Yin Yoga Affirmations for Serenity & Link Up On the Edge #257

I want to thank you all for the wonderful feedback on my posts about the yoga affirmations and chakra practices that I have been incorporating into my weekly exercise and meditation routine. I have previously shared Affirmations for Confidence and Self Esteem (Solar Plexus Chakra), Affirmations for Creativity and Sensuality (Sacral Chakra), and Affirmations for Love and Compassion (Heart Chakra). I have been sharing each of these affirmation practices in no particular order as I choose my daily yoga practices based on what needs work on that particular day. Some days I stick strictly to strengthening and/or flexibility sessions which don’t include any sort of affirmation or self reflective work. I am too busy in those practices trying to maintain my balance and not have my muscles burn out to complete failure that would result in me falling on my face. But then there are other days when my body, mind, and soul are in need of reconnection and then I turn to the more introspective yin yoga work that focuses on the deep connective tissues and joints rather than balance, strength, and muscle flexibility. Going into the deeper physical poses requires some deeper insight into one’s self as well.
Last week, everything in me and around me seemed to be in perfect harmony. When I level off in this state of balance, I often choose vinyasa flows that are more challenging physically because I don’t need to be reflective in those moments. But sometimes my body is hurting too much to rise to the challenge and so I opt for slow easy yin yoga sessions instead. On this particular day, I was wanting a yin practice but didn’t feel very meditative at all. In fact, I was feeling completely serene and peaceful. So I figured why not try to enhance those feelings of peace and serenity while I was already experiencing them. I turned to Kassandra’s practice Yin Yoga and Affirmations for Serenity.
This specific practice is not associated with any particular chakra although serenity and inner peace are generally connected to the Crown Chakra. Keep in mind as you read the affirmations that you are not trying to convince yourself that the statements are or should be true. Rather, you just need to pay attention to your reaction to each affirmation. You may easily agree with some which is a tell tale sign that you are already balanced and harmonious in those areas. However, you may find that one or a few of the affirmations strike a nerve that triggers a very uncomfortable emotional reaction. It is those powerful, uncomfortable reactions that are worth investigating. Our emotional reactions often speak volumes to us and can be helpful guides in leading us to the places where we might need more introspective work.
As I worked my way through this affirmation practice the first time, I found myself nodding happily in agreement with each and every affirmation and thereby allowed myself to drift off very peacefully as I melted down into each asana. My idea of enhancing my state of peacefulness by doing a serenity practice while I already felt harmonious and balanced worked out just as planned. I felt even more relaxed and peaceful upon completion and subsequently cruised through the remainder of the day with ease and grace.
Fast forward to yesterday, I was awakened from my peaceful slumber shortly before 5:00 a.m. feeling like I was in labor. I carefully made my way downstairs, dripping with sweat, doubled over in pain from abdominal contractions. Friends, this is becoming the norm for me each month as my menstrual cycle becomes more and more erratic during this premenopausal time. I usually spend one full day with labor-like contractions that completely knock me on my ass followed by 3 to 4 days of very light bleeding that annoys me beyond words. Annoyed is actually much too mild to describe my feelings. I get downright fucking angry when I get my period. It’s like a full blown war with my body and she has been pissing me off with this nonsense for 35 years. I have never been one of those women who could appreciate the beauty of our miraculous bodies when it comes to bleeding from my vagina for days at a time every single month of my life for 35 fucking years. I. Am. So. Over. It. But in my anger at my body, I still had to sit down and draft this post. Which was really difficult considering that I was raging in my mind over something that I have no control over. Well, wouldn’t a serenity practice with affirmations be quite helpful in a situation like this? I thought so.

And guess what? My reactions to those affirmations changed quite dramatically since last week. The first affirmation, today I celebrate the joy and wonder within me, caused a much more intense reaction than happily nodding in agreement. Instead I found myself yelling inside my head, “Joy and wonder, my ass. This is all a bunch of bullshit and I am so totally over it. Joy and wonder. Huh. More like decades of discomfort and endless torment.” Affirmation number 1 made me quickly realize that my relationship with my reproductive system might need a little help.
