lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

When Lightning Strikes, the Universe Pays Back & Link Up On the Edge #259

lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

I have been struggling for weeks to get on top of blog posts and photographs, but I just can’t seem to get there. It has been a rather trying few weeks after the family health emergency that took us out of town two weeks ago. The health scare is under control but I don’t like to reveal any more details about that since it’s not my health to share. But I do want to share the story of that weekend and the chain of events that culminated from it which put me on an emotional roller coaster of a lifetime. But sometimes when lightning strikes us, the universe ends up paying us back for our troubles. Literally.

Two weeks ago, Jeff and I were gearing up for all sorts of solo and couples plans because the kids were going with the grandparents for the week. The first scheduled couples plan was to happen on Saturday. On the preceding Thursday, I got my period which really pissed me off as it usually does. My hormones got all wacky and my sexy Saturday plans were basically ruined at that point. But I was going to make the best of it somehow. Until we got the call Friday morning about the emergency at home in Pennsylvania.

We canceled our plans but urged the friends we were joining to go on without us since they had cleared their weekend schedule already and it wasn’t their family emergency to deal with. We, of course, knew this was the right and noble thing to do, but the FOMO was real. And between the craziness that comes with my hormones and a little bit of FOMO thrown into the mix, feelings of jealousy seemed to creep in which is very foreign to me and caught me off guard.

Unable to find hotel accommodations in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, for less than $400 a night, my sister offered her spare bedroom to us. While I am so grateful for her hospitality, sometimes spending that much time in close quarters with family can trigger a negative psychological effect whereby each and every insecurity I have ever faced in my life gets systematically reawakened, tossing me backwards in time to where I am that shy, timid, broken little girl from a lifetime ago. So that is just another layer to consider in the stressful things that were piling up on top of me.

Adding insult to injured ego, Jeff and I both ended up with a mild case of food poisoning from fast food on the drive and spent Saturday night running to the bathroom. Lack of sleep is one of the biggest triggers for my Bipolar Disorder so there I was on the first night of an already too emotional weekend getting absolutely no sleep as my body violently rid itself of whatever toxin I had consumed.

lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Over the next three days while Jeff was handling things at the hospital, I sat at my sister’s house with the boys and no car to go anywhere. Fortunately, my sister has a beautiful in-ground pool and she is the ice cream lady. The kids swam and ate as much as ice cream they could for three days straight. In fact, I don’t think they ate much of anything else. The last day there, I know Ralph consumed at least seven ice cream treats. Yes, SEVEN! I don’t know how he didn’t have stomach issues.

For those three consecutive days, I had nothing much to do but sit beside the pool and think. I am a thinker and spend a very large percentage of my time lost in thought. Sometimes that’s a good thing, other times it’s really bad. But mostly it’s just my way of processing all the hard emotions that come with life. To put it mildly, all of the little tiny things had stacked against me and knocked me completely off my perfect balance that I have been maintaining with ease for the last eight months.

When my balance is altered too much, it can send me plummeting into that old box of demons where the insecurities live. When they are reawakened, they wreak havoc and need to be silenced again. It feels like I fall into a big black box filled with these insecurity demons and I have to fight them all off so I can return to normal balance again. When I described this image of the demon box to Jeff, he laughed and said he knew I was in there and he sometimes knocks on the door to make sure I am okay. My new response when he checks on me is “I’m just fighting some demons and I gotta do it alone. I’ll be okay just keep checking in on me please.” I beat back most of the demons but a few are still lingering in the shadows that continue to periodically poke at me just to remind me that the self introspective work is really never done.

