The Valentine’s Day Challenge: Spreading Kindness
Today, I am joining my good blogging friend, Suzanne Smith, of Crazy Blonde Life in posing a challenge to you all…but first let me give you some background on how this all came about…yesterday.
*This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are entirely my own.
Suzanne shared a link to her recent blog post Celebrate Valentine’s Day and Every Day in the Forever Fierce Facebook Group. This post was about loving and celebrating yourself every day not just on Valentine’s Day. You should go read Suzanne’s brilliant message in her own words! Her photos are stunningly beautiful and the message of self-love is even more so. Suzanne is the one of the most thoughtful, caring, genuine, and authentic women who shares messages of empowerment and inspiration in every post she writes. But this particular post is the one that triggered a series of events leading to this collaboration. First, the Facebook post received this response from Michelle Fimon, a member of the group…
“Your photos are always so beautiful! What a wonderful way to celebrate ourselves. Do you know what would be so lovely…if every one of us could take this same message to a woman struggling with depression or illness or poverty and share that love and encouragement with them! After my mastectomy and going into financial hardship, I hated myself. It’s taken me years to begin to come back out of that place. You have inspired me to take it even further and spread the Valentine’s love with someone who’d never think of themselves…croissants and berries and a bouquet. What a divine surprise for someone in need! xoxo Stay beautiful, Suzanne Smith. I look forward to your blog posts….they make me smile and remind me to pamper myself.”
This type of spreading love and kindness is right up my alley, so of course I unhesitatingly jumped heart first directly into the conversation, stating this…
“Michelle’s comment has so inspired me that I am going to send some surprise Valentines with loving and empowering messages to women whom I know who could use some uplifting! So thank you both for the inspiration!”
Then Suzanne jumped right on board with where I was heading and proposed this challenge…
“Why don’t we make this a challenge! Let’s all send Valentines to three people who could use some uplifting! Kindness can be contagious!”
And a blogger collaboration was born!
So while we all have been inundating the blogosphere with Valentine’s Day outfit ideas in various shades of pinks, purples, reds, and whites, Suzanne and I are taking a different approach with this collaboration…we challenge all of you who have found your way to a place of self-love, to reach out and share some of that power with three women you know who could use a little uplifting on this most romantic of holidays. Because sometimes, it is not about how much other people love us, but rather it is about how much we love ourselves. Self-love is the most empowering and fruitful feeling in the world. And once you find yourself there, you can conquer just about anything!
How can you meet this challenge?
1. Find three women you know who need a little nudge toward discovering self-love. Sometimes all it takes to recognize your own worth is for someone else to tell you that you are worthy.
2. Send these three women a Valentine’s message filled with girlfriend love and empowerment. It can be as simple as a card, a phone call, or a Facebook message. You can send flowers, chocolates, or pastries. You can even be as elaborate as treating your three girlfriends to a Galentine’s date night…no men allowed…with food and drink and even a movie or a concert! Be as creative as you’d like. The challenge is merely to spread the message that self-love is of the utmost importance and that we are all capable of finding it!
3. Share the challenge with as many people as you can and let the love and kindness flow freely around the world. There is no better day than today to fall in love with yourself!
Please visit Suzanne’s post as well for inspiration and more ideas on meeting the Valentine’s Day Challenge! And a huge thank you to Michelle Fimon for inspiring this act of kindness!
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”
Sending you love from the edge,
Other resources to inspire you on your journey to self-love.
The New Romantics by Gigi of Fiercely Fat
How a Professional Photo Shoot Changed My Life and Why You Should Book One, Too! by Celia of Relisientista
Learning to Love Myself by Leah of The Sweetest Way
What Your Man Really Wants for Valentine’s Day by Nina of Sharing a Journey
If you have any other inspiring posts about self-love, please share them in the comments or send them my way and I will add the links right here!
Outfit Details
Faux Fur Vest: Charlotte Russe. No longer available, but similar here.
Paisley Tunic/Dress: Target (Old). Similar bell sleeve tops and dresses here, here, here, here, here, and here.