Number 2: Peace and harmony surround me at all times. I silently nodded my head in agreement and decided to harness that peace and harmony that is surrounding me and turn it inward. It was my own peace and harmony reflected outward anyway that was thankfully still lingering in my atmosphere, so I might as well take advantage of my own good healthy energy when I need it!
Number 3 caught me with I am patient with myself. I am patient with myself and with others. I have levels of patience that could rival the saints. But when it comes to this process of menopause and permanently ending my menstrual cycle, I have absolutely no patience! I have been ready for the end of my reproductive abilities about two years after I birthed my youngest child. And the longer it takes, the more impatient I become. I am trying to figure how to better embrace this process so I can be at peace with my body and its natural aging process.
Number 4 simply resulted in a breathing practice for the duration of holding that particular asana. However, I did take that time to have some conversations with my uterus.
Number 5: My internal dialogue is kind and loving. Well…this one has been an ongoing battle for my entire life. I have been working really hard at keeping my internal dialogue in a positive place, but these hormones are belligerent little things. And sometimes they control the internal dialogue. They get realllllll nasty and hurt my feelings all the time with their negativity. But maybe I need to be nicer to them as well so they don’t feel rejected and then get all bitchy on me.
Number 6 felt okay because part of having the answers that I need revealed to me in any given moment is doing exactly this kind of insightful work through yoga affirmations and meditation. While I might not have all the answers right now, I know I will eventually find my way to them. And I do have the patience for that.
Number 7, however, struck on something big that led to an important revelation. I send out healing energy into the world ALL THE TIME. But I wondered if I do receive it lovingly back. I think that perhaps I have been so hyper focused on making sure that my healing energy reaches the places that need it that I have failed to leave myself open to receiving it back when I need it. It’s like I get stuck in this strict mode of independence, telling myself that I can create my own positive healing energy and I don’t need anyone else’s help.
But alas, I do. We all do. Our energy is all connected in the most brilliantly intricate and harmonious way. We just get too caught up in all the noise to openly receive it. So now it’s time for me to start focusing on silencing the negative surround sounds so I can get to the really good stuff. The good stuff that can take us to affirmation number 8…In this moment, I am grounded, present, and serene. That is the goal, after all, to find eternal serenity as we ground ourselves in the perfect present…for it is the present which lasts forever, it is the present which keeps us grounded, and it is within the present that we must find our serenity.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek into the strange inner workings of my mind during stoned yoga. What have you been working on lately to improve yourself?
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Kellyann Rohr
Shelbee, I cannot believe how much pain you are in when you get your period. That really is awful and I can only imagine having that happen each month – for 35 years! It’s awesome that you were able to use the affirmations in this way – such a powerful practice. When I worked in oncology, I used to make relaxation and guided imagery recordings (cassettes) for my patients. I was astonished at how helpful they were in the face of pain and anxiety!
Also – I am loving this super chic outfit – you could not have picked a more perfect outfit to go along with this topic!
Aw, Kellyann, thank you so much, my friend! I have always suffered from painful periods. I thought the uterine ablation from 5 years ago would have mitigated all of this nonsense. It lightened the bleeding, but the pain seems to have increased. I tolerate it because it really is only painful for one day. Then it is just annoying after that! I hate taking any kind of medication (except my pot, of course), so I always turn to more natural things for pain and anxiety relief first. Meditation and yoga is wonderful for that. Although yesterday I did give in and alternated Tylenol and Ibuprofen all day. Today, I am feeling much, much better already! And this outfit has been one of my fave outfit combinations this summer. My husband seems to love the button downs with a little tummy skin peeking out! Haha. Have a great weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
I feel you on the annoyance of menopause my friend. That’s how my period goes sometimes. It’s so erractic now I never know when it will strike. I will try to use these affirmations when it does. Lol! Thanks so much for the feature and loving this relaxed denim look!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I felt myself screaming SERENITY NOW at my uterus yesterday! I also have been having serious conversations with my uterus, politely asking it to stop tormenting me. Then I pray to the universe to make it end. So far, no one is listening to me! Haha. While I am not happy that you suffer from the same erratic nonsense of menopause, it sure is relieving to know that I am not alone in this. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Oh dear, I can’t imagine how that must feel. I never had any problems period, other then it was for no use at all for me, and when my menopause started, my periods just stopped. I hope for you that it will be over soon. Menopause on the other hand is a total different thing for me. I feel like I’m changing, in my head!! What the heel is that all about? Oh well, it will go away I hope. Have a great weekend, without pain!!
