Three, Two, One…Countdown to Classy: Dressing Up Colorful Skirts for the New Year & Thursday Moda Link Up
I have never been one to make New Year’s resolutions. I just don’t really see the point of feigning commitment to some new goal just because the calendar year is turning. I am more of the mindset that when I decide a change needs to be made, I’m going to start making it right now, not on some arbitrary day dictated by a weird societal tradition. Nope, not for me. Not at all.
*This is a sponsored post. This jacket was provided to me. As always, all thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
*Jacket: Plus Size Double Breasted Epaulet Flare Coat c/o Rosegal. Available in 4 colors.
At this stage of my life, I wake every day filled with gratitude for all of the blessings in my life. I also approach each day as a brand new opportunity to accomplish the things that I didn’t get to yesterday. Sure, I understand that we cannot possibly achieve all of our goals in a single day. But I am damn certain that I can take the necessary steps each and every day, even if they are tiny ones. And as long as I live my life with this attitude, I am fairly sure that my path is leading in the right direction.
*Skirt: Plaid Ponte Lace Up Side Pencil Skirt from Torrid Salmon Run Mall.
*Boots: Womens Glitter Stretch Knit Booties from Burlington Coat Factory.
But if I were to make resolutions, they would look something like this:
I resolve to be the best possible version of myself at every given opportunity. This means remaining authentic and genuine and true to myself at all times.
I resolve to take care of myself the best way I know how. This includes taking a break when I feel like I am reaching my limits and have pushed too far.
I resolve to support, encourage, and empower any person who needs such support, encouragement, and empowerment. I know full well that another’s success will never take away from my own.
I resolve to continue throwing kindness around me like confetti.
I resolve to never ever throw actual confetti. That makes an awful mess and one that I don’t have the time nor the desire to clean up.
Today, I am honored to join Ada of Elegance and Mommyhood as co-host for her last Thursday Moda Link Up of 2017. Although I have never met Ada in real life, she and I have become quite wonderful friends. With the mindset that “motherhood and little grabby hands don’t have to sacrifice style and elegance”, Ada has created a beautiful blog where she showcases her elegant style while tending to her gorgeous little one, Vivian. Being a mom of two young boys, I also set out to never allow dirty little boy hands to take the style out of my wardrobe.
*Stockings: Target. No longer available. Other patterned tights here, here, here, and here.
Keeping in mind that Ada and I are both moms of wee ones who come at us with all sorts of dirt and germs, we have each dressed up colorful skirts with heels, creating easy to wear outfits for New Year’s Eve or any occasion really. In fact, I wore my outfit on a random Wednesday because life is an occasion and I am going to dress for it.

*Shirt: Disney Peter Pan Neverland Skull Raglan Tee from Torrid Salmon Run Mall.
*Watch: Frankie in Ebony & Gold c/o Jord Watches.
So what are you resolving to do…not in the new year, but today, tomorrow, or whatever day the urge strikes you?
Keeping it on the edge,
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

I am with you Shelbee, I don’t make resolutions January 1, that seems so silly. I view myself as a work in progress and each day I make adjustments where they’re needed. Since I’m changing jobs on 1/8 and I’ll be working from home I am making a promise to myself to get dressed up for work at least 3 days a week. That means I can wear skirts and heels that didn’t work so well doing lunch and car duty but will certainly be just fine at home and will hopefully give me new blog content too! As far as my blog goes I am hoping to improve it as well. Hopefully I can use the holiday break to do some of the things that take a little more time and energy then I have available when work starts again.
You and Ada look lovely in your skirts and heels, love your edgy look – fabulous as always!
Kellyann, I love your approach to transitioning to working from home! I cannot even count the days that I walk around my house in dresses or skirts and almost always heels. The only place I go is to the kids’ schools. And I often get asked why I am so dressed up and my answer is always because I was working. I am so much more productive when dressed for success than I am when I am being a slob! When I am dressed in my comfy lounge clothes, that is exactly what I want to do…lounge! I wish you all the amazing things in the New Year. And if you need inspiration to get dressed to work from home, just send me a message and I will give all of my encouragement! Thanks again for your continued support on my blog. I am so grateful for your blogging friendship.
Shelbee, you and Ada both look cool. I’m sitting here picturing the two of you sauntering down the street in your street style…you in your sparkly boots and Ada in her pumps. Quite the pair this week! 😉 I know. You live in different states but it could happen some day!! But let’s get back to that outfit. I love the raglan tee with that plaid skirt. Of course the trendy band style jacket is fabulous – you styled it well! Have a wonderful day and stay warm (in spite of how cool you are. I had too.) my blogger friend.
