Weekend Recap with Evolution CBD Cream & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #172

This past weekend was quite a strange one from celebrating Mother’s Day in seclusion to some freaky snow storm that descended upon us. We woke up on Saturday morning to a winter wonderland, but fortunately it warmed enough to melt it all by Sunday morning.
While snow in May is not uncommon where I live, by this point in the year I am really quite over it. So I was thankful that Mother’s Day was sunny and pleasant although a bit on the chilly side. We were able to head out to the park and take some photos of my Mother’s Day outfit while the kids rolled down the giant grassy hill over and over until they were sufficiently caked in mud.

Jeff made some delicious bacon, mushroom, and cheese frittata for Mother’s Day breakfast served with Bloody Marys. Then we ordered pizza for dinner because that is what this momma was craving. By the way, cheesesteak pizza is really quite an incredible invention. Almost as fabulous as pickle pizza. You are welcome.

Jeff found this amazing cookbook for me as well. We are huge fans of The Goldbergs and I admittedly have a tendency to do some things that are very Bev Goldberg-esque. So I was thrilled to receive the official Beverly Goldberg Cookbook. I can’t wait to try some Shrimp Parm and Mac and Cheese Stuffed Meatballs!

Now I want to talk briefly about Evolution CBD products. I have previously tried some hemp oil products to assist with sleep and relaxation, but when Evolution CBD reached out to me to see if I would be interested in trying one of their products, I really wanted to see how the CBD Topical Cream works for joint pain. All this time spent in quarantine and playing way too many games of Farm Heroes on my telephone has resulted in a serious case of tennis elbow (which I should really call cell phone elbow). At least that is what I thought it was a few weeks ago when the pain became very noticeable.
It was right at that time that I had the opportunity to try Evolution CBD Topical Cream to see if it would ease the pain. I have heard so many positive outcomes for pain relief from CBD topical products. The topical cream contains 250 mg of CBD in combination with high quality non-GMO hemp oil. It only requires a pea sized amount of cream to apply all around my elbow area and forearm.

Some quick facts about the Evolution CBD brand. They were the first company to introduce water soluble CBD products with the use of proprietary nanotechnology that helps improve the bioavailability of the products to work nine times faster than similar products on the market. Evolution CBD is certified with the US Hemp Authority and in the interest of maintaining complete transparency in the manufacturing of their products, all lab test results are avaialbe for public viewing on their website.
I am a huge advocate of cannabis and CBD products for the treatment of many issues from pain to sleep disorders to anxiety and other mental health problems. After using the CBD cream on my elbow for the past few weeks, I have noticed a slight reduction in the level of pain in the few hours following application. But over the past few days, my elbow is starting to swell significantly and the pain is becoming much worse. I am beginning to think that the problem may need further medical attention beyond the application of CBD cream as it may not be cell phone elbow after all. I was hopeful that the cream would resolve the issue, but some issues may be too big.

That being said, I do continue to apply it daily until I am able to see a doctor. CBD products also have anti-inflammatory properties even if my pain is not eliminated. I do plan on trying the cream if I experience a more minimal pain issue like that annoying lower back pain that often occurs from sitting on my couch for too long! I just haven’t had that type of pain recently so I haven’t had the opportunity to see how effective the CBD cream is for relieving mild pain.
If you have ever tried CBD products and need to restock your supply or if you are wanting to see what all the hype is about, Evolution CBD is offering my readers 10% off your purchases by using code SHELBEEONTHEEDGE10 at checkout. They offer a large variety of CBD products including oils, topical creams, gummies, and pet products.

All in all, this is a product that I will continue to use even though I have not had the best result for my current situation. But again, I must reiterate that CBD and other cannabis and hemp products have proven effective for me in the past. I just think this specific injury, whatever the heck it is, probably does need a medical expert’s attention. I am the type of person, however, who will try a dozen different home remedies before I visit the doctor.
But as you can see from my photos, I am still smiling…straight through the pain!

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Chrissy of Granola & Grace shared her post, Friday Favorites: Good-Bye April. Chrissy always shares so many wonderful things that bring me joy and happiness. She is always an inspiration and shines her beautiful light so bright into this blogging community. Clearly, many of you feel the same as evidenced by your click, click, clicking away on her April round up post.

