Tribute to Texas & Link Up On the Edge #196

I hate when I run out of words. My own words. It happens sometimes, I know. But it is still super frustrating. Rather than allow it to totally piss me off, however, I decided to turn outside of my brain and share some words that have already been written. Not by me.
Let me explain. A long, long time ago, my favorite place on earth was Texas. I used to travel there frequently for work and I absolutely loved everything about it. It also held a very special place in my heart as my father always spoke of Texas as his favorite place on earth as well. I never got to visit the state while he was alive, but when I finally made my way there I simply felt connected to something bigger than me. Because I loved it so much, I really enjoyed reading books about Texas and Texas history or simply books that were set in Texas.

So I was digging through my old journals and found some notes and quotes I had scribbled down while reading Edna Ferber’s 1952 Pulitzer Prize Winning novel, Giant. “This sweeping tale captures the essence of Texas on a staggering scale as it chronicles the life and times of cattleman Jordan “Bick” Benedict, his naive young society wife, Leslie, and three generations of land-rich sons.” It is “a sensational story of power, love, cattle barons, and oil tycoons” and it really is a wonderful homage to the great state of Texas.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from Ms. Ferber that I had jotted down in my journal way back in 2003.
“Each was playing a role, deliberately. It was part of the Texas ritual. We’re rich as son-of-a-bitch stew but look how homely we are, just as plain folksy as Grandpappy back in 1836. We know about champagne and caviar but we talk hog and hominy.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
“We’re so hot we’re spittin’ cotton.”
Edna Ferber, Giant

“It is like another country, a foreign country in the midst of the United States.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
“Texas! Why, Sir, Texas is the most American country in the whole United States.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
“…the view which consisted of nothing-unless one found refreshing an endless expanse of flat prairie pushing the horizon into obscurity.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
“The great mahogany-faced men bred on beef-who somehow had taken on physical dimensions in proportion to the vast empire they had conquered.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
“They were in the enormous bedroom. Blond wood, bleached like a Broadway chorus girl. Their feet seemed to flounder ankle deep in chenille. ‘They ought to give you snowshoes for these carpets,’ Bick said. ‘Or skis. Liable to get in up to your neck and never get out.’”
Edna Ferber, Giant

And I saved my very favorite for last…
“Bigness doesn’t make a thing better.”
Edna Ferber, Giant
I really do get such a thrill when I read words that are so beautifully illustrative. It takes my breath away when the words strung together create detailed images in my head as if I were watching the imagination of another person come to life right before my mind’s eye. I get so excited when words draw me in and move me to feel something powerful. Great literary works have this capacity to ignite us emotionally and then the words tend to stick with us as gentle reminders that all of our imaginations need cultivating every now and then.
And when my imagination seems to be slowly wilting away in arid soil, I have to nourish it with the inspiring words of others. Always searching for that one brilliant idea that will send my fingers enthusiastically dancing across my laptop keyboard once again.
What methods do you employ when your creative well has run dry?

And now your featured favorites from last week.
Reader Favorite (Most Clicked)
Sara of Crafting Reality with Sara shared her post, Homemade Strawberry Peach Soda Pop, and it looks absolutely delicious for a hot summer’s day and some front porch or back yard hanging!

My Favorite Fashion Post
Eva of Costume Take-Out shared her post, Refashion Boot Cut into Crop Flare Jeans…Difference Upcycle vs. Refashion. I loved the fashion lesson on the difference between Upcycle and Refashion, but even more so, Eva’s newly constructed crop flare jeans are just too cute to not feature!

My Favorite Non-Fashion Post
Lauren of Lauren Sparks shared a heart felt and inspiring post, Today I Cannot…a Coronavirus Lament. I think we can all relate to her expression of emotions and finding our way through these troubling times.

Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Parties.
Shop my look…
Outfit Details: Wrap-Thrifted (Old Navy) / Kimono-Charlotte Russe / Tee Shirt-Target / Jeans-American Eagle / Boots-Old Navy / Belt Bag-Torrid / Necklace-Moontide Arts / Earrings-Old

Haha, always when you say that you have no inspiration, you always have a lot to talk about anyway! I can’t imagine how Texas looks like, well only from the telly that is. I guess you have to know the sphere! Have a great weekend!
Ha, thanks, Nancy! I was thinking that same thing when I started writing about not having anything to say…I was like, “Oh boy, here I go again. Saying that I am out of words and then I go on and on and on.” You know me too well, my friend! Have a great weekend!
Kathrine Eldridge
Love this chic kimono Shelbee! My husband would love this post because he loves Texas. He lived there for 10 years and wants us to retire there. I’m a Chicago girl so I’m not as excited. Lol! Who know where we will end up but maybe I need to take a second look? Thanks so much for the link up!
Thanks so much, Kathrine! As much as I loved Texas way back in 2003, I really don’t think I would want to live there now. I need my climate to be a bit milder than Texas hot! But it is definitely worth giving it a second look.
Kellyann Rohr
Another pretty kimono Shelbee! I hope you have a good weekend my friend!
Thank you so much, Kellyann! I hope you have a lovely weekend as well!
Tamar A Strauss-Benjamin
I love those quotes! I always try to just look at things differently to get inspiration!
Thanks so much, Tamar! It is strange that the things that can spark inspiration. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Katie Clooney
Hi Shelbee… I’m a huge fan of Texas as well! I lived outside of Houston and Outside of Dallas. Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe!!
Katie, thanks so much! I think Dallas is my favorite city in Texas! So fun! I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Lucy Bertoldi
Hi! First things…I love that kimono on you!
Texas is on my bucket list for US places- or maybe I should start reading some of those books you read:) I lose my words too, and reading and rinsing my eye through favourite blogs also helps!
Thanks so much, Lucy! Texas is really a cool place to visit. Although I don’t think I could live there. I would never survive the heat! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, my friend.
Midlife and Beyond
I remember watching “Giant” the film many moons ago and loving it – I would love to visit Texas. Love the kimono your wearing – have a lovely weekend.
Alison x
Thanks so much, Alison! I don’t think I saw the movie but now that I revisited the book, I think I may need to watch it. Have a great weekend!
Love this casual chic outfit Shelbee! Your kimono is beautiful! Enjoy the long weekend!
Jill – Doused in Pink
Thanks so much, Jill! I hope you have a wonderful weekend as well.
These are great quotes, Shelbee! Thanks for sharing!
I love the quote “It’s like another country, a foreign country in the midst of the United states.” I find this true for a few states I travelled to but never have been to Texas. I used to work with a girl from Texas and she would tell me about how there would be sometimes little scorpions in her bathtowel as she tried drying off. She did talk highly of Texas and now moved back. Always enjoy her pictures on facebook.
I definitely need to add Texas to my long list of states to visit list!
Great outfit in today’s post as well! I love the floral kimono paired up with the dotted top!
Ellibelle’s Corner
Thanks so much, Ellie! As much as I adore Texas and visiting there, I don’t think I ever want to live there due to the heat index and all the creepy crawly things everyone keeps talking about! Ha. But I do love the wonderful responses I am receiving on this post. So fun! I guess when I run out of things to say, this method is rather effective as it has clearly initiated lots of discussion! Have an amazing weekend, my friend!
Ruth Josey
Hahahaha! So, this is the quiet Shelbee with nothing to say…… You said it pretty well for someone with nothing to say. If you ever do get back to Texas, be sure to swing by the Dallas (or east of Dallas) area and say “hi”! It’s been home to me for 34 years now and it’s definitely home. My husband was born and reared in the San Antonio area. It’s a huge playground with so many different terrains and so much history. I love that outfit and the kimono is just gorgeous! Your linked kimonos are definitely catching my eye, too. And those ankle boots remind me a bit of my burgundy ones. Definitely need to get more wear out of them. Thanks so much for the linkup, too!
Ruth, thanks so much! Nancy said it earlier that whenever I start a post saying I have nothing to say, I always end up saying a whole lot! Haha. But it tends to be a whole lot of nonsense, in my opinion. Or so I thought. Because I am getting so much fun feedback about Texas! These comments might be favorite ones to respond yet! Dallas is definitely my favorite city in Texas that I have visited. I had such a great time there! I will most certainly let you know if I ever make my back there again! Have a great weekend, my friend.
