10 on the 10th: May 2024-Can vs. May & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up On the Edge #704

Another month has gone by quicker than ever and it’s time again for another round of Marsha’s monthly question and answer game. 10 on the 10th is a monthly series hosted by Marsha in the Middle and is open to anyone who wants to join. You can share your answers in Marsha’s link party if you have a blog or you can share your answers in the comment section. It is such a fun way to share more information about ourselves and to learn interesting new things about others. The questions posed offer a great way to start new conversations, make meaningful connections with new people, and have a good hearty chuckle every now and then.

For this month, Marsha has strayed from her traditional 10 questions format and instead is playing a little grammar game with us. As a self-proclaimed Grammar Queen, I am here for it! We are sharing 10 things that we can and may do in the month of May.

From Marsha: “I have lots of pet peeves, and lots of them have to do with word use and grammar. I tried so hard to get the difference between can and may through to my students. I’m pretty sure that was very low on their lists of things they learned and remembered! This month, we are going with ten different things you can and may do. If you’d rather do four of one and six of the other, that’s fine! Just make sure you have ten!”

So let’s get to the 10 things that I can and may do in May.

I’ll start with the Cans…

1. I can dance in May…

…but I cannot can-can. In fact, I was just dancing around my dining room yesterday (not the can-can) to some 80s tunes while I was making some raggery. If you can dance and even if you can’t, you should dance. It’s good for the body, mind, and soul.

2. I can paint my pantry/mud room in May…

…but I probably won’t. It is a really cool space, but it is also a hot mess and needs a major renovation. Before I paint the room, however, I want to makeover two old dressers that I am going to use for the food storage in the pantry section. I hate the wire racks that are in there now. They are hideous and completely impractical. I aim going to paint the room a similar shade of green but I am going to do the trim in either a barn red or a terracotta color. The white trim gets so gross and dirty. Then I am going to get super creative with my upcycled shelving ideas…hopefully, I can and will have it all finished by the fall!

3. We can finally get started on the chimney repair in May.

Remember the mushroom that is eating my house? Well, we met with the mason and he can repair the problem and rebuild the chimney for a mere $18,400. We have made a down payment and work is scheduled to begin on May 27. Fingers crossed that it is a smooth process because all the things seem to be needing repairs at once. My washing machine won’t spin and my dryer seems to have lost some drying power. They are 10 year old machines so they are definitely at their maximum lifespan, but Jeff is going to try his hand at some appliance maintenance this weekend and see if we can get a few more years out of them. Whether he can or cannot will soon be determined.

4. I can start an easy cardio exercise plan in May.

But will I? I really should. I need to. I have been committed to my daily morning yin yoga practice for years now but I have not been as diligent in maintaining the same level of dedication to high intensity workouts. Actually, my dedication to high intensity anything is pretty much nonexistent. However, my heart health is very important and at my age some cardio is necessary so I can live another half century.

5. I can become a quinquagenarian in May.

And if I live another 20 days, I will become a quinquagenarian. A true golden girl as I turn 50 on May 30. Happy Birthday to me!

Now onto the Mays…

1. I may have a sexy date with my husband on my birthday.

I am definitely having a date on my birthday with my husband. Whether or not our date turns sexy is wholly dependent on my perimenopausal body. My birthday falls on a Thursday this year so Jeff took the day off from work for a date with me while the children are in school. So I may be getting lucky on my birthday!

WAMA Underwear, hemp underwear, hemp bralette, Shelbee on the Edge
2. I may complete some more raggery projects.

As long as I have someplace to put the projects, I will keep making them. I was asked to remove all of my products from the flea market because “they weren’t selling.” When I went to pick up my things, they couldn’t find some pieces. I came to discover that most of my things were never even displayed. Instead, they were stuffed into a storage room for some reason unknown to me and then an employee told me she “accidentally” threw this light pink Shaggy Raggy Garland in the trash.

I do not understand how that could happen “accidentally”. The thing is 15 feet long and probably weighs 5 pounds. It’s not the size of something that gets “accidentally” tossed into a trash bin. And all I got in return was an insincere apology. I was so freaking angry and disappointed at first but life has taught me to take the loss and walk away. My peace is more valuable than most things and karma usually works her magic so I can just sit back and enjoy the show.

rag garland, raggery, upcycle, Shelbee on the Rags, Shelbee on the Edge
R.I.P Shaggy Raggy Garland. You were so pretty and delicate. You did not deserve such a fate.

I am currently working on a custom order for my sister which will be completed in May. Then I want to make a curtain for my downstairs bathroom. It has a shower stall with no doors and the water is turned off so we use the stall as a storage closet. Except it’s not a closet so you can see all the stored stuff. I need to cover it all up with a rag curtain.

