. It is an important reminder. I read a quote attributed to the Dalai Lama which said something to the effect “If you are depressed, it is because you are living in the past. And if you are anxious, you are living in the future. Live in the moment.” Granted, given what we know about brain chemistry, it is an oversimplification. However, it does ring true.
Michelle, thanks so much! I just read that same Dalai Lama quote the other day and was quite impactful! Living in the moment is so important because it really is all that we have to live in.
I agree Shelbee. I think mindfulness and mental health go hand in hand. Times like this when it is dark and uncertain, it’s important more than ever to really appreciate the life we are given. I stopped reading the news. I don’t like how it’s constantly just bombarding us with so much info. Info that sometimes I don’t even know what to do with. I hope you and your family are staying well and safe! Happy Wednesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thank you so much, Maureen! I can’t watch the news or even scroll through social media because it is just too much. Everyone has their expert opinions and there is just too damn information flying around that it is difficult to distinguish between facts and fiction. We are safe and happy in our isolation! I hope you are as well, my friend.
Chrissy Rowden
Getting outside for walks has helped me quiet my thoughts. Reading Psalms and Proverbs helps me put on the right perspective. Each day things get crazier. Trying to stay rooted in truth. Hugs my friend!
Thanks so much, Chrissy! Each day does just keep getting crazier. Walks are helping me and just continuing on with my days finding things that make me feel joy. I feel an overwhelming sense of calmness though as I am simply accepting things for what they are and adapting to a new way of life. Hugs right back at you!
Wow wish I could just hop over to that retreat right away. It looks like a dream come true. Thank you for sharing Shelbee. xo Sabina
Thanks so much for stopping by, Sabina! Isn’t that photo the most beautiful place ever? I want to go there right now, too!
Lisa notes
I’ve gotten back into my meditation routine the past few weeks, and it has helped. Also spending more time outside! Those are good habits in any season.
Thanks, Lisa! There are so many mindful ways to relax (or relaxing ways to be mindful). While I am not great at meditating, I do love to listen to relaxing music while I lie in bed with my eyes closed. I guess that is close enough to meditation! Any activities that center us are so good for our mental health. And fresh air is always a plus!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Visiting again to say thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 11, open April 1 to 26.
Thank you for hosting, Dee!
Sherry Joy
Meditation is my saving grace for sure! I’ve been so curious about Ayauasca! I’ve heard its amazing!
Sherry, thanks for stopping by! I want to read more about Ayauasca but I think once this quarantine is lifted, many of us will be ready to benefit from some sort of retreat! I hope you can stop by tomorrow and check out my newest blog post which I think you will really like!