Wildroot for Stinky Pits & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #167

Either I am very easily amused or too much time spent at home with the entire family has taken me straight into the land of lost minds as indicated by the uncontrollable laughter that ensued when I typed the title of this post. Literally, sitting alone at my desk while the children are picking up sticks in the yard (that’s today’s science project, I guess), I just guffawed right out loud which turned into a giggle that I could not control. Then I thought perhaps the title was actually really just kind of stupid. So I considered deleting it and starting anew. But then that would require also deleting this entire first paragraph and starting that anew as well. And quite frankly, I have had my fill of “starting anew” lately, so I’m just gonna leave it as it is.
Wow. I sure did take a roundabout way to get to the topic at hand…which is stinky pits. Armpits to be precise. My armpits to specifically precise. I am no longer afraid to admit it…I have stinky armpits. Bad B.O. Embarrassing odor that begins seeping from under my arms some time in the mid afternoon. Every. Single. Day. And it gets worse with PMS. And all the damned premenopausal hormones. To add insult to stinkery, I have been blessed with extraordinarily proficient olfactory capabilities. So what smells bad to a person with a normal sense of smell is like a deadly terrorist attack on my nasal passageway. Eyes water, nose crinkles, lip curls, and I am offended beyond description. By my own body. The one that I have to exist inside. The odor it emits offends me on a daily basis.

So what is a woman to do? I shower daily with soap, lathering and rinsing appropriately, apply deodorant, and certainly don’t physically exert myself ever, yet by mid-afternoon, I am the stinky girl. So when I read Chrissy’s review of Wildroot All-Natural Deodorant, I thought why not give it a try. I have used every commercially produced deodorant available including prescription ones and I still stink. So honestly, an all natural deodorant cannot possibly make me stink worse than I already do.
After reading Chrissy’s review and watching the story about Wildroot Deodorant’s roots, I immediately decided that this is a company that I absolutely WANT to support. Even if it doesn’t take away my stench. Seriously, go watch the story. Maybe have a tissue or two handy. Then probably get out your wallet and go order yourself some all-natural deodorant. Because it is the right thing to do. For your armpits and because kindness begets kindness. We need lots of kindness right now. And smelling good in the process just make it all that more enjoyable.

I will admit that I kind of cheated on the ordering my own Wildroot Deodorant part. But it was sort of chance-cheating, not a purposeful cheating. I told Chrissy I was going to order the deodorant. I put it right there in her comments and I had every intention of ordering some. But then a few minutes after I posted the comment stating my intention, I received an email from Mireille. Dear, sweet, kind, and ever so generous Mireille. She let me know that she had recently won a giveaway from Wildroot Deodorant which gifted her a year’s worth of deodorant sticks. Mireille asked if I would like her last three and so she sent to me Citrus Leaf, Wildflower, and Tall Pine. Thanks so much, Mireille!
Now, you are probably wanting to know how all-natural deodorant works in comparison to chemical-infused commercial deodorants. I have been using the Citrus Leaf for a few weeks and I have to say that I smell no worse than I did before. I am even having days when my hormones are stable and I get to bedtime without any offensive clouds of stench reaching my nostrils. On those days, I will often plunge my nose deep into the pit of doom because I can barely believe that I still smell like citrus leaf 12 hours after application. I would say I am down to about 70% of my days that end with hair melting, eye burning body odor. The other 30%, I don’t stink! And that is a huge success in my opinion.

Jeff has been using the Tall Pine for the same amount of time and has said that other than the different texture (he usually uses gel deodorants), he has not noticed much difference. But my husband has never experienced a stinky armpit in all the years that I have known him. (Well, except for my stinky armpits. He unfortunately has caught whiffs of that foul funk plenty of times in the past 12 years.) Seriously, the man does not stink ever. Not after a workout, not after a road march, not after camping for two days without a shower. I don’t get it. And it quite honestly pisses me off a little bit. In the same way that I get pissed off when he can lie his head on the pillow at night and fall instantly asleep while I lie next to him wide awake and wondering how the hell he turns off all the thoughts.

