Women’s Heart Health Month & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #60

Although National Wear Red Day has passed (it was February 2), the entire month of February has been designated National Heart Health Month as a reminder for everyone to focus on their hearts and get their friends and families involved in this awareness initiative towards prevention. While National Heart Health Month is an American designated month of awareness, it is important to recognize that cardiovascular disease, including heart disease and stroke, is the leading cause of death worldwide. Heart disease knows no boundaries and can strike anyone anywhere in the world. In an effort to do our part in raising awareness, Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood, with her kind heart and caring soul, has done it once again with a multi-blogger collaboration to raise heart health awareness.

Today, eleven amazing bloggers have joined forces showcasing our red dresses (well, I wore a red sweater and skirt) to show our support for this cause. But I also have a story to tell today…my post is personally dedicated to a woman I know. Her name is Kayla Gardner and she is my younger son’s preschool teacher. The day I was going to shoot these photos, I dropped my son off at school and Kayla complimented my red coat and red outfit. I explained to her that I was going to do a photo shoot for a blog post about American Women’s Heart Health Month. It was only then that I learned Kayla’s personal story.

Kayla was born with a heart condition that includes a narrow heart valve and a hole in her heart. Despite her condition, she has led a normal and healthy life. She is an amazing teacher to a classroom filled with rambunctious 4 year olds. Her energy is the most positive and happy energy that I have ever witnessed. She is always smiling and laughing with a calmness that surrounds her that just makes you feel at ease in her presence. I suppose this is how she manages all these preschoolers! She is married to a firefighter and two children were born of their union. However, both children were also born with heart conditions.

Her first born, a daughter, Bryn, was born in August of 2015, with a condition where the two left chambers of her heart were underdeveloped and would not grow after birth. Bryn lived only 4 short hours after birth, but she knew more love in those 4 hours than some will ever know. Two years later, Kayla’s son, Leo, was born with a hole in his heart and a completely blocked heart valve. Immediately after his birth, he had bypass surgery and today he is a thriving, healthy, and happy 7 month old.

I applaud Kayla’s courage in sharing her story in an effort to help others. She is an image of strength and perseverance that has no equal. On April 14, baby Leo will be joining his mom and dad in the North Country Heart Walk at Jefferson Community College in Watertown, New York, to raise awareness about congenital heart defects. Leo, Kayla, and Bryn are this year’s honorees for the heart walk. I will be adding a link here shortly to Team Gardner’s fundraising page for the heart walk. If you are interested in donating to Kayla’s very important cause, visit her Heart Walk page.

*This is not a sponsored post.  All thoughts and opinions are completely my own.

In the meantime, let me shift gears to my red outfit in support of Kayla, Leo, and Bryn and anyone who has been effected by heart defects or heart disease. You can find all of my fabulous blogger friends donning their best red outfits as well on their pages…just keep scrolling.

Red Dresses for Women’s Heart Disease + Awareness Month.

Thank you all so much for reading Kayla’s story. And please stay on top of your own heart health. It is the source of life and love.

Now your favorite posts from last week.

Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared her post from the last blogger collaboration, Valentine’s Outfit: From Day to Night. How fabulous is her pink blouse styled two different ways! And Chrissy rocks a tulle skirt in the best possible way!

Chrissy of Granola and Grace

Kelsey of A Cup of Tea with Kelsey shared her post, Treat Yo Self, Love Yo Self, reminding us all of the importance of self-care and self-love. She has so many great tips here!

Kelsey of A Cup of Tea with Kelsey

Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Donate to Kayla’s Heart Walk Fund here!

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.


  • Mimi

    Such a timely post. I had a stroke in my 50’s but it was not caught in the ER – but I knew something
    was very wrong. There have been small lasting effects but I am just grateful to be here. But I do need
    to get over my love of salt!!!
    Thank you for all you do and it is a joy to visit your blog.
    XXOO: Mimi

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Mimi, thank you so much for reading and for sharing your personal story. I think it is so important to spread awareness about so many things. I think especially as women, we have a tendency to ignore what our bodies are telling us. And sometimes just a quick reminder put out there is enough to get us to listen and pay attention. I am so glad that you are okay…and I really have a love of salt as well that is not so good for my high blood pressure issues. Time for me to start paying closer attention, too!


  • Michele Morin

    Red has always been my favorite, but this post is particularly timely for me as just this week I visited a good friend in Critical Care because of a problem with her heart that she had never been aware of. She’s fine now, but wow. What a wake up call!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Michele, thank you for reading and sharing your recent experience. I think we all have a tendency to take certain things for granted. And these wake up calls are important to get us back on track. I am so glad that your friend is fine!