Thanks so much, Nancy! Oooh I am so envious of women like you who have cruised through all this female reproductive nonsense with ease! My mother in law is the same. Never a symptom, just sailed right through the whole process. And you are changing in your head, silly! You’ve been talking with me too much…I make all the heads change! Hahaha. Just kidding. My head is a total disaster so I know what you mean. Happy weekend, my friend!
Sorry you are in so much pain – I hope you can find a solution! It’s good you found the affirmations helped even though it’s terrible you are in so much pain so regularly 🙁
Thank you for the link up!
Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you!
Thanks so much, Mica! I really appreciate that! While the pain is tremendous, I can tolerate it because it really only lasts for one day. I am feeling completely better this morning already! Now I will just be annoyed for the next 3 or 4 days! Haha. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Such a fun summer flowy look and super affirmations. Remind me of some of the affirmations one of my fav Peloton riders shares. You’d adore her — Christine D’ercole!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I am going to go check out this Christine D’ercole! Thanks for the recommendation. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
I am so sorry for how much pain you’re in! That’s not normal. You should try balancing your horomoes. Did you ever try seed cycling? Or maybe look up the Medical Medium supplements for menopause, pms and hormonal balance. If you message me, I can send you pictures from my books.
Curated By Jennifer
Thanks so much, Jennifer! I have been taking some supplements which have helped to mitigate and even eliminate some of the annoying symptoms of menopause. So far, my doctors have completely dismissed me and basically told me to just deal with it. I am switching to Planned Parenthood for my gynecology appointments (away from army doctors) and I am thinking I will get much more help from them with this. I am going to read a bit about seed cycling and I will definitely message you for more information!
I can’t imagine being in that much pain every month for 35 years. My periods were more painful as I got closer to premenopause but luckily they didn’t last long. I’m glad that these yin yoga affirmations help and you are feeling better! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I suppose I never really fully embraced my cycles and perhaps that has contributed to my painful periods. That which we resist can become stronger due to our resistance! Really what gets me through it is the knowledge that the worst of the pain only lasts for one day. I am feeling much better today. I hope you have a lovely weekend as well, my friend!
Amy Johnson
That is such a cute outfit on you. I love that chambray top.
Thanks so much, Amy! This has been my summer outfit formula! I have 4 pairs of these pants and they feel like jammies. They pair perfectly with oversized button down tops!
Such a great read, thank you for sharing!!
Lee | LegalLee Blonde
Thanks so much, Lee! I am glad that you enjoyed it.
Shelbee, take comfort in the fact that outwardly, you do not look irritated at all! In fact, you project a picture of cool serenity. Maybe on this day, the loose and flowing calming blue hues you are wearing are positively effecting your inner state. I am very sorry you have to endure menstral pain. Seeing a doctor who specializes in women’s health has been helpful for me. I very much enjoy your posts sharing your spiritual growth with us. I find guilded meditations very helpful to refocus and reframe when I feel myself veering off my path. Hope you have a great weekend!
Thank you so much, Di! I am in the process of switching doctors so I am hoping to get some more ideas for mitigating these symptoms. But in the meantime, yoga and meditation and maintaining a perspective of gratitude have been so helpful for me on my journey…both physical and spiritual. It is all tied together in one perfectly synchronized system of humanity so I am definitely finding much benefit in focusing on that connection. I am so glad to know that you are enjoying these posts. I can get a little up in the clouds with some of this stuff so that is lovely to hear!