Anyway, I have been interrupted no less than 2 dozen times while writing this post. You know, this whole homeschooling thing was never in my plans. And how much food can these kids possibly consume? Answer that later. It is a never-ending hobbit cycle.
If you are not totally married to your deodorant, I say go order a stick or three of Wildroot All-Natural Deodorant. Not only is better for your body (no chemicals), it smells really good, and you will be supporting a small business with a huge heart. (Go watch the story!)
*This is not a sponsored post. However, Chrissy’s post was sponsored so she has discount code for 20% off your purchase. If you want it, you have to go find it! And keep spreading the kindness, my friends!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Alison of Midlife and Beyond shared a really helpful and timely post, When Your Hairdresser Isn’t Going to Be Around for A While. Alison wrote this post over a year ago when her hairdresser was on maternity leave, but the topic is a great one for the current environment when all hairdressers are unavailable until the worldwide quarantine is lifted. She offers lots of great tips for touching up your color at home and managing your hair style without getting it cut.

My Favorite Fashion Post
I had a difficult time choosing a favorite fashion post this week. So I am featuring two.
First is Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace in a wonderfully happy outfit in her post Quarantine…But make it Colorful. There is something so special about a brightly colored outfit to make you smile…whether you are the one wearing the outfit or just seeing it on someone else. Seriously, how can you not grin at Shauna’s outfit? Not only is the sweater so whimsical, but I am dying over her fun jeans, too.

And Robin of Hello, I’m 60ish captured by my Mori Girl heart with her adorable layered ruffles and gorgeous crochet sweater in her post, Restyle Tuesday: Shopping Your Closet. Now I am feeling inspired to dedicate a blog post to Mori Girl style!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Claire of Fashion by Claire Justine has taken the time during quarantine to reevaluate some things in her post, Re-Writing My Goals for 2020. I think the current state of life right now presents a wonderful opportunity for all of us to reset, rethink, and revise what we had planned for the coming year. Thank you, Claire, for setting a motivating example!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Jacket and Shirt-Old Navy / Skirt-Thrifted / Tights-Torrid / Scarf-Target / Boots-Mix No. 6 / Belt-BedStu / Earrings-c/o Anjolee / Necklace-Old

Cristina - Memories of the Pacific
Your booties are really cool, Shelbee! I’m all about natural products these days so thanks for the deodorant review 🙂
Thanks so much, Cristina! I have slowly been swapping out lots of commercial products for all natural ones and I am so pleased with these products.
I love your outfit, I have a dress shirt like your shirt. Aww, thank you so much for the feature lovely 🙂 Thanks for hosting too.
Thanks so much, Claire! I love this shirt, too, and I only wore this one time. I will have to style it more in the fall.
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I love that red plaid and jean skirt combo!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I love this outfit, too. I took these photos at Christmas time and never shared them on the blog and I am not sure why!
How cool!!! I just bought some natural deodorant this year— but, I still have several random ones I use.
My sweat smells awful when I’m stressed!!! Ughhhh
I swear I can’t stop eating either– it’s ridiculous
Becky, thanks for sharing your deodorant experience! I swear my smell gets ten times worse during PMS and my period. Then I am no stinky for two weeks, then stinky again for two weeks. And I have the worst diet right now for some reason…I have been eating all the junk food. I must make it stop!
Gosh woman, I am having lunch! Haha. How kind of Mireille!
Haha. Sorry, Nancy! Mireille is such a sweetheart, for sure!
Marilee Judith Gramith
What a REAL, relatable, informative, encouraging and hilarious post❣
As far as I’m concerned, anyone who can’t embrace the commonality and humanity of “bodily orifices” is taking themselves WAY TOO SERIOUSLY (?)
I loved this post Shelby and although I’m more like your husband NOW; I definitely recall menopause and its challenges quite vividly. I WILL be ordering some of this product.
Your look here is SO cute. It’s perfect for sitting on stumps, chasing your boys around and many other adventures.
I also think it’s has extra charm because it lends itself to creative and even contradictory mixing.
Who doesn’t love lumberjack, biker, chic! I grew up in Northern Minnesota so my styles are often eclectic and include flannel as well as lace. In fact I think mixing the two is the coolest🤗
Stay safe my friend!