My Favorite Fashion Post
Bo of Bo’s Bodacious Blog joined in for Ada’s birthday celebration with her post, Celebrating in Polka Dots & Floral. I absolutely adore this bold red floral print paired with tiny polka dots. Such a beautiful outfit on an even more beautiful woman. Keep shining bright, Bo!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Mitch of Gay NYC Dad shared his post, More Memes to Get You Through the Pandemic! Every week, Mitch rounds up some of his favorite memes with a theme and they never fail to make me laugh! If you are needing a little more humor in your life right now, do go check it out.

Have you ever tried CBD products for pain relief or for any other type of issue? What was your experience? Also, do tell me how was your weekend? Do you live in a part of the country that experienced this weekend’s snowstorm?
Let me leave you with these final Mother’s Day photos…me and my boys followed by our nighttime sleepy cuddle routine on the couch.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look...
Outfit Details: Dress-Thrifted (Maurice’s) / Sweatshirt-The Bon Ton / Jacket-Thrifted / Boots-Just Fab / Necklace-c/o Happiness Boutique / Earrings and Tights-Old / Gloves-Old Navy

We had snow flurries but no real accumulation on Saturday; it was, however, windy enough to knock out our power for a few hours right around dinner time. I wasn’t all that disappointed that we had to get take out! My sister in law has been encouraging me to try CBD lotion & or oil; i have uterine fibroids & ovarian cysts that cause quite a lot of pain and I’m sort of in limbo as I wait for the hospitals to open so I can have surgery. I’m not entirely sure it will help as the pain can get pretty severe but I’m at the point where I’m willing to try just about anything. Hope your elbow is feeling better soon!
Joanne, thanks so much for reading! Being forced to order take out because of a power outage actually does sound kind of nice! I am so sorry that you are experiencing all that pain. I have had ovarian cysts in the past so I am familiar with the severity of that pain. It is awful. I am not certain how deep the CBD creams pain relieving qualities penetrate, but I am like you…it is worth trying even if you only get partial relief. If you do give it a try, I would love to hear your experience. I know a lot of people who use CBD products for various types of pain and most have positive outcomes. Sending you lots of healing energy and hopefully you will be able to get surgery soon.
Thank you. My doctor is hopeful we might be able to get in for surgery by the end of summer/ beginning of fall if things keep going the way they are.
Oh I am so glad that they are hoping to get it done soon for you. I also hope that you are able to find some type of relief leading up to that point. Sending you lots of healing energy!
Kathrine Eldridge
So crazy that you had snow Sunday morning! I am over this cool weather and ready for summer. That frittata looks delicious and I adore the skirt you are wearing in this look. I would love to try this CBD product. It’s all I hear about now! Thanks so much for the link up Shelbee!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! I am so over this cold weather, too. I just want to sit on my front porch and enjoy some fresh air. It has also been raining 90% of the time here, so even when the temperatures warm up a tiny bit, it is still too yucky outside. Lots of people swear by CBD products for pain and other issues. I recommend giving it a try! Let me know if you do and how it works for you. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and a very Happy Birthday as well!
Kellyann Rohr
Your Mother’s Day menus sounds delicious! I am absolutely dying over the Goldberg’s cookbook! That show cracks me up. I swear I looked like Bev back in the 80s, my kids tease me about it!
I have suffered from elbow pain in the past and it is no joke, it used to wake me up in the middle of the night. I’ll have to keep this in mind should it ever rear its ugly head again!
Thanks so much, Kellyann! I am not surprised that you are also a Goldberg’s fan! Bev is the best, isn’t she? You should be Bev Goldberg for Halloween this year…you just need the clothes and I can totally see you pulling it off! What is up with this elbow pain? It is ridiculous. I am not even really sure what caused it! Grrrr. If you do try CBD products at all, I would love to hear your experience. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day, my friend.
Kellyann Rohr
Hahaha, I totally should! We don’t usually dress up but I could for the blog, that would be fun! Maybe I’ll host a virtual costume party!
My orthopedic surgeon told me it’s all the heavy purses and bags we carry that put strain on our elbows and that it all comes down to age! UGH! So frustrating because the pain made me nauseous and aside from giving me a shot and taking ibuprofen he said it takes time and start lifting lighter things!
