Thoughts of the Day
My life has qualified me as "experienced" on such topics as Army life, parenting, mental health, loss and grief, multi-tasking, and adapting to all things new (good, bad, or indifferent). I will share my thoughts on these topics and hopefully you will find some calm in the chaos knowing that others have been where you are.
The Fab 40’s are Clad in Plaid
I think the world may just have gone crazy. I think we have all lost our minds. And I truly believe that we have passed it straight on down to our youth. Crazy as the mad hatter, I say. Insaner than a mixed up outfit combining plaid, camo, flowers, and a graphic tee. But it is a Wonder Woman graphic tee, damn it. Because it needs to be in this place that has morphed into a deranged lunacy of self-loathing. Okay. Okay. You are probably wondering what on earth I am talking about. And you are possibly quite curious what any of it has to do with The Fab 40’s…
Inspired by Style on the Daily: Boss Lady & Link Up On the Edge #112
I have seen a lot of blog posts recently sharing the break down of a day in the life of a blogger and I have been intrigued. All too often, I have wondered how other bloggers, especially those who have jobs other than blogging, get it all done. Equally as often, I have received comments on my blog expressing feelings of awe at how I can possibly get it all done. So the idea has been running around in my head for a while now to share my daily routine in a blog post. Two things have prevented me from sharing my daily routine until now. The first being that…
Follow the Work Wherever It Leads You
I keep telling myself these seven words. Over and over again. Follow the work wherever it leads you. I started this blog over three years ago as an outlet to express myself creatively through my writing and through my personal style. I also wanted a forum where I could share my mental health journey in the hopes that it would help others on similar paths to the one I have traveled. Time and again, I am met with this deep urgency to find a larger forum to spread my message…a message of self-care, empowerment, strength and courage, kindness, love and light. And time and again, I find myself right back…
Making Connections & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #88
Recently, I talked about making transitions and how the experience has been exhausting and energizing and everything in between. Granted it has been less than 3 weeks ago that I have ventured back into the work force, but in that short period of time I have made so many amazing connections! I have to tell you this, in case you weren’t already aware…the world is filled with spectacular, beautiful, kind, inspiring people. They are quite literally everywhere around us. I have encountered them in all three places of my employ and pretty much everywhere else I go lately. People with rich and lively stories, interesting and empowering histories, brilliant and…
All About Transition: Wardrobe, Seasons, and Life
Every new season creates an opportunity for transition. At the most basic level, the weather goes through a transformation with each new season, in particular when you live in a climate that experiences four distinct seasons. As we enter each new season, we talk about transitioning our wardrobes. As warm blooded mammals we must clothe our bodies in apparel that is comfortable for temperatures that range from the frigid cold of winter where the air can feel well below zero degrees Fahrenheit to heat and humidity in excess of 100 degrees in the summer months. It is a huge range of temperatures that are quite uncomfortable for the human body…
Confessions of a Judgmental Mom
I confess that I have judged other moms. Way more times than I am comfortable admitting. I know it’s wrong. I even wrote a post exclusively about how important it is to drop the judgments and keep kindness alive. Yet, I continue to do it. We all do. It really is part of our human nature. But there are many things that are natural and instinctual that we exercise will power to overcome. We can do the same with judgments. If we are alert and introspective, we can head off the unnecessary judgments before harmful words can escape our mouths. Now, we cannot necessarily stop the judgments from entering our…
Conscientious Kindness Can Save Our Planet & #SpreadTheKindness Link Up #86
I am not going pretend that I am terribly diligent in my conscientious efforts to go green. But just like everyone else, I am a work in progress. Little by little, I make adjustments as they occur to me. I am not perfect and I am somewhat lazy, but I do my best to exercise some amount of regard for the state of our planet. I recycle what I can. I don’t litter. We turn off the lights when we are not using them. We don’t leave the water running unnecessarily. When I decided to address this topic, I was going to focus on how thrift shopping for clothing is…
14 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through Blogging & Link Up On the Edge #108
Time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn’t it? I cannot believe that I have been at this blogging game for three years already! THREE years. That is kind of a long time to commit to something that you have to be 100% self-motivated to stay on track. Granted over the past three years, my commitment may have waxed and waned a bit, but for the most part I have remained fairly consistent. It is truly a labor of love…work of this sort. And so many things have evolved and changed since the beginning of Shelbee on the Edge. I have been brainstorming for weeks about what I…
4 Ways to Deal with the Unstructured Days of Summer
*As I browse through the internet, blogs, and social media, I am reading how everywhere it is nearly back to school time. A week or two is all that is left of summer before school is back in session. However, in Northern New York, we still have a full four weeks of summer break remaining before the kids head back to their regular school schedules and this mother of two can finally return to my normal state of sanity. At this point in the summer, four weeks seems like an insurmountable time for me to survive to the end! So I thought it would be a good idea to revisit…
My Stay-at-Home Mom Summer Adventures
Summertime with school aged children can really present some challenges for a stay-at-home mom. Well, it definitely presents challenges for this stay-at-home mom who writes a fashion and lifestyle blog that seems to revolve around very adult topics. Finding inspiration during the summer months when the children are constantly in my presence and adult interactions seem to be scarcer than ever forces me to be creative. I do find time to read books that discuss more mature topics such as psychology and mental health…you know, all that stuff that fascinates me. But if I am being real with you all, most of my days revolve around me making snacks, cleaning…