Winter Break & Link Up On the Edge #183

Every year during the week of President’s Day, my kids have a winter break from school. I am realizing that this is sort of unique to Northern New York as most other school districts only have Christmas break and Spring break. When you add in this third long break during the school year, the end result is that my kids don’t finish for the summer until the very last week of June. However, I have to say that I don’t mind this mid-winter recess because winters here in the North Country are long and cold and those old winter blues begin to take hold some time around Thanksgiving (yes, before winter has even officially begun).
By the time this February break rolls around, I am usually ready for an escape from life and all of its obligations. And because I have an amazing husband who has an equally amazing mother, I have been blessed with the opportunity to leave my life and all of its obligations behind for a much needed break of my own. By the time you will be reading this post, I will be packing my car and hitting the road for a peaceful solo drive to North Carolina where I plan to relax and find lots of inspiration for writing by the time I return home next weekend.

In case you are interested, here is my plan…
Thursday (yesterday): I drove to my sister’s house to spend the night after making a quick detour to have lunch with a friend on the way.
Friday (today): I hope to be in the car and on the road to North Carolina by 6:00 a.m. I have 10 hours of drive time which will probably end up being about 12 hours given the shallow depths of my bladder. I will be arriving at my friend Becca’s house in Cullowhee around dinner time where she has already teased me with her intentions of preparing jambalaya for dinner that night. Having recently relocated to North Carolina from Pennsylvania, she has requested some sweet fruity wine from her previous home state, so I will be grabbing some of that along the way.
On Friday, Jeff will be taking the kids to visit his brother in Pennsylvania for the weekend and when he heads home on Sunday, the boys will be staying with Gramma for the week until I make my way back north to pick them up.
Saturday: Becca and I will be driving the 53 miles to Asheville to go see Umphrey’s McGee play at the Harrah’s Cherokee Center and we are both so excited that we can barely contain it.
Sunday: I will be spending some girl time with Becca hanging in the mountains and having some necessary girl talk. You see, she and I have lots of potatoes in our heads that need sorting. Here’s hoping we make some progress! Fruity Pennsylvania wine should help.

Monday: I will be leaving Becca’s and heading into Asheville for the week to visit some friends where I will be staying until Friday. I don’t have any plans set in stone, so any blogger friends in the area (Jess, Jennie, Becky), if we can coordinate some time to get together, that would be awesome. You all know how to contact me. And I am willing to drive if necessary.
Friday: I will be making my way to Richmond, Virginia, to see Fireside Collective play at River City Roll and spending the night there before heading back to Pennsylvania in the morning.
Saturday: I will be driving the 5 hours from Richmond, Virginia, to my mother-in-law’s in Pennsylvania to pick up the boys. I will spend the night there before heading back to New York and my life and all of its obligations.
Sunday: The boys and I will be driving the 4 hours back home. They still have Monday off from school so we will have the day to get settled back into our routine. And hopefully, we will all be refreshed and ready to trudge through the rest of this winter.
In the meantime, I think I may take a little break from posting. But I have said that before and then I posted anyway. I suppose it will all depend on what I end up doing and if I am inspired to write while I am on vacation. If you don’t see any posts all week or if I don’t approve and respond to your comments, don’t worry. It just means I am probably having too much fun to concern myself with other things! I do have a post scheduled for tomorrow because Nancy and I are celebrating 3 years of our Good Buy/Good-Bye Book collaboration! I do hope you can stop by and check out all the fun copy cat looks that we are sharing.

Do you all have any plans for the Valentine’s weekend? Or maybe you do get a mid-winter break and will be traveling as well. Let me know in the comments!
And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style shared a post, Fashion Trends for S/S20, which highlights some of the biggest trends hitting the runways and retailers this coming spring and summer. If you missed her post and you are curious to know what will be the hottest styles when the weather gets warm, do go check out this post.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Chrissy of Granola and Grace shared the cutest sweater styled multiple ways in her post, 3 Ways to Wear: Cobalt Blue Print Sweater. I love the color and the bold heart print on Chrissy’s sweater plus all of the wonderful whimsical ways that she has mixed prints with this adorable sweater.