On Tuesday of that week after the emergency had been stabilized, we felt safe to head back home. On the drive back, we stopped at a gas station in Pennsylvania to grab drinks and lunch. My kids, Ralph in particular, caught the scratch off lottery ticket bug from my sister. She buys scratch offs rather consistently and had a few that she let Ralph scratch off. He won $2 on one which she paid him and he was so excited! I do not buy lottery tickets very often at all. It usually only happens on random whims but whenever I do buy them, I always without fail buy an extra one and give it to the cashier. I have been doing this for as long as I have been old enough to purchase lottery tickets. I don’t know why I do it other than for the sake of kindness. And I think my father used to do it as well so maybe I learned it from him.

lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge
lightning bolt shirt, linen joggers, thrifted style, fashion over 40, Shelbee on the Edge

Anyway, I had $7 in cash in my phone case so we purchased 2 x $2 tickets and 3 x $1 tickets. I asked Ralph to choose one of the $1 tickets for the cashier which he did and then we headed out to the car to scratch our tickets. The kids quickly finished theirs and both were losers. Jeff scratched his off and excitedly declared, “Ooh, I won a dollar!” Meanwhile I am sitting in the front passenger seat staring at my scratched off ticket not quite understanding what I was looking at. I discreetly slid the ticket over to Jeff without drawing the children’s attention to anything and whispered to Jeff, “Am I reading this correctly? Does that say what I think it does?” I watched Jeff’s face very closely as his eyes scanned over my lottery ticket once, then twice, then three times and he whispered these exact words, “Holy fuck, hun.”

Yes, holy fuck, indeed. I won $5,000 on a $1 scratch off lottery ticket. We all just started laughing and thanking the universe for paying us back for the emotionally exhausting weekend.

Have you ever tried any lottery games before like scratch off tickets, Mega Millions, or Powerball? No you can Play Mega Millions Online without ever having to leave your house or purchase that extra good faith ticket for the sales clerk. Sometimes it’s worth taking a chance like we did on our $7!

We don’t get windfalls like this often. Usually when windfalls happen, you are in desperate times and they come exactly when you need them and save you in some way. But right now is far from desperate times so when the kids asked if they could buy something big and expensive, we decided to allow this windfall to just be frivolous and fun. After taxes, we will get about $3,600 so we gave the kids each a $500 budget with the caveat that they can get one or two things not 100 little junky things. And I am going to start shopping for a real camera and try my hand at that. I have only ever used my iPhone camera so I am sure it will be a learning process. But I am excited for this new adventure. So if any of you have recommendations for a reasonably priced camera that is novice-friendly, I would love to hear them!

Featured Favorites

Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)

Gail of Is This Mutton? shared her post, Lockdown: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. This was a really intersting read because life is filled with the good and the bad and the ugly. And the past 18 months have certainly shown us that with much clarity!

Fashion Favorite

Michelle of My Bijou Life shared her post, It’s All Gail’s Inspiration! (Yep, same Gail as above.) The post is actually about Michelle’s colorful shoe collection but I am totally swooning over this adorable tie dye outfit!

My Bijou Life
Michelle of My Bijou Life

Non-Fashion Favorite

Cool Esse shared her post, Best Friend Butterflies. Do y’all remember the split heart best friend necklaces from the 80’s? This reminds me of those but way better!

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Keeping it on the edge,


Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Outfit Details: Shirt-Torrid / Joggers-Zara (Thrifted) / Shoes-Burlington Coat Factory / Earrings-Thrifted / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique

I am a midlife woman, wife, and stay-at-home mother of 2 boys and 2 cats. I have a passion for helping other women feel fabulous in the midst of this crazy, beautiful life.



      Aw, thanks so much, Jennifer! I mean the universe did pay me back for the bad things! And lots of life lessons have been learned along the way as well. So I just take it as it comes and roll with it the best I can! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.


  • Amy Johnson

    Wow! What a great, and wonderful surprise to the end of a horrible week. As for a camera, don’t waste your money. I’ve owned three DSLR’s in my life, and I never felt they took better pictures than the new IPhones. And worse yet, they break, all the time! I always purchased Canons. So if you still want to try one, I’d avoid that brand. Anyway, I stopped using my DSLR and now only use my IPhone, and I can’t tell the difference in the photography on auto.


      Amy, thanks so much! That is incredibly helpful information about cameras! I don’t mind the quality of my photos with my iPhone but I was thinking there were more focus features and stuff on a regular camera that may contribute to more creative photography. But I haven’t used a real camera literally since those tiny digital ones way back when digital cameras were new! Haha. I won’t make a hasty purchase on this one, that’s for sure. Plus it is going to take 6-8 weeks for the lottery check to get here so I have lots of time to research and make considerations. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!