Yes, Kellyann, I absolutely would love to see you as Bev Goldberg! Ugh. Age and age related issues! The weird thing is that it is my left elbow which is my non dominant side. But I find that I actually do a lot of stuff left handed. I do not carry my bag on my left arm though. And strangely, I never held my babies on my left hip. It was never comfortable. So you would think that my right arm would be the hot mess! I mean, I’m glad it’s not, but still…ouch. Just ouch.
Iris Duhamel
Happy Mother’s Day Shelbee 🙂
Snow in May? That’s uncommon … The frittata looks delicious. I am sure you have fun with your family.
Thanks so much, Moumous! Actually, snow in May is not at all uncommon where I live. We generally have snow from September until June…it is just that I get tired of it by March and don’t want to see it again until the fall!
I love your mother’s day outfit! Super cute! I also like that you didn’t have to cook. We had the sis in laws over to celebrate (since mom in law lives with us) and I had to do a few sides and do some of the clean up too. Plus I was exhausted from my 2 year old not sleeping well for a few days. So I declared Monday my Mother’s day!
Thanks, Mireille! It was nice to have breakfast made and then order dinner although I don’t mind cooking even on special days. I am glad that you got to visit with family. And also that you could relax on Monday. I hope the little one is okay and there is no reason for concern about the sleep issues.
I saw that there was going to be a crazy Arctic storm over the weekend! I’m sure you guys are so over it, like you mentioned. It’s May, time for flowers and spring temps! Mother’s Day breakfast looked amazing and I hope you enjoyed your special day!
Shauna, thanks so much! We only got maybe an inch of snow, but still I am so tired of seeing it and I am tired of being cold all the time! I think that Spring weather might actually arrive this weekend!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
First – that meme – stealing!!
Love the boss lady – you are the boss!!
Thanks so much, Tamar! I don’t know the original source of that meme but it is really funny…so steal away!
It sounds like you had a great mother’s day and were spoiled with some yummy treats! And how nice that you got to get outside too! It was a rainy day here!
I’m sorry to hear about your elbow pain and that the product didn’t work as well as expected. I too try all things natural first before heading to a doctor, but have not tried any CBD products yet (Thank goodness I’ve not had the need in the recent years). When I had the most excruciating neck pain that lasted for a month or more (this was a few years ago), I came across a video by motivational doc on youtube and he has a ton of great videos on his channel, including some for tennis elbow. Here’s the link to his elbow videos in case you’d like to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/user/motivationaldoc/search?query=elbow+pain
Hope you can get some relief soon. Natural remedies are so worth trying first in my opinion.
Thanks for the linkup!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Ellie, thanks so much for the resources! I am going to check out that video because this thing is not getting any better. We kept Mother’s Day rather low key, as I am sure most of us did, but it such a nice, relaxing, feel good day! That stinks that your Sunday was all rainy. It seems to be raining here more often than not these days so I take advantage of the few sunny days when they come along.
I’ve heard good things about cbd oils and creams Shelbee. I’m looking at trying some xx
Laurie, thanks for reading. Let me know how the CBD products work for you!
jess jannenga
Yay that your snow melted! I was wondering about my mom in Pgh. Love the chunky boots with the floaty skirt and yes, you are the boss! 🙂 How wonderful your hubby made frittatas and bloody marys! Roy loves bloody marys! I have a craving for pizza now and we will order some this week- I love a thick crust, like a Chicago pizza!
I showed Roy your Bev Goodberg cookbook and we both agree that is awesome!! I am going to have to look that up! We love the 80s references on the show, and I cringe and laugh at the awful sweaters she wears haha, whoever thought shoulder pads look good! It is a great show and Murray would fit right in on a Zoom call , not wearing pants! haha.
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I have only recently, in the last few years, acquired a taste for Bloody Marys. But I love them now! Roy and I will have to order some the next time we all can meet for brunch or lunch! All of my leftover pizza is gone and now I want more! Haha. And I agree that Murray would be something else on a Zoom call…and he would definitely be pants-free!
Patrick Weseman