Very impressed with your yoga practice and affirmations. Yoga is completely missing from my schedule and I used to love it, particularly restorative. I will look into starting again. Sorry to hear about your stomach cramps. That used to happen to me, not quite so bad. I felt something like grief when I realised my periods had finished, but now it’s a blessing.
Thanks so much, Gail! I have only been doing regular yoga practices since January and honestly I cannot even imagine life without it. It is so useful for for so many things! I do not think I will grieve at all when my period finally goes! I never ever embraced it. I will definitely feel the blessing when it finally leaves. I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
I definitely need to try some of these affirmations, especially the one about celebrating the wonder inside your body. I’m with you—perimenopause is starting for me and my periods are all over the place and ANNOYING. On a happier note, thank you so much for the feature, and I am loving your boho blues today!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! It is sooooo annoying, isn’t it?! And then I just get all bitchy at myself which translates to bitchy all around because I am so annoyed. Haha. Thank goodness for yoga and weed! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Lauren Renee Sparks
These are great! And that garden certainly looks serene.
Thanks so much, Lauren! It is a really beautiful garden! It is in front of a financial services office in my town! It is a ghost town on weekends so there are way more photo opportunities in town. Haha.
heather noire
This is a great post. Thanks for sharing this 🙂 http://www.bauchlefashion.com/2021/08/chanels-take-on-modernism-6-bags-im.html
Thanks so much, Heather! Have a great weekend.
Shelbee, I can totally relate to the lifelong period pain. Mine was awful and despite my best efforts, took surgical intervention, which I hate. I don’t think affirmations can help then, but breathing provides a tiny bit of relief. I keep intending to start some super easy yoga (that you shared with us) as I find Yoga so darn challenging!! Thanks for sharing. In your photos, you DO look perfectly serene–and lovely.
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! It certainly sounds like you suffered even more than I from period issues. I definitely don’t feel like I need surgical intervention at this point. If the pain starts lasting more than 24 hours though, I might have to take a different approach. That’s my saving grace…I know the pain stops after day 1 so I know I can bear it for that duration. Yoga breathing exercises really are helpful to get through some of it. So I will keep on keeping on until I can keep on no more! have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
jess jannenga
Ok. I am going to have to pin or print this out! I would like for these things to all be true, but I wish I could say #6 was the case right now! I have been dealin with abdominal pain and burning for the past 3 weeks. went on antibiotics, done bloodwork, tests, an have an endoscopy to see what the problems is. I want to know it, now!
Sorry for your hrrible periods, I know what it is to feel angry and your body! I had dysmennorea or periods from hell, when I was getting periods. Love the outfit, looks cool, comfy and love the wide leg pants with the button down.
Enjoy your weekend!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! I am so glad that these affirmations are proving to be helpful to many of you. I am also really sorry to hear that you are struggling with unexplained pain. You do need to know now! And yes, I totally relate to that feeling of being angry with my body in certain circumstances. I keep trying to use yoga and this affirmation work to change my relationship with my body when it comes to that anger. I feel like when I direct the anger inward at my body, it just sort of makes everything worse. So I am trying to be more loving towards myself even when my body is doing things to really annoy me! Maybe shifting the energy will shift the outcome as well. It sure can’t hurt! Haha. I hope you have a great weekend, my friend, and can get some relief and answers soon.
Jess, I’m sorry to hear about your abdominal pain. I get a burning tummy too. My seems to be related to mast cell activation syndrome – which is as yet undiagnosed. But I decided to try the first line of treatment since it’s just two types of antihistamines: cetirizine (Zyrtec) and famotidine (Pepcid) every 12 hours. I mention this because I recently learned that EDS and mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) often go hand in hand.
Anyway, the Pepcid is a big help to my tummy.
I hope you get some answers soon! It’s so frustrating to wait.
Oh wow, Michelle, thanks for sharing that connection with Jess! It sounds kind of awful. I used to get really bad reflux and needed Zyrtec and Pepcid daily. Thankfully, that has gone away for me because it really is horrible. I hope you both find some answers and relief!