      Thanks so much, my friend! It was a serious roller coaster of emotions from scared and sad to disappointed and frustrated to elated and excited. I am quite literally emotionally exhausted right now! But I am going shopping today for some small indulgences! Happy weekend to you!


  • Pam Ecrement

    The photos of you in this pic are great! You look beautiful!

    Thanks so much for sharing the story regarding the weekend that threw you off balance. Things like that tend to be quick to stir up old insecurities in most of us and take us back to a time before… Your honesty is a great quality, Shelbee💕

  • Suzy

    Holy Fuck indeed, Shelbee!!!!!!!!!! What an amazing experience for you guys. I’m delighted for you….but sad you had such a SHIT time getting there though. Isn’t it funny how the universe works, though? You know my dad won the lottery when we were little?…. It was a lot of money at the time but he has since blown the lot lol!!
    I’m excited to see where this takes you with the photography. I hope you get the bug like I have!
    Huge hugs, and congrats on your little windfall.
    Suzy xxx


      Haha, thanks so much, Suzy! It was a wild weekend, for sure. And I definitely felt like we deserved that little win! That is so cool that your dad won the lottery! I am guessing it was like an actual lottery win not just a scratch off ticket. I have never met anyone who has won the real big lottery stuff! If I won a huge amount, I would definitely take care of my financial burdens first and then I would just spread the love around where it was needed! When I am ready to camera shop, I might need some help! We will have to have a video chat. Have a lovely weekend, my friend!


  • Di

    Oh Shelbee, the ups and downs of life! So sorry that a medical emergency altered your special weekend plans- hope all is well with your family member. Such a lovely surprise to have a lottery win! Enjoy spending the unexpected winfall! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


      Thanks so much, Di! The medical emergency is under control and should be fine in the long run. My husband and kids are heading to Pennsylvania today to check in and follow up on things. And I am going to enjoy my weekend with some freedom and fun plans! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well.


  • Jessica A Jannenga

    Yay on your winnings! We don’t buy lottery tickets too much either. Only when there is a huge number. Wow, hotel prices are through the roof! We were looking up places to stay if we go to Nashville in Oct/Nov and they were $400 a night! nope. not gonna happen, those are NYC prices. So, we may have to arrange our dates. Sorry your plans didn’t go as planned Although, a pool and ice cream are 2 of my favorite things! Kids seem to have iron guts at certain ages!
    Love this white blouse and your joggers, the mettalic shoe adds to the look!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx


      Thanks so much, Jess! It was a wild ride of a week that ended on a high note! Hotel prices aren’t usually that expensive in Bethlehem but it was the final weekend of Musikfest which draws in about a million people each year into a town of 75,000. So naturally, hotel prices sky rocket when the demand is high. And the last time I stayed in NYC was about 4 years ago and my teeny tiny little hotel room was $650 for the night after we used all the hotel reward points we had to get it under $1,000! I have no idea how people stay in NYC for like a week at a time. I hope you can figure out something for a Nashville trip! I love Nashville but haven’t been there in 30 years!


  • Lauren Renee Sparks

    I am so sorry for the family emergency and canceled plans. I know that is so disappointing. I do think it is good that you sit with your thoughts and feelings. It is so hard sometimes, but so much healthier in the long run than avoidance. I am praying right now for your demons to vacate and you to be filled with God’s light and truth. And congrats on your unexpected good fortune!


      Lauren, my friend, thank you so very much! Disappointments are real in this life and we have to learn how to process them properly so they don’t upend us completely! I have always been one to sit with my feelings. I hate that avoidance feeling where the complicated thing is always hanging in the air. I would so much rather do the uncomfortable work sooner than later so I can get to the other side and move on with the good things in life. I appreciate the prayers so very much! But also, I don’t know who I would be without those demons either! Isn’t that a silly thing? Hmmmm…now that might require some time in thought as well! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  • mireille

    I am glad something good came out of the week. And hope all stays stable for the family emergency. Lots of little things in the background lately makes me want to go for an extended vacation where nobody wants anything or expect anything from us. But also some good stuff. I deal mostly with trying not to be resentful towards certain family members. Anyhow, I know that we each all have our struggles big and small and hope you work out through the things you need to. Love the light outfit. all the green and ivy in the background is a great backdrop.