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Tiina of Elegance Revisited shared a super important post, On My Mind: Odd Winter, addressing the issue of climate change. If you are passionate about saving this great, wonderful, beautiful earth which sustains our life, do go read this post. Also scan through the comments as well because there is some pretty fantastic feedback there.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Link Parties.
Shop my look:
Outfit Details: Coat-c/o Rosegal / Sweater, Tank Top, and Skirt-Thrifted / Scarf-c/o Zaful / Boots-BedStu / Earrings-Good Life Gift Shop / Tights and Gloves-Old

I wish you a fantastic time! Relax, talk, drink, enjoy! And dat cheers with that glass of wine tomorrow on our anniversary! I will do to! Thanks for the feature! That makers my day!
Thanks so much, Nancy! We absolutely enjoyed the wine and the girl bonding time. And I still have 6 days of vacation to go! Have a great week, my friend.
Kellyann Rohr
Shelbee, have a safe and awesome trip! It sounds like the perfect week away and so good for the soul. Enjoy my friend and here’s to getting all the potatoes in your head sorted with Becca and fruity wine!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I don’t know if we sorted out all of the potatoes, but we did enjoy the wine and organized some brain taters! So much fun to have girl bonding time! It was much needed and long overdue for both of us. I look forward to visiting my NC friends often. It is so good for the soul!
I love these photos Shelbee. That’s a lot of snow! Have a great weekend xx
Thank you, Laurie! I am out of the snow now…at least for the next 6 days! Have a great week, my friend.
Erica Valentin
Yep same here! Our kids have a 4 day weekend this week! Love that skirt too!
Thank you so much, Erica! I hope you are enjoying your 4 day weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Enjoy you trip and your time away! Love this cozy chic look. The pops of colors are perfect! Thanks for the link up Shelbee.
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I am having the best time! Enjoy your week.
This look is adorable! I love your tights and scarf! It sounds like you have a fun week planned! Enjoy your vacation!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am having a great time! More details to follow at some point. Have a great week, my friend.
I always had mid-winter/winter break. I don’t think it’s a full week now like it used to be but more like a 4 day weekend. Have fun in North Carolina!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Jennifer, thanks so much for stopping by! Yeah, I am hearing a lot of people have a 4 day weekend for President’s Day. I am having the best time in North Carolina! I am sure I will share details about my trip at some point. Have a great week!
North Carolina sounds wonderful! Hope you’re having a fabulous week visiting friends and taking a break from daily life! I’m sure your boys will enjoy the time spent at grandma’s as well! Wish we would get a mid-winter break, but at least there is no school on Monday!
Fun outfit! You always know so well how to style unique pieces! Thanks for hosting the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! I am having the best time ever. Super relaxed. I spoke to my boys this morning at Gramma’s and they are having lots of fun as well…getting spoiled, of course. I hope you are enjoying your long holiday weekend!
Have fun in North Carolina and Virginia. I’m constantly amazed to see all your snow, although I know it’s a regular fixture. We haven’t had any in London for several years (except for the odd teaspoonful!) and I’m sure it must be down to global warming. But we still get severe storms – another one is due tomorrow – and heavy rain. I think I’d prefer your snow. Have a great weekend and break!
Thanks so much, Gail! I am having the best time ever. And the weather is so beautiful here. Much warmer than in New York. I would rather the snow over rain as well, but the snow does get old after 6 months of it!
Brrr Girl. These pics are making me cold. Love the print play and textures you have going on in your outfit today. Great colors and fantastic outfit! Have a fabulous weekend!
Thanks so much, Shannon! It actually wasn’t that cold when I took these photos. Usually that much snow means the temperatures are not all that terrible. Although I did leave behind temperatures in the negatives!
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, enjoy your much-deserved trip to North Carolina! Fun fact: Joel, the pianist for Umphrey’s McGee, is a childhood friend of mine—our moms were friends!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! That is so cool that you know Joel. The show was absolutely amazing! I didn’t want it to end.