Chrissy, thank you so much! And one of these days, Ada and I are going to saunter the street together rocking out our fab style! And hopefully, we can get you to join us!
This outfit was so fun to style. I had the skirt and tee and I had been wanting to wear them together and kept thinking, “Well, where the heck am I going to wear something like this?” Then I decided last Wednesday, I’m going to just wear that outfit today. Because why the heck not? And the jacket was gifted to me and needed to be styled. It was a total after thought and I love how it turned out!
And your little pun at the end of your comment totally got a right out loud laugh from me!
I wish you all the fabulous things in the New Year!
Yes! I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but I’d definitely join that hang out. 😉 🙂 🙂 And yes again! I was looking in my closet today wondering why I don’t step out and wear more “fun” items. Who cares if I’ve got “no where to go”?!
Yes! Yes! Yes! To all of this, Chrissy! Every day is a special occasion…dress for it! That’s where I am going in 2018!
jodie filogomo
I feel the same way. Resolutions seem so passe, but having gratitude for our life is exactly my gig!!
Because we are quite blessed and the little things really are little!!
Love the outfit, Shelbee!!
Jodie, thank you so much! You and I are very like-minded in so many ways! And probably very different in other ways! Ha! But that is what makes this world such a beautiful place, isn’t it? This year has been amazing and gratitude is totally my gig! Happy New Year, my gorgeous friend!
Laura || Walking in Memphis in High Heels
What a fun skirt! I love how you styled it, I would wear that for work too, it would be great to dress up or down!
Laura, thank you very much! I could totally see this skirt as part of boss-lady power outfit! You would totally rock that look, for sure. And now I have to try it that way next time! Happy New Year!
There is so much I want to write here. Some of it I wrote on my blog post this year. First of all, let’s start with the outfit. In 3 simple words “I love it”. It is something I would wear head to toe and when someone tells you that it is the biggest compliment. The booties, tee, military jacket and choker are all pretty and awesome but it is that fun red pencil skirt that has me gaga. It is so beautiful, sexy and unique and it fits you superb! And girl what a great way to wrap up 2017 being so stylish and adding some sparkle from your feet up! Great way to start a new year with some sparkle and I loved those quotes too – totally suit me and my attitude on life! I love our mustard+ketchup looks with our fun colorful skirts, today. Great looks to end Thursday Moda with, no?!
Thank you so very much for not only being my co-host of the very last Thursday Moda of 2017 but also for ALL the collaborations we have done this year! You know how you counted the ladies that have popped up the most as your favorites in your linkup this year?! Well, in 2017 YOU were the one blogger I did the most collabs with. Just like you said, you spread confetti everywhere you go. And I laughed at your throwing real confetti mention, who has time to clean that up?! You and I have connected in many levels that I couldn’t even imagine us not getting along or being best buds in real life. Plus, we both have little children and yes their grabby hands don’t have to sacrifice style and we show it, like we have today! And red, red is always OUR friend. I have loved all your red+black looks lately (so many awesome red coats) and I made a mention of that in my blog.
Last, I want you to know that only ‘a reserved few bloggers’ received Christmas cards from me this year and you were one of the first 2 or 3. I love, value and appreciate our friendship. As our friendship grows together, our blogs grow together and our styles evolve. And I have never told you this before, but I think something important you and I have in common is that we are both very energetic. We are like the energizer bunnies that is for sure. And that is necessary when you are a mom to someone young and opinionated, but super adorable nevertheless. I will be visiting New York again (hopefully in 2018) and plan on us meeting, Shelle.
OK, as I write the 30th sentence (lol) on this super-long comment I want to end it up but wishing you a Wonderful, Stress-Free, Beautiful, Happy, Healthy Amazing New Year 2018!! <3 Ada.
Ada, I cannot match all the feels that you provided in this comment. All I can do is blush and say thank you. Thank you so very much. For all that you do, for all of your support, for your amazing kindness. I do hope that you make it to NY at some point. It would be so exciting to meet you in real life. I am keeping my reply short and sweet right now because we just a very long car drive home and I am exhausted…but…do you want to co-host my FIRST link up of 2018?! Ooooooh Fun! I will email you!
So many hugs to you, my friend. And I wish all great and wonderful things for you in the New Year!
Nora Minassian
What a fun plaid skirt! I love the “rock & roll” way you have styled it! You look fab 🙂
Thank you so much, Nora! I do love that edgy vibe! I appreciate all of your support on my blog and I wish you a happy and healthy New Year.
I love your hole outfit! Edgy! I wish you a wonderful new years eve dear blogging friend!
Thanks so much, Nancy! Happy New Year to you as well!