I alreay know/knew I needed to work on making my internal dialog more kind and loving. However, the rest feel pretty peaceful to me. I can absolutely see how the reactions to these affirmations would change based on what we’re going through and I am so sorry you suffer so much each month. This preimenipause stuff is definitely for the birds.
Joanne, thanks so much. This perimenopause stuff really is for the birds! Except the birds don’t even have to go through it! Haha. Actually, humans and only 4 species of whales are the only animals that go through menopause. All other mammals are reproductive for their entire lives. Although I don’t know if I would like to get my period every month for like 80 years either. That might be equally as awful as menopause! The internal dialogue part is absolutely a life long battle for me. Sometimes I am great with the way I speak to myself, but then the hormones come flying in and upset all of my hard work! So let’s you and I both continue to work on keeping that inner dialogue more positive than negative. We are worth it!
Laura Bambrick
Well you certainly have me counting down the days until menopause. Oh dear. I hope you find some relief soon!
Oh no, Laura, I don;t want to frighten you! There are some women who cruise right through with no issues at all! My mother in law is one of them. And Nancy, too! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
So sorry about the painful cramps! I know mine have gotten worse as I get older as well, which is no fun! On a positive note, I adore your pants and the affirmations you shared in this post! Have a wonderful week!
Thanks so much, Katie! I am so sorry that you suffer from painful periods as well. It is just miserable sometimes! Have a lovely weekend!
Perimenopause is certainly a challenging time in a woman’s life. I hope things have calmed down by now. Your insight on affirmation #7 gave me pause and I can recognize a bit of myself in the revelation that “perhaps I have been so hyper focused on making sure that my healing energy reaches the places that need it that I have failed to leave myself open to receiving it back when I need it.” Thanks for this reminder.
Thanks so much, Rena! The really bad cramping only lasts for one day so I am way past that misery by now. Thankfully. That is my saving grace…knowing that the pain only lasts for one day. Number 7 is a tricky one, isn’t it? I guess we both need to work on finding that balance between giving and receiving energy. I am glad that I could give a little reminder. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
Okay, I totally laughed out loud at the change in affirmation #1 from one week to period week. But it was a laugh of commiseration. And I must say, when you finally do get past these monthly horrors, it’s a thing of beauty. I remember when I started HRT because I wasn’t getting any sleep and was still working. I was still having periods erratically. My gynecologist asked me, “do you want to have the dosage in which you have no more periods or do you want me to set the dosage so you continue to have them?” I think I must have looked at her like she had two heads. She shrugged. “Some women still want to have them.” I can’t imagine.
Okay so, during the pandemic resurgence, I am having trouble with #3. With each news story that tells of an unvaccinated person being hospitalized, begging for the vaccine as they are about to be intubated, often ultimately dying, I find myself simultaneously enraged and heartbroken. I have yet to figure out to feel serene in this arena without being totally indifferent.
Michelle, thanks so much for sharing your experience with HRT. So far that has not been option that I have been willing to consider. But I am going to see a new gynecologist soon, so I will reevaluate all the options at that time. I laughed as well at how quickly my responses shifted in response to these affirmations from before my period to during it! It just further reenforces that my hormones are mostly to blame for much of moodiness these days. Haha
As for being patient with others, I find that when I keep the perspective that we are all permitted to make our own choices about our lives, our bodies, and our health that I have endless patience. Not my life, not my body, certainly not my choice or my place to insist that everyone else make the same decisions as I do. I started the new year keeping focused on perspective and gratitude and it has served me tremendously well all through this crazy year. So I will maintain perspective and gratitude because with it comes great patience and unconditional love.
I hope you are having a lovely weekend!
I hope your new gynecologist is able to provide some relief. It had been my intention not to go the hormone route. But when I was getting almost no sleep, I was afraid I might cause an accident, or the like. And decided no sleep was probably more of a threat than the hormones. But I don’t have a strong history of hormone related cancers in my family.