  • Patrick Weseman

    Very cool post. We all need to be aware about the heart and the ways that we can stop heart disease. Thanks for sharing Kayla’s story. Bless her. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week in your red.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Patrick, thanks so much for reading Kayla’s story. I am just doing my small part in helping to raise awareness where I can. I have a forum, therefore, I must use it for the good of all! I hope your week is going well!


  • Suzanne Smith

    Those baby pictures really brought back memories for me! My middle daughter, Rebecca, was born 8 weeks early and was in the hospital for a month and I was in intensive care for the first week of her life so I couldn’t hold her. Thank goodness, the only real lasting effects of her early birth are bad vision and being prone to cavities (because of antibiotics). You are so great about raising awareness for so many things! Love love your red coat with the fur detail! Have a great day!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Suzanne, thank you so much for reading and for sharing this amazing comment. I am so glad that your daughter thrived despite being so premature. I can’t even imagine the stress and the worry that a parent goes through when their newborn baby has to fight for their life.


  • Jennie

    Love the fur trimmed coat and your pretty red look! Your floral skirt is beyond fabulous. Thanks so much for sharing a personal story of someone whose life has been affected in multiple ways by this disease.

  • Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom

    What a great cause for a blogger collab and y’all look so gorgeous in red. I just love that red coat (I’ve been wanting one) paired with the black gloves! It is so amazing what they can do for these babies born with underdeveloped hearts, etc. these days… def. something to be thankful for…


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Carrie, thank you so much for stopping by! We have come a long way, for sure, in the medical field when it comes to issues like these. And as for the red coat, now if the time to get one…they all should be on clearance! My coat is from Rosegal but it is sold out…but they do have a bunch of others! Have a great week.


  • Laura

    Oh my goodness – this brought tears to my eyes. And what a blessing that sweet little boy has to be for them.

    On another note, your outfit and that red coat are fabulous!!!! Red is an amazing color on you!

    Black Coffee Beautiful

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Laura, thank you so much for reading. And I definitely had tears in my eyes while I was writing this post. This was a tough one to get together for me. But they are such a beautiful and inspirational family so I just had to share their story.


  • jess jannenga

    Hi Shelbee, Aww what little sweethearts! i am glad to hear that they are thriving now and are ok. She sounds like an amazing person and with teaching 4 year old, you have to have a lot of energy! this is such a good cause. We have A-Fib in our family.. my dad had it,, as did my sis and brother. I have been tested and don’t. Love your coat,and such a pretty print on your skirt. You look lovely in red!
    jess xx

  • Kellyann

    Wow, I am speechless. Please tell Kayla how much I admire her strength. Her little Leo is perfection and I love that onesie about their being a rainbow after every storm. I have had friends lose babies and it is just so heartbreaking, I can’t imagine and then to have the courage to try again just leaves me speechless. Thank goodness little Leo had his surgery but those hours waiting must have been so difficult. Oh how I wish I could just wrap my arms around them and hug them. God bless this precious family.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Kellyann, thank you so much for this very heartwarming and tender comment. They truly are a very special family. I will make sure to let Kayla know to read through the comments on this post as there are many beautiful thoughts being shared here.


  • ADA

    I knew your post today was touching, bittersweet and personal. Your son’s teacher sounds like an amazing lady and mom and I hope her rainbow baby son lives a very long, happy and healthy life!!

    I just love that you went with red inside and out and as I have previously mentioned I love that retro and very ladylike red coat of yours. The midi skirt in the red and pinks watercolor is beautiful and you shine in all that red goodness inside all that snow. When were these photos taken? All of our snow melted today as it was as high as 61°.

    I cannot wait to collaborate with you again my sweet dear friend!! Hugs <3 Ada.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Ada, thank you so very much for arranging this collaboration and for sharing Kayla’s story with me and helping to spread awareness for this cause. And thank you for your lovely compliment on my red outfit! These photos were taken a few weeks ago…most of our snow is melted now, too, and today is very warm. But I still have a lot of snowy pictures to share! I am still making my rounds to all the posts in this collaboration. This week has gotten away from me! Looking forward to our next collaboration as well, my friend.


  • Miri

    WOW, Shelbee, what an incredible person Kayla is. I admire her strength and how inspiring she is with having a “normal life”. I am so touched by her story that I don’t know what to say…thank you for sharing it with us, Shelbee. We should all be grateful for being healthy.

  • Cathy

    Thank you for sharing Kayla’s story. The things we take for granted…Both of my parents had heart disease, so I am doing all that I can to stay healthy and protect my heart. I love red and think you look beautiful in your skirt, blouse and gorgeous red coat!

