Adventures in Thrifting Part 11: Vintage Bird and Fish Vest & Link Up On the Edge #248
I love thrift shopping for so many reasons including the lower price point than you would pay for new retail pieces. Being a lifelong bargain shopper, I get especially excited when I receive a coupon from my favorite thrift stores. A few weeks ago, I received a birthday coupon for 25% off my entire purchase at Thrifty Shopper and so I headed out for a day of shopping to cash in on my birthday deals. On this particular thrifting adventure, I got a giant shopping bag full of wonderful things for just around $60. My newest obsession is oversized men’s button down shirts. They are so comfortable for lounging in…
Reclaiming My Sexuality & Link Up On the Edge #247
I have been thinking a lot lately about the idea of overall health and well being. If you search online for the main pillars of health, you will find various articles explaining anywhere from three to eight areas of focus for improving our overall wellness and quality of life. One article lists physical, nutritional, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, financial, and environmental as the 8 pillars of holistic health and wellness while another article lists the 4 pillars of health as nutrition, exercise, relaxation, and sleep. I clicked through dozens of articles on this topic and not a single one included sexuality and sexual health as a main pillar of our…
Memorial Day Outfit Idea: Seersucker and Floral & Link Up On the Edge #246
Memorial Day weekend is upon us so I wanted to share a fun outfit idea to show my patriotism as we celebrate and honor all the United States military lives that have been lost in defense of our great nation. As much as I love the combination of red, white, and blue, it is one that I find myself wearing more often during the summer months when we celebrate our most American holidays here in the United States. It starts with Memorial Day in May which leads to Independence Day in July with summer finally coming to an end on Labor Day in September. This is certainly the season in…
A Self Love Journey: How to Become Your Own Biggest Fan & Link Up On the Edge #245
The most important and enduring relationship that you will ever have in your life is the relationship with yourself. To have a joyful and satisfying existence, it is crucial to build this particular relationship on a foundation of self love and acceptance. By creating a healthy system of support and coping mechanisms, you will be able to thrive through the issues and problems that life may toss your way. It is so important to celebrate each and every victory no matter how small your victories may be. Making yourself a priority is one of the best ways that you can shift your role in life from your own worst enemy…
4 Simple Ways to Personalize Your Style & Link Up On the Edge #244
Our style and fashion choices should be a personal reflection of who we really are and the person that we want to present to the world. Are you interested in learning a few simple tips to make your style choices more personal and unique to you? If you implement these four easy methods into your style routine, you will quickly find that your personal fashion choices will stand out as an authentic illustration of your true self. 1. Be proud of your personal style. The most important thing to wear with any outfit is self confidence. When you exhibit a level of pride in your personal fashion choices, it sends…
A Little Black Dress for Casual Days & Link Up On the Edge #243
It is finally Friday and I thought I may not survive this week! Last weekend’s festivities and celebrations completely wiped me out and set me way behind in my blogging obligations. I have spent every day this week trying to play catch up but fell a day behind on nearly everything that I attempted. To add insult to my already dead motivation was the fact that I was physically and mentally just pooped. My email inbox is currently overflowing with unanswered messages, I have not made my typical blogging and commenting rounds, and I feel awful about it all. But we cannot recuperate lost time. Once the day has passed,…
As Old as a Decade and That’s a Big Deal & Link Up On the Edge #242
Tomorrow Archie turns 10. And that is a big deal, y’all! One decade ago in the evening hours of this day, I was sitting on my back patio in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with Jeff and my sister and her husband enjoying a steak dinner from the backyard grill. I was 35 weeks pregnant with a due date of June 1. I was hot. I was huge. I was uncomfortable. I was anxious. To ease my anxiety, my sister urged me to have a small glass of wine, reassuring me that baby Archie was all done cooking in there and a few sips of wine would do no harm. Well, apparently Archie…
Adventures in Thrifting Part 9: Creative Mending & Link Up On the Edge #241
I did it! I finally tackled my ever growing pile of mending and I got straight to the bottom of the pile in just a few short days. The bulk of my mending work was spent on this thrifted polka dotty dress from Zara. My local Salvation Army thrift store has been receiving excess and damaged products from Zara in abundance recently. There is one huge long clothing rack that is filled with just this brand. Most of the items still have the tags on them and are in brand new condition. Some of the items with tags do have minor damage like spots or perfume odors or slight tears…
How to Create a New Beauty Routine to Boost Self Confidence & Link Up On the Edge #240
“As is our confidence, so is our capacity.” William Hazlett Have you been in a style slump this past year? Has it effected your self-confidence? I know I have struggled with these things recently and I realized that looking and feeling great are hugely important for building and maintaining confidence. How we can better improve this area of our lives is a topic worth discussing. Our fashion and beauty choices can tell a lot about who we are and how we feel. Therefore, it is important to create a well-balanced beauty regimen that is easy and reliable to help enhance your positive feelings, improve your appearance, and boost your self-confidence.…
Lizard Legs: How I Really Dress These Days & Link Up On the Edge #239
I love to dress up and get creative with my personal style. It has always been my favorite method of self expression right along with the written word. But you know this past year has been a difficult one to stay motivated when it comes to style. Before the pandemic, whatever I put on for the day and photographed to share on my blog was what I wore for the entire day. There are rare occasions when I style something super formal that I really only wear for the photos. But for the most part, the outfits I share here are the outfits that I generally wear in real life.…