Daisy Jones blog
Shelbee hello! I am in awe of your true resolutions I wish they were mine! I am simply resolving to be consisitent this year and show up! I think that is possibly achievable. You make this stuff look so easy!
Happy happy 2018 darling girl!!
bestest wishes as ever
Ashley xx
Ashley, thank you so much! You are doing great things over at your blog, so I am sure have lots more consistency than you give yourself credit for! I am laughing that you say I make this stuff look easy…as here on the 8th day of Christmas vacation, I am about to ready to lose it on my kids…to the point that my husband kicked me out of the house and I am sitting in Panera catching up on comments. Not easy at all! But I do try to handle it gracefully…when I can. Wishing you many blessings in the new year, my friend.
gorgeous plaid skirt!
Thanks so much, Tianna! Wishing you a very happy New Year!
Christine B.
Hi Shelbee,
I’m so happy we got to meet during this fun collaboration! I absolutely love your positive attitude and your style!
Cheers to 2018 and to many more collaborations together!
Christine, thank you so much! I am also so grateful to have gotten to know through this collaboration! Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year! I am looking forward to more collaborations and lots of exciting things on this blogging journey next year.
Cheryl Shops
Shelbee, I fully support all of your non-resolution resolutions, especially the one about throwing confetti. I was once at an event where it was showered upon us and I was finding it in my purse for months. 😉 Happy New Year to you!
Cheryl Shops | http://www.cherylshops.net
Thanks so much, Cheryl! Confetti and glitter…they make me cringe! Wishing you a very happy, healthy, and blessed New Year.
nicole at High Latitude Style
This skirt is very pretty. I am mad for plaid. LOL. It’s one of my favorite patterns. Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. I wish you and your loved ones a happy New Year.
Thank you so much, Nicole! And I am joining you in your madness! I can’t get enough plaid…especially red plaid! Happy New Year to you as well!
Tina von Tinaspinkfriday
Happy new year!
You both look amazing. Shelbee you look great in this skirt. Thanks for linkup.
XO Tina
Thank you so much, Tina! I did feel pretty great wearing this, too. Happy New Year to you!
That skirt is so fun! I love your sparkly booties too!
Thanks so much, Laura! Sparkly booties are a must have for living life like every day is a special occasion! Wishing you a very Happy New Year, my friend.
Shelbee, we always seem to be thinking in the same ways and I’m in awe of your ability to express those ideas in such a thoughtful and intelligent way. The memes at the end of the post are brilliant, especially the second to the last one. All that said, you look fantastic as always. It is my intention for the upcoming year to be more timely in commenting and supporting other blogs. Wishing you and yours a happy new year!
Thank you so much, Rena! Writing has always been my best way of expressing myself so it is nice to be validated in that way! I really appreciate that. I need to work on being more timely and interactive with other blogs as well and on social media…I feel like I really slack in commenting on IG. But I just get so overwhelmed with it all at times…and life…it intervenes a lot! Happy New Year!
Lovely ladies! Love your plaid skirt dear. Happy New Year to you both, and your family!
Jessica | notjessfashion.com
Jessica, thank you so much! I want to wear this skirt every day! Wishing you a very happy New Year as well.
Gigi Kiersten
I always love how you put your own spins on outfits, Shelbee. I love that t-shirt and the jacket is simply to die for! As for resolutions, I completely agree. I tend to not do them, because they always end up failing. I just decide to change and work for that change.
Gig, thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! I think is definitely one of my all time favorite outfits! And see how great minds think alike!
I too stopped making New Year’s resolution a long time ago. It felt like I was lying to myself listing things I was supposed to change or do. I like to do instead once the mind is set and just to keep up at it. It feels more real and authentic. Your plaid skirt looks fabulous. I love the crisscrossing detail that comes down on the front and can we talk about your cute booties. It’s perfect little detail to your outfit. 😍 I hope your day is going well.
Cheers to that, Maureen! And now that I decided no resolutions were in order, I have been setting lots of goals for myself! But that’s a good thing. Thanks so much for the compliments and for all of your wonderful support!
Dang! The outfit is FABULOUS. From the sparkly boots, all the way to that very cool military inspired jacket, I’m loving everything about it. That plaid pencil skirt is especially awesome. Hope your’e staying warm up there!
Theresa, thank you so much! I do love this skirt! I have it in solid black as well but haven’t worn it yet. And thank you also for the warm wishes…I am not, however, staying warm. In fact, I am shivering while I type this thinking I should go get a sweater! Wishing you a very happy new year, my friend!
Emma Peach
I love your plaid skirt and glitter boots, such a sassy outfit. Thanks for linking up!
Emma xxx
Thank you, Emma! I was definitely full of sass the day I wore this outfit, too!