      Thanks so much, Mireille! I was just thinking about this yesterday how we all do have struggles to face each day that are unique to us. It’s why I push the kindness thing so hard. We never know what others may be struggling with internally and it is important to keep in mind that we are all fragile at times and need some tenderness from the outside world. I hope you get the vacation that you are needing soon!


  • Marsha Banks

    It is funny how the universe or God, whichever is your belief, smiles upon us when we truly need it. I’m so sorry you’ve been in that box fighting the demons. I’ve never thought of it that way. I always call them the “blue screamers”. But, winning $5000! What a big smile from the gods! And, I totally missed the tie in with the lightning strike on your shirt…duh!


      Oh my goodness, Marsha, thank you so very much! I am more of a Universe believer than a God believer, but I do think it’s all one in the same! And I know when I get my energy all clear and clean and focused on positive manifestations, things start to harmonize so much better in my life. I love your phrase “the blue screamers”! Now I want to try to paint that! It reminds me of Holly Golightly’s “mean reds” from Breakfast at Tiffany’s. It is wonderful imagery for what it is meant to describe!

      I laughed about the lightning strike “missed” connection! Haha. I was going to mention it specifically in my post but then I figured it was more fun to just leave out there for y’all to either draw the connection or not! I hope you have a lovely weekend, my friend!


  • Kellyann Rohr

    Shelbee, I am tickled that you won! How incredible and the timing was perfect. I can relate to so much of what you share – the introspection, and being a thinker most of all. I am well aware of the downsides but we are who we are, right? So happy for you and your family!


      Kellyann, thank you so much, my dear friend! Being a chronic thinker is really exhausting, isn’t it? The downsides of life are necessary to appreciate the good sides, but they are also so necessary for growth. When I find myself cycling down into some sort of darkness, I have learned to just embrace it the same way that I embrace the good things in life. Once I do the hard introspective work and get out to the other side, I feel like a new person, changed in ways that make me a better version of myself, stronger, more secure, more confident. I have never had a bad experience in life that didn’t teach me something valuable. And that is a perspective that I will hold onto for the rest of my life! I hope you have an amazing weekend!


  • Amy Christensen

    My vision has always been an attic room that is all cluttered with my past in the form of dusty books, pictures and boxes of junk. When I start to go down that path of feeling worthless, etc. I unlock that old room and sit in there a spell. I let myself feel those feelings, most often with tears. Sometimes I open a box and look through stuff remembering how things made me feel. After a while, I leave the room, locking the door when I leave. I am a believer in Jesus and His redemptive power. I know, one of these days I need to give Him the key and never go back inside, but I haven’t gotten there quite yet. As long as we can still leave the room, or come back from the battle, we’ll be okay. Thanks for sharing your heart, Shelbee. I love your honesty and I love that your husband is so understanding. My hubby doesn’t get it, but it’s okay my Savior does. Love you, hon! – Amy

    OH! And that is fabulous about the Lottery ticket! How fun!


      Oh my gosh, Amy, I cannot thank you enough for sharing that imagery of your process. I want to buy some canvas and paint and try my hand at recreating the images that come into my head. I can see your attic room filled with dusty old boxes with so much clarity! And I can envision you sitting amongst the dust in the darkened attic, peering into the boxes and crying. It is a sad but powerfully moving scene I relate to completely! I am very blessed that my husband is so understanding. He often sees me entering these places before I even realize it. But he wasn’t always so understanding. We struggled a little bit in the very beginning of our relationship. Thankfully we made it here because here is pretty amazing! I am so glad that you have your religion and your Savior to bring you comfort and peace during those times. Love you, my sweet friend!


  • Cool Esse

    Oh my goodness! What a rough time! I hope everything is okay. The universe works in mysterious ways. It’s awesome you won so much from $1!! Thanks for featuring my BFF butterflies! 💜

  • Niki

    Your weekend sounds like my life, lol! I’m so glad that the health situation was taken care of. God is so good! Sometimes when we drive to New Orleans we buy scratchers, but I think I’ve only ever won $1! $5000 would certainly go to my medical bills. I’ll be praying for you while you fight the things that claw at you! You still look beautiful in spite of everything, so that’s the cherry on the $5000 ice cream! Thanks for hosting friend!


