green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge

You Are Not Alone & Link Up On the Edge #197

green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge

Many of you already know that one of the fundamental goals of my blog is to raise awareness about mental health and to do my part in eliminating the stigma that accompanies life with a mental illness. I have written extensively about my own personal journey with Bipolar Disorder and how difficult it can be navigate through life and maintain a sense of normalcy. I have also shared a variety of different coping mechanisms that have helped me throughout the past few decades. If you are interested in reading more about my personal mental health journey, you can find all of those articles under my Mental Health category.

I haven’t addressed the topic in quite some time here mostly because I just haven’t been able to tap into the right words that will be impactful enough to deliver this type of message. It has sort of been looming over me all month long with May being Mental Health Awareness Month. Since I am running out of time to get it done before the month ends, I figured it’s now or never. So let’s get on with it.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) launched the You Are Not Alone campaign to recognize Mental Health Awareness Month in 2020. This year’s initiative features the real life experiences of people who have been affected in some way by mental illness. The goal is to fight the ongoing stigma that has been attached to mental health disorders to better educate the public about these illnesses. Sharing personal stories and experiences also helps to inspire others to open the communication about their own struggles. There is powerful healing that comes with a sense of community especially when we feel we are suffering alone. Only by talking about the issues can we find others with similar experiences and it is these experiences that help us to heal each other.

With most of the world being quarantined and isolated from their support networks, it is now more important than ever for the mental health community to unite in such a way that no one has to fight alone. The 2020 campaign is about building these important connections while also raising awareness about the various digital tools that are available to help form and maintain these types of connections. While we continue in this manner of social distancing, we need to utilize the resources that we have in order to maintain our mental health.

green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge

Many people who struggle with mental health issues have a tendency to isolate themselves under traditional life circumstances. I am definitely one of those people. As a result, the first 10 weeks of quarantine really did not have much of impact on my own mental health as I just embraced the reality that I didn’t have to leave my house for any reason. And I kind of enjoyed it. I have gone through some mild ups and downs throughout the process of lockdown, but nothing compared to the mood swings that result when I have to actually interact with people in real life. So for me, these past few months have been rather healing. Other than a few battles with my inner dialogue that likes so much to bring me down, I feel surprisingly healthy after months of isolation.

However, I know that each person is unique in how they cope with their own mental health struggles. For some, isolation is a very negative thing that can bring with it tragic and painful results. For those who fall into this category, it is so very important to be aware of the available resources so you can get the necessary support as you cope with this very strange time. NAMI provides extensive resources not only for those who suffer from mental illness but also for their caretakers, friends, and family members who form the personal support networks.

There is a wonderful article that was just released by Psycom, How Coronavirus Is Affecting the Mental Health of Millions of Americans, which focuses on the psychological implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on those who suffer from mental health conditions. The article provides a comprehensive outline of the nine major mental health diagnoses with suggested coping activities. Psycom is a well established and highly regarded mental health resource with an objective to inspire individuals to gain deeper understanding of their own mental health while learning to actively participate in their own care and healing. From my own personal experience with mental illness, we absolutely must be our own best advocates and we must be actively present in our own healing process. It really is the only way that healing can occur.

green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge
green dress, mental health awareness, Shelbee on the Edge

I know that most, if not all, mental health professionals have been offering video appointments to maintain the routine of counseling sessions. I have been very grateful for this transition because I know that both myself and my boys really do benefit from our bi-weekly counseling appointments. BetterHelp offers online counseling sessions even when we are not in social distancing mode. They employ an extensive team of qualified counselors who offer virtual counseling sessions at very affordable prices so even those without adequate health insurance coverage can talk to a professional if needed.

If you or someone your love is struggling with mental health issues, please be sure to keep the lines of communication open. There is no shame in mental illness. It is an ailment just like any physical affliction and it often requires treatment by a professional. There is a certain amount of strength that comes from asking for help. And there is no better time than the present to seek the help if you need it.

