Welcome to Millheim, Pennsylvania & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #129

I know. I know. I know. I said I was taking a blogging break. And what happens when I finally say it? I get inspired. And I cannot ignore the inspiration when it hits. Any creative person knows this. We live for that moment. We wait for it. We seek it out in all corners of our existence. We exhaust ourselves trying to tap into it. We get tired. We take a break. And it is right inside those breaks where we find our inspiration. You can’t fight against the universe. You just have to succumb. And when you finally do, she delivers in spades.

So that’s what I did. I declared that a break was necessary because the creative process was exhausting me. By creative process, I mean the process by which I was trying so hard to be inspired that I was effectively killing my muse. You can’t try so hard. That’s not how it works. You have to just open yourself up to the magic and allow it to flow through you. I am finally learning this. I don’t know why it took me so long or why it has surprised me so much. But there it is. And some things just can’t be explained and aren’t meant to be understood. Accept it, grab hold of it, and use it in the best way possible.

So here I am at the very beginning of my vacation…Sunday night to be exact. I completed the first leg of my southbound journey and have stopped for the night at my mother-in-law’s house in Pennsylvania to drop off the children. I am tired from driving yet I am inspired to write. I have been wanting to share with you a little about my short two day trip last weekend to Millheim, Pennsylvania. I was going to wait until I returned from my vacation in Asheville to share about this quaint Pennsylvania town, but now the words are hammering away at me, begging to be typed.

About two months back, I mentioned my new favorite band in a blog post about Some of My Favorite Things. I was introduced to Fireside Collective through a social media connection with one of the band members that turned into a pretty fantastic friendship. I started listening to them on Pandora and watching concerts on YouTube. I have to admit Bluegrass music was kind of off my radar, but I am always open to new things. I am not ashamed to admit that I was hooked pretty quickly to the vibe that this group of five generates. Their music makes you smile. Their lyrics make you feel. And their energy just connects you to something bigger than yourself. Something better, more important, more special. Something that you really just want to be a part of even if only for a brief moment in time.

Fireside Collective just completed a four week tour and their final show was at The Elk Creek Cafe, an intimate alehouse setting located in Millheim, Pennsylvania. This was about as close to Watertown, New York, as they were going to get and I was itching to see a live show. So I bought my ticket, booked a room at an Airbnb, and drove the 5 plus hours to Millheim last Sunday. And my story really starts with the 300 mile drive.

Cruising through rural Pennsylvania, alone in my car, I had so many life epiphanies flood down upon me. It was like I was learning how to live for the first time in my life. I didn’t take the highway, but rather I traveled mostly back roads through beautiful green terrain with rivers running beside me and mountains rising above me. I absorbed the scenery and the landscape and I felt as if it was the very first time I was really seeing any of it. It was definitely the first time I was appreciating the miracle that it is. It was breathtaking and peaceful, tranquil and awe-inspiring. It kept bringing the words of my dear friend Valerie to mind, “Humans will never destroy this earth. Sure, we cause a lot of damage, but in the end, it is so much more powerful than we are and it will wipe us out long before we do it. And it will thrive in our absence just as it always has.” I saw that power that she described. I saw it surrounding me. I felt it everywhere. From every direction. And it was the most magnificent spine-tingling revelation I think I may have ever experienced.

I really cannot even properly express the magnitude of wonder and awe…so I will continue on with my story. To be clear, when I began this trip to Millheim, I never had any intention of even sharing any of the details until the details revealed themselves to be so worth sharing. I was just going to a concert. I had no idea my mind would be blown by the entire experience.

Millheim, Pennsylvania, is a tiny little town, only 1.3 square miles, with a population of around 900. The town center is a mere two short blocks loaded with historic buildings that gave an old-time feel that was only amplified by the many horse drawn carriages passing by. Can I tell you how soothing and even curative it is to hear the sound of horses trotting through the dark empty streets at 2:00 a.m.? The percussion of hooves echoing on pavement created an eerie yet comforting aura that made me yearn for something simpler, easier, more earthly and more ethereal all at once. (Sorry, I got sidetracked by the memory of that moment.)

I arrived at my Airbnb, The Triple Creek Lodge, about 2 hours before show time. The lodge has three different rooms available decorated in quaint rustic decor situated in the upper level of The IngleBean Coffee House. I did not meet my Airbnb hostess, Megan, but I interacted her with her via email a few times and she was very helpful and accommodating to my needs and my schedule. And the room was basically…well…perfect. I couldn’t have asked for better accommodations that were so suited to the ambiance of the town.

I was, however, very fortunate to make the acquaintance of Dennis, the Head Bean of The IngleBean Coffee House. Have you ever stepped into the presence of a stranger and you get that immediate feeling that you could you just sit right down across from them and have a conversation that hits on the deepest levels of emotional, psychological, and philosophical material as if it was an every day thing? That’s the vibe I got from Dennis. He had his sweet pup, Eddie Murphy, with him. And can I tell you…that dog had the same vibe. I crouched down to pet him and he casually presented his furry face to the palm of my hand and it was like he was reading my soul. I was comfortable in this space and very glad for the recommendation from The Elk Creek Cafe.

