Words of Advice to My Younger Self & A Special Link Up

Y’all I know I love a good celebration! And today I am joining some amazing blogger friends to celebrate Monica’s 31st birthday in true blogger style! Be sure to hop over to Jersey Girl, Texan Heart and see who else has joined this special birthday collaboration.

In honor of her birthday, Monica has asked us all to share some words of wisdom with our younger selves. Reflecting back on this post from a few weeks ago, I realized that we all struggle with self-confidence from the moment that we become self-aware and start comparing ourselves to everyone else around us. This is the commencement of a lifelong fight toward self-love. Self-love is the advice I need to send to my younger self.
My words of wisdom to my younger self are this…there will be battles in life. Big battles. Important battles. Battles where life as you know it will be on the line. Battles that will challenge your morals and your values. Battles that will force you to change your perspective and sometimes even your entire way of living. Battles that will exhaust you and shake you right down to your very core. You will need all of your convictions, your tenacity, your strength, and your commitment to even stand a fighting chance in some of these battles.
Sometimes you will falter and you will lose. But many more times, you will find strength you never knew you had right in the midst of your weakest moments. And these are the battles that you will win. The glory will be that much sweeter because of the pain and sweat and tears that were involved in reaching the place of victory. But if you heed this one piece of advice over all others, you will begin the entire journey with a bit of an edge. You will be stronger at the onset of the fight and you will not tire as quickly. Begin with self-love and self-confidence. Don’t waste too much time in a battle to get to that point. Start right there. And begin the fight armed with it.
There will be a million battles to fight throughout your life, loving yourself should not be one of them.
And to Monica on her 31st birthday, I wish you all the blessings in the world! You fight the good fight in blogland and in life. You have struggled and won. And you share your journey with the main goal in mind to help make the road a bit easier for others. For that I applaud you, I respect you, and I adore you. Happy Birthday, my friend!
What words of advice would you send to a younger version of yourself?
If you missed my Link Up On the Edge this week, I posted it yesterday. You can join that link party here.
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Nancy Baten
Happy birthday to Monica!
I need your boots! Can you send them over please?😂😂😂
Thanks so much, Nancy! I waited and waited for these boots to go on sale before I finally bought them! Aren’t they fantastic?!
Kathrine Eldridge
I absolutely love your mantra. Such a great post Shelbee and I adore the cool edgy vibe of this outfit. Thanks for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! Have a fabulous weekend!
Such a cool outfit Shelbee. I didn’t realize at first you were wearing jeans under the dress. Love those red accents.
Thanks so much, Gail! I do love the dress over jeans trend and have been doing it since the early 2000’s despite the odd stares I sometimes get! Ha. Have a great weekend!
Wow you are looking so pretty. I like your red pom pom earrings and red shoes. Perfect match 😀
Thanks so much, Zee! Have a wonderful weekend!
Kellyann Rohr
So much advice I’d give my younger self but I know her so well she’s never listen! Ha! Some things just take time I guess. I am seriously in love with those red booties – great look my friend!
Kellyann, thanks so much! I waited so long for these boots to go on sale before I finally bought them! And I hear you about your younger self…I think my younger self was quite the same…stubborn and fighting her own way through life. I guess it is the best to learn life’s most valuable lessons.
Julie | This Main Line Life
Great advice for anyone’s younger self, I think. I have those earings (or ones that look the same)… great minds, ha.
Thanks so much, Julie! I was hesitant about these earrings but I find I wear them often! Definitely great minds…
Fabulous words of wisdom and fearless look! Those red boots are amazing!
Thanks so much, Jennie! Nothing kicks butt better than red boots!
Patrick Weseman
Looking great, Love how you do your outfits and everything. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! Stay tuned for Penn State football results coming tomorrow. It is a stripe out so I need to go figure out what kind of blue and white stripes I am going to wear for game day.
jacqui berry
I’m all over those red boots Shelbee! I want some now! Thanks for sharing this special post, wise words indeed. Jacqui Mummabstylish
Thank you so much, Jacqui! I have been wanting red sock booties for so long but couldn’t find exactly what I wanted at the price point I wanted. I finally snagged these on sale with lots of coupons so I ended up paying less than half off the original retail price!
I love those red booties with this outfit!
Thank you, Laura! I have been wanting red sock booties for so long! I am so glad that I finally got them but the heels are killer!
Maria | passion fruit, paws and peonies
You are looking amazing Shelbee – your life may be extra hectic with your new job – but you are looking good on it! Love the advise to your younger self – self-love – one for the instagram generation too xx
Maria, thanks so much! My hectic life looks good on me because it is solely responsible for the loss of 13 pounds in the past 6 weeks! Not in an unhealthy way either…I am just much more physically active and not sitting around eating bags of chips and cookies! Ha. I am still trying to figure why self-love is such a difficult thing for us to achieve.