*Interesting fact: Green was chosen to represent mental health awareness because it was the color used in the 1800’s to label individuals who were considered insane.

How are you all coping lately?

And now your featured favorites from last week.

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Laurie of Vanity & Me shared her post, Escape-Something’s Gotta Give-Weekly Edit, featuring a really gorgeous spring outfit, the cutest pajamas for lounging around in lockdown, and a whole bunch of other fun things from Laurie’s world.

Laurie of Vanity & Me

My Favorite Fashion Post

Emma of Style Splash shared a vibrant outfit that really caught my eye in her post, Bright Orange and Gold. I love all of the details of Emma’s outfit: the twist front gold top, the bright orange trousers with those sassy gold buttons, the gold velvet bag. Oh, it’s just all so lovely together and makes a beautifully bold statement.

Emma of Style Splash

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post

Carrie of Curly Crafty Mom shared a delicious recipe post, Strawberry Spinach Salad with Poppyseed Dressing. I have long been a fan of fruits and nuts in my salads and I love spinach plus homemade dressings are kind of my thing. Carrie’s recipe and photos have my mouth watering. Do go check out her first short form video in this post as well. Be aware, however, it will make you hungry.

Curly Crafty Mom

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Shop my look…

Outfit Details: Dress-Shelbee’s Shoppe / Shoes-Payless / Earrings-Old / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Nancy

    I can imagine that people with mental health issues are having a very difficult time. I myself feel since the last two weeks that I am down and not happy. Almost 3 months of isolation does that I guess. As of next week I am having a few appointments and seeing more people, then I will be happy again I hope! Have a fantastic day tomorrow!


      Nancy, thanks so much for reading! As much I enjoy isolation, after 3 months it is starting to get to me as well. Then I think of all the people who have lived through nightmares during this time and I feel so blessed and have so much gratitude that I live in a stable environment. I hope getting out and about next week boosts your mood!


  • Laurie

    Thank you for the feature Shelbee. I’ve taken some time out this week, so no new post from me. The builders are all at the ready to start on the house again, so I’ve had to spend so much time finding things online Wish me luck! Have a lovely weekend xx

  • Jennifer

    This is so informative. Thanks for sharing. I was actually the opposite. Even though I’m a homebody, the thought of being home when this started, it felt like my whole world was turned upside down. Before, I was actually super happy and excited that my dreams where going to happen.

    Effortlessly Sophisticated


      Jennifer, thanks so much for reading! As far as future plans, I have been struggling with trying to plan or work towards anything, but we cannot allow this craziness to destroy our dreams! You keep chasing them, my friend. You will catch them.


  • Kathrine Eldridge

    Thank you so much for raising awareness about mental health. I appreciate it that you share your struggles here as well as try to help others. I’m sure this pandemic has been extra tough for ones dealing with these type of issues. I pray that your suggestions help others with what they need. Amazing post my friend!

  • Jill

    This post is so informative and I know it will help so many people. I have a close family member who suffers from mental health issues and like you, the quarantine has seemed to be healing for her. Thank you for promoting mental health awareness!

    Jill – Doused in Pink


      Jill, thank you so much! I am so glad that your family member had a positive experience with quarantine. I am certain there are so many who have struggled terribly during this time. So I have to do my part to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma.


  • Deborah Stinedurf

    I know that inner dialogue can be a bitch & you know my thoughts on it…we have to at the very least turn the volume down. You also know that I love your honesty; you put a face with mental health issues and each time you write about the struggles it makes it that much more okay to openly discuss mental health issues and helps to remove the stigma. xo
    PS…You Are Amazing!! Add that to your mental mix tape my friend!


      Debbie, thanks so much, my friend! That really does mean the world to me! And now I am hopping on my video counseling appointment so I can discuss further this inner dialogue of mine! See you in about an hour for even more uplifting conversation!


