Yee Haw! I Missed My Own Blog Birthday!

Yesterday was my 4th blog birthday and I totally missed it! I was busy fixing some glitches and security issues on my website. So frustrating! And now I am realizing that there are still all sorts of wonky things going on when you view my site on different browsers.

I personally prefer Safari and I always forget to check how my site appears in Firefox and Chrome and on mobile devices. I don’t even have Firefox installed so I have no idea what all you Firefox users see. I am noticing on some really old posts, the images are all flipped upside down and sideways on mobile view and Chrome. I can’t figure out how to fix it. But they appear in the correct orientation on Safari. I am frustrated to the point to ignore it for now, at least until my technological patience returns (which may be never).

As much as I love my little blog space and the creative process from writing to styling outfits to collaborations with brands and bloggers, the technology piece still baffles me. I try to avoid anything to do with it if I can. I reformatted my entire space about 3 years ago (just one year into my blogging journey) and it caused me so much stress that I vowed to never do it again! I made a few minor changes yesterday, more by accident than anything else, but I don’t think I am quite ready to take on the challenge of a complete makeover.

I do understand that keeping things fresh and new is super important. But there is something to be said for keeping some things just as expected. Most people resist change anyway. And I want my blog to feel a bit like home when you visit. I don’t want you to get all confused about how to navigate your way around if I start switching things in a dramatic way. (See how I can justify my own resistance to change?)

That being said about keeping things in the realm of the expected, I also relish in doing the unexpected. Quite often actually. A creature of habit, I am. But I do love to add a bit of shock factor into things every now and then as well. I like to escort people straight out of their comfort zones and push them to look at things somewhat differently than they normally would. I also like to open the conversations on topics that most of us are uncomfortable discussing.

There are too many people in this world for us to ever feel so alone when we are coping with uncomfortable things. Chances are if you are dealing with some obscure issue, there is someone somewhere who has traveled that path before you. But you will never know unless you open up the topic for discussion. Put it out there, whatever it is, and you will find a community of people to help you navigate your way through it. This blog as made me realize how very true that statement is.

We are surrounded with this crazy technology that has the ability to connect us to billions of people in the world. Our daily lives are inundated with social media connections. All we have to do is put something out there and we will get a response of some sort. And it is the connections that help us survive the insane journey through this chaotic life. We have always been connected by certain forces, our reach was just a little smaller. It seems now that our reach is without limits.

So for now, I am not going to give you a list of all the things I have learned in the past 4 years of blogging. I have learned a lot and sometimes I think I haven’t learned nearly enough. I have not grown tremendously in following and readership, but my personal growth has been astounding. For that I am ever so grateful. I will keep trudging along, nurturing this baby of mine, for as long as it brings me joy. You should do the same. With whatever is bringing you joy.

To celebrate my blog birthday, a day late, all I ask is that you keep reaching. Keep sharing. Keep connecting. Keeping reading. Keep writing. Keep creating. Keep spreading kindness. Keep shining your beautiful light into the darkness. Keep living because living is what were put here to do.

Here’s to four more years of blogging. May I have that much staying power!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
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ashlee stuart
Happy Blog Bday! I’m like you when it comes to technology, even though I’ve been blogging for years, there is still so much that confuses me every now and then. I don’t have Firefox either, so I have no idea what my blog looks like there either!
Ashlee | https://wwww.maybeafterbrunch.com
Ashlee, thanks so much! It’s nice to know that I am not alone in the technology abyss of confusion!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Happy blog birthday! Glad blogging allowed our paths to cross.
I use Chrome and your blog always looks great!
Thank you so very much, Tamar! I am so glad that we have crossed paths as well!
Patrick Weseman
Looking and congrats in the 4th anniversary. You are a voice of reason in the world. Thanks for everything you do. And college football began yesterday. Did you guys watch Hawaii upset Arizona late last night?
Patrick, thanks so much! I have been visiting my friend all weekend, but Jeff has been home alone enjoying college football in his quiet solitude! I don’t know which games he watched though. Now we are wondering if we should continue the Sunday Morning Quarterback series this year. What are your thoughts on that?
Patrick Weseman
I think you should. It was cool last year.
Thank you! I will make sure Jeff is ready to start writing then!
Happy blog Anniversary! I don t even know the date of starting! Have a great start of the week!
Thanks so much, Nancy! You would be able to check if you hadn’t lost your entire website way back when. Stupid tech issues. If I couldn’t go to my first post and see the date on it, I would never remember either!
Emma Peach
Happy blog anniversary! You just reminded me that mine is coming up in a few days! Tech problems drive me crazy! Maybe there’s a WordPress plugin that can fix the display glitches? Facebook groups are often great for getting solutions to tech problems. If I find anything I’ll let you know
Emma xxx
Thank you so much, Emma! Oh technology! As frustrating as it makes me, where would we be without it? I do love what it provides! The image orientation is fine now, it’s just some of my really old posts. I guess I am not that worried about it because I don’t think too many people are going back 4 years to read stuff. But maybe they are. Who knows? Gah! I don’t know what to do! Lol. If you do find anything helpful, I will be most grateful if you pass it on to me!
Jacqui Berry
Happy blog-aversary Shelbee. Looking good in this number. J
Thank you so very much, Jacqui!
Helen C.
Hugs and kisses!
Helen, thank you so, so much! It is friends like you that keep me going! I am so grateful to have met you along this journey! And as long as you keep reading, I will definitely keep writing.
Helen C.
Love this outfit! Happy blog bday!!
Thanks so much, Tracy!
Happy belated blog anniversary Shelbee! What an accomplishment. Technology will keep changing but beautiful writing and work, won’t. Wishing you many more wonderful years of blogging!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thank you so much, my friend! I am so blessed to have made so many amazing friends, including you, on this blogging journey! There are so many more connections to be made that I have no intention of stopping!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
That sounds like you are too busy! Nevertheless, happy blogversary!
Thanks, Nicole! I am very busy but it is way better than being bored!
Happy blog birthday!
I’m stressed out reformatting my
Blog space too. I don’t like change. My blog has looked like this format for severe
Years. I’ve only changed the header. Lol
Thanks for linking up at what I wore Sunday. This week’s link up is live. see you there.
Sarah http://disisd.com
Thanks so much, Sarah! Anything related to technology changes stresses me out! Maybe I am just too old. Ha.
What a cute red top! Happy blogaversary too!
I use google chrome and never noticed anything going sideways so I hope that helps!
Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp
Mica, thanks so much! I appreciate the feedback about Chrome as well! I think it is just in some really old posts.