Happy birthday to Monica. What a great cause and I love your advice 🙂
those boots though are killers <3
Thank you so much, Rama! I am loving my new red boots, but I can’t wear them for very long if I am on my feet. That stiletto heel is for sure a killer!
Amy Ann Arnold
I love this. So true about the battles and often the sweeter life after the pain. Love those boots!
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thank you so much, Amy Ann! We just grower stronger with every battle we fight, too. I suppose the beauty of it all is in the struggle.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
Great pop of color!
Thank you, Tamar! I always love a bright splash of red!
Advice I might give myself: Don’t expect things to go according to your script. Your heart will get broken and you will mourn in more ways than you can imagine. You will constantly be learning things about yourself and will be willing to own your own “stuff” that you didn’t know existed. That is so far.
Like others have said, your boots are “show stoppers”. I really like the peek-a-boo fishnets in your jeans, as they add another layer of texture. Have a great weekend!
Kim, thanks so much for the compliment and for sharing your words of advice to your younger self. Wouldn’t it have been great to be able to accept that life doesn’t always go in the direction we planned? If we had the knowledge that we would still get to a really good place even via a different path than we had initially planned, our hearts would not break so often. But I guess it is the heartbreak and all the failures along that way that makes us stronger and more empowered and more compassionate and more understanding and more grateful. Great piece of advice to pass back in time to a younger you!
Cheryl Shops
Loving your red boots, and your ode to Monica! Happy weekend, friend!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I waited and waited for these boots to go on sale before I made the purchase and I am so glad they still had my size!
Those bootie Shelbee! I can’t believe you found them at Payless! Wow! Beautiful styling my friend!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! I have to tell you though that the booties were not that cheap at Payless either! I waited for them to go on sale when I had coupons before I bought them, but they started at $49.99 which is a bit high for Payless in the opinion of a budget shopper!
Your perspective is so spot on – self love is the number one important thing but seems to be difficult when we are younger. And WOW I love your outfit. Your styling is totally inspirational. Well done on all fronts! Lise
Thank you so much, Lise! I am discovering that self-love really seems to be a struggle for so many people no matter what their age. Even those who surrounded by loving family and friends still seem to struggle with finding their own worth. I often wonder where this trait of the human psyche comes from. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Donna Walmlsey
I agree with all that you’ve said here, Shelbee, and I love your gorgeous outfit. My advice to myself would be to live my life valuing myself and my needs first because they’re just as important as everyone else’s and life is far too short, as I have found this year, while confronting breast cancer. I’m good now but have completely re-evaluated my life and values!
Donna 🧚🏻♀️❤️🙏
Donna, thank you so much for sharing your perspective and your story. I am so glad to hear that you are doing well after a breast cancer diagnosis…things like that definitely force you to reevaluate. And I agree life is way too short. We must live the best one that we can. I wish you a wonderful weekend!
Alice V
First, I love those red boots!
Second, Happy birthday!!!
Third, I totally agree that somewhere (usually our teen years) we start to get self-conscious about our looks. The teen years are so emotionally difficult. I hope to be the best mom I can to my own kids when they reach their teen years. I hope that they will be strong enough to realize that it doesn’t really matter what other people think, they need to think for themselves and be happy.
Alice, thank you so much! I agree with you completely that the teen years are super challenging as we discover who we are and who we want to be. As parents, it is our job to help guide our kids with clarity and confidence and to empower them to think on their own and remain true to themselves. Thank you for sharing your perspective.
Great advice Shelbee and an important one. I know it is one that as we get older still struggle with but of course, it gets easier as we go through the battles in life. After all, who is better at knowing and taking care of ourselves but us. Love this look – feminine and edgy. A perfect compliment to each other!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Thanks so much, Maureen! And how true is that…no one knows us better than we know ourselves. And recently, I was discussing this topic with a friend and we were wondering if we would even recognize our younger selves if we met them on the street somewhere! And would we befriend them and guide and be a role model to lead them through life?
Trina Morgan
Looking gorgeous girl! Love those boots
Thanks so much, Trina!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee
I have been wanting to write a similar post. I hope you don’t mind- I’ll link back to your for inspo! I think of all of the things I worried about when I was younger, and how unimportant some of those things are. Love your mantra and think we learn so much throughout the years about what really is important. Love those sexy red boots and your hair in pig tails always looks adorable!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much! And I look forward to reading your post. It is funny how that phrase “if I only knew then what I know now” becomes so much more meaningful the older we get!
Emma Peach
Such great advice Shelbee! I would tell my younger self not to worry so much and not to be so critical of myself…and not get drunk every weekend! I love your outfit, those boots are fabulous!
Emma xxx
Thanks so much, Emma! I love your advice…especially not getting drunk every weekend! Ha. So true!