Thanks so much, Jude! I am so glad that people are appreciating my odd sense of humor! I agree, if we cannot find humor in bodily functions, we are taking things way too seriously. Our bodies are amazing and really quite gross at the same time. I must laugh at it or I will die of embarrassment! I, too, love the contrast of flannel and lace or leather and frills. It keeps things interesting, for sure. This is one of my favorite outfits from the winter (I actually took these photos at Christmastime). I will wear something similar again, I am sure!
Kathrine Eldridge
I need to try this deodorant. That’s so sweet that Mireille sent you some. It’s time I change to a natural brand so will get this soon. Love your edgy casual chic look! Thanks so much for the link up.
Thanks, Kathrine! All joking aside, I am really happy with this deodorant. I love the smell of the citrus leaf and the wildflower. They are both very fresh and clean smelling. If you do try it, I would love to know your thoughts on it!
Just stopping by this morning to see what you are up to! It looks like spring is on its way. I love the outfit, denim skirts are the bomb! Take care my friend!
Thanks so much, Nina! I am up to probably the same things as everyone else in the world…not much at all! I hope you are well, my friend!
I think smiled when I saw this was a post about body odor!
Thank you for featuring me today! I appreciate the love and support from you!
I love your outfit and those booties are fantastic!
Wishing you a happy Easter!
Thanks so much, Robin! I guess body odor isn’t something most people are comfortable discussing in a public forum. But I do like to address the uncomfortable things! And I certainly cannot be the only premenopausal woman who battles stinky armpits! Wishing you a very Happy Easter as well.
Kellyann Rohr
I have stinky pits too and I sweat like a beast! I have a prescription for Drysol and that helps immensely with the perspiration. That was so sweet of Mireille! My husband is like yours, head hits the pillow and he is snoring within minutes…ugh!!!
Kellyann, thank you for openly owning your stink with me! I was feeling a little lonely with publicly sharing that kind of information! It is nice to know that I do not stink alone! I think Drysol might be the one I tried years ago and it didn’t help me at all. It just burned and I continued to sweat and stink. I am liking the Wildroot deodorant though. And what is it with these men being to fall asleep so easily!?
That deodorant sounds nice. I really like Nuud or I use silver gel!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
I really do like it, Jennifer! I remember when you posted about Nuud and I never got around to trying it! I will have to look into that again. Thanks for stopping by.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Interesting about the deodorant, of course anything natural is always best for us but we don’t always go that route! Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with NO HOUSEWORK DAY, WHO WAS BEHIND THE CURTAIN? – PART 5 (PROMPT 18), and my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY, open every month on the 1st to the 26th.
Thanks, Dee! Natural is always better but it is always more expensive and I don’t quite know when that shift occurred. There was certainly a time when only natural things were available (long before the mass commercialism of the our current day). If only we could get back to that place!
I need to check this company out. I’ve tried other natural ones like Toms and also Native, didn’t like either for different/same reason. I’d love to find one that does help with the smell. Although I do sweat, I wouldn’t say it’s over the top and the regular deodorant does the job for the most part, so if I could find a natural one that does the same level I’d be thrilled. More than anything, I’d love to have it work for my girls!
Bo, thanks for reading! Definitely check out Wildroot and their back story and their ingredient list. Mireille also had great luck with it. It is not an antiperspirant so it doesn’t control sweating. But we are supposed to sweat…it is a natural bodily function and stopping it from happening with chemical deodorants can’t be good for our bodies! If you do give this one a try, please let me know your experience.
You are such a good writer, Shelbee! You had me laughing reading your post! After the initial 2 weeks transition, I have not had any stinkiness issues. And I have found that even if I forget to add deodorant one day, I usually don’t smell. Glad they are an improvement to what you were using. I am all for natural products when they work.
Mireille, I am so glad that I could make you laugh! I felt a little silly like I might have only made myself laugh. And that’s no fun being the only one to laugh at your own jokes! Thank you again for your generosity and sending me the 3 sticks to try. I really do like it and I think over time it will become even more effective.
Heather Noire
I love this style so much especially those boots look amazing 🙂
Thank you so much, Heather! This was one of my favorite outfits this past winter and I never had the chance to share until spring!