jess jannenga
Love your kimono!! The blue is a pretty color on you and I love it with the lighter wash jeans! Hey, we are both wearing distressed denim today! We visited Houston , Texas when I was little. Mom had a fiends that lived there. All I remember is it was very very hot! You couldn’t leave bread or anything on the counter because of roaches! ugh! I am glad you have a good experience with the state 🙂 One thing that did come from Texas is my favorite guitarist, blues guitarist – Stevie Ray Vaughn! Lots of great blues music from Texas
have a great weekend!
jess xx
Thanks so much, Jess! I need to come check out your recent posts! I do remember Texas being a little hotter than I like which is why I would never want to live there. But visiting sure is fun! And OMG that roach story! Ugh. I have lived with roaches before (in college) and just yuck! Stevie Ray Vaughn is amazing! I hope you have a great weekend, my friend.
Patrick Weseman
Looking very nice. I have really never been to Texas other than airport stops. I would like to spend some time in some places.
I have never seen read the book Giant but I have seen the great movie staring Liz Taylor, Rock Hudson, James Dean and Sal Mineo. A classic movie.
Thanks for hosting and I hope that you and your family have a wonderful and safe weekend.
Thanks so much, Patrick! I remember having a blast in Dallas! I traveled a bit around the state but there are lots more places I would love to visit there. I need to watch the movie now as well. I have only read the book. I hope you have a fantastic weekend!
Lauren Renee Sparks
Thank you so much for the feature!! And you have inspired this Texas girl. I have never read or seen “Giant”! I need to remedy that.
Thanks so much, Lauren! It was my pleasure to feature you. I hope you get a chance to read or watch Giant. I think I need to watch the film now because lots of people keep mentioning it. Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!
I’ve never been to Texas but I’ve always wanted to go. It’s so special that the state reminds you of your father. I saw the movie Giant a few years ago and now I am going to put the novel on my reading list! Thanks for sharing Shelbee and enjoy your weekend!
Katie, thanks so much! I even got myself a pair of custom handmade cowboy boots while I was there because it was something my father was going to do for me when I turned 21, but he died when I was 20. So I had always wanted to get there and do this in his memory. It was a major life highlight when I got to go. I hope you enjoy reading Giant! I think I need to watch the film now. Have a great weekend!
First off, I definitely need more kimonos in my life.
I lived in Texas for approximately 6 months – Anna, Tx, just north of McKinney or about 45 minutes north of Dallas. As Charles Dickens said in A Tale of Two Cities, it was the best of times; it was the worst of the times. (A poly situation gone bad. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me; worse than my father dying. But for awhile it was completely awesome.) All of that aside, Texas remains enigma to me. Such friendly people one to one, but politically vicious towards those unlike them. I had to get used to men rushing to open doors for me. It was odd having been raised in egalitarian California. But in the 6 months I lived there I got used to it, and began to notice when a man didn’t do that. I immediately realized they were transplants.
Now I associate Dallas with the 3.5 weeks I spent there with my husband in 2016 when he upgraded to Captain for American Airlines.
Michelle, thanks for sharing your Texas stories! Wow, I can see how the state would be an enigma for you after all that. But I love how you hold onto the good 3.5 weeks when you were there with your husband and keep the positive memories closer. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Cindy Handy
Yes, TEXAS is truly paradise on Earth!! I live NE of Dallas, but didn’t always live here. When we moved here from Southern California, I felt a huge weight fall off my shoulders ~ as though I’d come home ~ as soon as we crossed the border into Texas! Thanks for hosting this linky party, and sharing your love of Texas (even though most people can’t truly understand) … Cindy
Cindy, thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your love of Texas! I love that you feel immediately at home there. I think Dallas is my favorite city in Texas. It has been decades since I was there, but I have so many fond memories of it. I had such a great time there. I hope you have a lovely weekend!
Amy Ann Arnold
Love your tribute! This is a fun look. I have been majorly into kimonos lately.
Amy Ann
Straight A Style
Thanks so much, Amy Ann! Kimonos are so my favorite thing for spring and summer! I have so many more to wear. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
I have never been to Texas but I did read a cute series that took place in Galveston and I’ve been trying to convince my family to go there ever since!
Aw, Joanne, I love that! I hope you get to visit Galveston one day! Have a lovely weekend.