In most things, I am like you in regard to “my body; my choice.” Sadly, it is the unvaccinated that is driving this resurgence, so their behavior does affect others. Besides the chance of sickening others, my musician friend that does the music festival every year has had most of his gigs cancelled – again. So there is an economic effect as well. (However, if the unvaccinated are mostly staying home and wearing a mask when they do go out, I have no fight with them, because they are behaving responsibly in regard to others.) Also, I’m heartbroken every time the news shows one of these misguided individuals renouncing their beliefs, begging for the vaccine as they are about to get intubated.
Michelle, thanks for sharing all that information about HRT! I really don’t know all that much about it and it is worth investigating as an option if I get to where I cannot tolerate the symptoms any longer…I am getting close to that place! I am chuckling a bit over our discussion on the unvaccinated though…only because it doesn’t really phase me if someone made a choice and then changed their mind after it was too late. To me, that is just part of this crazy human experience. We have choices, we make them, and there are consequences for every single choice we make. And those consequences are ours to deal with so I really don’t feel much frustration in the circumstances that you describe because, hey you made the choice, deal with the consequences. Obviously, no one should be coughing and phlegming all over other people when they are sick with any sort of contagion, but I personally am highly opposed to mandating things like vaccines. And you know that I am not a vindictive, uncaring, or careless human. I simply take care of my health and take precautions when necessary. Now, if our population took initiative to be healthier overall, this pandemic might look a whole lot different. We have spent two years focused on treating the symptoms and vaccinating against an illness that would not have been nearly so deadly had our population been healthier to begin with. But then again…our health is our personal choice!
I will be the first to admit that your attitude is way more Zen than mine. LOL! I appreciate that you took the time to explain it, because I know you’re not uncaring or indifferent. You’re doing a better job at dealing with what is, while I am frustrated over what could be. (I really thought 90 – 95% of us would get vaccinated as we have with other horrible diseases and life could return to some semblance of normal.) In any case I’m going to ponder your perspective, because I think it’s a lot better for mental health than mine.
I realize all women are different in their perimenopausal symptoms, but since I’ve been through it, feel free to ask me anything. I’ll do my best to answer.
Aw, Michelle, thanks so much. I really do have the ability to see most situations from many different perspectives. While it makes it much easier for me to maintain my own sense of self and helps me to be very accepting of all different sorts of ideas and opinions, it also leaves me so firmly in the middle that I can come under fire from all sides! So I generally just keep my mouth shut and allow people to just be people…human flaws and all! We really are all just doing our best with the resources we are given. We have to have patience with each other! And this is the one thing I do so love about this blogging community…we can have educated and intelligent discussions about controversial issues without losing our gosh dang minds and resorting to name calling like so many people you see on social media and such. Gosh, thanks to you and everyone else who are not assholes when it comes to differences in thoughts and opinions! Love you, sweet friend!
P.S. I love this outfit. Comfortably stylish. I must also give kudos about your pretty setting. Day lilies are among my favorite flowers.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am wearing this outfit again today! It is one of my faves this summer. I love day lilies, too!
Patrick Weseman
I will be chanting for you and sending positive thoughts. I need to do more yoga. I spend too much time in the “Dead Dog” position at home. LOL.
I hope you always find peace in your day. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.
Patrick, thank you so very much, my friend. Dead Dog is my favorite pose! Hahaha. I do highly recommend some gentle yoga though. It has worked so many wonders for me!
Sheila (of Ephemera)
Wow, those are some intense periods, Shelbee! I feel bad for you! Mine were never that crampy or heavy (lucky me), but I got them every 3 weeks, so I went on the pill when I was 19 to help regulate them. I’m so happy to be done with all of that! Huzzah! Here’s to a gentler time of your peri-menopause! I hope the yoga affirmations help. 🙂
Thanks so much for the link party! I had to include my Fluevogs that I illustrated!
Thanks so much, Sheila! I do need to get to the doctor to discuss some options for mitigating my discomfort! I went on the pill at 14 for the same reason and stayed on it until I was 35. I would go back on it if it would help but now I run the risk of high blood pressure if I take it. So I just keep focused on other options…like my beloved yoga!