Oh Shelbee you do make you laugh – you just come right out with it. “Stinky pits.” But I love your honesty and it was such an engaging post, it draws you in and makes you read every word. I’m afraid I always go for the nuclear anti-perspirant option, the ones from the supermarket shelves! I’ve tried natural ones but they never seem to work for me.
Gail, thank you so much for appreciating my strange sense of humor. If we have not laughter, what do we have really? I have tried various other deodorants as well and never gave them more than about a week’s chance. This natural one definitely didn’t start showing results until about 3 weeks into daily use. And there were some days I almost went back to the my Secret and Dove deodorants! But I persisted and I am glad I did. But I am not here to deodorant shame you at all! Those store bought antiperspirants do control the stink!
Barbara Chapman
Too funny, Shelbee!!! I had terrible pit smells until AFTER menopause went into effect. I hate the whole hormone thing. It’s tough being a woman. And this being always inside is driving me crazy today… Will be out in the garden this afternoon planting. 🙂 Love your story and your outfit is great!! Love the blanket scarf!! (I have one I picked up at Walmart, I think it was, about a year ago.)
Hugs and here’s to the virus going away…
Barb 🙂
Barb, thanks so much for seeing my humor and relating to this hormonal hell! It is definitely reassuring to know that once I am past this point and into full menopause that I might not be so stinky anymore! Maybe it is good that I am confined to my house so I cannot offend others with my stench! Haha. Enjoy your garden this afternoon! I am about to go sit on my front porch with my laptop.
jess jannenga
I am glad you kept the title, it cracked me up! Thats what I need some humour about now. My hubby’s way of picking clothes is to pick up a shirt and smell the armpits, if its ok, its good to wear that day! haha. Love the plaid scarf! Great mix with your jacket and cute denim skirt! I found a white denim skirt finally to wear this season. I bet it is tough to become a teacher amongst all the other family duties.
take care friend!!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I totally just laughed out loud at your husband’s way of deciding if a shirt is good to wear! I have definitely been known to enact the smell test on many occasions myself! I wore this outfit over Christmas but never shared it for some reason. I was afraid I may have missed the seasonal opportunity, but then I figured what the heck. People may not be getting dressed in actual real outfits until next Christmas anyway! And I still need to be ont he lookout for a white denim skirt at a very budget friendly price. Stay sane and healthy, my friend.
Christina Morley
Love the outfit and especially the cute boots! The natural deoderant does sound nice. I think natural is always better, but not too natural! We girls don’t want stinky pits! lol
Thanks so much, Tina! I hear you on all of that! Natural is better except when it comes to natural body odor!
Definitely a hilarious title! Sounds like a great product too. Also, I love your outfit today, especially those fabulous boots that you’re rocking! Hope you have a great rest of the week!
Thanks so much, Katie! I am glad that my idiotic sense of humor is making people laugh! I try, I really do try, to keep humor alive and well in a world that can be much too serious sometimes! I hope your week is going well, my friend.
I’ve never heard of this brand! I absolutely love that jacket and scarf together!!! So perfect!
Thank you, Sherry! I believe this is a fairly new brand with a super inspiring story!
Hang in there, girlfriend! It can take your body 3-4 weeks to fully adjust to a natural deodorant! I can attest to this- it took me about 20 days before I noticed that things were no longer stinky, haha. I guess it takes that long to get rid of all the aluminum associated with regular deodorants. I’m glad you’re already seeing success- that bodes well! I’m curious to try Tall Pines now!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! I think I am just at 3-4 weeks since I switched to the natural deodorant. And I definitely noticed a huge improvement in the past week. I guess your body does have to go through a detox process. I really appreciate you sharing your experience with natural deodorants. Let me know what you think if you decide to order the Tall Pine. I would love to hear!
Nora Minassian
Hi Shelbee,
Such a cute casual look and it is great you get to shoot outside. I have been doing all my blog shoots from home, since we are in stay home lockdown in Los Angeles…I wear a natural deodorant and it works pretty well most of the time, except maybe in the real hot summer days. Stay safe 🙂
Thanks so much, Nora! I actually took these photos in December but never had the chance to share them! So here they are. But I have been venturing out into the woods once or twice a week to take photos. I am glad to hear that other people have success with natural deodorant!
