Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
Get BetterHelp and Find Your Happiness & Link Up On the Edge #82
I am very excited and so honored to be able to announce a new partnership here at Shelbee on the Edge. If you have been following me for some time or know me personally, then you are familiar with the story of my mental health journey which has brought me to this amazing place where I sit right now…healthy, happy, and ready to help others on their journeys in any way that I can. By sharing my story and all of it’s ugliness, all of my failures and dark places, and how I managed to save myself from that darkness, gives me the sense that my struggle was not in…
The Fine Line Called Friendship
Friends are a necessary part of life. Friendships are a required human relationship among social and communal beings. Few can get through the journey of life without having friends. The amount of friends we acquire in life is unique to each individual. Just as unique as the type of friendships we develop with different people. Certain types of friends are temporary, serving a specific purpose at a precise point in our lives. Other types of friends are much more permanent, remaining steadfast throughout all of the changes we each endure in a lifetime. Even the permanent types of friends may come and go, being more present at certain times and…
The Valentine’s Day Challenge: Spreading Kindness
Today, I am joining my good blogging friend, Suzanne Smith, of Crazy Blonde Life in posing a challenge to you all…but first let me give you some background on how this all came about…yesterday. *This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. Suzanne shared a link to her recent blog post Celebrate Valentine’s Day and Every Day in the Forever Fierce Facebook Group. This post was about loving and celebrating yourself every day not just on Valentine’s Day. You should go read Suzanne’s brilliant message in her own words! Her photos are stunningly beautiful and the message of self-love is even more so. Suzanne…
Good Health is a Blessing…Are You Caring for Yours?
We women, especially those of us who blog, are constantly talking about bringing to light women’s topics that have previously been taboo. For example, I have openly discussed my issues with sex drive, menopause, and finding proper breast support in lingerie and loungewear. Many of us have discussed body image issues and being real and authentic and proud of all of our imperfections. Isn’t it time we also granted men this same opportunity? *This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. I have received no compensation in return for this publication. Hims is a company that is doing just that, opening the discussion around…
Give Yourself a Boost & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #56
Female breasts are amazing things, aren’t they? They torment us at puberty in one way or another. They grow too fast making us the center of unwanted attention. Or they don’t grow quick enough making us envious of those lucky girls who get them early. As we begin menstruation and the inevitable PMS begins to wreak havoc on our bodies, they can become tender and cause us pain. As we become sexually active beings, our breasts become the objects of desire for our male (as well as female) counterparts. When we enter our child-bearing years and begin having children, they become the source of nourishment for our babies. In our…
Running on Overdrive: How to Avoid the Crash
*Originally printed in the Winter Issue of Resilientista Magazine. Have you ever just pushed yourself to the point of breaking? Mentally, emotionally, physically? You know those times I am referencing…too many deadlines to keep, too many responsibilities accumulating, too many people who need you. We tend to build up momentum getting things done that we forget to stop and take the breaks we need. When I was a student-athlete in college, we had a saying that we used as inspiration on the swim team: Happy Horses. The philosophy behind it was this: A rested horse is a happy horse. And a happy horse is a fast horse. Here is the…
Wear the Red on Your Pants Not on Your Skin This Winter & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #55
Okay. That might be the corniest blog post title ever in the history of blogging. I was trying to be clever and it simply didn’t work. But like I discussed the other day, sometimes you need to just a take a chance and see what happens. So there it is…my chance for today. My attempt at forcing two unlike things into one blog post. So if you haven’t already clicked away from my page shaking your head in dismay and silently saying, “This woman is odd. I’m outta here,” then keep reading and I will get to my point as quickly as I can. *This is not a sponsored post.…
When You Go Outside Your Comfort Zone and Find Yourself…Uncomfortable
I am a huge proponent of pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone. Pretty much in any area of life. Great things happen out there. Wonderful opportunities and fabulous possibilities can be discovered just on the other side of where our comfort ends. And we can never find those things if we don’t occasionally dip our toes into that zone of discomfort. I have preached this concept time and again to athletes whom I have coached and to friends who are exploring major life changes as well as to people who just want to up their style game. *This is a sponsored post. This velvet turban was provided to me…
It’s Not Always About How Good You Are & Link Up On the Edge #77
On December 6, 2016, Jennifer Hudson took the top 8 finalists of The Voice Season 12 on a Hairspray Live! tour. I remember watching this episode of the The Voice and the words of advice that she gave to these 8 aspiring singers. Her words have stuck with me ever since because they do not just apply to the music industry. They apply to life in general. And I have been doing my darnedest to adhere to the motivating words of Jennifer Hudson in everything I do. “It’s not always about how good you are, but how good you are to work with. If you are good to work with,…
5 Reasons to Wear a Hat this Winter with Rosegal
If you are a regular reader, you already know that I have quite an obsession with hats recently. You also know that where I live in the very northern reaches of New York State, we are experiencing one of the coldest winters ever. For example, this weekend it was reported that the blistering cold temperatures combined with very aggressive winds resulted in real feel temperatures of -50 degrees. I know for some of my southern friends, temperatures like that may be difficult to grasp. Put simply, that’s effing cold. Needless to say, I stayed inside all cuddled up and warm with my family this weekend. In fact, as I sit…