Looking very wonderful. Looks like you had a wonderful Mother’s Day even with everything going on. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Thank you, Patrick! One day at a time. That is about all we can do at this point. I hope your week is going well.
I am so over snow too! We had some snow flurries on Mother’s Day. The Goldberg’s cookbook sounds so fun! I have really bad tendonitis in my elbow that won’t go away and need to check out this CBD cream!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks, Jill! I am over the cold as well! I just want to be comfortable in one layer of clothing. Ellie just shared a video in the comments here and I just tried the quick exercise. I think I am already feeling a little relief. I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day despite the snow!
Your Boss Lady tee is PERFECT! I love it! And sounds like you got pampered this weekend- you deserve it! That frittata looks amazing and I def need to try cheesesteak pizza!
Le Stylo Rouge
Thanks so much, Ashley! We have a whole bunch of different ideas for things to add to frittata. Yum. And you do need a cheesesteak pizza!!! You will love it.
Laura Bambrick
I’ve been having hip problems and forgot about my topical CBD! I normally use it on sore muscles, but I should give it a shot. I hate taking ibuprofen all the time and it’s nice to have something topical to help with inflammation! Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks for reading, Laura! I think it probably does work better on muscles and deep tissue more so than joints. But if you have it, why not use it! I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
First the outfit: super cute! That skirt is ringing all my love of paisley bells, even though I’m not sure it’s a true paisley. It will do!
I am fortunate enough to live in a state where marijuana is completely legal. When nothing else touches my fibromyalgia pain, a nice marijuana edible can bring me back to pain free. Yes, I am a fan.
Thanks so much, Michelle! I am not certain it is a true paisley print either. It has paisley like swirlies though so I agree that it is suitable for paisley lovers! As for marijuana, I think the rest of the states should just get on with it already so this amazing drug doesn’t have to continue living in sin.
Hi Boss Lady!
You look gorgeous as always. Good to read you had a nice Mother’s Day! The cookbook seems fun. Can see some of the recipes coming out. Loads of love and hug! 😊🤗
Thanks so much, Nanchi! You are so sweet!
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
Ahh, your Mother’s Day breakfast looked delicious!! Yum! And blood mary’s, too! Yes! I am glad all of the snow melted by Mother’s Day… yeah, snow in May is no joke! I love your boss lady top! 🙂
Thanks so much, Carrie! It was all so good! My issue with drinking in the morning though is I feel tired the whole rest of the day. But it was Mother’s Day so I just relaxed all day anyway. And it snowed again yesterday! I am so done with it. I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Jasmine | Midsummer Life Dream
I will have to try the CBD cream – M has severe chronic joint pain so any measure of relief would be welcome! Using CBD oil or smoking has helped a little so the cream might help too!
Jasmine, thanks for stopping by! I have tried all of these things for pain relief and the combination of cream and smoking worked the best for me. Let me know if you do try it and how it works out.
Marilee Judith Gramith
The Mom’s Day pictures of you with your little guys are perfect. The love, humor and joy is evident.
Thank you, Jude! I don’t know about all that love, humor, and joy stuff though…after 8 weeks in quarantine with these little beasts and that may just be insanity that you are seeing! Hahaha.
Cheryl Shops
I can’t believe it snowed in New York in May! That’s just nuts. Cute outfit, though—I’d totally wear something like this!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! I live so far north in New York that it snows every May and sometimes in June. I am just done with it!
Ruth Josey
SNOW IN MAY?!?!?! Ohnonononnonononono! That being said, the outfit is adorable, from the black moto jacket to the Boss Lady sweatshirt to those plaid boots – I love it on you! And the photos with the boys are precious. It’s great that they’re still at the ages where they’re OK with cuddling. What a delicious-looking breakfast – good job, Jeff! And what a neat and thoughtful gift the cookbook is! I haven’t ever tried CBD products. There have been two in my giveaways and I had to try really hard to not sneak those out for myself. I’m not totally sure I have any reason to need it, but I’m sure there are myriad reasons for using it besides sleep, aches and mental health. I think it may be time for you to consult a doctor for the elbow if there’s swelling. Or maybe continued use of the CBD will eventually help the inflammation go away (I’m sure the healing properties don’t happen overnight) if it’s an arthritic-type swelling. Thank you so much for another link-up. I need to get a new post up so I don’t feel I keep linking up the same one :/