Hehe you would be mad at me then because I am similar to your hubby and can fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow! My hubby on the other hand is similar to you. I suppose that’s just how the world works? Ying and yang or something like that?! Anyway, my son has eating a little bit more lately but I think I am the one who is always chewing! I am glad you were able to try out a new deodorant. It’s always kind of a hit or a miss when trying new things but sounds like it has its benefits. I hope your week is off to a great start and happy Tuesday!
Maureen | http://www.littlemisscasual.com
Maureen, thanks so much! I am not all that mad at people who can fall instantly asleep. Haha. I am so used to it at this point. Actually, I have been sleeping great lately and I am really enjoying it! Yes, this deodorant is great. I am happy I tried it! Stay safe, healthy, and sane, my friend.
cie the ornery old lady
When I was younger, I had terrible problems with smelly pits and had to reapply deodorant throughout the day. Post-menopausal me doesn’t even have to wear deodorant. However, I have a lot more problems with developing fungal infections under my boobs than I did when I was younger. Maybe because the darn things sag more, who knows.
I’d love a pair of boots like that, but with my foot problems I can’t wear anything but orthotic shoes. Fortunately, the ones they make these days just look like an ordinary athletic shoe.
Cie, thanks so much for sharing your experience! I am looking forward to the possibility of no longer stinking post-menopause! That makes me happy to hear that it could happen. And fungal infections are the worst. I have never experienced the boobage kind, but I do recall my mother having those issues. Sagging boobs I can totally relate to though! I have spent more time than not braless during this time in quarantine. And if I had to give up my cute shoes, that might make me really sad. But I am glad that comfort and orthopedic shoes have made great strides in cute footwear!
Awww thank you SO much for the feature! I’m just over here trying to brighten peoples lives with pastels lol. Fun colors are so important during these dreary days, right?! Also, I’m loving these booties! The star detail is just so cute. Hope you’re staying safe.. and sane 🙂 XO
Thank you so much, Shauna, for doing your part to keep internet land cheerful and bright with all your pretty pastels and gorgeous style! I am trying to keep it all light and positive myself! I am safe and healthy, but my sanity I cannot guarantee! I hope you are well, my friend.
Anne M Bray
I haven’t yet found a natural brand that hides my stench when I’m on-the-job (I use Old Spice, believe it or not — I like “manly” scents). This MIGHT work for me — and there’s Pine! Yay!
Since I’m working-from-home, it doesn’t matter WHAT I smell like, and I’m using up all the “natural” sticks cluttering up my bathroom cupboard. They’re adequate for at home.
Super funny post. Thanks for the laughs.
Thanks for finding it funny, Anne! I try. I really do try to make y’all laugh! Speaking of that, I finally finished my article on Medium…How the World Will End: 14 Apocalypse and Conspiracy Theories of a Pothead. Maybe it isn’t all that funny, but it kept me entertained for days writing it.
With regard to the deodorant, I think I might still be in detox phase. Hopefully, in another week or two I will no longer be stinky! But as you said, who cares right now anyway. Nobody can smell me! Rock on with your deodorant remnants!
Lucy Bertoldi
Shelbee you look adorable! I always love a good red plaid and you look so cute in yours. I love the way you use the scenery as well to make you whole post come together- love it!
Thanks so much, Lucy! This is one of my favorite outfits from this winter. I wore and photographed this over Christmas and never shared it!
I’m all for natural deodorants and supporting small businesses! So sweet that Mireille sent you some! I’m also loving this edgy look! Your denim skirt is fabulous!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thank you so much, Jill! Mireille is such a sweetheart. She is always so kind and generous! And this denim skirt was a great thrift find. It fits perfectly and I love the style.
You’ve done it again! Provided light humour in a hard time, whilst still making it useful. Am chuckling. Heaps. On another note, I love your outift!! One of my favourite types of looks, which I call the “my old man’s a biker” look. Glad you’re all ok xxxx
Aw, thanks so much, Ratnamurti! I really do try to keep humor alive and well especially in dark situations. It is my best coping mechanism and I only hope that it help others to cope as well. “My old man’s biker” look is a great description of my outfit! I need to wear this outfit again (these photos are from Christmas). Stay well, my friend.