  • Chrissy

    Shelbee, this brought tears to my eyes. I love that you include others in your blog…! And your fun take on the red dress is fabulous! The floral skirt is so vibrant and pretty, the sweater has the perfect slouch to it and those boots are perfection. Don’t get me started on the coat. Just fabulous, dah-ling. Fabulous.

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Chrissy, thank you so much for this wonderful comment! You should have seen the tears in my eyes trying to write this post. Like I couldn’t even see my computer screen at certain points and had to keep stopping. I struggled to find the right words. Gah, this was a hard one to write for sure. But the outfit came together pretty easily! I am still making my rounds to everyone else’s red dress posts, so I will be over to check yours out today!


  • Emma Peach

    Thank you for sharing Kayla’s story, she is a very brave lady and Leo is a gorgeous boy. My dad is currently undergoing tests on his heart – he’s not too worried at the moment, but we will have to wait and see what treatment is recommended. I love your outfit Shelbee, the red sweater and floral print skirt look so pretty together.

    Emma xxx

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Emma, thank you so much for reading Kayla’s story and for sharing your father’s. I do hope that his tests come back with positive information and that he gets the necessary treatment and that all is well. We really do need to pay attention to our bodies and our health. We only get one body!


  • Nina

    Wow that is an incredibly heart-breaking story. It must be awful to loose a child just after birth. I’m glad she didn’t loose both children. Your coat is awesome, by the way!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Nina, thanks so much for stopping and reading Kayla’s story. It is very heart breaking and I was a puddle of tears when I first read it and as I was trying to write it. But she is so strong and her energy is so positive that upon meeting her you would never suspect that she suffered such great loss. And I just wanted to do my little part in sharing her story and helping to spread awareness on an important topic.


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Cherie, thank you so much for reading Kayla’s story! When I first read it, I knew immediately that I had to share it with my readers. It is so important to me to help in any way I can and spread awareness! And this is definitely one of my favorite coats ever…perfect for a post on heart health awareness!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Cheryl, thank you so much for reading and for sharing your experience with heart disease. I am so sorry to hear that it is a prevalent issue within your family. It is good reminder to take care of health the best we can, isn’t it?


  • Lisa Richardson

    What a heart wrenching and uplifting story all at once. Thanks for sharing their story and the beautiful pictures. Both of my husbands sisters had children who were born with heart defects and so I was watched closely during both of my pregnancies. Thankfully, both of our children were normal and perfectly healthy. An answer to prayers and a blessing from God. You look beautiful in your red. I really love that skirt and you know I love that coat since it reminds me of one my daughter had when she was tiny. Happy Wednesday Shelbee!! XO

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Lisa, thank you so much for reading Kayla’s story and for sharing your personal experience as well. It is definitely a great reminder to take nothing for granted. And I figured my red coat was the perfect red piece for this post!


  • Maureen

    What an incredible story and journey for this family. Thank you for sharing their story. A lot of the times we think of heart disease as a condition that occurs because of bad eating habits but there’s more to it than meets the eye. I love your red sweater and floral skirt. It is a beautiful combo and really stands out against all that snow! I hope you are having a beautiful week so far! We are halfway through so yay to that!

    Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Maureen, thank you so much for stopping by! I just get over the strength and love that Kayla’s family has shown for one another through this journey. And yes, their heart issues are all congenital and present at birth so nothing to do with lifestyle. It definitely keeps things in perspective, for sure, and reminds to not take anything for granted in this life. My week has been busy, busy, busy, but it is coming to an end!


  • Marilee Gramith

    You found an exceptional way to make heart health awareness more than just a day to recognize another malady. Kayla’s story broadens the perspective in ways that we don’t immediately consider. Here is a woman whose experiences are tragically humbling and yet ultimately hopeful.
    Makes me more grateful for the health enjoy and more inspired to support others journey to improving theirs.
    You look like a beautiful Russian princess in that darling red coat Shelbee!

    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Jude, thank you so much! I agree with you completely on this…I had never even considered the experiences that Kayla has had when I first agreed to collaborate on a post for Heart Health Month. Next thing I know, I am hearing her story and feeling so compelled to share it with the world…for just those reasons you have stated. It does broaden the perspective and definitely in ways I had never considered. I just hope that the work I do here on my blog makes a tiny bit of difference in the world.

      P.S. My husband calls this my Russian coat!


    • shelbeeontheedge@gmail.com

      Laura, thank you so much for reading this important post. Kayla’s story so moved me that I absolutely had to share it. And the timing of my post with learning about her story made it completely evident that I was supposed to be sharing her story.


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Shelbee on the Edge