Now onto the show…and I know this post is getting really, really long, but I am on a roll with my words here. See, this is what happens when your muse has seemingly been starving you for so long…suddenly she gives you too much that you run out of storage space! It simply has to come out through the keyboard because I have no where else to put it all.

The experience I had listening to Fireside Collective on Pandora and YouTube videos was trite compared to the experience of watching them play live. The energy in the room sort of took flight above us and around us until it penetrated the very souls of every person in the room. Like a mystical potion that was cast through the cosmos…no one within hearing or viewing distance was safe from the intoxication. More than just the music and the lyrics, it was all of it together, this bewitching combination of five energies coming together in a musical union that lifted, intrigued, and mesmerized an entire audience into an opium-like induced trance.

After their first set concluded, I leaned over to the girl next to me, Becca (an amazing girl, by the way, whom I met on this night and realized she is so totally part of my tribe), and I said, “I feel like I was just on a magic carpet ride to some fantastic place that I never wanted to leave.” She simply nodded in agreement, having seen them play live many times before, with a sparkle in her eye letting me know that is exactly what I just experienced…magic in its very best form.

After their second set ended, I leaned over to Becca again, quivering a bit this time (if I must admit that to create an accurate picture), and whispered to her, “My God, I feel like I just had really great sex.” And that, my friends, is what music is supposed to do. It is what human connections are supposed to create. It is what we are supposed to notice and appreciate in this great big overwhelming, often scary, often sad, but abundantly rich and wonderful world. Find these places, these things, the people, this music, the words, the sounds, the scenery that make you feel this way. And embrace them for every moment that you can. Because at the end of it all, when we are ready to leave this world, these are the things we will remember. These are the things that make it all worth while.
The band just jamming after the show…

My accommodations at The Triple Creek Lodge

The IngleBean Coffee House

We also enjoyed some food and drinks after the show at The Millheim Hotel.

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Kathrine of Kathrine Eldridge, Wardrobe Stylist shared her post, The Best One-Piece Swimsuit. She is looking quite fabulous in this amazing color blocked one shoulder swimsuit! And these shades of pink are so cheerful and scream summertime!

Jaymie of Everyday Style by Jaymie Ashcraft shared her post, The Cutest Paperbag Waist Shorts. I have not yet tried this trend, but Jaymie is sure making me want to! How cute is this outfit? And Jaymie is killing it with the statement accessories!