  • Lucy Bertoldi

    This is such an important topic- and I believe there hasn’t been one person who hasn’t been affected directly- or indirectly by mental health issues. Communication is key and understanding especially. We have to remember that unlike a physical illness that one can see…mental illness often shows no outer signs and that’s why people have a hard time understanding the devastating effects of it. Thanks for writing this dear friend xx


      Lucy, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this important topic. These so-called invisible illnesses really get a bad reputation, don’t they?! Communication is a huge part in eliminating the stigma that still surrounds mental illness. Over the years, I have found that when I just boldly and unashamedly discuss my mental health journey, someone in the room will come forward and let me know that they also struggle but never felt comfortable talking about it until I threw it out into the conversation. That type of response is what drives me to continue sharing my story and raising awareness. I really appreciate all of the love and support from everyone on this topic. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • Ellibelle

    It’s good that there is help for those suffering psychologically during this quarantine time. While I am more of a homebody, I think it’s only through my hobbies that I am able to manage this situation as well as I do. Thankfully group fitness classes will start again (outside with a limited amount of people) but I had to be sure to reserve the spots for yoga. I’ve not been very consistent doing it at home and I can feel it.
    Great outfit! Loving this shade of green on you!
    Ellibelle’s Corner


      Ellie, thank you so much for commenting on this important topic. Hobbies are a great way to redirect negative thinking and to focus on something more positive. Exercise is also hugely important in regulating mental health symptoms on so many levels. We need to find what works best for each of us as we navigate our own unique paths. I am glad that you will be able to get back to your group fitness classes. I was thoroughly enjoying yoga at the beginning of this quarantine and then my elbow got all messed up that I had to stop any weight bearing on my arms and then it just fell apart for me. I have to find something else! Have a lovely weekend, my friend.


  • Patrick Weseman

    Thanks for sharing this. As someone with ADD and ADHD, I crave the structure and routine that going to work and work provides for me and poof it is gone. Even though I am working from home I am so missing all that structure that was provided for me. Also, I am a person who likes doing things and having all the events canceled that I look forward to is messing with my mind. So it is and has been a struggle for me.

    Thanks for hosting and looking ready for summer there. Hope you and your family are safe and have a wonderful weekend.


      Patrick, thank you so much for sharing your struggles with me. You know that one of my main goals with my blog from the beginning was to create a space that is safe for discussing these issues that are too often looked upon as something shameful. I also need structure to stay even and stable. When my routine gets wildly upset, it can send me spiraling in no time. Also, it has recently come to my attention that I have some text book symptoms of ADHD that I never really even discussed with a counselor until very recently. Funny, how I am so in tune with all of my mental health diagnoses and I completely missed this one major thing about myself. I hope things return to normal soon for so many people need that. I hope you have a relaxing weekend, my friend.



      Mireille, thank you so much! I do need to visit this topic more often though! As I am reading through all of the wonderful comments here, I am missing engaging in these topics. It is so important to keep communicating about these issues in order to lessen the stigma around mental health issues and I have dropped the ball recently! I need to get back to it. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • Michelle

    I have never understood the stigma against mental illness. It’s biological. No different than diabetes, high blood pressure, or an autoimmune disease. We would never think of shaming people with these disorders. Nor would we tell them if you’d just think the right way, you wouldn’t have these illnesses. I applaud your advocacy!

    As for me, I am like you, the increased isolation has made my life easier. As an introvert, I don’t have the desire to get out and be around people very often.

    What a cool green dress! I love it!



      Michelle, thank you so much! First, I had a feeling that you might like this dress! It does remind me very much of your personal style. Second, I am with you on the stigma business. I never quite understood it either. When I was first diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder among a few other things twenty years ago, there was definitely this unspoken understanding that you don’t talk to anyone except your doctor and therapist about these things. There was always this sense that I should be ashamed because it was my own twisted up head that caused these things and why couldn’t I just get it under control. Easy peasy, right? Haha. I also worked in a high stress environment at the time I was first diagnosed and I had some coworkers who were absolutely brutal in the shaming department. But I fought the fight and I got to the other side of it all so I really do feel an obligation to help others get through it as well. It is a driving force that gets me out of bed every day. I just need to start writing more about these topics again. Thanks again for always sharing such thoughtful comments. Have a wonderful weekend!