Ruth, thanks so much for your lovely comment! Snow in May is actually quite normal here. And although it has snowed every May since I have lived here, I still do not like it! I am ready for warm weather and sunshine. Yesterday started as a beautiful, slightly cold day and my kids were outside playing all day. Then around 4:00, it was like a blizzard moved in! There was snow and sleet blowing everywhere, you could hear it hitting the windows and the cars really loudly. The kids played right on through it. And I woke up today to lots of sunshine. As for my elbow, I tried some exercises that Ellie sent to me in the comments here and they are actually giving me quite a bit of relief. So I am hoping a combination of those with adequate rest (that is the hardest part for me), and the CBD cream, I should be back to normal soon. CBD products have been shown to help so many different issues. It is like a wonder drug! I hope your week is off to a great start.
Mother’s Day in the UK is earlier in the year, March, and it was sad because i had planned to go to my mum’s for a long weekend (armed with some CBD oil for her to try!) but we knew lockdown was coming and felt it was too risky so I didn’t go in the end. Your feast looked delicious – cheesesteak pizza!
On an aside, I love looking at architecture. We tend to think of US house architecture in terms of what we see in films and on Netflix —- brownstone houses in NY (Sex and the City), single-storey type houses (we call them bungalows) and wooden houses. The house behind you looks like British – made of stone with trees around it, and the stone wall you’re sitting on.
Gail, thanks so much for stopping by! I am so sorry that you didn’t get to visit your mum for Mother’s Day. That is such a bummer as are most things these days. I am interested to know how she likes the CBD oil once you are able to get it to her to try. So the stone wall behind me is the front entrance to our local park which runs right along a neighborhood road. The architecture where I live is extremely varied so it is interesting to drive around and check out the homes in my area. A lot of houses were once vacation cabins that have been converted to full time homes and I always find those styles so quaint and cozy.
Lucy Bertoldi
That frittata sounds delicious and looks it too! I love the way you styled up this look- the booties are adorable with that frilly dress- totally into this look:)
Thanks so much, Lucy! It was one of those outfits where I wanted to wear the boss lady sweatshirt with something a little more feminine and this concoction is what resulted!
Shelbee, I thought of you when I heard about the freakish cold wave hitting the northwest! Never a dull weather moment, is there? You dressed very cutely for it, of course. I don’t know about cheesesteak pizza, but the Bloody Mary’s and frittata sure looked good! Lol!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! There really is never a dull moment around here…and it’s a pretty dull place, to be honest! Oh, the cheesesteak pizza was kind of like eating an open-faced cheesesteak. Really, it is all the same ingredients…cheese, steak, bread, and sauce. But if you don’t like cheesesteaks then you definitely would not like the pizza. Ha.
Oops, make that Northeast!! Lol!
Funny. I don’t think I even caught the mistake!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
Good luck with the CBD cream. I’ve tried probably several different high dollar brands and so far no luck with helping ease the pain. Really disappointing 🙁 Thanks so much for linking up with me at my #UnlimitedMonthlyLinkParty 12, open May 1 to 26. All party entries shared if social media buttons installed.
Dee, thanks for sharing your experience. I am so sorry that you didn’t have any luck with CBD cream to ease your pain. I think with many natural remedies like this it is probably hit or miss depending on the person and personal experiences. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Dee | Grammy's Grid
I see a typo, should have been probably seven instead of several but anyway, thanks! I’ve also tried taking the oil internally and it has yet to help any at all.
Oh wow, you have struck with that many different brands. I have taken the oil as well but I took it for sleep and it did help me. But I am not sure how it would work for pain. Clearly not very well based on your experience. I hope you have been able to find something to help with your pain management.
Dee | Grammy's Grid
So far, no, at least not with medicine. I have things I use to ease it as much as possible but nothing really helps a lot. Those things are a portable tens unit, several heating pads, water therapy in a whirlpool tub, and a massaging lounge chair.
Dee, I am so sorry to hear that you are unable to find a more permanent solution. Chronic pain is no joke.