14 Life Lessons I Have Learned Through Blogging & Link Up On the Edge #108
Time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn’t it? I cannot believe that I have been at this blogging game for three years already! THREE years. That is kind of a long time to commit to something that you have to be 100% self-motivated to stay on track. Granted over the past three years, my commitment may have waxed and waned a bit, but for the most part I have remained fairly consistent. It is truly a labor of love…work of this sort. And so many things have evolved and changed since the beginning of Shelbee on the Edge. I have been brainstorming for weeks about what I…
Finding Gems in the Rubble & Link Up On the Edge #107
I know I have been sharing a lot recently about my Bipolar journey and I apologize if the topic is becoming redundant. You see, writing about it is the healthiest way I have learned to cope with it. Writing has been my main source of therapy since the very beginning. It allows for a process of purging. All of the destructive thoughts and internal demons get expelled by memorializing them into actual words. It’s a paradox of sorts…giving them life is the only way I can destroy them. I used to only write about it in my private journals, feeling like it was just too dark and fucked up to…
A Bipolar Battlefield & Link Up On the Edge #106
Life inside of a Bipolar brain is tricky to say the least…even after you have reached a point of mostly understanding it all. You see, the last week as been a rough one for me…mentally and emotionally. I can’t really pin point the reason. That is the mystery of Bipolar Disorder. Why and when and how it operates the way it does. I have talked a lot about how I have come through this disorder to the other side and what brilliance and happiness I have found by coming through it. Actually, the good life lies not in coming through it, but in working through it. If you need help…
The Chase for the Perfect Panties & Link Up On the Edge #105
Just last month, I shared with you my Great Underwear Debacle where I vented my lifelong frustrations about the women’s underwear market…”I have spent my entire life chasing the perfect panties. I think they may be quite like unicorns. And if I ever do find them, I am going to capture them all!” Well, I do think I have found them…the unicorns of panties. Keep reading… Strangely, coincidentally, serendipitously, or by whatever other paranormal forces were in action, a few days after I published that post, I was contacted by Tommy John inviting me to try some pieces from their new women’s intimates line. Naturally, I had assumed that someone…
Lazy Summer Days, LipSense, and Link Up On the Edge #104
These summer days are as lazy as can be! I haven’t left the house since Monday’s visit to the dentist for the kids’ appointment. I barely get dressed and I often go the entire day without ever putting shoes on my feet. I take a shower and throw on something easy, cool, and casual…and now that I have lost my fear of my tummy sticking out, I have transformed a few ill fitting tee shirts into crop tops. If I feel compelled to take photos of what I am wearing, we head off to the back yard and snap just a few improperly lit and poorly posed shots. However, today…
I Think I Fell in Love: New Arrivals from Ruby Ribbon & Link Up On the Edge #103
I love clothes. And shoes. And jewelry. And handbags. And hats. And just about all things that are related to fashion and style. I have always been this way. I will always be this way. It is not something that I have ever considered changing…because I don’t want to. It brings me so much joy. Yes, there are so many more important things in life that also bring me joy…my kids, my family, my home, my friends, good books, great music, savory foods, coffee, waking up with the sunrise, my goals, my hopes, my dreams. But right smack in the middle of all that, fashion also brings me a lot…
Raising the Future & Link Up On the Edge #102
Raising the Future. Oh boy. That is an intimidating responsibility, isn’t it? An obligation that must be taken seriously. One that we cannot approach by simply flying by the seat of our pants. The moment we bring our children into this world or assume custodianship of a child, we become primarily responsible for forming and shaping their world views. And their views of the world will determine how they go forth into adulthood, it will impact how they view all things, it will contribute to their reactions, their work ethic, their level of emotional maturity. Their beliefs and convictions on nearly every matter are influenced greatly by our own beliefs…
When a Bad Dream Reminds You & Link Up On the Edge #101
Have you ever had a really bad dream that startles you awake and shakes you right down to your core? It’s as if you can feel your soul shiver and you can’t erase the images that flashed through your mind. Even after you have (thankfully) awaken from the dreadful reflection that your subconscious decided it was going to deliver to you. It’s dark. It’s creepy. It elicits feelings of dread that you thought you had conquered a lifetime ago. Yet, there they are again. Those old feelings that you believed you had laid to rest. Prominently displayed in your mind’s eye. Seemingly urging you to process all of those long…
It’s the 100th Link Up On the Edge
Just over 2 years ago, on June 16, 2016, I hosted my very first Link Up On the Edge. I didn’t even introduce it or anything, I just kind of threw it in at the end of the post as if I had been doing it forever! I was still using a selfie stick in my back yard for many of my photos back then. Not that my photography has improved much…I am still just using my iPhone camera, but I have graduated to a remote and tripod and have ventured out of my back yard…right on to my front porch for these photos that my husband took standing inside…
Sun Shades and Kimonos Complete My Summer & Link Up On the Edge #99
If you don’t know by now, then you haven’t been paying attention…I am completely obsessed with kimonos. I have dozens hanging in my closet because I just can’t seem to get enough. Yes, that is a problem. Yes, that is too many. Yes, that can be perceived as greed or waste or hoarding. And yes, I own up to my obsession. But the fact remains that kimonos are just my thing. My signature piece perhaps. My favorite summer outfit formula is denim shorts, a tee shirt, and a kimono with some fabulous shoes. Sometimes with some not so fabulous shoes. And sometimes with no shoes at all. It is easy…