Cheryl Shops
I switched to natural deodorant after my aunt passed away from breast cancer a few years ago (I know they say there’s no connection but better safe than sorry) and haven’t looked back! There are a bunch of great formulas out there!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, I had never heard about deodorants being connected to breast cancer but I imagine all the chemical garbage they use in commercial deodorants cannot be good for us. So switching is definitely not a bad thing, that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing your experience.
jodie filogomo
How sweet that Mireille gifted you those Shelbee. I keep thinking I need to try some of these. Once I finish what I already have, I’m going to.
Thanks so much, Jodie! Mireille is the sweetest! Definitely go use Chrissy’s discount code when you order so she gets that little boost with her collaborative efforts. And please let me know how you like it!
Shelbee, you absolutely crack me up! I love the part about your husband not sweating and falling straight to sleep. Is he MY husband? Same thing. Maybe it’s the military training? Lol! I have finally settled on Secret Unscented. I don’t think it does that much, but I can’t stand the intense smell that emanates with some of the scented versions after I warm up a little! Hey, we all have our thing, don’t we? Cute outfit–love the red plaid shirt and the scarf. And the snow is gone??!!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I am so glad that I bring laughter to you all. We all need a little pick me every now and again even if it is just about someone else’s body odor issues! Ha. Secret has been my go to brand for a really long time, although I usually went for the powder fresh scent. But still I was stinky by the end of the day. I am liking the feel and the scent of the natural deodorant now that my body is adjusting to it. As for the photos with no snow, I actually took these picture at Christmas time in Pennsylvania and there was no snow there. There is no snow here right now either although we do get the occasional flurries well into May. I think I have one or two more sets of snowy photos to share and then that should be all until the winter. Stay well, my friend!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
These are some really cute photos of you, I love this outfit on you with the jacket and without… I have been using natural deodorant and it has a coconut smell, but sometimes I don’t wear it if I’m doing a lot outside as it isn’t the strongest. I’ll have to check out this brand and try it!
Thanks so much, Carrie! I wore this outfit over Christmas and it was one of my favorites. And I only now got around to sharing the photos for some reason. A coconut deodorant sounds great, too! I haven’t tried the wildflower yet as I was waiting until I finished the citrus leaf, but I may start using it today because I need a change! Plus it’s not like I can go anywhere these days where someone might smell me (I don’t think you can smell me from 6 feet away!). Definitely check out this brand (especially their back story) and you will be sold!
Laura Bambrick
Shelbee your description of your BO had me laughing out loud and reading it to my hubby! Honestly your writing capabilities are superb! I love your cute outfit too!
Aw, Laura, thank you so much! You just made me smile so big. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate that kind of feedback on my writing. I hope you all are well!
Linda Cassidy
your post is too funny, now I am going to think stinky pits all the time.I adore those boots, I know I should focus on the deodorant but I would rather look at the boot lol. Stay safe my friend
Thanks, Linda! I was a little nervous that exposing my body odor would make people think “stinky girl” when they saw me! Haha. But I don’t stink all of the time, I swear! I got these boots two years ago on super clearance and I think this is the first time (maybe second) I have worn them. You stay safe and healthy as well, my friend.
Lauren Renee Sparks
I have never heard of wildroot! But thanks for airy your stinky pits? Haha!
Ha! Thanks, Lauren! The story behind the brand is so beautiful which is what sold me on the product, but then the product turned out to be equally great!
As always, you look gorgeous !<3
Thanks so much, Nanchi! You are too kind!
Patrick Weseman
Looking amazing as always. You have such super and great style.
Love the first paragraph and that is a great science project for young kids. Perfect.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you are safe and healthy.
