Shelbee on the Edge Turns Two with Happiness Boutique & Link Up On the Edge #58
Two years ago today I published my very first post. It was exciting and scary and intimidating. I was filled with uncertainty and questions and insecurities. Would people actually read what I write? Would the response be positive? Would I receive horrible nasty comments from trolls? Was this a risky venture? Was it a risk that I would be glad I took? The answer is yes. To all of those questions. Yes, people do actually read what I write and I couldn’t be more grateful to you all for validating what I do. Yes, the response from readers and the blogging community has been even more positive than I could…
Feeling Like a Boss Lady in ShopSvelte & Link Up On the Edge #57
Do you have an outfit combination that totally makes you feel like a boss lady? That one piece that makes you feel powerful? In charge? Invincible? That outfit that makes you stand taller, hold your head higher, walk more confidently? Your superhero outfit? *This is a sponsored post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. For me, a fabulous curve-hugging pencil skirt makes me feel like a superhero! And what better quality in a pencil skirt than built-in shape wear support? When ShopSvelte reached out to me to try one of their products, there was no hesitation on my part. Founder Liliana Turecki realized as she entered…
Inspired by Cindy Sherman with Rosegal & Link Up On the Edge #56
I have been enamored with the artwork of Cindy Sherman for more than half of my life. I was first introduced to her work by a college professor in one of my Philosophy classes back in the late 90’s. I was embarking on a quest to complete my first very large research paper, the requirement being a minimum of 30 written pages. Egads. That was a daunting assignment for a teenager. Even more daunting, I decided that I was going to tackle the concept of voyeurism. *This is sponsored post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own. I had no idea where to begin. I just knew…
How to Style a Mini Dress with Rosegal & Link Up On the Edge #55
Do you remember my post from May, Mini Dress or Dress for Mini People? If not, you should read it. I use the word vagina. Four times to be exact. In reference to a dress that does not cover mine. And here I have another one for you! *This is a sponsored post. I received this dress in exchange for a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Except this time, I knew this dress would not fit me like a dress. I knew it would not be quite long enough. But I really liked the floral print and the color palette and the high-low hem and the lacy…
20 Things You Probably Didn’t Know & Link Up On the Edge #54
Once again, I have been procrastinating on my blog post because I have been at a loss for topics to discuss. Which is quite a strange phenomenon for a woman who could literally talk the face off of a marble statue. Fortunately for me, however, I have lots and lots of super creative blogger friends who inspire me daily. And thanks to Linda of A Labour of Life and her post today You Probably Don’t Know Part II (you can find the link to Part I in her post), I have been inspired to share some little known things about myself. If you know me really well, then some of…
What to Wear to a Summer Wedding with DressLily & Link Up On the Edge #52
It is summer wedding season and although I do not have any open invitations this year, my brother-in-law is getting married next May. In preparation for that event, I have been trying out some different dress options. My boys will both be in the wedding all decked out in their little tuxedos and most likely not on their best behavior. I’m sure I will have to intervene and assist them at some point, putting me directly in the spotlight for at least a moment, since it is a natural human instinct to look at the parents of the rowdy children and wonder what the hell kind of mother allows their…
Torrid Date Night Outfit & Link Up On the Edge #51
Last month, I wrote a post about our trip to Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and gave you a sneak peak of my date night outfit from Torrid Salmon Run Mall. Today, I am going to share some more photos and details on that outfit…mostly because I have been so busy the past two weeks that I have not photographed one single outfit. Well, except for the 8 outfits that I styled this past Sunday for my photo shoot with the super talented Sarissa Melissa Photography. I am so excited to share the final outcome of that photo shoot! But those photos will have to wait until another day. This outfit from Torrid…
A Little Post About Gratitude & Link Up On the Edge #50
Today started out to be quite dreadful. It began with a feverish and vomiting child, miserable PMS getting the best of me in every possible way, a broken toilet, and gray rainy weather. I succumbed to the misery for a brief moment (well maybe for a good 6-8 hours), but as I am writing this I have decided to change my perspective. The child is starting to feel better, nothing serious but a mild stomach bug. The toilet has been fixed by my incredible husband. The PMS and the rain are still persisting, but these things shall pass. So enough of all that nonsense, instead I want to talk about…
The Right to Change Your Mind & Link Up On the Edge #49
Way back in the infancy of this blog, I wrote a post 39 Lessons I Have Learned on My Journey Out of the Darkness into My Happiness. It is still one of my favorite posts. It took a lot of energy to draft and it’s long. But it’s heartfelt and intense at points. Just last night the topic of women always changing their minds came up. Often, among couples this is a common joke…how the man in the relationship is steadfast and consistent in his wants, needs, ideas, and beliefs and how the female is fickle and flighty and inconsistent in making decisions. In light of this age old (mis)conception,…
Self Confidence Saturdays with Torrid & Link Up On the Edge #48
If I am being honest, which I always try to keep it real and honest here, I am feeling quite lazy and don’t much have it in me to write something of substance today. Don’t misunderstand, it’s not that I don’t have anything to say. I have plenty to say, in fact. But I need some time to focus and put all of my ideas in order so I can deliver you the best content possible. So for today, to kick off the weekend, I am just going to share with you this pretty wrap dress from Torrid. Peach is not a color that I am generally drawn to, but…