Enjoy your trip, have some great girl time and be safe! We have a 5 day break here so headed to Chattanooga on Sunday.
Thanks, Mireille! Oh Chattanooga sounds fun! I spent the day yesterday in Gatlinburg and it was a super fun place to visit. Enjoy your trip!
Deborah Stinedurf
I hope you have an amazing and restful mini break in North Carolina…you absolutely deserve it! xo
Thank you, Debbie. I am having a blast so far! Better than I even anticipated!
Here Down Under in New Zealand, winter is usually cold, windy and rainy. Some parts of the country do get snow (as you all saw in Lord of The Rings). So, we have a five or six week school holiday over Christmas in summer, with three week breaks throughout the year. So much of the country is not far from the sea, so lots of fun in the sun each year.
Ratnamurti, thanks so much for stopping by! I never saw Lord of the Rings, but maybe I need to now so I can get a better picture of the New Zealand landscape and climate! It sounds beautiful.
Laura Bambrick
It sounds like you have a lovely week off planned! That is neat they have a winter break as well. I hope it breaks up the monotony of winter!
Laura, thanks so much! The kids are enjoying their time with the grandparents getting spoiled. Jeff is enjoying his time alone, free from all family obligations. And I am having the time of my life!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
We have this week off too! I am so ready for it — have a great week!!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! Enjoy your week off!
jodie filogomo
First I can’t believe you’re out there in the snow for these photos. Such dedication.
Wowza with all that driving to come. But what a fun time…I hope!!
Thanks, Jodie! You know when it is snowing the way it was in these photos, the temperatures really aren’t all that bad! I can tolerate 32 degrees. It is when we get -10 that I can’t deal. And that is what I left behind! Ha. I am having a blast so far. I still have 6 more days of vacation and I plan on enjoying every minute of it!
Yesss!!! So interested in that fruity Pennsylvania wine lol!!!
Can’t wait to connect!!!! You’ll have fun at the casino!
Thank you, Becky! We drank all the wine! Haha. And we had a blast at the Umphrey’s McGee show as well. We spent the day yesterday in Gatlinburg which was really cool. And now I am sitting at Izzy’s Coffee Shop in West Asheville trying to catch up a little bit on my comments. I will see you Wednesday!
jess jannenga
Hi Shelbee
Its been ups and downs with pain, so im not sure I can meet. If so, I will let you know! I love Asheville as well, and its nice it is a 2 hr drive from me, you will have fun! Love those argyle tights< those are fabulous! The sweater and the burgundy scarf are perfect with this look! Enjoy your travels, I am impressed you drive this far by yourself, thats great!
Have a great weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I am so sorry that you are struggling with pain right now. I totally understand that you are not feeling up to meeting. But I will be back this way often. I love it too much here to not keep coming back! I am having so much fun so far. I spent the day in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, yesterday and that was super fun. Now I am just chilling in a coffee shop in West Asheville, catching up on blog comments. I hope you feel better soon!
I hope you a fabulous time in NC! While I never lived in a place that has much snow as you, I did live a very significant portion of my life in KS and the cold and gloom could really get to be too much. I will be eager to hear about your travels upon your return. I am glad you are considering taking a break from the blog.
Also? I love those leggings (tights?)!
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am having so much fun on my travels. It is nice to be out of the snow and the frigid cold for a little bit. While I intended to take a break from the blog, I keep getting paid posts sent to me so I have been making the time to throw those together! Because…money. Haha. And yes, these are sweater tights. They are not the most comfortable things, but they are cute so I tolerate them for the sake of fashion.
Patrick Weseman
Hope you are enjoying your time in North Carolina. Looking really nice that firece weather. Love the argyle tights. They make the outfit. Thanks for hosting.
Thank you, Patrick! I am having a blast in North Carolina! So far I have gone to see Umphrey’s McGee, spent the day in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, and now I am chilling in a coffee shop in Asheville trying to catch up on some blog stuff before the next part of my trip continues!
Love this look Shelbee. The socks are my favorite.
Thanks so much, Nailil! Have a fabulous week!