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
What a sweet little town!
Thanks for checking it out, Tamar!
I am going to see Toto next week in the Netherlands! Enjoy your day!
Nancy, I am a little jealous! I do hope you write about the show! Have fun!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this lodge that you are staying at Shelbee! I adore the rustic details. Your look is so cool and can’t get over the Toto tee. Such a blast from the past. Thanks for the feature and link up my friend!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! It was a really cool place to stay. And the Toto tee is super fun, isn’t it?
Michele Morin
Writers gotta write! It’s that simple. Thanks for sharing your words with us here.
Happy vacation!
Thanks so much, Michele!
Julie | This Main Line Life
It’s funny how we get inspired when we’re not looking for it and when we’re trying really hard, it does kind of kill that creativity. Such a cute little town.
Thank you, Julie! That is a funny and irritating thing about inspiration!
Kellyann Rohr
Shelbee, you are a great writer and I felt like I was with you on this trip! Thanks for sharing Fireside Collective and Millheim, PA with us. I love the quaint little town – so charming and rustic. I wish I could just travel around and visit all of these cite places – some day!!!!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I sort of hit a point where I decided to just start going places! The time is now because you never know when you will have time again!
Now that’s what music is supposed to do! I love that you were able to make this trip and got recharged and inspired in the process! Your Toto tee is so fun! Enjoy your 4th and vacation!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I am so glad I was able to make the trip, too. And I am enjoying Asheville very much as well!
Deborah Stinedurf
I had a feeling you’d be here today! I love your posts. The way you tell a story it’s like I’m actually there with you. There’s so much character and such a cool vibe in this town. I have to admit though, the entire time I could hear “Rosanna” in my head which started at the first picture when I saw the Toto tee…thanks for the brain worm…lol!
Thanks so much, Debbie! I do love to tell a story! I just get so sucked into weaving the words together to create a perfect image. And then I get all excited when that magic happens. And now I read your comment and Rosanna is now stuck in my head. So thanks for giving me the ear worm back!
Grace Liang ULS
Looking fabulous as always!
Please stop by at http://www.colorandgrace.com every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for linkup parties! Hope to see you there!
Grace Liang
Thanks so much, Grace! Have a great day!
I totally know what you mean – when inspiration hits, you just gotta go with it! Looks like you’re having a fun time 🙂
Thanks, Lizzie! I definitely having been having lots of fun lately! It was much needed.
Christina Morley
Great photos! I really enjoyed this post. Thanks for hosting! Wishing you a fab 4th of July!
Thank you, Tina! Oooh, I keep forgetting that tomorrow is the holiday. I have no idea what I will be doing in Asheville for it! I’m sure I’ll find something fun to do.
That is so neat you were able to go to Pennsylvania to see that band! It sounds like you had a great time!
Thank you, Laura! I think I had even more fun than I could have even anticipated!
Iris Duhamel
You look like you were having fun taking those pictures. Love the tee.
Thanks so much, Iris! I am always having fun when I am taking pictures! Lol.
Linda Cassidy
How fun is your trip so far. I am jealous of your blogger meet up. One of these days we will connect.
I am having a blast, Linda! And yes, one of these days we must make a meet up happen!
I am glad you had such a great experience! Icing on the cake that the ride there was so beautiful!
Thanks so much, Mireille! It definitely makes for a better trip when the driving is pleasant!
Patrick Weseman
What a great place, I would love to make that trip.
Looking great. I love the the whole throwback combo. It looks like what a 70’s rocker would wear. Very nice. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful trip.
Thank you, Patrick! It was such a cool little town! Quaint and comfortable! I am curious what the day to day living is like in such a small town.
Cheryl Shops
Isn’t it funny how when you decide to do something and all of a sudden the universe has other plans for you? Welcome back, and I hope the muse stays with you!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I think my muse is here for a while, but now I am so tired from traveling and the internet in my hotel is quite uncooperative, so I am not getting much done on that front!
Anne M Bray
Solo road trips are the best. Glad you got the opportunity!
Oh yes, they are! I am having so much fun on this Asheville one, too!
Anne M Bray
You GO (literally)!
Marilee J. Gramith
WOW Shelbee! You’re clearly having an extraordinary life moment. Your passionate need to document and share it is coming through loud and clear. You inspired me to immediately go to Pandora to same the music of the Fireside Collective.
Back in my college days (1969-1974) Country Rock, Folk, and Bluegrass music were HUGE!! I even sang in a Peter, Paul and Mary type group for a bit. As you noted LYRICS are a very significant part of this heartfull, homespun, American made, music. So my friend “I GET IT”. Music that knocks your sox off is an adventure for soul, spirit, heart and mind. ( apparently for the libido too!)
Rock on girlfriend!!!
Jude, thanks so much! When I am compelled and inspired to write, the urge must be satisfied or I really do feel as if I may explode! And I love that you were the singer in a Peter, Paul, and Mary inspired band. How fun! And I bet you knocked some socks off as well. It is a special moment when you connect to music in that way. And we tend to remember those moments quite vividly. And I am rockin’ on!
Darlene A Messinger
Wow, what a trip! There truly is something cathartic about the old “road trip.” We used to do a lot of those and taking it slow through new places can really lift the soul and restore faith in what’s good, can’t they? And music is so inspirational and helps one to transcend to another place. Sounds like your experience was just the right thing for you. I’m glad you took advantage of it.
xx Darlene
Darlene, thank you so much for your kind and insightful words! And the road trip to Asheville has been quite fascinating so far as well!
Sounds like you had so much fun and I loved seeing all the pictures.
Thanks so much, Alice! I had even more fun than I expected to!
Ivana Split
Great T-shirt! Lovely denim skirt as well. You look great.
Thanks so much, Ivana!
Jessica A Jannenga
Hi Shelbee!
We had such a fun time! I love just shooting the breeze and just sitting outside meeting lovely ladies! I had no idea you wrote an involved post while on your travels. Kudos! This town looks charming , the streets look like a town near us call Mooresville- Mom and Pop shops, ice cream etc. I love your rental, it too looks charming and I love historic places as well . Your outfit is fun and perfect for a band outing, cool you got to meet them. Loving a good 80s band tshirt, so many great ones and the stocking with those cool platforms! I know when I get the burn out feeling, great your inspiration came quicker than you thought 😉
Have fun in Asheville!
jess xx
Jess, thanks so much for everything! Always for supporting my little blog and sharing lovely and inspiring comments. And for making the 2 hour trek to Asheville to meet me! That made me feel super special. I can’t wait to see the photos that your husband captured for us. It was such a great meet up. It really is like we have know each other for years through our blogging journeys and it is always so cool to meet in person! Next time I travel southward, I will let you know. And do keep me posted on your Pennsylvania trips because we can maybe coordinate a PA meet up, too! I hope you have a wonderful 4th of July holiday, a very happy birthday, and a super special anniversary!
Suzy Turner
Wow Shelbee! What a truly amazing experience you must’ve had. It certainly sounds like you had some incredible moments – even whilst driving. I just love how you described it all. And that little town sounds AMAZING!
Suzy xxx
Thanks so much, Suzy! And I am having an equally amazing time in Asheville! The drive was not as mind blowing, but the overall experience probably will be!
Suzy Turner
I can understand that…. we visited Asheville a few years ago and thoroughly enjoyed it. If I remember correctly, we also had a particularly fabulous sushi meal there one night too.
Suzy xx
I will have to check out the local sushi places now!
Well shelbee! I have to say that ur writing makes me feel like i was with u that time.The place u went was really amazing, i would like to visit that place one day.. And looking at ur pictures seems like u were having alot of fun over there… Again i would say your writing experience makes me feel really great, your describing style was also good and it was really charming….
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Thanks so much, Niha! I really appreciate that compliment!