Purple Bell Sleeve Cardigan: Target. No longer available.
Purple Shawl Collar Coat: Target (Old). Similar here.
White Jeans: Kohl’s (Old). Similar here.
Boots: Solara Stretch Heeled Boots from Shoe Dazzle.
Mittens: Homemade Haven.
Necklace: DSW (No longer available).
Clutch: Old. Similar here.
Linking up with these Fabulous Link Ups.

What a lovely and sweet idea!
I love those colors on you but you are ruining your boots!!!!😂😂😂😂
Have a great Sunday!
Thanks so much, Nancy! All of my boots get ruined! Which is why I only buy cheap boots. But actually, these dried out and were totally fine…for now!
Suzanne Smith
Hi Michelle!
Thanks so much for being willing to collaborate with me! This is an amazing post and so much fun! I’m excited to hear what people come up with to spread the love this Valentine’s Day! You are one fierce lady…and you are wearing a fabulous outfit! I LOVE IT!
Thanks so much, Suzanne! This was so much fun! We were so last minute that I am still on an adrenaline rush from trying to get it done! Let’s definitely do this again, but we will plan it so we allow ourselves more time. I am super excited to see how women are going to reach out and empower other women to get to a place of self-love!
Robin LaMonte
What a wonderful idea!
I know 3 women who will be receiving flowers from me on Valentine’s Day.
Thank you for this lovely post !
It’s wonderful that our forever fierce group has made wonderful connections!
Robin, thank you so much! I am so glad that you are taking the challenge! You are going to make 3 women feel very special and loved indeed. And yes, this Forever Fierce group is quite amazing!
jodie filogomo
What a fabulous idea…because at one time of our lives or another, we could all use this lift!!
I have some cards just waiting to be sent out!!
Thanks so much, Jodie! I am so glad you are rising to the challenge! Send out those cards, my friend. They will surely make someone’s day special.
What a fun idea to celebrate the people we care about! Love this winter look! That jacket is fabulous!
Stylin In St. Louis
Thanks so much, Jacqui! I think this is going to be a super fun challenge. Have a great weekend.
Gigi Kiersten
What a lovely post! I think this time of year we are so focused on romantic relationships that we forget about loving ourselves. I’m going to try to this challenge with my friends. Also, thank you so much for shoutout! I didn’t think that my post would get
Thanks so much, Gigi! I knew this would be right up your alley especially considering your fabulous post…which I had to share her. I love that you are on board with our challenge. Keep being fabulous, my friend, and sharing your journey to self-love.
Amy Christensen
Great idea. Way to get us inspired. – Amy
Thanks so much, Amy! There are lots of people who need a little uplifting!
Another beautiful outfit – I love these colors together. So soft and stunning!
Thank you so very much, Kellyann! I am really like the soft blush tones lately! Have a fabulous week, my friend.
Tanni Cordis
Awesome beautiful pics! I love how your poses got closer and closer! You are lovely! I will be lifting some friends up on Valentines day! Not just for your challenge, but because I am blessed with the most loving, caring friends, who are always there, if i need them. But, they also know my house, my heart and my love is always there for them!
Tanni, thank you so much for your very kind compliments! And I am so glad that you were already planning on spreading love and kindness amongst your friends this Valentine’s Day. We need more people in this world like you who have a genuine interest in keeping kindness alive and well! And your friends are just as blessed to have you in their lives! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Marilee Gramith
This is the kind of loving generosity that can have a ripple affect of goodness. I commend you for hatching this Valentine plan.
You look quite snuggly in your fuzzy vest but my favorite parts of this outfit are that paisley tunic and those pretty pink mittens.
Off to check out Suzanne’ s post.
Happy heart Shelbee!!
Jude, thank you so much for your very kind words! And I cannot take all the credit for hatching such a marvelous plan…as it all began with Suzanne’s original post on self-love and Michelle’s comment of spreading that message. I just took their idea and ran with it! And I am so excited to see what comes of our little challenge. I wish you a very happy Valentine’s Day, my friend.