3. I may try to make some seeded rye sourdough bread.

My sister gave me a sourdough starter back in February and I am addicted. I have been making plain sourdough loaves, sourdough with chocolate swirls, and a nut filled swirly version, too. My family eats it quicker than I can make it. Because it is freaking amazing! I want to make a seeded rye version because it’s my favorite kind of bread. I may or may not get to that before the end of the month.

4. We may have a Memorial Day/Birthday Weekend cookout.

The last week of May is a very busy one in my house. Jeff’s 43rd birthday is Sunday, May 26. Memorial Day is Monday, May 27. The kids have a half day at school on Tuesday, May 28. My 50th birthday is Thursday, May 30. So I do think that some kind of celebratory sharing and eating of food should happen over that weekend. We are talking about it but have made no real plans yet.

5. I may do absolutely none of these things in May.

Because it’s up to me to decide what I want to do each day for the next 3 weeks. I do enjoy and appreciate some good ole couch sitting. I am so grateful for the blessings in my life including the flexibility to mostly do whatever I want whenever I want. And maybe I want to do nothing in May.

What about you?

Featured Favorites

Reader Favorite: Jeanne of Selep Imaging
Fashion Favorite: Laura of I Do deClaire
Other Favorite: Esme of Esme Salon

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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If you enjoyed reading about the things that I can and may do in month of May, be sure to check out Marsha’s post and her link party for more fun responses. And feel free to share your own answers in the comments. I would love to read them!

Keeping it on the edge, 


Joining these Fabulous Link Parties

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Steph@Stephcreatesthings

    I enjoyed hearing about your plans for May. If you end up not being able to complete them, that’s alright. At least you had them in mind and can try again another day.
    I hope you have an amazing birthday. It’s always special when loved ones take the day off to celebrate with you. With your kids being in school, you may even have the chance for a romantic date! 😉
    I’m excited to use my new Cricut machine and my family is finishing up an outdoor kitchen project. Thank you for hosting this wonderful linkup and here’s to a beautiful month filled with happiness.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Aw, Steph, thank you so much! I am very excited for my birthday date with husband. It is a rare occasion these days to find alone time together. My sister recently got a Cricut and she absolutely loves it! I hope you enjoy making really cool things! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Joanne

    Ugh! Why does everything around the house always seem to break and need repairs/replacement at the same time?! We have awater leaking out of our freezer (at times), our kitchen faucet isn’t working right, and when it was raining last week we had a lake sized puddle forming inside the fireplace… but your $18,000+ chimney repair sort of put all that into perspective. Yikes! That’s a big repair to tackle. I hope it all goes well.

    All your loaves of bread look so amazing! I am reluctant to have sourdough starter in the house because fresh bread is one of those things I just can not resist.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Oh my gosh, Joanne, you really are feeling my pain! Added to my list of things that need fixing…I had a minor car accident in the school pick up line yesterday. Not bad, just some scratches and exchanged paint. But still something to be dealt with. And my oldest recently had an ingrown toenail removed which required 3 doctor’s appointments in 2 1/2 weeks and the need for new sandals to accommodate his big knob toe! LOL I think your reluctance to bring a sourdough starter into your home is probably wise. It is so freaking addictive! But now that I’ve done it, I can’t undo it because my family would be realllllllly disappointed in me! LOL


  • Nancy

    Fun read! We are in the UK right now, first day. Our happy place. Well our home is in the first place of course. Looking forward to know what Birthday you will get! Well…… not the steamy plans!! Lol.

  • Marsha Banks

    Oh, ouch! That repair makes me cringe! But, it’s better than having a mushroom eat your house. My pantry is so small compared to yours, but it could stand a makeover. It needs to be brighter and happier. I CANnot believe they threw out one of your raggery products. That’s unbelievable. I do hope you find another place to sell them because they are gorgeous and deserve a beautiful life. I really liked your last paragraph. Maybe I don’t want to do anything in May, either! Made me chuckle!!! Thanks for the link party!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Awww, thanks, Marsha! The repair is making us cringe, too! And then I had a minor car accident yesterday in the school pick up line. Ugh. It was only some scratched paint but still a giant pain in the arse added to the list of the other pain in the arse things going on right now! Right now, May is looking like the month to repair things! LOL


  • Gail

    How dare those people do that to the pretty pink garland of raggery!?
    I love your qualifier at the end – you may not do any of these things in May. I’ve stopped publishing my plans or telling my mum because sometimes I just don’t feel like doing whatever was on the schedule. Have a good weekend

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Thanks, Gail! I was so disappointed with my consignment endeavor. Oh well, moving on! I learned a long time ago to manage my expectations when it comes to goal setting and to grant myself grace when I don’t meet those goals. Life is too short to get so stressed over little things. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend.


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