      Oh my goodness, Niki, thank you so much for this wonderful comment and for the prayers! You know I feel kind of bad just being frivolous with the winnings, but it’s like a once in a lifetime kind of thing, right? We had a similar windfall many years ago when I was pregnant with my youngest son. It was a few days before Christmas and our sewer pipes cracked. What a mess! It was a $10,000 job to fix it and we did not have the money. A stranger came to our door who had seen the mess in our front yard and told me the story how her father had just died and she inherited a lot of money that she didn’t really need. She said the holiday spirit moved her and God led her to me as she handed us a check for $5,000 to help with the cost. I think that was one of the few moments in my life when my tears could be classified as actual weeping. I was so overwhelmed with gratitude! And I continue to pay that kindness forward whenever I can!


      • Niki

        Shoot girl, don’t worry about being frivolous with a windfall! Enjoy it!! There are years I’ve splurged at tax time lol. That is an amazing blessing, that a woman came & gave you money just when you needed it most! God is good, and he certainly uses us to bless others even if we don’t realize it at the time. The Bible even tells us that sometimes we entertain angels unaware.You should write about that experience. It might lead others who have felt God tell them to do something, but they question if He really is or if they’re imagining things, to go ahead and follow through with the call!


          Thanks so much, Niki! I have definitely shared the story of that kind and generous woman with lots and lots of people over the years. It was a gesture that I will never forget and will always be grateful for. Whenever I do anything to pay a kindness forward, I think of that woman. I love the idea of entertaining angels unaware. I have always felt very connected to the energy around me which I believe is where the angels live. I am also grateful to be surrounded by so much good energy. When the spirit moves me, I am always compelled to listen!



      Thanks, Anne! I love the ShelBee Scrappy! I mentioned on your IG post that I had just thought about the paisley poncho thingy and was wondering if it would be turned into a scrappy square. I am so excited that you found use for that icky polyester that I now know you won’t wear! Haha.


  • Mica

    I like this neutral outfit! Sorry you had such a tough week and I hope the person who was so unwell is now better and out of hospital.

    Awesome you won so much money – I bet the kids are excited to spend it!

    Thank you for the link up!

    Hope you have a good weekend ahead of you! Fun one here, a birthday party to go to each day!


      Thanks so much, Mica! Yes, everything is looking up health-wise here! And yes the boys are so excited to make their first big purchase! Haha. I do have some fun stuff planned for the weekend! I hope you enjoy all the birthday parties!



      Thanks so much, Laura! I think the most I have ever won on a scratcher is $50. But yeah, I don’t think I have ever heard of anyone winning more than $100 either. It was so weird and cool! I hope you have a lovely weekend!


  • Michelle

    Awwww…., thanks for the sweet shout out. I will admit, this is one of my favorite outfits. The colors just make me happy.

    So awesome that after such a trying weekend, you won the 5K. I’ve never known anyone who has won anything from a lottery ticket. Fabulous!

    Those demons are a bitch. My demons are rarely anything related to the past, but when I get too tired and overwhelmed, I focus on death. It’s exceedingly unpleasant. The death of people I love, leaving people I love heart broken with my own death. I don’t know why I do this. It’s happened to me for as long as I can remember, even as a child. I understand why people so desperately want to believe in after life. But I can’t. I just don’t. Most of the time it’s okay as long as I manage my sleep and energy. The moving process has got me anti discombobulated though.



      Thanks so much, Michelle! This was a really great hang around the house and run errands outfit. I love the lightweight fabrics in neutral tones, too. It makes me feel sophisticated!

      I don’t like the sounds of your demons. They sound really quite awful! I used to go there in my head about death and sometimes still do, but I am able to pull right back out of it because you just can’t live in that space for too long! I don’t know if this will help, but I’ll share it anyway. when my mind does wander to those death-y places, I shift my perspective to something like we all suffer loss and we manage to get through it each time. And then we all die. No one makes it out of here alive. So I am going to just live without focusing on the end result. Because we know the end result. It is the same for all of us. It is what we do in the present moment that matters. But I totally get you on those thoughts. Because I’ve had them and they are really disturbing!

