The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book: Monochrome & Link Up On the Edge #228
Welcome to The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book! This is The Good Buy/Good-Bye Book. A series that I co-host with Nancy where you can choose whether you want to share a Good Buy (which is an item you are really exited about) or a Good-Bye (which is an item you are going to say good-bye to, previously known as a Bad Buy). Every month you can choose which item you want to submit. A Good Buy or a Good-Bye. We will provide the theme for each month. Photos should be submitted to us by the 10th of the month with a few sentences explaining why it is a Good Buy or Good-Bye. This month’s theme is Monochrome which doesn’t exactly lend…
Taking a Mental Health Day & Link Up On the Edge #227
I am taking a mental health day. Because I’m pooped. And because I have the luxury to do so. I am very grateful to have such a luxury, too. Enjoy the link party, have a great weekend, and stop by Monday for more of my furry ensemble! Featured Favorites Reader Favorite (Most Clicked) Rena of Fine Whatever shared her post, Don’t Get Me Started: Sourdough Pretzels, A (K)not So Easy Adventure. I totally applaud her enthusiasm for trying these fun new adventures and sharing the results. They look delicious! Fashion Favorite MK of MK’s Adventures in Style shared her post, Festive Wear? Festive WHERE? featuring some pretty magnificent holiday outfit…
Welcoming the New Year in Shades of Blue & Link Up On the Edge #226
This may be the most highly anticipated arrival of the new year of all the new years that I have welcomed in my lifetime. For everyone, the year 2020 was basically a bust that left us all feeling a little bit blue, a whole lot frustrated, a smidgen angry, and then it was all tied up with a giant bow of disappointment. But a new day is dawning, a new year has arrived, and all we can do is welcome it with enthusiasm and hope for a better future. This Seneca quote keeps repeating in my head, reminding me that life will continue its perpetual waxing and waning as it…
Merry Christmas to All & Link Up On the Edge #225
“The way you spend Christmas is far more important than how much.” Henry David Thoreau Merry Christmas everyone! I am feeling the need for a little break from overtaxing my brain and I don’t feel like writing much today. So I am going to share my Christmas outfit from a photoshoot we did earlier this week. This outfit features the snowflake sweater that is the same as my mint green reindeer sweater from Wednesday’s post. I do think this color (pink? peach? salmon?) is bit better for my complexion and I really loved the way it paired with my thrifted red satin skirt for some good holiday vibes. We took…
Reindeer Dress for an Early Christmas & Link Up On the Edge #224
Happy Friday, y’all! I am so late getting to this post because this week has just been an overwhelming cyclone of holiday activities. As you are all are probably finishing up your last minute things with a week left until Christmas, I will preparing our Christmas Eve dinner tonight to celebrate this weekend. You see, Army life has trained us that all holidays have a season and none have to be celebrated on the actual designated calendar day. Generally, we are the ones who have to travel to visit family on the holidays, but this year the travel restrictions and the out of pocket costs for travel related Covid testing…
Link Up On the Edge #223
Featured Favorites Reader Favorite (Most Clicked) Nancy of Nancy’s Fashion Style shared her post, Fashion on a Budget: 5 Tips to Look Expensive. I know I am always looking for the best bargains on clothing and accessories but nobody wants to look cheap even if they enjoy spending less, so I found these tips quite beneficial. I think all budget fashionistas will appreciate this post as well! Fashion Favorite Emma of Style Splash shared her post, Orange Paisley Shirt Dress, and I am dying of sartorial jealousy over here! You know how I am loving paisleys right now. And the vintage feel of this dress in this amazing color combination…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 4: Olive Suede Blazer and Gingham Dress & Link Up On the Edge #222
With all the new holiday regulations on businesses and individuals, I have taken to my sweet isolation once again (although I never really did emerge from isolation) and haven’t gone on a thrifting adventure in a while. But my last few trips to the thrift shops were quite fruitful and I haven’t shared everything with you yet. Today’s featured thrifted find is this olive green suede blazer. It is the Lord & Taylor brand and it is 100% genuine leather. I paid $2.50 for it at my local Thrifty Shopper! It was marked at $5.00 and I would have gladly paid that amount but I had a 50% off coupon…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 3: Paisley Corduroy Dress & Link Up On the Edge #220
I have another amazing thrift shop find to share with you today. I discovered this Chadwick’s corduroy dress buried in the racks at my local Thrifty Shopper. I am currently having a moment with corduroy so that was the first thing that caught my attention. Then the beautiful fall shades in the paisley print were the next things to capture my eye. And when I saw the original tags still attached with a thrift shop price of $7.99, I was completely sold. I headed to the checkout with fingers crossed that the dress would fit. You still are not permitted to use the fitting rooms in the thrift shops near…
Friday Favorites #8: Wearing and Watching & Link Up On the Edge #219
I just returned my from my biweekly counseling appointment and it became glaringly clear to me that I really have lost all joy in life’s experiences. Probably because all of the exciting experiences have been taken away during this strange and uncomfortable time. While I am not unfamiliar with feelings of ennui, the duration of this episode is quite troubling. I simply cannot snap out of it. The things that I would normally do to get back to myself are no longer available and I am struggling tremendously to find alternative things to occupy myself and get back to a place of joy. Please do not misunderstand me though, listlessness…
Inspired by Wonder Woman & Link Up On the Edge #218
“What one does when faced with the truth is more difficult than you’d think.” Diana Prince, Wonder Woman movie I wanted to share this post yesterday, but apparently I wasn’t inspired enough by Wonder Woman to get all the things on my list completed! I feel a bit more like Blunder Woman these days than Wonder Woman, but whatever…I just keep trucking along the best that I can. I was never one of those jubilant little girls who was obsessed with princesses and fairy tales. I was actually quite the opposite. I was a rather melancholic introverted child who was more interested in sports, reading books, or playing quietly by myself with…