Also? I, too, am struggling with creativity. I think my mind is too full of other stuff (mostly, the Covid-19 situation). I’m letting myself coast for a bit. Where I would ordinarily have several projects going, I am working on just one – some easy crochet. I’m also further limiting my intake of news. I play a lot of iPad games. I’m not particularly happy about this, but decided I just needed to rest.
I hear you, Michelle. I have been playing more iPhone games than usual and I hate when I get too deep into those, but sometimes the mindless distraction is necessary and allows my brain to rest as well. We just need to keep doing the things that keep us sane right now. Hang in there, my friend!
Laura Bambrick
I wish I had a method to help but I just stare at the page! But your posts are always much more eloquent than mine so I probably should employ a method for myself!
Thanks, Laura! I definitely find myself staring a blank page quite often as well. It is so annoying! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Cheryl Shops
When my mind is running dry, I move my body—that’s what usually gets things going again! Happy long weekend, Shelbee!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Cheryl, thanks for sharing that tip! That is great idea and I need to do that more! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friend.
I love the kimono!!
Effortlessly Sophisticated
Thanks so much, Jennifer! Have a great weekend.
jodie filogomo
We’ve only visited Texas but I can see why you loved it Shelbee!!
Love the kimono too…I’ve been wearing them more and more with our heat.
Thanks so much, Jodie! It is a really cool place. I love the culture and the history. And of course, kimonos! Although they have nothing to do with Texas. Haha. I hope you are having a great weekend.
Melody Jacob
I like your outfit and I miss going out to chill and be back home without having to sanitize my whole life and body…lol. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks so much, Melody! I am right there with you! I just want to go back to normal.
Emma Peach
Reading other blogs or magazines usually helps me when I’m out of ideas. Sometimes my mind just goes blank and I can think of nothing remotely interesting to write about! I love your kimono – I’m looking on eBay for a long one to wear over jeans…can you believe I don’t own one!
Emma xxx
Emma, thanks so much! I can’t believe that you don’t already own a long kimono! I look forward to seeing what you end up getting. Definitely blogs and reading articles on different topics help give me ideas for writing topics, too. But sometimes even when I have a good topic, I don’t always feel like writing about it. I think I just might be a little burnt out.
Such a nice tribute to Texas. I’ve traveled quite a bit throughout the US and I am always struck by just how varied and unique our states are. So many cultures and climates and sights and…the list goes on. Thanks for sharing, Shelbee.
Have a happy Memorial Day weekend!
xx Darlene
Thanks so much, Darlene! I have visited lots of states as well and they really do all have their own unique cultures. Travel is so good for our personal evolution, isn’t it? I hope you are enjoying the weekend as well!
Anne M Bray
I love Texas too, especially western TX. (You know that from my Patreon).
Must read Giant! Saw the movie, I’m sure the book is better. When the library reopens… Don’t like eBooks. I need the analog sensations — the feel and smell and the turning of pages.
Do you know the music of Jon Dee Graham? You’ll like him. Very Texas. He grew up on a ranch in south Texas and now lives in Austin. Here’s one of my faves to get you started: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8Wj-8OmCfo
When my creative well is dry, I lounge on the couch and read. It’s my escape.
Anne, thanks so much for sharing in the Texas love fest! I don’t like ebooks either at all. I need to feel it in my hands, smell the pages, and I underline stuff, too! I am digging this Jon Dee Graham! Playing it now. I was not familiar with him previously. I have been turning to my old journals and reading as well to ignite some kind of creative inspiration. I hope you are enjoying the weekend.
They are fun quotes, it sounds like an interesting book! I love your kimono too, it’s so cute with the jeans! i love kimonos in warmer weather 🙂 And I actually have a very similar piece, it’s silky so loungewear and what I wear around the house in summer. Almost the same print as yours!
Hope you are having a great weekend 🙂 We aren’t doing much, staying home and staying warm with that cold winter weather that’s here!
Thanks so much, Mica! You know I have a bit of an obsession with kimonos! I bet you look adorable wearing yours as loungewear. So cute! Our summer weather is finally arriving just in time for your winter weather. I still have a few wintery outfits that I have not yet shared and I was hesitant to at this point in the season, but then I remembered that it is winter in other places, so maybe I will still use those photos. We are just hanging around at home for the weekend as well. Enjoy it!