Thanks, Patrick! I hope I didn’t ruin your image of me as this stylish lady…who stinks! Haha
Ruth Josey
I love this look on you and those booties are the best! I can pretty much recreate the look from what I have in my closet (and I will….next winter). I love the title and that you’re OK sharing that about yourself 😛 I had some problems if I worked up a sweat when I was younger but when the hormones go away, I guess so does the odor problem. That being said, I still don’t go a day without applying deodorant (and if I work out or sweat, a second coating). I really need to switch over to a natural product, though, and I’m definitely bookmarking this site (and the story is such a wonderful one). It’s great that you got to try it for free, too, though I see they also sell minis so you don’t have to buy a full size before you decide what scent and if you like it enough to keep using it. I think I’ll order a couple to go into upcoming giveaways and for myself. Thank you for sharing and for the linkup!
Ruth, thank you so much! I look forward to seeing how you recreate this outfit. It is one of my favorites from this past winter. I wore it during Christmas but only now got around to sharing it. And you are so amazing that you are going to get some Wildroot mini sticks to include your giveaways! I am so glad that you watched the story and found it as inspiring as I did! I hope you enjoy the product as much as I do. And I am so grateful for all of you have shared your personal deodorant and body odor stories with me!
Emma Peach
This made me laugh Shelbee! I want to switch to a natural deodorant, I’ve read lots of reviews but haven’t actually ordered one yet. I love your ankle boots!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much! I am glad that I could make you laugh. That’s what I was going for! I definitely recommend giving natural deodorant a try. There is a transition period until you start smelling nice, but totally worth it.
Jean | Delightful Repast
Shelbee, what a great post! You’re such a good writer. Thank you for hosting. I’m happy to be able to #SpreadTheKindness with a giveaway as well as a recipe this week.
Thanks so much, Jean! I love that you are spreading kindness!!! I look forward to checking out your posts.
Anna Shirley
Oh, dear! You made me laugh so hard. I’m very grateful for that. I’m like on the roller coaster these days – laughing one minute and crying another one. I have never tried natural deodorant. Reading your post, I can give it a try. Thank you for your positive vibes, Shelbee.
Anna, thank you so very much. I am glad that I could bring some laughter your way! We definitely need to find the humor in lots of things especially now. It’s what I do best, I guess, so I will keep trying to make y’all laugh when I can. It is the best medicine! It you do try out a natural deodorant, I would love to know your experience.
Okay, this post made me giggle. So refreshingly honest! 🤣 And your outfit is adorable too. I’m glad you’ve found a brand that’s better. I’ll check them out.
Thank you, Michelle! I try to keep the laughter going! It is the best medicine. Although there are some people who get very angry at me when I say things like that! Haha. Oh well. I will laugh my way straight to my grave!
Shelbee, you’re fabulous. Absolutely fabulous. First of all, you had me laughing and what better way to start the day is there. Second of all, you’re so sweet to give this company such a review and in true “Shelbee” fashion you passed on the credit to not just me but sweet Mirelle. Bless you. And I’m so glad you’re getting 30% relief. How is it now? Any improvements? Oh and your outfit is fabulous btw!
Aw, thanks so much, Chrissy! I am glad that I could give you a good chuckle to start your day! And it is my pleasure to feature this wonderful company. The story really pulled my heart strings and I couldn’t not share about it. And I am definitely experiencing even more effectiveness from the deodorant now after a few more weeks of use. I think your body really does have to detox from the chemicals used in commercial antiperspirants. I got Archie using it as well now, too. I will have to order more soon since everyone in the house is using it!
The difference between you and your husband sounds exactly the same as me and my husband- I smell, he doesn’t!
I recently discovered a deodorant that finally works for me too! I have used Natural deodorant for years but I have been using a plastic free deodorant (comes in a cardboard tube as I am keen to avoid plastic) like this one https://www.peacewiththewild.co.uk/product/your-nature-natural-deodorant-stick-orange-patchouli/ and it works for me!!! Also, he sleeps easily and I don’t!
I actiually came over to see the velvet star booties you mentioned in your SIA post but it was nice to see something else I empathise with! Your boots are so nice!!!
Kezzie, thanks so much for clicking over to this post! I do love the idea of the natural deodorant coming in a cardboard tube! That is fantastic and now I need to go check out that brand. Thanks for the recommendation! Isn’t it funny the little differences you start to notice between you and your spouse through the years? And then to have similar idiosyncrasies in common with others! That is one huge reason I love blogging so much…we can meet new and interesting people all the time and find connections that we may have never known otherwise!