Wednesday’s Quote of the Week: The Words of Steven Tyler

“I think if you were to really peek under the hood of what got Aerosmith back again for our second life in the Eighties, you’ll find out that it’s exactly this, it’s the willingness to take a risk.”
Steven Tyler

What comes to mind when you think about staying power, determination, and the unwillingness to go quietly into the night? For me, there a lot of different things that come to mind, but often I think of certain people in the entertainment industry. The ones who just keep going and going strong. The ones who refuse to give up in the face of adversity and weather the media storms with grace and guts.

There are many people in this industry who have proven time and again that they are here to stay. They take on iconic status. They grow and learn right before our very eyes. They make mistakes, they falter and fuck up, they fall on their faces, they get back up, brush themselves off, and flippantly proceed on their way to success as if they meant to do exactly what they just did.

But like the rest of us, they are just humans. And like the rest of us, they fumble forward. And with each risk they take and each failure they encounter, it merely fuels their motivation to keep pushing forward. We can learn so much from their examples whether or not we agree with their lifestyles and their philosophies. The greater the risk, the greater reward. One prime example of all this is Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. The man shocks people but he entertains them and they always want more of him.

He has proven that taking great risk and challenging every rule of social propriety can pay immense dividends. Some might find the man a little bit crazy, but crazy has allowed him to conquer the music world and sustain immense success for nearly half a century. And there is something to be said for that. So why not share some wisdom from a crazy, but very brilliant, iconic musical frontman who has maintained worldwide success for longer than I have been alive.

I have taken to the internet and gathered 15 of my favorite Steven Tyler quotes. After 5 decades in the limelight, there is quite an abundance of quotes out there.
“I have to get inspired by something that touches my soul, or rocks my soul.”
Steven Tyler
“Every life has a measure of sorrow, and sometimes this is what awakens us.”
Steven Tyler
“Maybe life is random, but I doubt it.”
Steven Tyler

“If it is worth doing, it is worth overdoing.”
Steven Tyler
“I don’t think anything is forever, but when my kids tell me they love me, that’s forever.”
Steven Tyler

“The things that come to those that wait may be the things left by those that got there first.”
Steven Tyler
“Humility is really important because it keeps you fresh and new.”
Steven Tyler
“You have no idea how expensive it is to look this cheap.”
Steven Tyler

“As good as I am, I’m nothing without my band.”
Steven Tyler
“But you’ve reached them, and I’ve always wanted to reach people. I’m the first one to say I love my fans because they love that I took a chance.”
Steven Tyler
“Some days you’re the bug, some days you’re the windshield.”
Steven Tyler

“To love and be loved is all we know and all we need to know.”
Steven Tyler
“Love may be the best driving wheel, but anger is a pretty good second.”
Steven Tyler
“Sure, we’re the sum of our experiences. If you listen to that song I wrote in 1969, “Dream On,” you might get a different view. I may not have been quite sure of what I was doing, but I was on to something.”
Steven Tyler

“Sex is the strongest force in the universe. Forget about the Grand Unifying Theory, Stephen Hawking, I’ll tell you what it is: women. Aren’t women the strongest sex? What force is more magnetic than that? It’s not just pussy. We’re attracted to women for their energy. We’re attracted to their fluidness, their ability to nurture a baby without even knowing how, to be able to put up with screaming and crying and colic and shitty diapers where men would go, “I’m fucking outta here! I’m gonna go kill me a saber-toothed woolly mammoth an’bring it on home to eat tonight. Wa-haaaaaa!” We don’t have tits; we couldn’t nourish a gnat.”
Steven Tyler

There is a power in shock value. And Steven Tyler has mastered that skill. I also have a tendency toward delivering the occasional shocking statement, keeping people on their toes never knowing quite what to expect. Reliability, responsibility, and consistency are requirements for success in anything, but keeping people guessing is also a really good attribute as well. Where this road leads us, none of us really knows. Take the risks, keep the people guessing, and they will always want more.

By the way, have you entered the $500 Country Outfitter giveaway going on until July 7? They have some of the most outlandish and ornate boots I have ever seen. Steven Tyler would probably approve. All you need to do to enter is click here and fill out the entry form. Easy peasy!
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.

Tamar Strauss-Benjamin
He has so many great quotes!
Love that look too – super fun!
Thanks so much, Tamar! This was a fun outfit! I changed into the sneakers for work and felt super trendy all day! I want to read his book now, too.
Like this look and the T and the change to the tennis shoes, and I think you saved the best quote for last at least it is the best for me
Thanks so much, Paul! I was a little hesitant to share that quote because I don’t want to offend anyone, but it is absolutely my favorite quote of them all as well!
i think I already knew it would be your favorite
Of course, you did! You may know me better than I thought!
jodie filogomo
I would have never thought that Steven Tyler was so profound. Yes…lately I’ve felt like the bug, LOL!!
Oh my word, Steven Tyler cracks me up! I just ordered his book, I will let you know how it is. And I absolutely feel much more like the bug these days as well! But the bug can become the windshield, right?!
I love Steven Tyler ! and am on board with his quotes.
I think that its important to be a little off, a little crazy, to keep going, it’s an individual balance we need to find for ourselves.
Thanks so much, Lorena! I agree with you completely, a little bit of crazy, the right kind of crazy, can take you far! He cracked me up when he was a judge on American Idol! I think he is my favorite judge so far in the history of that show!
Patrick Weseman
Looking like a cool rocker babe. Very nice. Love the quotes.
Thanks so much, Patrick!
Gwen | SlowCookerKitchen
You are so amazingly beautiful and inspiring. I love your confidence too. It shines. Thank you for the inspiration 🙂
Oh wow, Gwen, thank you so much for this comment! I needed this today as I am feeling a little beat down and not very inspirational at all. So thank you for making validating me and what I do!
The style and length of this skirt really, really suit you – you look fabulous! Lise
Thanks so much, Lise! I have acquired quite a few pencil skirts recently because they are so great…and super comfortable, too!
Nicole of High Latitude Style
Great, edgy look. The old building is a perfect background. I always wonder why they let rotten such nice old buildings. Thanks for sharing your look at the Top of the World Style linkup party.
Thanks so much, Nicole! I am so fascinated by old abandoned buildings! I find it super intriguing as well why these buildings fall into such disrepair. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Love the pops of pink Shelbee. Great pencil skirt and sandals. Love this whole look. Thanks for linking up to The Wednesday Blog Hop. Hope you can join me tomorrow 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I have definitely been experiencing with brighter colors in my wardrobe lately! I hope you are having a fabulous week!