      Lauren, thank you so very much! Your kind words and support really do mean the world to me. I really do believe that when we have come through any kind of darkness with even a little bit of success, we do have an obligation to share our road maps and light the way for others who may be traveling the same path. I hope you have a lovely weekend!


  • Lizzie

    Thank you so much for sharing this, Shelbee! I love how passionate you are about mental health and I know that sharing your journey is helping so many people out there. I do use Betterhelp myself and it has been such blessing in my life! Therapy was the one thing that helped me get out throughout my own journey and I hate that there is. stigma around it. I think the isolation in quarantine has really helped get to the root of my issues as well <3



      Lizzie, thank you so very much for sharing your story here as well. I am so glad that isolation has helped you to gain some more insight. I think it is so important to grab hold of any opportunity that may force us to be more insightful. These are the best times to learn more about ourselves. Also, I am so glad that you have found BetterHelp to be beneficial. I have done a lot of collaborative work with them in the past on topics of mental health, but I never actually used their online counseling services and I was curious how it all worked. But now that we all do counseling virtually, I realize what an absolutely amazing resource BetterHelp is for so many people. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.


  • Darlene

    Shelbee, I so admire your approach to this important issue. You face it head-on and use tools to deal with it. That’s exactly what folks need to do. I am worried about the effects of the quarantine on so many and have a special concern about how this will affect kids. More than half of the school experience is social interaction and development and for those who miss it, I wonder at the long-lasting consequences. Dealing with it as you have is definitely the answer and we have to make sure that those who need it can get help in whatever form that takes. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    xx Darlene


      Darlene, thank you so, so much for your very kind and supportive words. I have been worried since the beginning of this quarantine for everyone with mental health issues. And I really do feel an obligation to share what I know in order to help where I can. Being able to discuss my experiences openly and freely has probably been the most important aspect in my healing process. So I really just want to create a safe space on the internet where anyone can come share their experiences as well without fear of judgment. I don’t have a lot to offer by means of helping others, but I can share what I have lived and sometimes that is an important helping method as well. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • Suzanne

    Thank you Shelbee for sharing all of these helpful resources with us. Now, more than ever, I’m very concerned about the mental health of all and especially our teens. These are unprecedented times as you know, and navigating though it is unprecedented as well. You are a beacon of light, thank you🙏
    Be well,


      Suzanne, thank you so much for commenting on this important issue. I need to get back to sharing more mental health topics here as I have let that part of my content sort of slide lately. But you are right, now more than ever, we need to be raising awareness about these issues and doing what we can to eliminate the stigma. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend!


  • Ashley

    I really love that you shared this, Shelbee! It’s so important, especially during this difficult time. Many of us have struggled or are struggling, and there is no shame in that. I did find the reason behind green being chosen to represent mental health interesting.

    Wishing you the very best weekend, friend!

    Make Life Marvelous


      Ashley, thank you so very much. This is a topic that has always been so important to me. I lived in shame for such a long time that now I feel like I have to do my part to raise awareness and help others break down that stigma. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  • Joanne

    I think this May more than ever it’s so important to talk about mental health and bring awareness. I was just reading somewhere yesterday that calls to sucide hotline have been up something like 600% with all this isolation and job loss and sheltering at home (for families that don’t have safe homes to shelter in). Thanks for sharing your story!


      Joanne, thank you so much for commenting on this important topic. Ever since this lockdown started, my very first concern was people with mental health issues and how this would impact them. It is such a scary thing especially right now. I am just trying to do my small part in making a positive difference.


  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    I have so many thoughts that go through my mind and I’ve found some great books that I listened to on audio that have helped me calm these thoughts down. I also find that if I’m overthinking, it helps me to listen to an audio book or podcast, so I’m directing my thoughts towards learning something positive than negative thoughts!! THANK you so much for featuring my salad!!! And, the strawberries are so ripe and delicious right now!



      Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your struggles and the ways you have found to cope. Refocusing my thoughts during a period of overthinking is basically how I deal with those times as well. We are complicated beings to the point that we don’t even understand ourselves sometimes! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend. I need to go get some strawberries!


  • Laura Bambrick

    You are so fabulous for bringing more light to these issues! I love that you are sharing your story and that social isolation has been a positive impact on your mental health!

  • Ruth Josey

    Thank you so much for sharing what you’re feeling, Shelbee. For those of us who haven’t experienced it, it’s really good for us to “feel” how someone we respect and love handles it. It certainly helps us understand it in others. We had a scare about a year ago with a niece who developed a post-partum bi-polar disorder. Her Dad had bi-polar disorder but she’d never had any signs of it. Then, about 2 weeks after she got home with her new baby girl, she ended up being admitted for 3 weeks. It was an awful time for her and for her husband and everybody who loves her. It took a month or so before the highs and lows occurred less and eventually evened out. Whatever you’re doing for yourself seems to be just right for you because you’re always so positive and bright. And you look gorgeous in the green and what a beautiful top and skirt! They’re perfect on you. And, again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!



      Ruth, thank you so much for your kind and supportive words. I am so glad that your niece was able to get through that trying time. Postpartum depression is no joke and people really need to handle those situations with great care. Talking about it is so very important. I will continue sharing my journey for as long as I know that is helpful to others. Staying positive is sometimes a struggle, but I can’t ever let myself give into the darkness. Wherever there is even a glimmer of light, you can find your way out of darkness. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


  • ratnamurti

    Hi Shelbee, I’m sorry that it took me a few days to write this. I have a close friend who is bi-polar and without her knowing it, she has given me some of the best advice that I’ve ever had. Such a fabulous person, and I’ve known others who are too. I’m a healer and I can tell you that we all have our “things”, and I am so glad to know you, you are fearless, funny, and caring.


      Thanks so much, Ratnamurti! I really appreciate that so very much. I have learned so much on my own journey through Bipolar Disorder that I don’t know who I would be without it. The experience has made me who I am. I just hope to be able to help other people by sharing what I have learned.


  • Jeanna

    I wonder who thought of putting strawberries and spinach together, an likely marriage of veg and fruit that looks good and works well. I’ve been on the edge for sure and your comfy couch looks like a good place to relax and reboot. Doesn’t it feel as is we can’t handle one more thing and before you know it, there it is.
    Lively, bright spring and summer colors and outfits. I love when clothes cheer you up.
    We scheduled a video appointment for my mother’s therapist, now all I have to do is figure out how it’s going to work.


      Jeanna, thanks so much for stopping by! Fruit on salad is so delicious! I especially love it in the summer months. I am so glad that your mom is all scheduled for an online appointment. I am finding that the counselors all use different platforms for video chat but they are all super easy to navigate. I hope it goes well for you!


  • jess jannenga

    Thanks Shelbee for sharing the article on Psycom. I see that my mom is having difficulty with anxiety during this time, and me from time to time. Mine is under control, but this is something new for my mom. She is working at it though. I love the green on you, fabulous color and fun to see the inside of your house too! 🙂
    jess xx


      Jess, thanks so much! I am glad that I could share helpful information. If your mom is not comfortable with talking to a counselor, definitely check out some of those resources online. Just to get some ideas about different coping methods for anxiety. I am happy that you have each other since you both can understand anxiety and be supportive and empathic for one another. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need to talk or anything else. Sending you lots of hugs, my friend.


  • Chrissy Rowden

    I think the reminder that “we are not alone” helps tremendously. To “normalize” a feeling, struggle, etc is freeing and therapeutic for the one unloading hurts, struggles etc. I think you encourage so many women simply with your fabulous smile and your real approach to blogging! 🙂 Oh and I’m loving the sweet feminine vibes you’re featuring in this look today.


      Chrissy, thank you so very much for this comment. I value your opinion so very much and it means the world to me to receive your encouragement and support. It is so important to discuss these issues for exactly that purpose…so we know we are not ever alone.


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Shelbee on the Edge