This is such a great idea Shelbee! You have a huge heart!
Thanks so much, Julie! Except I cannot take all the credit as I was inspired by Suzanne and Michelle to come up with this challenge! Happy Valentine’s Day to you, my friend!
Love your hairstyle in these pics! Fabulous, edgy and new, just like you, my friend. SO thankful for your friendship, and I needed a little reminder to uplift some fabulous women this Valentine’s Day, not just focusing on the romantic side of the holiday. Self love is beautiful. 🙂 Love ya! Great look.
Thanks, Aimee! I am so very grateful for your friendship as well! So what are we gonna do on Valentine’s Day to spread the message of self-love? Get planning, lady!
good topic and theme as always and good look for winter
Thanks, Paul. I appreciate that! Have a great day.
Lisa Smith
LOVE THIS IDEA!!! Thanks. You are truly an inspiration!
Aw, thanks, Lisa! I had a feeling you would love this idea! And you are truly inspiring as well.
You got some really great pictures on that shoot! The snow really enhances the colors. Self-care is so important and yet it is also so easy to get tossed aside when everything else is going on. Thanks so much for the reminder and inspiration!
Amanda, thank you so much for this lovely comment! Self-care is so important…it teaches us how to properly love ourselves which translates into how we love others. Thanks for stopping by. And Happy Valentine’s Day!
Alicia O'Brien
what better way to make yourself feel good, warm and fuzzy, than doing something kind for someone else x
Looks freezing where you are!
It really is one of the best ways to get all the feels, Alicia! Thanks so much for stopping by. And it is always freezing where I live! Ha. Have a great day.
Still you have the snow! I bet your really pissed off with it now! Your outfit is super cute though – nice one Shelbee. Jacqui
Hahaha, Jacqui! You have no idea! It is kind of warm this week, so hopefully some of it will melt away. But then it still gets really cold at night so all the melted snow turns everything into an ice skating rink! Thanks for stopping and for the wonderful comment! Happy Valentine’s Day!
What a nice approach to this holiday 🙂
I love that white back drop and the light pastels hues topped with that great jacket were the perfect choice.
Thanks so much, Lorena! Valentine’s Day should be all about loving yourself, in my opinion! Have a great one, my friend.
Lisa Richardson
Shelbee, you are just so dang sweet. What an inspirational idea. This may be one of my favorite outfits ever too and you just kept adding layers. Loved it!!! Hope you’ve had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!!! XOXO
Lisa, thank you so very much! I was adding layers, changing layers, switching layers…I couldn’t decide which layered effect I liked the most so I photographed them all! And now we need to keep this Valentine’s Day challenge going every day of the year! Because the message of self love is so important all year long. Have a fabulous day, my friend.
Helen C.
I have never celebrated the Valentine´s day in any of my relationships but the self loving celebration..that is actually something I would celebrate! Hey, I´d love to take me to dinner, for example 😋
Very inspiring post!
And I love it how you casually pose for photos while it must be freezing out there. That is true talent, my friend :)
It’s all about self-love every day of the year, Helen! We need self-love in order to experience the amazing joys of all other loves. And yeah, I am generally freezing when we are taking pictures. It is quite ridiculous, but it definitely makes me laugh a lot!
Great look Shelbee, love your boots and coat. The colours look so good together 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays 🙂
Thanks so much, Claire! I hope you having a great weekend.
Michelle Orsi
oooh – the pink faux fur is so cute! Lovei t
Michelle, thanks so much! I do love the pink faux fur, too! I kind of want a pink faux fur coat now, too!
jess jannenga
Love this message! i think it is so important to think of others and doing things for other people. Love that you and Suzanne thought of this. These colors are so pretty on you, i love your blouse and the textured vest, it all goes so well with your taupe boots too. A lovely combination!
thanks for linking!
jess xx
Thank you so much, Jess! It was so fun to partner with Suzanne on this, too. She has such a beautiful and loving heart that shines through everything she does!