      I hope this move process goes smoothly and quickly for you so you can settle back into your routine!


  • Darlene

    OMG! That was definitely the universe paying you back for your sacrificed weekend!! Woohoo! I rarely buy tickets but I love that you give one to the cashier. Truly paying it forward. So sorry for the tough times, but you look lovely and serene in your photos!! Time for affirmations once again, my friend!!

    xx Darlene


      Thanks so much, Darlene! It really was a wonderful way to end a rather awful weekend! Everything is leveling off back to normal here once again and I am learning more than ever that this Bipolar Disorder really does put some limits on me that others don’t have. And I have to listen to those limits more now that I am getting older and more tired! Haha. I do always return to my affirmation work for smoothing things out in my brain. I hope you have a lovely week!


  • Barbara

    What a story! I’m sure you’ll think about that moment all the time once you’ll work with that new camera. Enjoy!

  • Patrick Weseman

    So very nice. I am so glad that the universe paid you back. I am so waiting for that in my little life. Things are really weird right now and I am just trying to get by and not go totally cuckoo.

    My little demons are being provoked my others and that is not a good thing. Anyway, I just need to keep going.

    Happy that you won the money.

    Looking very nice, thanks for hosting and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend.


      Thanks so much, Patrick! I am sorry to learn that you are in a weird place and suffering from demon provocation yourself! Ugh. I do hate when those nasty old beasts are awakened in my head! I hope that you are able to transition out of this place soon and get back to regular living. Sometimes I would rather the regular mundane stuff over all the chaos and drama! Hang in there, my friend.


  • Sheila (of Ephemera)

    I found myself nodding along as you described your “box of demons” (good metaphor!) and your husband’s way of checking on you. That’s very similar to the “pits of despair” I tend to fall into, and L keeping an eye on me for when I need backup.

    Your outfit is cool, calm and collected, and I love the fun lightning bolts on the shirt.

    How amazing that your silver lining out of your family health crisis was a $5K scratch-&-win! I never buy lottery tickets of any kind (L does), but I get them in my stocking at Xmas or as gifts from friends and rellies, so I can imagine the “holy fuck, hun” reaction! Congratulations! I’m excited for you!


      Thanks so much, Sheila! I always get a little fearful when I share some of my mental imagery with regard to my Bipolar Disorder so it is nice to know that I am not alone in such things. Although I am sorry that you sometimes fall into the pit of despair! But aren’t we so blessed to have husbands who look out for us and check in on us and our mental health? I hope L buys a winning ticket the next time he purchases one! You both deserve it just for being awesome humans!


  • Theresa Boedeker

    Shelbee, your story was so relatable. Who doesn’t have family or situations that throw us into a pit of insequirity and reverting back to an earlier self? I know I do. So thanks for sharing. And yes, that was some thunderbold that stuck. At first I thought you were going to say the cashier won, but then it was you. Yippie. A new camera.


      Thanks so much, Theresa! It is so crazy how going back home can trigger all sorts of bad stuff. But at the same time, it is nice to spend time with my family. I guess that is just the human experience…there is good and bad to everything we do! I laughed that you thought the cashier had won! The cashiers never ever scratch them off until I leave the store. I think they instructed to do that because they all have for as long as I can remember. It is definitely better that way! While I genuinely hope they win something (otherwise I wouldn’t give them a ticket), I also don’t need to know if they won! Haha.


  • Joanne

    Congratulations!! That is fabulous! I am so sorry to hear you had such a rough week but the reward sure sounds well worth it. Enjoy!!

  • Chickenruby

    Sorry to hear about the family emergency, glad it’s all under control now. Shame you were ill on the journey down. $400 a night is alot, we however have never had that choice with family and when we have stayed it’s been very uncomfortable for us, so I understand. Wow what a fab lottery card win, hope you get the new camera soon and enjoy it. Thanks for linking up with #pocolo


      Suzanne, thanks so much! Why does it become so much more uncomfortable staying with family the older we get? Maybe it’s just certain families! Haha. Things are definitely looking up now and it’s time to prepare the kids for back to school so I will have some more freedom in my days!


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Shelbee on the Edge